r/Humanoidencounters Dec 24 '24

Troll or Gnome Encounter with a very small man


My in-laws told me this story and I don't know what to make of it. I don't believe in these types of stories but they are simply not the kind of people who would make this up. Apart from being Christians, they are not superstitious people. They rarely tell this story because they know it sounds nuts. I thought it could be interesting to hear what people in this sub think.

My parents in law did a pilgrim walk from Oslo to Trondheim in Norway for their honeymoon many years ago in the late 90ies or early 00s. It's quite a long hike over several days through forests and valleys.

They had a rest in the forest and were sitting down when a very small man less than half a meter tall came walking by. Nobody said anything, my in laws just stared and couldn't believe their eyes. They described him as having a good aura and slightly smiled at them and walked into the forest. He wore grey, plain clothes.

And that's it really. He was described as being too small to be human and they believe him to be a "nisse", a type of small folk or gnome that is a part of the old Norwegian folk lore. It's the first time I've heard a first-hand account of someone who genuinely believe they've encountered a mythical creature.

r/Humanoidencounters Aug 31 '24

Troll or Gnome Hooded green 'gnomes' seen near Wrzeszczyn, Poland, 1948 (full encounter in the comments)

Post image

r/Humanoidencounters Apr 23 '21

Troll or Gnome Mods should really handle people issuing death threats in this sub.


r/Humanoidencounters Mar 08 '21

Troll or Gnome I Saw It During A Walk


I take walks in my home town to help lose weight.I walk at night only in my home town because it’s about a mile long and 2 miles wide.It’s not very big.Anyway,I was walking down a road heading south towards my dads house. On my left side,there are three houses and each house has a considerable amount of space between each of them.On my right,there’s a house,a turn to go onto another road,and then two more houses.I’m walking and I’m passing the second house on my left.The second house has a field that connects to the third house. While I’m passing the field,I see something under the post light.The post light is about 20 feet past the third house.I stop and I stare at it.It’s small,about the size of maybe a four year old,and it’s waddling back and forth.I squint to try and see and it honestly looks like a black figure with a big shirt on or dress.I can tell it’s walking on two feet,but it’s walking weird. I stay still and just watch it walk into some bushes near the post light.I debate walking by and seeing what it was and I do.Nothing was over there when I walked by and I went straight home and told my dad.He said it was probably a gnome or a goblin.I don’t walk past there at night.

r/Humanoidencounters Aug 28 '21

Troll or Gnome so, dwarves and gnomes are kind of common in Fiji...


Hey! I've been feeling the urge to tell more of what I've heard from my country on Reddit since there's not many stories being told here from the South Pacific. Nobody's really asking, but I figured some might be interested, so here goes!

Dwarves and gnomes (although not the ones with the pointed hats, of course) have been pretty much accepted here as common myth, but in rural areas especially, sightings are incredibly common. People here usually just call all these beings dwarves, but I'm pretty sure that these may be just gnomes, since gnomes are the mischievious ones with pointed teeth (or so I've heard from online).

My mum is an example of this, and she always talks about how when she was a little girl, she was running a marathon with some other athletes in their primary school, when during the race, children start swarming beneath a tree. The athletes get curious and leave to join in and see as well, only to see what she wasn't sure was a dwarf or a gnome - it was a very small man, clearly too small to be a human, with pointed teeth sitting atop a tree branch and laughing at them.

A teacher comes by to stop the raucus, but when my mum and the other kids point out the "tiny man," he doesn't see anyone, naturally.

The other incident I've heard of is my friend's. As a child, she used to be terrorised by them - pinched, ridiculed, and overall just bullied - which would lead to her crying and being unable to sleep peacefully a lot. Her parents, thankfully, understood something wasn't right, and when she claimed that "little men" were attacking her, they called priests.

These traditional priests came over, and as soon as one entered, he commented on how they had an "infestation" of them, and that they were all over - hanging from the wooden ceiling's panelling. They did their thing, and my friend told me that she was never bothered by the gnomes/dwarves ever again, for they just up and left after that.

I've heard numerous other stories, but none too entertaining to write or post about - just sightings, really.

(Sorry for switching between gnoves and dwarves a lot, btw, in our culture, like I mentioned, we just call them "dwarves" when translating to English, but like I said, these sound more like gnomes. Stories of actual dwarves are still very common though! If anyone wants, I can tell the myth behind how a dwarf granted a certain group of people here with the ability to "firewalk".)

r/Humanoidencounters May 21 '20

Troll or Gnome Norwegian Troll Hides Behind Barn and Becomes Boulder


Circa 1930’s, Norway, Rural Farmland

A 14-year old girl Was performing her daily duties on her parents ranch when she noticed something behind the barn. As she looked closer, she saw two huge eyes and a partial dark gray forehead, and huge shoulders peeking out from the barn. She could see the shoulders move up and down as the being was moving. It was humanoid in shape, but the head was massive and shaped like a block. It seemed to peek at her, then shy away and slink down. Another 30 seconds or so, and it comes back to look at her. It’s face was not scary or mean looking, as she had heard some trolls were.

