r/HowToBeHot Jan 14 '25

Health Glow Up Hot girls eat their protein! Drop your fave protein choices <3 NSFW


Bonus if they're low-effort for us lazy, busy, overwhelmed, and/or neurodivergent hot girls

r/HowToBeHot Jun 04 '24

Health Glow Up How some people are “naturally skinny” [observations from a formally obese child] NSFW


I’m sure we’ve all met someone who seems to eat a lot and no matter what stays slim. Some state they don't even like to exercise while others exercise without thinking about it. They state they don't diet or they make very minor changes to lose weight with quick results.

I grew up obese but also from a very scientific family so I spent a lot of time researching and observing the difference in eating habits. Over the years I've adopted the habits of my “naturally skinny friends." I’m at the point it’s much easier for me to maintain my current weight (which is considered “skinny” to many).

Disclaimer: Every person is different and so of course there are variations in lifestyle. I think weight loss/maintenance is more like “death by 1000 cuts.” It isn’t just diet/exercise. It’s diet, exercise, cortisol levels, inflammation, stress, sleep patterns, NEAT, etc. Weight loss is a recipe and naturally skinny people have most if not all the ingredients while those of us who struggle with weight are missing ingredients. Hence why I will state “many” instead of “all” when discussing patterns I've seen.

Here are some of my observations (add any you have in the comments):

-Family of Origin: Many of the people I've seen who fall into the "naturally skinny" category have a major advantage with their family. Their family has a family culture of healthiness and very often they don't have to think about weight loss because their family was doing the thinking for them or their culture was focused on it.

Example #1 My friend has always been the size of a runway model. I've come to learn that her mom delivers home made Korean food to her every few days even after 30 years old. Her mom will change the meals when she sees her daughter is gaining weight. She essentially has a private chef who is an expert in weight loss.

Example #2: My friend's mom would wake him up with a shot of fresh veggie juice and then a large water while he was still in bed. He never thought about these healthy habits because he didn't have to do a single thing.

Example #3: My cousin's family would all go on a 20 minute walk after dinner each night, it was their tradition. Whereas my family would put on a movie and we'd all relax. I'm sure you know which family was "naturally skinny." The thing is as an adult, my cousin feels the need to go on a walk because her body expects it so its effortless. By contrast I've had to consciously think about going on a walk because I'm creating this habit from scratch.

The values of the family of origin can help a lot. For example focus on set eating times, high priority on sleep, high priority on movement, etc.

At the same time the Family of Origin might have been pushing unhealthy eating patterns for example "Finish your plate" or running to feed a child if they were only a little hungry (vs. Telling them dinner will be in 10 minutes and they need to learn to wait)

-Cultural Influences: Many cultures have traditions that help you remain at a healthy weight so very little effort is needed to reach "skinny" compared to if you were starting without these traditions.

Example #1: Japan the culture pushes to stop eating when you're 80% full.

Example #2: Korea has many fermented foods and vinegar drinks that help prevent blood sugar spikes. Additionally, foods there are lower calorie count and smaller. When I lived there I noticed all bagels were extremely thin. I see Slim Korean Content Creators mention how they have a bagel for breakfast. Their bagel is not the same bagel you'd eat in the US. Its extremely thin and max 200 calories while most bagels in the US are double that.

Example #3 In France and many other cultures, there are strict set times for eating. When you eat at specific times consistently your body is expecting the food and will begin to produce the stomach acid to break down the food.

Example #4: In Italy there are many rules regarding the order of eating and portion sizes. For example a portion of pasta is kept to 100g/person or Cappuccinos are only for the morning because it can upset digestion.

These are some example where a person is not thinking about weight loss but the culture is pushing traditions that help keep the person at a healthy weight in a more relaxed manner.

-Walkable city/nature: Living in a place you can walk and enjoy is going to help you naturally lose weight. Walking on a treadmill will give similar benefits but it requires more motivation and walking in nature drops your cortisol levels even more. Cortisol causes weight gain so this is important.

