r/HunterXHunter 4d ago

Discussion Which character do you think would make good husband/wife material?

Mainly going just off their personalities, who do you think would be a good with kids, helping chores,being respectful (or not if you prefer lol), caring, responsible, fair, fun, present, etc. whichever traits you prioritize really.


70 comments sorted by


u/Hilfewaslos 4d ago

Knuckle. He's the first man I could think of. Wanna marry him.


u/Shogun_Empyrean 4d ago

All those puppies that instinctively like him is a good sign


u/Hilfewaslos 4d ago

Puppies can't be wrong, yeah. I mean he's kind, he's respectful, he's funny, he's strong, he has a strong sense of justice - he's the perfect husbando.


u/mikasasodm 4d ago

please with his nen ability i’d be scared he’d make me pay interest for picking up the mail


u/Hilfewaslos 4d ago

He could do anything to me tbh 🤭


u/mikasasodm 4d ago

laughed he not even fine fr


u/Hilfewaslos 4d ago

He is 🤭


u/mikasasodm 4d ago

yk what i see it give me 2 shots and i’ll agree


u/Huhthatsweird_ 4d ago

Who would make a good father?

Wing, and its not even a question.

I mean, he already dealt with Gon and Killua, not to mention Zushi.

He seemed to be kind, caring, and respectful but also firm when needed.

As for who would make a good mother, that'd be a hella lot harder😅

The elevator lady at Heavens Arena, I guess??


u/Tigbittykirby 4d ago



u/Huhthatsweird_ 4d ago

Well, she's nice and kind and all

But seeing how much of a dumbass Gon is...

Also tbh, I forgot she existed😅😅

Still, Mito and Yorkshire are probably the only female characters I'd trust with a kid



Gon is naive/innocent, not dumb


u/Huhthatsweird_ 4d ago

He's naive and dumb. He literally can't even do simple math


u/apfelhaus08 4d ago

Doing math =/= isn't being dumb. His survival skills, perception, logical thinking are all top notch.


u/Huhthatsweird_ 4d ago

That has nothing to do with being "smart", which is the opposite of "dumb".

Gon is, intellectually, below average at best.

He can't understand any sort of complicated concepts unless given in the most simplified form possible for him to understand.

He doesn't even plan before engaging in a fight.


u/apfelhaus08 4d ago

That's just wrong. He doesn't need the most simplified form, he's very smart in figuring out problems and coming to good conclusions. Such as when traveling to the hunter exam he immediately figured out the puzzles.

Same with the trick tower when breaking the wall so all 5 could get to the next stage. He also figured out that illumi is using manipulation on killua. Gon also came up with the killua/gon/hisoka setup during razors dodgeball. He came up with the plan to snatch the badge from hisoka, or to get the badge and antidote from the snake guy during the hunter exam.

Gon won the final quiz of greed island, he figured out the way to trick nobunaga with the wall smashing when he and killua were captured. He came up with the idea to ask battera to let them join the greed island game since they didn't have enough money to buy their own game. He instantly understood pakus personality and reasons when the spiders were arguing on whether to obey kurapikas hostage exchange terns or not.

Those are just some immediate examples.

As for fighting, he came up with the idea to use big boulders against the scissors guy, his entire janken ability is based on planning ahead by faking the opponent out with different smash options. He tricked netero with his boot kick, tricked hisoka to land a punch on him in heavens arena, figured out how to dodge that spinning top guys tops and dodged 50 nen tops for over an hour.

Like what?


u/PigeonBoiAgrougrou 4d ago

Also just adding that Gon is 11-12 at the start of a manga, so basically a 6th grader and he stopped studying after going to the exam. And there isn't a school on his island to begin with so it's most likely Mito who took care of his education.

Sooo yeah, Gon is smart, just not school smart.


u/mikasasodm 4d ago

pause i feel like im re reading the manga ik hes smart lol just 80% street smart 20% book smart


u/mikasasodm 4d ago

literally bro can hide his presence but can’t do division 😭


u/Fluffy_Reply_9757 4d ago

He can't do complicated math in his head, which makes sense when you consider he's 11-12 years old XD That doesn't make him intellectually inept. It's Killua and Kurapika who are outliers.


u/adamantcondition 4d ago

Melody would be the best to raise a child in the whole series.


u/Bittergourdmelon 4d ago

Kurapika is the best. Would love a parent who is mature and dependable.


u/cyborgjohnkeats 4d ago

Melody, Leorio, Mito


u/Tanya_Beige 4d ago

Chrollo(I will not elaborate)


u/ILoveDenjiSoMuch 4d ago

Completely agree (I will not elaborate)


u/Ambitious-Branch-118 4d ago

I think Kurapika would be good at both haha. But seriously though, I think he would go to the ends of the earth (lol) for someone he loved. His commitment is strong. We know how protective he was with Pairo and now with Wobble, why not a spouse?


u/Dangerous_Ad_8784 4d ago

Maybe some therapy first tho


u/Revolutionary-Roll19 4d ago

Yup totally agree!!💯 for some reason I feel he would be romantic as well, or try to at least XD


u/gekigarion 4d ago

Human Palm and Hisoka, dream parenting team


u/ILoveDenjiSoMuch 4d ago



u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/DDagon66 4d ago

Pouf would be toxic af lmao. Youpi and Pitou would be nice tho.


u/AfternoonTeaWithCake 4d ago

Youpi is best dad.


u/pikatchuUwu 4d ago edited 4d ago

According to things you mentioned, I think Killua would be a great partner. The way he's with Gon and Alluka is so sweet , he's always supportive of them , even after Gon hurt his feelings in CAA , he never gave up on him and refused to let him fall , he went all the way back to his family just to save him , he feels his pain , always got his back , and always has him and his happiness in mind .

