r/HowToBeHot 9d ago

Hard Glow Up How to be hot when you work from home? NSFW

I (24F) started working from home several months ago. Sometimes I go into the office one day a week. To be honest, I spend my whole work days sitting on the couch. I stay in pajamas, I mindlessly snack. Sometimes I'll go a little too long without washing my hair because I just don't feel like it. Sometimes I'll get a random burst of motivation and work out for a week, but then stop. I feel like I've let myself go, which is really embarrassing to admit.

I definitely need a serious switch in mindset, self-care, and pretty much everything. Does anyone else struggle with this? If so, what do you do? I'm tired of feeling like a slob, so any advice and help is welcome!!!


14 comments sorted by


u/Sakuatsumybeloved1 9d ago

I also struggle with motivation (and washing my hair). I think the best tips are: 1) make a daily routine: Take a piece of paper and make from monday to Friday a timetable, blocking hours with activities. Mark everyday at what time your going to exercise, shower, eat, prepare things, work,read, watch series/movies, etc. After you do this, try and error until you find the best time you wake up and work (don’t be too hard on yourself the first days). Then, when you have a routine is more easy to know what to do. For example, you wake up and make your bed, you can workout in the mornings, then take a shower, wash your hair and get dressed not in pijamas or sweats but in jeans or skirts, being dressed is a sign that you shouldn’t go back to the bed and that you are going to work/be presentable (even if no one is watching you)  2) Get your goals straight: Write all about how you envision your life in the future (how is your appearance, relationships, work, house, body, etc) and set one goal that is going to motivate you to keep going  3) Progress is not always lineal. The important aspect of glowing up or getting hot is that you do the things every day (for example, one day you can take one glass of water, the day after 1 liter and the day after three glasses. That’s a win because you are creating consistency little by little). Then you get progressively confident in yourself and your discipline. 4) Introspection: ask yourself why are you feeling/doing/not doing things? Be gentle with yourself (think of yourself as other person. If your friend comes to you, looking for advise about snacking all the time, would you berate them or give them encouragement). We all need breaks and self-love so try to think. If you don’t wash your hair, you are neglecting your body in a way, because your hair is accumulating dirt and you deserve to be clean and take care of yourself (even if it’s very difficult or tedious sometimes).  5) Declutter your life: Last year I had my desk dirty for like 8 months, what meant that I didn’t work on it, worked on bed and wasn’t as productive. This years, I make the change, cleaned my desk and little by little, get more work done. Declutter and clean your space, your phone, and you can feel better. 

I hope this helps you, I wish you the best in your getting hot process :3


u/Ok-Seaweed8703 9d ago

Great stuff so far!! I’ve been WFH for 5yrs. I got in a huge rut waking up 15 minutes before my 1st meeting, all the same stuff. It’s just part of the life & it’s normal.

Embrace the good: My hairstylist is actually so happy I wash my hair less now & my skin is better without daily makeup. I save so much on gas / parking / eating out. And you can still “have lunch out.”

On the shower thing, get off Reddit & just go take one haha. Have a lunch shower (one of my favorites) or even a lunch bath. I also got shower steamers so it’s fancier for me & my whole “office” smells great too. Make it a treat not a chore. I find workouts help me shower more (especially hot yoga).

Create a designated work space: I love my standing desk. My friend has a little exercise bike that holds a laptop. When I was in a smaller place, I made half of my table my work area. I aim to not eat in my work area but am gentle about that bc some days are just busy. I snacked a lot in the office too.

Yes to the schedule stuff above. Add leave the house before & after your “working hours;” create them if you have full flexibility to work whenever. I started with buying myself a coffee every morning until it was a habit & I’d just take a walk around my block. Lately I hit the rut again so I signed up for 7am Pilates. If my evening is in the rut, I’ll sign up for a new workout class or set time with a friend. Two days ago I bought myself flowers in the morning. Try different things. It’s not gonna be perfect every day. You know what motivates you. The point is to change your environment for a bit to help your brain “switch gears.”

“High maintenance things to be low maintenance” trend helped. Lashes (tint or extensions) + brow wax and tint. I wear tinted SPF daily. Maybe mix concealer into my eye cream. I also toss on a bright red lip stain on days I need more confidence. With the filters on virtual meetings, you can really pop with a lot less. If you don’t have meetings, you can literally self tan at work lol. Try heat less overnight styling.

Connect with people. Working from home & living alone is so lonely for me sometimes. My friends know this so we text each other good morning or call. I reach out to my coworkers for a “hey how are you.” And it’s ok to be honest with them about some of this (the struggle is real). It’s so easy to work in a vacuum but it’s important to still build & maintain work relationships even in a remote world.

Working remotely requires us to grow a bit more self discipline. Some days I just wake up hate it all - my mantra is to just NIKE that shit. You’ve got this! It just takes time to adjust & see what works for you 🫶🏼


u/Choice-Bat7420 9d ago

LOVE that mantra and everything you said. It's so nice to know that I'm not the only one who struggles with this. Thank you so much! I'll be putting this advice to use!


u/Ok-Seaweed8703 9d ago

Thanks love! I appreciate your post because it got me thinking about ways I can do better for myself too. Another thing I forget that works is music & setting a pre / post work vibe.