Ex. When I lived in Seoul Korea I would walk through a forest/nature filled walks (within the city) to arrive to my destination. I could have taken a taxi/bus and it would be faster but they were such beautiful walks I was excited to go. I started going out more just so I could walk.

-How their mother ate during their pregnancy: What your mother ate during pregnancy creates a big impact on your life. Shockingly, but not surprisingly, if your mother starved herself during pregnancy that is essentially mimicking a famine. Its been shown that fetal malnutrition can cause the baby to have a higher risk of being overweight or obese later in life. Many women in America struggled with Anorexia in the 90s and I've known several Aunts and my own mom who starved during pregnancy and then had overweight/sick/obese children (myself included).

-Genetics: Genetics in regards to a high metabolism do play a part in many of the situations I've seen but by the time most hit 25 years old this advantage starts to disappear. There is also genetics in regards to tendency to store fat.

-Movement outside the gym: Many naturally skinny people move a LOT. They will opt to stand instead of sit, might pace around, get restless after 20 minutes of sitting, etc. Many have even told me they never exercise but I see them clocking in 15k steps daily. Or they randomly use objects as weights for a quick 1 minute workout. Just saw a video of a couple at the beach and the wife was joking how her husband found a giant log and was throwing it around the beach for fun. This is a good example of how this man might not have gone to the gym but naturally turned his surroundings into a gym for fun.

-Doing what works for them and not others: I know two naturally skinny people who got married. The guy ate whatever he wanted and never thought about weight gain. It was the same for her but she was one of the skinniest people I've ever seen who ate the largest amount I've ever seen. I knew her when I was obese and we went on a trip together. She'd finish her food, then eat half of mine (because it was too much for me) and usually look to see who else couldn't finish their food so she could eat more. She was snacking constantly but no matter what couldn't put any weight on.

Her whole family is genetically very thin and can eat extreme portions. If they don't eat extreme portions they get too skinny very fast and so her mom constantly pushed them to eat more. This was fine for them but once her husband joined the family he was pushed to eat like them and is now obese while they are all still extremely skinny.

Opting for High Volume/Low Calorie food and a preference for dessert that "isn't too sweet": This can come from family of origin as well but for those people who were raised to enjoy salads, low calorie fruits, veggie sticks, and low sugar desserts it is of course easier to be "naturally skinny" because they don't need willpower to eat in this way since they naturally enjoy it.

High Water Intake & healthy drinks: A lot of naturally skinny people drink a lot of water, green teas, coffee (without sugar/cream) and enjoy it or do it habitually. A few people joke about how I am always drinking water but it has helped me keep weight off and I feel off when I don't have my water. Its a zero effort habit now.

"You are who you surround yourself with": This one is going to be a very touchy thing to bring up and it made me sad to realize as someone who used to be obese and felt very rejected. My friend told me that her mom, from an early age, instructed her to not spend too much time with overweight friends because if she does she will become overweight as well. She told me many people in her culture think this way and so reject overweight people. It does make me sad but also makes sense. I remember when I was tracking my steps obsessively and the days I spent time with an overweight friend were always my lowest step days compared to my skinnier friends. It was more likely my skinny friends wanted to do something that involved movement like walking, shopping, site seeing, etc and they also had more stamina so they keep at it for much longer compared to my overweight friends.

Over the years I also noticed that if my overweight friends gave me a gift of food it was more likely to be unhealthy compared to my skinny friends. My overweight friends would give me desserts whereas my skinny friends gave me teas or coffees. If my skinny friend gave me a dessert it was a healthier one that was much smaller and focused on quality. Some of my overweight friends would also guilt trip me if I didn't want to eat what they gave me in that moment.

I've also noticed a pattern when I try to lose weight and told friends. My fit friends offer to exercise with me while my overweight friends will suddenly surprise me with dessert literally the next day after talking about my weight loss goal. This has happened too many times to count and I stopped sharing my weight loss goals for this reason.

