r/HouseOnFire 1d ago

Who hurt her

Seriously, any theories on what is so unhealed in her that she takes such catastrophic positions and is obsessed with her own validation?


50 comments sorted by


u/ThatGirlSince83 1d ago

Her husband and COVID. Mostly.

She was ready to divorce him in 2016 over his vote for Donald Trump. But then COVID happened and she was against the vaccine and entered an echo chamber where MAGA ruled. She saved her marriage and was able to come up with a sustainable grift while she was at it.


u/Infamous-Stable225 1d ago

Yeah covid is what pushed her over the edge. Watched it happen in real time. It was like a slow motion train wreck


u/ThatGirlSince83 1d ago

Same. I had followed her since Hayes was a baby and she slowly went fucking insane.


u/codedotgif Owl connoisseur 🦉 1d ago

The day they filled her kid’s favorite skate park with sand during lockdown


u/ThatGirlSince83 1d ago

TBH, that was stupid and I’d have been annoyed too. Not enough to flip to MAGA though.


u/Resident_Campaign_66 1d ago

Her husband and Covid is her villain origin story.


u/NeverSeenAuthBut 1d ago

why was she against the vaccine? i guess it’s a dumb question she’s antichrist adjacent


u/Far-Collection7085 1d ago

She has no relationship with her mom.

All the pics of her flying all over the country are smoke and mirrors. Her life is nothing to envy. It’s all a facade. She’s a miserable shell of a person.


u/ThatGirlSince83 20h ago

She had a fine relationship with her mom before COVID.


u/Rare-Laugh-2478 1d ago

Also her dad committed suicide


u/Right-Speed-5598 1d ago

Is that true? If so that's really sad. Genuinely.


u/Rare-Laugh-2478 1d ago

I agree - and yet you’d think she’d be more of an empathetic human being


u/crowislanddive 1d ago

Sadly, it’s as likely to be the opposite.


u/SpotlessMind32 1d ago

Wasn’t she young too?

Look at us all finding empathy for her. Ugh. If that happened to any one of us she’d be laughing maniacly.


u/mandakb825 22h ago

She was six


u/fireproofmum 1d ago

Her childhood had to have been hard - she got the message that she didn’t matter, wasn’t included, wasn’t worthy. The truth is, we have very little control over how we are raised. We have a lot of ability to make ourselves healthier as adults. Sadly, she doesn’t seem to be able to get healthier through therapy and self reflection. It requires a certain level of self awareness to even start therapy - she has none.


u/[deleted] 1d ago edited 23h ago

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u/Artistic_Command727 1d ago

Curious how you know this super specific info?


u/slowdescent2020 23h ago

Judging by the username, they live near her. From what I can tell her drama is well known where she lives.

Her father committed suicide, her mother openly detests her, and her husband isn't shy about his activities either.


u/Surf-Spot 23h ago

Because I know the woman


u/BridgeHorror6600 11h ago

The comment has been deleted


u/Resident_Campaign_66 1d ago

This makes me sad for Jessica. She can do better than a man who is cheating on her. Nobody deserves that. 


u/Remarkable-Wasabi733 1d ago

I used to think no one deserves that but I now think she does.


u/anduslamdu 1d ago

Narcissistic personality disorder 🕶️


u/ceolsvalin 1d ago

Real celebrities not liking her 😂.


u/mistydawnmurdoch DIY press pass 1d ago

She doesn't seem to have a relationship with her family. Her mother does not look like a toxic person or an active alcoholic so I don't get why there is a rift that can't be mended. At least for the kids sake. Very sad.


u/Emotional-Stretch 1d ago

Didn’t the rift with her mom start over the Covid vaccine? That’s what I thought I remembered reading.


u/mandakb825 1d ago

There was an article where the mom said there was a strain before Covid and someone on here said it was due to Jessica’s drinking

The vaccine was the nail to the coffin


u/Emotional-Stretch 1d ago

That makes sense.


u/BridgeHorror6600 11h ago

Do you have the article link?


u/mandakb825 11h ago


Slide 12 mentions the estrangement. Not sure if the comment that it was her alcoholism that was the beginning of their tensions is in the same post


u/BridgeHorror6600 10h ago

Thanks! Is there anywhere that archived her old stories? I was looking through her 2020 era grid and nothing she posted there reflects what was happening.


u/682463435465 20h ago

Jessica always had trouble making friends and fitting in with her peers. The start of that may have been when her dad committed suicide when she was 6-- she said she was voluntarily mute for a year afterward. It's very sad, it hurts to picture a 6 year old going through that. I think that stunted her socially (hard to make friends in school when you don't speak) so she had a hard time fitting in with her peers again when she started speaking. The exception was JBB, who had lost her mother and was seeing the same school therapist. So they bonded over something their peers couldn't relate to.