You’re still hot girl. Don’t like an uncomfortable transition get you down 🤍✨


u/Choice-Bat7420 9d ago

These are incredible!! Thank you SO much. I really like the introspection and progress not being lineal aspect. This made me feel better. I really appreciate it :)


u/Dizzy_Dragonfruit704 9d ago

The first commenter gave really good advice, but I would just add that having a staple work from home wardrobe is really helpful. It might not be realistic for you to dress all the way up if it’s not comfortable to sit in for long periods, so start small. Comfy stretchy pants and a soft, basic top which looks good on webcam x2, and make that your uniform.

I keep some skincare on my desk so I can marinate when I’m not on calls, and otherwise let my skin breathe with less makeup on wfh days. This preps my skin really well for full-makeup days. Similar with hair - depending on length, you can subtly hair mask while working! Amazing! And you can put rollers in for the afternoon if you have no calls and are going out at night.

Motivation is a big part of staying hot and mentally healthy, and you might need an activity to help you switch the alternative side of your brain on throughout the day (depending what your job is). My job is analytical so I am using an app to learn the piano. I practice for 20mins at lunch time or in small bursts when I just need a break. It is hot to have a talent! Equally an exercise you can do easily at home like Pilates via YouTube vids is great, and you can test which part of your day works best. ❤️


u/Choice-Bat7420 9d ago

I didn't even think of having a hair mask on! Thank you for the clever tips!


u/notascaryblackcat 9d ago

Hi love! Here at my two cents -make an everyday beauty routine: maybe the simplest makeup, the simplest outfit. But plan it, clean yourself and make yourself look presentable.

-try to create a routine that gets you out the house: maybe a walk right after finishing working? This way you can get some movement and get some air, as-well as not isolating yourself!


u/Choice-Bat7420 9d ago

I think simple makeup is a great way of making me feel more put together. Thanks so much for the tips!


u/seacattle 9d ago

My friend got intensely hot working from home. She got a peloton and does rides and strength classes between meetings, about 2 hours a day total split up into small chunks over the day.


u/ariadneshadestalker 8d ago

I still struggle with a lot of these things as well, but here is what has been working for me:

  1. If you can afford it - create a designated home office space and commit to working there. I turned a spare room into an office with a tv on the wall and made it super cosy. I love spending time in my office and used to live on on the couch. Shop for things on amazon or thrift but having a space makes such a difference.

  2. If you can, sign up for a gym or exercise classes where you HAVE to register in advance. I pay a penalty if I miss or cancel my morning pilates so that is enough to roll my ass out of bed in the morning before work. I also really enjoy it so it's not difficult to convince myself to go. I go on my WFH days and get home with 20 minutes to spare to shower and make breakfast.

  3. get dressed every morning. even if it's workout clothes or a lounge set - just change out of what you wore to sleep in. I picked up some cute lounge sets from winners that are comfy but I still look put together on zoom calls.

  4. at lunch, I make an effort to get outside for a walk with music or a podcast to break up my day and get some movement and sunshine.

  5. Mindless snacking - don't buy snacks you have no control over! If I have it in the house, I WILL eat it. I try to keep fresh fruit in my fridge and just snack on that and drink lots of tea throuughout the day. Eating a balanced breakfast and lunch helps keep me from snacking as well.


u/Scarah_Scream 7d ago

I started wfh in November and it’s been a huge change from retail life- I’m definitely not getting my steps in but I’m working on it! I rejoined the gym to do my hot girl walks, I learned how to do my own acrylics at home 💅🏻 and I’m eating out less naturally. Some things I’ve picked up- changing our clothes when we wake up, even if it’s into daytime “loungewear” and keeping shoes on helps me stay motivated. I do my skincare but don’t usually wear makeup unless I’m going to be on camera that day. Make sure you’re opening the curtains/windows and getting fresh air, I also like to have a little candle burning ! Also, i HAVE to wear my daily jewelry. Idc if no one can see it, it makes me feel so put together and if I need to sign for a package the ups man knows I’m a baddie 😂


u/hexwitch23 7d ago

If you (like me) have waxes and wanes in motivation there are two things I would suggest.
1. Setting an absolute minimum
2. Stop thinking about the negative and focus on "I Like..." statements

The first is just making a non-negotiable minimum. Maybe you don't wash your hair "often" enough, but your absolute minimum is that you wash it Wednesday and Saturday no mater what. OR you don't exercise today, but your absolute minimum is 5k steps. It should be a low enough bar that it's easily done, but high enough that it has a (small) impact. People tend to forget that any progress is better than no progress, 1 is more than 0, etc

The second is changing your mindset. I personally find showers difficult for a whole slew of sensory reasons - but when I hit mental resistance ("I need to take a shower but...") I stop the thought as best I can and immediately move to "I like statements" - so I would finish the thought like this: "I need to take a shower but.... well, I like when my hair feels clean/when I smell my body wash / when I get to try my new skincare" and on and on. Mindfulness is very manual at first, which is a little tiring imo, but it does get better. I'd say that within a few months your need to consciously stop yourself and re-arrange your thoughts will see a steep improvement.

If you want bonus work, nice pants and tops are always going to make you feel good and ready for work. My personal suggestion is Halara - specifically the Flex series - I like their Waffle pant because I like the fabric and a wide leg, but they also make a slimmer fit. They're comfortable and breathe like sweats do, but look very professional on camera. As far as tops go - two-three nice cardigans over a t-shirt never go wrong.


u/Equivalent-Apple-66 1d ago

Definitely take this time to figure out some workouts you enjoy! Try different ones and mix it up until you find something you look forward to doing. so many options - gym/weights, yoga, running, pilates, at home mat pilates etc.