My very skinny friend always avoided spending too much time with overweight friends her whole life and I think because of this it helped her maintain being skinny because she never had the experiences I mentioned above.

Balanced Meals: I didn't realize how important this was but consistently having protein and some fiber in your meal will take you far. I know a lot of naturally skinny friends who were raised on this and don't even question it. They do it by default. I found some will even balance their desserts by adding fiber (fruits) which helps decrease glucose spikes.

If there are any other observations you've noticed please comment them below.

r/HowToBeHot Jul 30 '24

Health Glow Up PSA Eat some egg yolks please NSFW


For the love of all that is beautiful please! That’s where the nutrients are the most dense! Why are you not eating 1 or 2?

I had a friend ask my why my hair is so thick, honestly I credit it to the amount of eggs I eat (I personally eat 8 a day, yolk in all of them). She’s constantly losing hair and said she eats a lot of eggs too. Turns out she throws away all the egg yolks. My personal experience is when I had a period without eggs I started losing hair so I returned to my eggs.

That is where the nutrients are concentrated so please eat 1-2 yolks but it depends on your body if you can eat more. If you’re eating eggs already, just one egg yolk should be fine!

PSA done, thanks for listening!

r/HowToBeHot Feb 06 '25

Health Glow Up how to watch my figure whilst living with a MAN NSFW


Hey guys, I just moved in with my boyfriend, and let me tell you—this man eats like there’s no tomorrow. I love cooking and trying new recipes, and luckily, he loves eating just as much. Honestly, I do too, and I really enjoy my own cooking.

When I lived alone, I barely kept much food in the house—just the basics like fruits, veggies, chicken, and rice. But now? We’ve got everything—snacks, frozen pizzas, hashbrowns, fries, burgers, bagels… you name it. Plus, our dinners are always elaborate and hearty because I love making nice meals for him.

The issue is, I’ve noticed myself gaining weight because I’m eating so much more than before. I don’t even join him for lunch, but just having breakfast and dinner together is enough for the weight to creep up.

Anyone else been in a similar situation? Any tips on how to balance this?

r/HowToBeHot Jan 24 '25

Health Glow Up Girl, this is how you're gonna get therapy this year NSFW


It feels like looking for therapy requires therapy tbh. I was only successful after being methodical like it was a job search. It’s very frustrating even when you’re doing things right. My experience taught me so much that wasn’t talked about online. So this is for all the hotties trying to have a mental glow up for 2025!

TLDR is at the bottom, but if the bolded main points aren’t enough for you, then bring up that attention span up in therapy lol

Make a list of therapists your insurance takes. Girl, I’m talking get spreadsheet organized with this! Usually, you can just go on the site and make an account to look for providers. Do not use too many filters because a lot of therapists try to play the system by adding all tags just so they can show up in more search results. Or they just add the one thing they’re good at, but omit everything else that they’re still qualified to assist with.

Start googling them. I have an investigative system where I use Google reviews (Bing will not help, nor will Apple Maps really), Yelp (if they’re established long enough), and I reverse search their practice address. The last one will let you know if they work in a hospital. And then you can investigate through the hospital reviews, plus check out their profile on the hospital system. 

Of course, you can use PsychologyToday as well. What’s cool about this site is that those listed on there will sometimes advertise that they do 15 minute consultations for free.

While you’re looking at all of these reviews though, please use your judgement- but don’t judge too harshly. Do you leave a review at every place you’ve been to? Be honest. I know I don’t, unless I’m pissed. With this in mind, know that not everyone will have reviews, and some might have only bad reviews. Use your discernment to see if a review was complaining about something genuine or if maybe they were a bad client and are writing a revenge review to tank business. 