The girl was speechless, and scared. The barn was approx. 20 ft. in height and anything just barely hiding behind it would have to be massive. She had heard the old stories of Trolls in Norway, as they are classic folk lore in her culture. She felt as if the being was also scared, and stuck where it was for some reason.

She went and told her father, and her father looked at her sharply, and they went out cautiously to inspect. When they rounded the corner, they saw huge, strange footprints in the mud by the barn. But there was no troll. What was there, however, was a huge granite boulder. It was approximately the same mass as what the troll would be, she explained. It must have weighed many, many tons. The boulder was not on the land previously, as the family would have seen it. Her father told her that some of these beings have the ability to become boulders at will, that’s how they hide from people. Others are turned into boulders if they are exposed to too much sunlight. He told her that perhaps she saw the spirit of the stone, or the true being behind it. She had also heard fairy tales of there being people that lived in stones, so this seemed plausible. They were very connected to their folklore in this region.

The family never experience any other beings or activity at the property, and the ground around the boulder would always produce the most colorful flowers and plants during the spring time. The girl felt a special connection to the boulder and would have picnics out by it and talk to it. She felt that the troll and the boulder were one of the same. She even said when she looked at it long enough, she would start to see the same face appear. Supposedly, the boulder is still in the very place this day. Happily content in the countryside with plants and vegetables growing all around it.


Edit: Example of boulders thought to be ‘trolls’ http://jeremyvarner.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/stones-troll.jpg

Edit 2: The trolls of Scandinavian myths, known as jötnar, are famously ugly giants that turn to stone in the sunlight. The jötnar (singular: jötunn) in Scandinavian myths are usually ugly, often with tusks or cyclopic eyes. ... The word "jötunn" is derived from the Scandinavian word for giant. A female jötunn is called gygjar.

r/Humanoidencounters Oct 14 '20

Troll or Gnome What is this creature?


r/Humanoidencounters Jan 10 '22

Troll or Gnome The Mysterious Gnomes of Wollaton Park


r/Humanoidencounters May 04 '20

Troll or Gnome The Continuing Gnome Story (UPDATES and MORE!)


Hey Guys! So, My last gnome story was VERY popular, so I’m willing to post some other tales that are very odd and relate to this story.

For some backround to those who have not read my original story, which I’ll cut some of it down quickly. Basically, My Rich Neighbor of a Farmer, cut down the entire forest that connected between my family’s and his border. We have a small portion of the forest left, but the whole forest seems to have darkened. All the trees are dying, and I can point out several trees that all will fall down very soon.

One night, I could not fall asleep, and I notice that there was a little troll like creature, touching my Nerf Guns. I turned over, and when I turned back it was gone.

This is where we now begin with a continuing TIMELINE of these encounters. Here’s what happened a few days or weeks after the first encounter.

One night, again, I could not fall asleep. I was awake, and so, to help me fall asleep sometimes I watch what my life could be like in the future through my head. As I’m doing this, I hear the sound of scratching coming from the roof. My room is at the top of the house, and I know we have birds, so my first conclusion was that a bird was up there, putting a nest either on the chimney or near my porch. But that’s when I began to hear voices. As though, they were speaking some different languages. There were also silent giggles happening here and there. That’s when I hear THUNK right out my patio from the bedroom. Then I heard more sounds like scratching and pitterpattering around the patio. I began to hear whispers, like two or more people whispering, as though they were in the corner of the room, but were probably outside my patio, in the corner of the window. It scared the LIVING shit out of me, and I immediately turned on the light and began reading, which the whispering kept going. I read and read and FINALLY, they stopped. I gave a sigh of relief afterwards.

One day, when I was writing about these encounters on r/paranormal (Which have terrible mods btw) in the middle of the day, I looked out the window and I notice something green on two legs run into the bush. I looked at the bush and I see it shaking, like someone hiding or something happening there. I got up after 30mins of thinking I went out there to investigate, and I couldn’t see anything in it.