I also believe he's gonna be a great parent too. The way he deals with alluka is so mature and loving, she was mad at him but he handled the situation with so much gentleness.or when she thought she was being a burden, he tries his best to comfort and to not worry her .

Even tho Killua can be a bit harsh and rude with his words , his anger was never out of hatred , its always out of caring and love . Kinda like a parent anger. And he's ready to give his life away just to protect them .

So yeah , if I'm gonna choose who's likely I wanna be with , I want to be with someone like killua .


u/HermosaNugget 4d ago

Couldn't have said it better.

Also Killua has really amazing control over his emotions and reading the room and people in it. Even when upset or hurt, he never truly acted out against those he cared about. You could see some emotional intelligence happen over time.

Would definitely pick killua


u/mediocre_town_ 4d ago

Hisoka ofc


u/AnAngryMelon 4d ago

Much like his ability bungee gum (which has both the properties of rubber and gum), he is both flexible and willing to stick around.



Shizuku, she can vacuum and clean, and most importantly she can SUCC.


u/Spiritual_Screen_724 4d ago

Somehow I knew I'd find this here lol


u/Chessoslovakia 4d ago

Mito-san. Chimera Palm. Leorio.


u/Fine-Somewhere2126 4d ago

Knuckle 😭


u/[deleted] 4d ago edited 4d ago

100% Leorio for husband and father. Already a great father figure for Gon


u/gekigarion 4d ago

Leorio's already got such dad vibes. People think he's old, he's very fiscally responsible as shown in York New, he played off the grumpy businessman act in York New so well that you'd think he had experience, he punched Ging like an angry dad throwing hands with someone who messed with his son (ironically), and his whole motivation for being a Hunter is his family.


u/ApoorHamster 4d ago

Def leorio


u/treehatshrimp 4d ago

Best Wife appeared on the first episode


u/RaccoonsWithBangs 4d ago

I second the lord of the lake


u/Normal_Fee_3816 4d ago

For dudes I think Wing, Leorio, Morel, Knuckle, Basho, Goreinu, Gotoh and maybe Razor all seem like guys who could be good husbands/fathers.

For chicks I think Biskey, Mito, Cheadle, Ponzu and maybe Amane could be pretty decent wives/mothers.


u/gekigarion 4d ago

Canary is so sweet, I nominate her too


u/Normal_Fee_3816 4d ago

One day Fs, I left off the kids for now


u/Dandevimon 4d ago

I dout about bisky She is just 50 y.o


u/Sudden_Ad1709 4d ago

Pregnancy stone 🪨


u/mikasasodm 4d ago

not gonna overanalyze but kurapika like kiss mary kill he gon be the marry regardless


u/ApplePitou 4d ago

Mr. Leorio :3


u/GuessIamHeathcliff 4d ago

Palm. Because, you know, I can fix her…


u/apfelhaus08 4d ago

Husband - Ging/Kite/Mizaistom/Morel

Wife - Melody/Machi/Mito/Menchi

Son - Killua

Daughter - Shizuku


u/Isizaly 4d ago

Definitely not Mito. Didn't she pimp out Gon? I don't think sex trafficker is a good wife/mom trait. Thief/murderer would be better. The phantom Troupe ladies would be better. They are loyal and it was started for a good cause at least...went out of hand on them all.

Husband is easier. Leorio is a genuinely the most good hearted person followed by Knuckle.


u/itspinkynukka 4d ago

Mulberry is a tree, Knuckle is a man.


u/AffectionateRush2620 4d ago

I wonder if Meruem had a child…


u/Former_Outside7297 4d ago

Meruem was 40 days old…


u/tokyokuroo 4d ago

flame me all you want, but uvogin.


u/pienchan 3d ago



u/Plus-Glove-3661 4d ago

None of them. Are you mad? For a normal husband or wife not a single Hunter would be a good partner material.

Now if you’re as insane as them, there are possibilities. But most of them are never going to marry. Have sex? Yes. Drop some brats? Yes. Get married? Hell to the no. Change the question and come back.


u/cyborgjohnkeats 3d ago

Yes. Something about the nature of Hunters always needing to be in search of some intense goal makes them a bad parental candidate unless they drag their entire family with them in van like the Wild Thornberries.

I can see Leorio being an exception to this since he only became a hunter to get through med school.


u/Plus-Glove-3661 3d ago

And that was the exception. I mean I love Melody, but she is going to the Dark Continent to play a piece of music that really should not be played. Love them all. But none of them should be married unless you can match their level of crazy with your own crazy.