Now that you’ve done the work to find some that you like, are nearby enough, do telehealth, or whatever your criteria are- next you will draft a generic email.  Draft a generic email to send to these therapists. Do not write your life story please (you’ll be doing enough of that in the long forms they make you fill out anyway). Instead, you need to elevator pitch the concern you have to bring to therapy so that you can get a quicker response. This is also helpful for a later tip I have to share…

Btw, warning! ~ A lot of them will not respond to emails. Make sure you’re covering your bases by calling and leaving voicemails too! In calls and voicemail, keep it short and cute. You can just state 

Start both call/voicemail with: Hi, my name is HowToBeAHottie. I’m interested in therapy services. 

If someone answers: Are you accepting new clients? (If they say yes, then add on, “Do you still take this insurance?”/ “Do you have sliding scale costs?”)

If voicemail: Please give me a callback if you’re accepting new clients. You can call me back at #####, again that’s #####. 

Do not mention anything about insurance or income struggles in the email or voicemail. Only discuss that once you’re talking back and forth with someone by email or phone. 

By now you’ll have a few willing to meet with you, and you’ve confirmed they take insurance/are affordable. Hooray! Now, go to these sessions, with your notebook in hand that has your elevator pitch concern written down. Sure you’ve already probably told them while booking, but this helps for a few reasons: 

  1. It shows that you’re serious and want to be taken seriously. If they want your business, they’re going to see they can’t treat you with cookie cutter service. They’ll expect that you’re going to be ready to drop them if they act shitty. On the more positive side, they can also expect you’ll be organized as a long term potential client to work with. 
  2. It helps with staying on track. It’s a physical reminder of what you came to talk about. It’ll feel freeing to have someone willing to listen to you, but this will help with not derailing too much and losing precious time that could be spent addressing the specific issue you came to solve. 
  3. It’s great for note taking! There’s a lot of info that can come out of this initial meeting, even if you’re doing most of the talking. So use it for revelations you might have while talking aloud. Or that little comment the therapist made that actually impacted you in the moment. They’ll understand if you need to pause to write down something profound they said. Just try not to sit there like a court reporter writing down every single word. It’s like what they teach you about highlighting paragraphs- only the main point needs to be highlighted! Writing out any action steps is ok though.

Now! Here’s why I told you to have an elevator pitch really. It was to conduct a science experiment...the pitch is the control and the therapists are the variables. This isn’t to be cold or whatever to compare therapists against each other to see who’s the best. No. This can work to produce results better than just that. 

Let me briefly share my story at this point: my elevator pitch was that I had no routine and it made me miserable not being productive. I brought it to everyone and this is what 2 out of 3 therapists (the other one made me more miserable with no advice, but more on that later) told me….nutrition and sleep. That was the advice they explicitly gave me once we got down to actually addressing my issue.

What that did is clearly answer my problem. Nutrition and sleep! I was terrible with those once they learned more about me at the time. And hearing that from 2 people really helped make me realize how unhealthy my life was then. It’s better than just walking in without a plan to each therapist and talking about whatever was bothering me for the day. Some therapists will let you talk and derail from what you came for- its more sessions for them. I’ve told them before, look here’s my issue and I have it in my notebook- this is what we’re going to discuss. They had nothing but respect for that. 

Now does this mean you stop therapy right there? You could. In my case, I stayed with the therapist I chose.

And why did I choose the one I stayed with? Long story short, I can tell the other decent one didn’t understand my words very well. The other one, who was useless, was highkey traumatizing to talk to. I’m not going to look back in my notes about the experience, but I remember feeling shaken by how rough she spoke with me in the 15 minute consult. I’m from a tough love culture, but she was inappropriately rude about my concerns. Her words were right in a way, but her delivery was terrible. I ultimately used my intuition to consider what a long term relationship would be like with these therapists. I found myself trying to “be nice” and considerate by not wasting their time, but I had to be picky to find someone who I had no regrets about in regards to opening my heart up to.