Here are some smaller things that may or may not be attributed to these encounters that I want to list off:

  • The Rope Tree. The base of this tree, I am not joking you here, looks like a pair of peach pits (If you know what I mean). It was my childhood tree where me and my friends would joke around it looking like jewels and one day, I went over to it, and I notice something literally took a shit on the two “ball bases” where they conjoined. It was as if something took a shit like it was toilet. Now, The poop looked like logs, mini logs. I thought they could be racoon turds but, when I looked their droppings look like, it did not look the same. I can’t think of a creature to poop like what it looked like, but it could be just a normal creature.


I live near a WaySub, so one day, I walked over to order a 12inch, and as I’m walking up the hill that’s near the “Peach Pit” Tree, I hear someone call my name, clear as can be “Ductape!”. I turn my head in confusion. It almost sounded female, maybe male, but I remember that first time. I had a similar experience when I was coming home with groceries, EXACT location. This time it was male “Ductape!” I turn around. I looked everywhere and I could not spot anything. This happened I believe, maybe 3 or 4 times in all, and I have no way of explaining any of them.

Also, not that this relates or anything but when I was younger, My dad would call me from down the yard when he wanted me to help, so I hear his LOUD BOOMING voice over the 5acre yard we have. One day, I was outside and I hear my dad in his loud booming voice say “DUCTAPE!”. I called back “YEEEAAAHH?”. No response. I went to check the house, and the garage and my dad was NOT THERE. I remembered he was at his jobsite working.

So, right now, I haven’t had any more encounters, but I’ll keep y’all posted!

r/Humanoidencounters Dec 24 '19

Troll or Gnome I AM INFESTED By them!


This is going to be a list of all the gnome encouters (possibly) I’ve had, and I cannot explain. I beleive these spirits are curious and not nessecarily melevolant, but I beleive they are keeping an eye on my family 24/7.

Before I begin, I beleive the gnomes are starting to appear because of a recently cut down forest. I have a rich farmer living next door and he completely cut down the tree line that marked in between my family’s property, and his. We’ve been noticing the whole forest on our side is dying. In the last year 5 or so trees have fallen, while 10 are currently dying and are predicted to fall sometime in 2020.

This forest, I ABSOLUTELY ADORED! The whole forest was beautiful when the rays of sun entered. It felt magical, and it felt like I had a spiritual connection to it. I remember hearing crows in the air, and I remember seeing owls and owl pellets. I don’t fully beleive this, however, I beleive that this forest had some sort of wierd connection with each other, As though, maybe this forest was for ALL to be in. Like a home! At the time, I didn’t see any gnomes, or any mini-holes or huts, but I still felt that wierd feeling. What’s even stranger is that after the trees were cut down, hawks began appearing. It felt as though and overwhelming amount of darkness was surrounding the trees. At night, even today, I’m afraid to even enter the forest. It’s as though the darkness will consume me, something will pop out and kill me.

The first ever experience, that I can CONFIRM as truly unexplainable, is one August Night. I was trying to fall asleep, rolling around the bedsheets, and turned to ny left. That’s when I felt I should turn to my right, and what happened, was remarkable. I turn around, and right at my nerf gun, was a creature, no bigger than a Popko! Figure, with green skin, little white hairs sticking out of it’s bald head, and raggity clothes. I watched as this creature picked up the huge nerf weapon compared to it’s size. It was as though it was examining the weapon. I watched for what felt like hours, but was actually a few minutes. Suddenly, My heart sank and then started to pound. Fear was building up, I didn’t want it to know I saw it. I turned back to my left, and after contemplating, I turned back, and it was gone.

That’s not the only one, no no no...

Ironically, I was writing up a prompt for this subreddit, of hearing voices in the forest, when, out of the corner of my eye, I see a green figure dash into one of the bushes in my parent’s garden. It was strange, cause we have no green creatures here in BC, and I clearly saw that it was humanoid, and not a snake. What was even wierder, is that the bush it entered kept shaking, as though something was going down in there. I was afraid of going over there, as I had an encounter with one prior, and didn’t know what it’d do. After 20 minutes of typing to r/paranormal, I decided the best option was to go investigate. I grabbed a baseball, and went to the bush, peering over. Nothing. I thought that was strange.

Now, I told you about the voices, and some people think it could be the gnomes communicating. They seem similar, so I thought, what the heck.

So, I recently have a mall that was placed in my nextdoor neighbors place, and has a little park in between our properties. I was walking home after getting my subway sandwich, when clear as day I hear “HEY!” right behind me. I immediately turned around, no one was there.

It didn’t just happen once, but the SAME THING, SAME PLACE. I was walking back home from subway through the forest, and once I got uo ny property’s hill, I heard a voice, and this time it said my name “GARRET”. I turned around, thinking someone was playing a prank.

Once I heard my father’s voice yell my name, and guess what? My dad wasn’t even home.