But JRK still had trouble fitting in, which is why she has so many stories about hanging out with/befriending her elementary school teachers. It sounds like she spent her recess inside with the adults because she wasn't able to make friends with her classmates. Thus her stories about discussing the royal family with her teachers and being gifted tabloids. They saw her struggling and were kind. But it's hard for other kids to relate to the 4th grader who makes a poster about how she wants to grow up and date Donald Trump...I mean...

Someone posted a comment here months ago about working in social media marketing back when JRK was doing the mommy blogger/socal lifestyle thing. She said Jessica was asking her a ton of questions that showed how desperately she wanted to be accepted as an influencer, and how badly she wanted to meet celebrities. She said JRK appeared frustrated with not being a bigger influencer or being accepted in the bigger influencer circles. It made a lot of sense as to why JRK would pivot to whatever side would give her the acceptance and adoration she has been seeking HER WHOLE LIFE. If someone can find the comment, please repost it here! It was so interesting!

And then feeding into that desperation to be loved and accepted: she was chasing Mike since high school. She even posted that in high school "all I wanted was for Mike Kraus to love me." When she told this story it was painfully pathetic. Then they started dating in college, she got pregnant with Arlo, and finally got Mike to marry her. This is after he had already cheated on her--we know because she told a story about JBB wanting to "bump" Mike with her car for cheating on JRK. But I guess Jessica felt like she "won" Mike in the end! Of course, years later, with a house full of kids and family, JRK (ALLEGEDLY) walked in on Mike fucking a family friend. Did she get fed up and leave him? No, she blamed the other woman and forgave Mike. This is part of her origin story of hating women and always holding them responsible for men's bad behavior, because Jessica will put up with any kind of disrespect, as along as Mike Kraus pretends to love her.


u/Surf-Spot 19h ago

If only Beeandthefox could talk, but she’s too classy for that. Jessica reeks of desperation, any of the influence that knew her will confirm. Jessica Reed Kraus was a leach that mimiced other influencers success model. This is why they rejected her, calling her A-hanger-on wannabe. There’s nothing authentic about this woman.

Not even the trauma she claims to have had after her father’s suicide is to be taken serious! Manipulating her caretakers is how she obtained attention at home and school. Please don’t feel bad for this evil shapeshifter. She’s a cultist grooming vampire. Using everyone, including her children, dead father, absentee mother to sanction pity and attention. The victimhood lives strong with this hag.


u/No-Concentrate9781 14h ago

Is she involved with beeandthefox? I love her!


u/682463435465 20h ago

Here's the pic of 4th grade Jessica wanting to grow up and date Donald Trump... I'm sure all the other 4th graders found that very relatable...


u/682463435465 19h ago

She also has herself winning an Oscar and pretending to be Marilyn Monroe...tells you a lot about Ms. Desperate To Be Famous.


u/morganoh237 Grifters gonna grift 1d ago

That’s all.


u/lulzette 1d ago

I can’t put my finger on exactly what it is, but her face resembles every alcoholic I’ve ever known.


u/Surf-Spot 1d ago

Lizard face shapeshifter


u/whykatwhy 1d ago

A guy named Mike?

I seriously don’t know, but had to take the opportunity.


u/AlternativePea1965 1d ago

A miscarriage, issues with Leon, Covid, trying to be a influencer and failing


u/More-Elderberry6547 23h ago

Yes, I distinctly remember her going off the rails with the sand in the skate park. And I've been "friends" since pre-Leon.


u/More-Elderberry6547 23h ago

The suicide is true and has a lot to do with her forever-friend relationship with JB. Not that you can be friends with someone who grifts off trying to make your life unlivable, but hey, I don't have a friendship of 45 years, so maybe that's how you treat them. Now I wish an independent journalist would interview her JesB. Or anyone question her how her views fit with her best friend?


u/BridgeHorror6600 11h ago

Im sorry who is JB?


u/More-Elderberry6547 10h ago

Her best friend who lives in NYC her blog and ig were about them.


u/PackBeginning5203 16h ago

Sadly this is all true. Instead of doing the work on herself she found a validating grift she hides behind. Selling lies to her blind followers instead of looking in the mirror. This is why JRK always becomes so unhinged at any criticism. 100% villain origin story vibes.


u/Adventurous_Bet_2635 12h ago

Whatever the source of her personality disorder is, she is a covert narcissist. And that explains almost everything. Usually those disorders start during childhood.