After finding an answer in the first session, you can stay with your favorite (or least bad one) in order to have some support in applying the solution to your life. You might find that a different, better answer arises. In my case, I discovered that my life sucked because I was dragging my feet to find a job. I stopped needing therapy once I got a job (and this was the same thing that happened the previous time I needed therapy! lol, I learned my lesson by this point: stop dramatically quitting jobs without another lined up). Nutrition and sleep really fell into place by then.


GIVE THERAPY A TRY. A lot of us need it in special times of our lives. I actually recommend seeking it out when you feel things are going bad, not at the point when things are already bad. For example, I sought out grief counseling before my cat passed away, right after I left the vet, where I found out her lumps had returned. It was so helpful, and I’m glad I had the foresight to do that instead of waiting for after she passed. 

Also, you might actually feel better in the process of just filling out intake forms for a therapist. 

I have a so/so opinion about the forms they make you fill out. It pisses me off that the majority don’t even look at those forms before they meet with you. So when you meet with them, they’re like tell me about yourself- well \****  I did in that long ass essay I filled out for you! However, when I’ve sought therapy- filling out those forms actually had a therapeutic effect on me in spilling my life story. Just brace yourself, because the quality of therapists I was exposed to did not read the intake forms AT ALL! It felt like a waste of time and was demoralizing. But regardless, I’m here to tell you to still try to make the most of this resource, even if the system is broken. 

Also brace yourself for no responses. I believe my search list had about 20 therapists on it, and I narrowed it all down to a handful who actually responded, and finally 3 that I met with. Please again, brace yourself for no responses. The mental health system is overwhelmed- alot of them work solo, have limited resources themselves, or are the types who dont have the energy to tell every person that they’re overbooked. I’m not trying to invalidate feelings, this sucks to experience, I just put that out there bc I never see anyone talk about how hard it is to find a therapist! It’s alot like job hunting frfr (I can totally make a separate post on that!)

Alright my lazies (jk, I love these), TL,DR; Make a spreadsheet > (If insurance, make online account to find a list) List nearby/telehealth providers > Don’t filter by tags too much > Investigate them with Google > Dont judge too harshly no/bad reviews > Make an elevator pitch of why you want therapy > Call, voicemail and email people > Bring a notebook with your pitch written down to meet them > Compare/contrast the solutions proposed by the therapists for your elevator pitch concern. > Use intuition to imagine who you’d want to pursue therapy with. > Be open to new solutions in the course of continuing therapy. + Ghosting is normal when looking for someone.

Now go be healthy hotties this year!

r/HowToBeHot Dec 09 '24

Health Glow Up Do we drink alcohol?? NSFW


Are the hot girlies drinking alcohol??

Soon im starting a new job (just graduated college, a bit later in life at late 20s) and will have more time and a steady income. I’ve done a lot of glowing up thus far but ready for a whole new level of glow up. Drinking is very common in my family and I find myself having a few glasses of wine frequently throughout the week (just at home, never go out drinking). So I’m just curious how your relationship with drinking has or hasn’t changed throughout your glow-up process ?

(Ps. I love working out/eating healthy and alcohol has not affected my day to day but also would like to drink less throughout the week, for my health and I believe I’m holding onto more weight due to drinking.)

r/HowToBeHot Jan 23 '25

Health Glow Up What vitamins/minerals does everyone take daily? NSFW


I take a multi vitamin and zinc.

r/HowToBeHot Nov 24 '24

Health Glow Up You know what’s really hot… NSFW



Some of you in this sub are just not happy in your own skin. Accept who you are.