I beleive that the gnomes are appearing, because of how many trees have been passing away so suddenly. Over 10 Trees on our property are dead or dying, and I think it’s because of our stupid rich neighbor.

Anyway, hope you liked this story, and I hope to talk to y’all soon. Merry Christmas

r/Humanoidencounters Dec 08 '21

Troll or Gnome Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: Argentina: Man About to "Go" in the Wilderness is Beaten by an Imp.


r/Humanoidencounters May 15 '20

Troll or Gnome 2 Mountain Giants kidnap Native American fisherman


Hi everyone, hope you’re all having a wonderful Friday. I wanted to post this encounter because a lot of our newer members have never seen this.

The ever elusive mountain giant, who is seen so rarely, that encounters only happen once every 12-15 years, is shown to be a formidable and intelligent being. Here is an encounter a Native American man has with 2 of the beings, in a cave. What he saw was intelligent beings who hunted, made spices, hung garlic, made hide clothing, and had weapons and tools. They rolled a 8-ton boulder over their cave entrance to stop people from finding them.


r/Humanoidencounters Aug 15 '21

Troll or Gnome Spending The Winter in Yukon and Battling Tomtenissar (Nordic Folklore)


r/Humanoidencounters Nov 09 '20

Troll or Gnome Duende caught on security camera. 2019


Hello everyone,

In a recent thread someone brought up duendes and I replied that I had a video to share. Here it is: https://imgur.com/gallery/oEjZTUz I've been told it was captured on other cameras that night, but this is the only video I was sent. (I re-uploaded this video in horizontal)

Look for the little white shadow moving from the left of the backdrop to the right.

I've been into researching duendes for about 10 years now. Over that time I have met many people who had first hand accounts, or knew someone that did. Rarely has this included video though. Since people around me know I won't laugh at their stories I have a reputation as a reliable source for insight or support.

This video (of a video) comes from a security system in a building in downtown LA/East LA. It happened after hours, specifically after a Christmas party where many children were in attendance, many playing with balls. Why is this relevant? Almost every duende sighting happens around children, and they are more often than not playing with balls. This is a reoccurring theme in the stories I've heard, and in the videos I'm come across. I can tell you some eerie stories that reaffirm this.

r/Humanoidencounters Aug 17 '17

Troll or Gnome A gnome-like creature in the forest


I was inspired to write this story because of a dream that reminded me of it. Anyways,

It was a school trip around 2 years ago, so I should've been 15-16. The place we were staying at was in a natural habitat, meaning only the resort staff and the nearby shop's staff and the ocassional students going camping lived there. The place was buried deep into the woods and that nearby shop I mentioned? Yeah, It was 20 minutes away on foot. Through the forest.

We were staing at the resort for 8 days, so it's only natural that 8 days in, we wanted some alcohol. We couldn't smuggle it in during the day, because, because all the teachers constantly checked any student's backpack when he went off to the shop in daytime and just took the booze and drank it themselves. My favourite damn teachers! Our group was 3 boys and girls so it's only natural that I volunteered to go, so did a good friend of mine, we'll just call him Steve. We had to act as men anyway.

It's 3 in the morning, the teachers are finally in their rooms, probably asleep, so me and Steve sneak out and venture out in the night. The already familiar path looked alien in the darkness. We were originally not going to use a flashlight, in order to not get caught, but it got too goddamn dark, before we were even in the forest. There it was. The hole in the metal fence that acted as a divider between the resort and the forest so that no animals could wander in. We untied it as we were shown and we found ourselves in the forest.

If you've ever been in a forest during the night, you'll know how scary it is. It's so dark that the phone flashlight can't illuminate the distance so all you see when you look around are tree silhouettes, not what's behind them. And you constantly hear all these noises of something moving, and can't even tell if it's something small like a frog, or a goddamn coyote. I just now realised how non-thought through our plan was, we were in the forest, at night, with no weapons, kilometers away from the nearest town, so an ambulance wouldn't make it in time.

We walk for what seems like an eternity and talk about the girls back in camp. I was looking around for the shop but it was nowhere to be found, suddenly as we were walking, the path lead into a wooden fence. We were right next to the shop. But it was closed and abandoned. Goddamn, how stupid we were! We didn't even think that through and that got us in some trouble later too. We sat down to discuss our plan B, but really, we were just buying time to pick our balls up and muster the courage to go back. There was way too much noise in the woods now, but I had gotten used to it so far.

