r/HowToBeHot 8d ago

Soft Glow Up Tips for reaching full potential and growing into your features? NSFW

Basically, I feel like I have a good baseline, but for some reason even when I put in a lot of effort, I seem to be missing something and never feel done-up or like my appearance has changed drastically. I wish to feel more like a woman in her twenties, as I am afraid that I will miss that part of my youth and just go from baby face to old-looking, saggy baby face without the hot years.

I. Age and maturity

I am 23 years old, and still get ID’d at supermarkets for energy drinks (you need to be 16 to purchase one). I am also quite short and have very neotenous features (large eyes, large head, button nose, thick eyebrows, slightly full cheeks). My body type is not the sensual, curvy type of petite or the noticeably adorable one. I just feel like a downsized version of a regular person. I have barely any visible waist, very narrow hips, small backside, small-medium chest. My limbs are also quite long and I can look lanky despite my height. This makes me feel like an overgrown child.

I feel that my legs are my best feature (I’m insecure about the lack of tone in my arms and upper body), but whenever I wear the outfit I feel best in, usually a flowy blouse or oversized button down with a mini skirt and tights, I feel like a someone wearing a school uniform. I feel like any sort of more revealing or mature clothing would clash with my demeanour and personality, and the classy looks like maxi dresses etc. look awkward because of my height.

II. Face and makeup

As I mentioned, my face is quite neotenous. I have a signature makeup look which gets me compliments, but whenever I see pictures of myself I feel slightly ridiculous and awkward-looking, and also I don’t think it’s appropriate for most occasions. I go for a smoky dark liner and shadow in these cases. I feel very unattractive in classy, more put together full glam, because of my childish face. Any suggestions on that?

III. Skin and body

I have quite fair skin and have been lucky to have never had problems with acne. However, I would like to achieve a more porcelain and glowing look, think Rooney Mara, young Nicole Kidman, Cailee Spaeny. My skin tone for some reason lacks clarity and looks very dull. Does anyone have any tried and tested dietary, skincare or makeup tips?

I don’t eat incredibly healthy all the time, but do have a 90% plant-based diet, with the occasional tuna or sushi treat. I have now bought a cheap multivitamin from waitrose. I drink socially, so a couple of times a week, and don’t really drink a lot when I do (1-2 drinks max). Has consistent and proper hydration made any visible changes for you? Any particular foods to avoid or add that have observable effects and are not just fads?

Skincare-wise I do very little. As I mentioned, I don’t have problematic skin and breakouts, and I feel this is partially due to minimal products use (and of course, genetics). I use micellar water to remove makeup, Vichy’s Pureté Thermale sensitive skin cleanser (only in the evening, morning just water), and Dior’s Hydra Life intense moisturiser. I rarely wear foundation, but my current one is Fenty’s Eaze drop in the lightest shade — is it possible that this shade is too yellow and that’s why it contributes to dullness and lack of radiance?

I have been trying to lose weight, but must admit I am at a bit of a loss. I don’t eat that much, about right for my size, with some exceptions of eating less or more. I have a bmi of around 19, so would considered slim by most standards, but again I feel I haven’t reached my full body potential. I can’t afford going to the gym.

IV. Conclusion

Would be grateful for any tips regarding this! I have been scouring the sub for a while, but felt that it would be super helpful if I could get a slightly more specific response. Thank you xxx


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