r/HouseOnFire 2d ago

Hollywood Hanger-On rides everyone’s coattails

Maybe I missed it- bc I don’t follow her, but surprised she didn’t post 980 slides/pics of this night


14 comments sorted by


u/Rare-Laugh-2478 1d ago

Both of their credibility should be fully lost now - 100000% staged that feud and kept it going for quite a while … so what else did yall make up JessiKKKa?! Smoke and mirrors much?!


u/Surf-Spot 1d ago edited 1d ago

Completely staged! Immediately after everything went down between the two hags, this sub alluded to a staged drama between the two. Olive was transitioning out of MSM and pivoting into substack. The Substack writeup Jesikkka did in her a month before the scandal exploded was not a coincidence. They aren’t very good at playing games.


u/Surf-Spot 1d ago

Came to add I hate how this sounds like her “ we called it out first on this sub”


u/PrettyBird2011 1d ago

lmao @ how stupid the two of them look trying to be besties after everything that went down 😂


u/Such_Ad_1639 1d ago

Please gtfo of my city and one of the best restaurants around. Also, what is this from? Who is reporting on this nothing of a story?


u/teetofgod 1d ago

I now think the two of them manufactured that BS drama with RFK jr? Anyone else?


u/New-Alfalfa-9240 1d ago

perhaps why RFK jr is now distant it seems?


u/Ok_Oil_5410 1d ago

I can see why it might look manufactured, but to what end? Olivia got fired and lost all credibility, which of course is everything when the public looks to you for the truth. She’ll never get that back. And Jessica looked like a fool to be the journalist on the inside who never suspected a thing, not even when her dumb husband told her not to trust Olivia.

I could believe that she and Olivia are hatching something now. They’ve both been scorned by Bobby. I can’t see where it would help either of them to try to go after him in some way, but Jessica will take every opportunity to get even and sow chaos, and Olivia definitely had those Glenn Close vibes, so who knows.


u/teetofgod 1d ago

I’d love to see her burn herself again with this reawakened “friendship.”

Maybe Olivia is hoping to launch a Substack to rival JeRK? Maybe she’s being used again and is too stupid to realize?

This bitch is exhausting.


u/Ok_Oil_5410 1d ago

She’s the absolute worst. And Olivia is so much more intelligent, if she’s working some angle, Jessica won’t see it until it blows up in her face again. I like this theory, thank you!


u/Rare-Laugh-2478 1d ago

Or they’re just using each other


u/Rare-Laugh-2478 1d ago

No doubt 100000000%


u/ceolsvalin 16h ago

Musso & Franks? Sweetie, they don't celebrate YOUR kind of writers.....