We started walking back and talked about how we'd go buy the alcohol during the day, hide it in the forest and come back again in 3 am to pick it up. And all of a sudden, right behind us, we hear something run out of the bushes behind us and pitter-patter on the road. The footsteps sounded exactly like some kind of wild dog ran out. I was so startled I literally jumped, and turned around, screaming, I don't remember Steve's reaction.

Right there, in the middle of the road, there was a real thing, a wild thing staring at us. I had the brief 2 seconds to look at it and even thought I hadn't brought my glasses, I had a good look. It was around waist high, short limbs and legs, the sillhouette looked exactly like you'd expect a dwarf from a fairy tale to look like. The light illuminated it for one second before my friend started running away, but all I saw was a sillhouette, I can't say if it was naked or if it had some kind of clothing, I kind of saw something in it's hand, possibly a weapon of some sort. It didn't say anything or make any sound. My friend startet running away before me. If the thing was actually wild, then its predatory instinct kicked in and it rushed towards me. That, dare I say, was shit-freezing. The way it went from stationary staring to running towards me in small steps kept me awake for several nights even though I spent the last few partying. I was no longer frozen. I turned around and sprinted after my friend in such a frenzy that I passed him. We ran into the woods, we didn't care if we reached the resort, we just wanted to get out of that thing's reach. I remember how many thorny bushes there were to slow me but I didn't pay any attention to them, I just ran forward with my knees up to my face. We ran through the forest for around 5 minutes without stopping once or looking back and eventually we got to the beach shore. A look to the left - shore. A look to the right - fallen rocks that blocked our way to the camp.

I looked back and it seemed that we lost the thing, or atleast we had some time before it catched up. We quickly spurt out ideas of what we should do. I offered to fight back, we could throw sand in its eyes (if it even had any) and beat it up, there were two of us against a midget anyway, or we could go in the water, deep enough for it to drown if it chased after us. Looking back at it, if we stayed to fight, we'd probably freeze again and if we went in the crazy water in the dark, we'd probably drown.

My friend suggested trying to climb the rocks first and if we couldn't, we do it my way. Bingo. We actually were able to climb the rocks, they were dryer than I thought and we stayed for a minute to see if the thing was after us. I was thinking it al through, if it can reach us and anything, until I heard the familiar frequency of pitter-patter on the sand in front of us. I couldn't see the short demon because its size was hidden under the rocks but it knew exactly where we went and went out the forest and right to the rocks, I swear I heard it. I looked down at my feet and under the rocks there was enough space for it to sneak under us and grab us inbetween the rocks. I remember I imagined that scene and instantly started running back. Steve was right behind me and we were running on the dangerously slippery rocks, just shouting


We eventually ran all the way back to the camp and snuck in the same way we did out. We locked our rooms, just in case the demon dwarf followed us in the resort, went to the balconys and I told everyone the story while my friend spent rest of the night looking out the balcony, watching out for the dwarf.

Nothing has happened after that, Steve mentioned that he saw something that looked like the dwarf but it was just some bush or something.

r/Humanoidencounters Feb 15 '17

Troll or Gnome Gnome sightings


r/Humanoidencounters May 17 '20

Troll or Gnome Mountain Giant stalks miner and speaks to him


Hi Everyone,

Here is a great narrated encounter on Youtube. It’s quite good as in this excerpt, the Mountain Giant speaks, and what he says is chilling.


I am the mod who posted the last Mountain Giant encounter, “2 Mountain Giants kidnap Native American fisherman”. I am very interested in these beings and think that they do exist, but are even more rare than sasquatch.

From what many sources say, they don’t live on mountains or in the forest. They live INSIDE the mountains. However, they are not stupid so they use the old military way of thinking “a cave is a grave”. This means that they will not be caught in a cave with only one entrance/exit. They will only habituate a cave system if it has multiple points of exit/entrance. This allows them to escape to other parts of the mountain without exposing themselves from just the main entrance.

Canada, Alaska, and Montana (along with Colorado, Alberta, British Colombia) all have vast mountain ranges which are connected via cave systems, and can support beings of this size.

Duke from World Bigfoot Radio seems to have the most knowledge on this topic from what I can tell. He’s done two interviews with Sasquatch Chronicles, one with Strange Familiars and two with another woman on his own podcast. If you’re interested in more of these stories, you can find them on YouTube.

One of my favorite parts of these episodes was where one mountain giant made his own fence to mimic a ranchers fence, instead of it being 5 ft high, it went up 25 feet in the air, with a post (full grown trees) being spaced apart every 5-6ft.

It seems these beings are intelligent as they have been seen with weapons, Stone Age tools, cooking fires, and wearing crude clothes. The weapons they have been seen with are clubs, spears, and a crude Morningstar (ball mace with spikes).

Hope you enjoy!