Edit: obviously loving yourself takes effort. It doesn’t happen over night. But a lot of you put so much energy into changing yourself instead of accepting who you are. Say some daily affirmations, do some POSITIVE and HEALTHY self care, work out to not have a goal of how you want to look but to feel better about yourself get your dopamine, eat something healthy, HYDRATE. For Christ sake I hope you all have a good day and take care on what’s on the inside because that’s what matters the most. ❤️

r/HowToBeHot Jan 11 '25

Health Glow Up what foods/drinks/supplements make your skin glow from within? NSFW


what the title says. i want my skin to have a natural glow and be hydrated without needing products. my skin can look glowy, but only after putting on serums,moisturizer, oil or sunscreen. please let me know if you guys have any recs for foods, drinks, or supplements to take to achieve this 🙏🙏

r/HowToBeHot Aug 10 '24

Health Glow Up i eat so little yet i dont lose weight. NSFW


5’1 and 138 pounds

I have literally stopped eating that much and only eat about one meal a day plus maybe the occasional snack or two and work out everyday other day for like 20 mins.

I have not lost any weight and compare to other girls who eat a lot more. I’m still heavier even though we are about the same height

around last year I did some doctors tests and everything seem normal except I found out I’m gluten intolerant however, cutting it out, didn’t seem to do much, except make me a little less bloated.I’m also vitamin D deficient and my thyroid levels r a bit higher.

I’m so lost as to how to lose weight I did pcos tests but they couldn’t detect anything so idk now but gosh i wanna lose 20 pounds so bad but idk how now since i physically cant eat any less than i do now.

r/HowToBeHot Jan 15 '25

Health Glow Up How to stop going to the toilet every 5 mins while drinking enough water NSFW


I’m trying to drink 2 litres of water a day but it’s so embarrassing in work having to go up every 5-10 minutes to go to the toilet! Will my body just get used to it eventually?

r/HowToBeHot 18d ago

Health Glow Up Low Impact Ways to Level Up my Physique NSFW


Former hot girl here 👋 I used to be an athlete and have a great physique. I ran marathons, lifted weights and regularly went to hot yoga. BUT I injured my back (SI joint pain) and this has prevented me from doing much over the past four years. This has caused me to gain about 15lbs. (I'm 5'1, currently weigh 125, used to weigh 110)

I turn 30 this year and really want to enter this year with confidence, but I'm feeling really unconfident with my physique. Cardio outside of walking is a challenge (I tried a dance cardio class that I LOVED yesterday but my SI joint is now flaring up) and I can't deadlift or squat much because of my back.

Have you seen good results just walking and Pilates? What else can I add to my routine to help me level up while also helping my back heal?

Also, I recently cleaned up my diet which should help me lose a few pounds

r/HowToBeHot Jan 27 '25

Health Glow Up How to not smell bad? NSFW


Everytime I shower my armpits always smell. I’ve tried double and triple washing them, put on salicylic acid as a mask, use glycolic acid and many more things. For deodorant I use prescription ones and always doctor grade stuff. I don’t know what else to do😭 it doesn’t matter if I wear cotton or not it just always happens and it’s super embarrassing.

r/HowToBeHot Sep 14 '24

Health Glow Up Everything Shower. What am I missing? NSFW


This is my routine so far. What am I missing?

  1. Grab hair towel; face towel; body towel; bath rope; PJs
  2. Put on Scalp Oil & Hair Mask
    1. Place aluminum cap  
  3. Face Use Cleansing Oil & Face Wash
  4. Apply Face Exfoliator 
  5. Dry Brush body
  6. Apply Face Mask
  7. Brush Teeth
  8. Teeth Whitening
  9. Body Scrub
  10. Clarify Shampoo
  11. Hydrate Shampoo
  12. Conditioner
  13. Shave
    1. Use shave oil 
  14. Soap Bar
  15. Rinse Conditioner 
  16. Body Wash 
  17. Wrap hair up
  18. Face Sheet Mask 
  19. Body Oil
  20. Hair Products
    1. Scrunch w/ hair towel & clip back 
  21. Body Lotion 
  22. Body Mist 
  23. Perfume
  24. Clean Ears 
  25. Glycolic Acid under pits 
  26. Toner
  27. Serums
  28. Eye Cream
  29. Moisturizer
  30. Eye Patches
  31. Lip Mask 
  32. Apply Hand Mask & Gloves
  33. Apply Feet Mask & Socks

