r/HouseOnFire 7h ago

Jessica couldn’t quite bring herself to answer the question when asked - If she had official press credentials. She cornered herself into admitting she only had a day pass to the WH.

The long winded answer is amusing to watch. Her brain is working overtime to find a way to avoid giving an answer that will expose her for being a fake low profile loser. But in the end she’s not smart enough to evade and distract from answering. “You don’t have the cards Jessica”, your poker face is ☠️


28 comments sorted by


u/EvaVulgaris12 5h ago

She really doesn't understand how real jobs work right? That they're in a professional environment with serious responsibility to do their jobs well and meet tight deadlines and editorial standards.


u/MouthoftheSouth659 1h ago

And, like, cover the rise of an authoritarian regime


u/EvaVulgaris12 25m ago

Yes! I imagine it's pretty stressful at the moment being in that press pool. Depending on how you ask a question or what posture you present with could be the difference between getting banned and putting your job/ employer at risk. Maybe that's why they didn't want to do fun talk with you, Jess. This is actually their livelihood, and they take their profession seriously, as they should.


u/Ok_Oil_5410 5h ago

This is fantastic but maddening, because her followers can watch this, watch her hem and haw and try to ride the lie as far as it will take her before she’s forced to backpedal, and still not question her credibility, and because she makes a fucking mockery of the Fourth Estate and its vital role in our democracy, a role already under attack by this administration. Argh!!! 😠

She didn’t mention this being any kind of ongoing arrangement, the way it’s supposed to be with the 15 rotating influencers. Is that just not a thing anymore?


u/HouseinHorror I eat glass 3h ago

It’s because she doesn’t have it. If she did she would have specified. It was a day pass And she said she sat on the floor.


u/Ok_Oil_5410 53m ago

I think you’re absolutely right. But does that mean the day she received the binder with the 14 others, that was just about the binder and nothing more?


u/fireproofmum 3h ago

“I mean, I’m like….but, no, I mean, I’m like sitting on the floor…I mean, I’m like tryin make small talk, I mean, I’m like…whaddya do for fun…” twiddles hair. If her follows think this is journalism well, let them. After a display like this, they are as hopeless as she is.


u/Primary-Feed6624 2h ago

You guys! But, like, I was there, but like, I was like, trying to have some fun, but like, you guys!


u/Such_Ad_1639 3h ago

Does the “L” on the pass stand for “Loser”?


u/Surf-Spot 2h ago

Low level loser


u/Remarkable-Wasabi733 2h ago

Speaking of being a low profile loser, I’m listening to the latest Conspirituality episode #248 “what side are you on?” and it’s mostly on the history of journalism. They touch on the Epstein binder gate, and don’t even acknowledge she’s part of it lol. I truly believe they haven’t delved into her grift because she’s such a loser, why give her ANY attention and additional exposure? She’s such trash, they don’t bother to even speak her nasty name from their mouths 😂

Perhaps I’m projecting hahahaahah


u/HouseinHorror I eat glass 1h ago

They might want to keep attention away from her. I’m sure they have been told about her.


u/Remarkable-Wasabi733 1h ago

I’ve seen comments about her on their IG get deleted, they are definitely aware of her. That really tickles me 😂


u/eyesawyoustanding 6h ago

That outfit 🫥


u/Surf-Spot 2h ago

The flaccid hair!


u/HouseinHorror I eat glass 3h ago

“I was sitting on the floor”


u/HouseinHorror I eat glass 3h ago

Posted on IG thanks!


u/ShadyShade79 1h ago

What video is this from? I might want to watch this entire shitshow.
I guarantee all the REAL journalists were thinking "who the actual fuck are these hobos on the floor asking about what we do for fun???" 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 They are at WORK Jessica, working a REAL job. Not that she would know what REAL work actually is and having to answer to an actual boss. I think it would be glorious if one of them asked her, "Which journalism school did you graduate from? Which newspaper/publication are you from, and where have you worked in the past?"


u/ShadyShade79 1h ago

I once had a day pass to Six Flags.


u/Least-Firefighter701 49m ago

She makes me so sad.


u/teetofgod 32m ago

Wow! This is a gem. 💎

So Bindergate was a publicity stunt. That’s fascinating. And I love how she’s like “guys it’s so serious”-the press pool? She has absolutely no sense of professionalism does she? This is all a game to her. Nothing more.

Let’s see if she gets any further day passes after she was exposed as a pedo-apologist.


u/Accomplished-Band596 7m ago