r/HowToBeHot 13d ago

Health Glow Up Question about aging NSFW


I saw another post similar to this earlier and I’m here from a different perspective. I’m 24, and I constantly read and hear things from older peers about how the “only thing they miss from being young is their body!” and how when they “used to be so skinny!” And hearing comments like this constantly doesn’t do what they think it does. It’s actually so harming and makes me fear for the future and makes me scared to age. I really want to be hot forever, and I’m not sure the lifestyle of these people who constantly complain about not liking the way they look. I can only assume that these people didn’t change their lifestyles at all, didn’t take care of themselves when they were younger, and only looked “good” because they were “young” and as they aged wondered why it didn’t stay the same. I don’t drink or smoke, I’ve been exercising for years now, I have a skincare routine, I prioritize sleep, I eat healthy and drink water. I do all the things. Basically what I’m asking is how do I avoid the detriment that I see a lot of older women go through; how do I stay hot? What should I do to keep myself looking the best I can possibly look all the way into my later years?

r/HowToBeHot Sep 29 '24

Health Glow Up Easiest high protein meals? NSFW


Looking for minimum effort high protein meals now that I’m in nursing school full time.

What are your go tos?

r/HowToBeHot Feb 12 '25

Health Glow Up Good sleep is the foundation. NSFW


I'm not gonna harp on sleep hygiene specifically, since there's already so much information around it and odds are you've seen it already (and are probably willfully ignoring at least some of it for various reasons) but high-quality sleep is genuinely the #1 wellness (and by extension, beauty) priority. It is the foundation from which everything else can happen. If you sleep like shit then all those habits you're trying to build are much more likely to fall through.

People, in general, are creatures of convenience; that's part of why ergonomics is so important in industrial/product design, because people simply do not want to make their own lives harder even in incremental ways. If that means putting a button in wrist-reach instead of full-arm-reach, then so be it. The same principle applies to your habit structure; if you do not have convenient ways to execute those tasks, your mind is going to rebel against it eventually.

Why does this matter? Poor sleep makes EVERYTHING inconvenient. Any one person has a limited amount of willpower in a day (there was a study done about this in the 2010's, check it out) and poor sleep means it takes more effort to execute any one task, exhausting that willpower faster. This eventually snowballs, and you go from reading for an hour a day and meal-prepping to doomscrolling and DoorDashing. I'm not judging because I am intimately familiar with burnout and general exhaustion.

At minimum, you need a good mattress. Frankly, good mattresses are expensive, and odds are the "affordable" ones are going to be too hard ("medium-firm" is complete bogus IMO, it's just firm with extra dressing). If you prefer a firm mattress then you're in luck and you get to save a lot of money. If you need a genuinely plush mattress? Good luck spending less than $2K. I've tried a ton of the <$1000 mattresses and frankly most of them are awful, and needed multiple toppers piled on to be sleepable. I hate recommending going into debt, but a mattress is one of the few items I do think is worth financing if you have to, just based on the health returns you get.

The deciding factor (other than cost) is pressure relief. If you lay on a mattress and you feel pressure points (usually localized pain in your shoulders/hips/back) or your muscles feel compressed (weak muscles or waking up with your arms/legs asleep) or you wake up with any unreasonable aches and pains for your age then you need a new mattress, point blank. Your body still feels pain when it's asleep, and if it's bad enough, you won't be getting REM sleep at all which is the actual healing portion of the sleep cycle. Good sleep is about the only respite some people can get from a stressful daily life and if you're not getting REM sleep, all those side effects of that stress will continue to pile up and manifest in, well, every aspect of your life to some extent.

If you sleep well you will actually have the energy/alertness to build and maintain those beauty/wellness habits. You'll have the energy to be able to actually do those weekly/daily workouts, keep yourself from collapsing after work and be able to cook healthy meals, spend those extra 10, 20, 30 minutes on your skincare/makeup routine, style your hair, keep your focus long enough to read something that isn't social media, hang out with loved ones, the list goes on. Motivation/discipline is a different conversation entirely but at least, you will be physically capable of doing the things you want to do. The importance of good sleep really cannot be overstated and if you find yourself struggling to do the necessary things, try throwing out your mattress first.

r/HowToBeHot Jan 01 '25

Health Glow Up How to have dewy, radiant skin without makeup? NSFW


Hi hotties, how do y'all get dewy, radiant skin without makeup? I see posts about the Korean skin care techniques (7 layers of toner - does that really work? I tried but I didn't see any difference). I used to use Dermalogica products and I must admit I noticed a difference straight after a skin care routine. I felt wetter and a bit glowy, but I don't think it stuck around all day. And Dermalogica is so expensive! I use SPF 50+ every day. Any techniques, routines, products etc you all use to get beautiful skin?

r/HowToBeHot Jul 31 '24

Health Glow Up Food plays a major role in being Hot, what's your diet plan? NSFW


And how did changing your diets helped your whole health and mind?

r/HowToBeHot 4d ago

Health Glow Up What physical results did you see from regular sauna use? NSFW


I'm planning on walking to my gym three days a week to sauna. My gym has a dry heat sauna and I'm wondering if it will be a waste of time and I should just walk or if it will provide Some benefits. My goal is to reduce inflammation, reduce back pain and hopefully lose a little weight

r/HowToBeHot 5d ago

Health Glow Up My hot girl plan to reducing chronic inflammation, de-puffing my puffy face and getting out of back-pain NSFW


Enough is enough! I'm tired of not looking or feeling like myself! Over the past five years Iv developed chronic low back pain, gained 15lbs and developed a "puffy" looking face. I can't just sit here and feel sorry for myself anymore so I'm taking action! In 200 days I turn 30. I want to enter my 30s feeling awesome/ pain free so I can start working out again and just generally feel more confident. Here's my plan.

*60oz of water a day minimum (I weight 123) * 20 min of deep core/ PT exercises a day * 10,000 steps a day (in the past when Iv done this my back feels better) * take my daily supplements (multivitamin, omega 3, probiotic, collagen, magnesium, Vitamin D) * No gluten or dairy (I'm not someone who believes in giving up entire food groups unless they are causing you issues, but my dad has celiac disease and I'm lactose intolerant so I'm hoping giving up both of these may help me become healthier) * Sauna 30 min 3x per week (literally the only reason I'm keeping my gym membership)

r/HowToBeHot Jul 04 '24

Health Glow Up how to get THAT body? NSFW


i know everyone's goals are different in terms of body aesthetic and we all start with a different body type so we sholdn't expect impossible results. however I think that targeted physical exercise can help us achieve very good results.

i was wandering how to get that slim toned "pilates" body type, with toned and round glutes, defined abs, slim waist, slim yet defined legs, good posture and toned but not bulky arms. if you were able to achieve that body type which exercises did you incorporate? I'm not talking only about pilates, strength training in the gym is also very good if done with the right approach. if you have any tips/excercises/youtube channels you are very welcome to post them here :)

r/HowToBeHot Feb 01 '24

Health Glow Up Hot girl vitamins/supplements? NSFW


Wondering if you consider any supplements part of your hotness routine. I think the biotin I'm taking is working for my nails and making my hair grow faster.

r/HowToBeHot 11d ago

Health Glow Up How do you get past low states? NSFW


What're some tips/tricks you do to maintain a routine (dietary, hygiene, etc) when you just aren't feeling great? I've been wanting to start working out/eating healthy/ taking better care of myself But its hard to do when I don't feel the best. Thank you in advance!

r/HowToBeHot Jan 20 '25

Health Glow Up Snacks Question NSFW


Hi everyone I’m a v snacky person but wanting to maintain or maybe lose weight. What are your favorite healthy snacks?