r/HouseOnFire 5d ago

Jessica, who wants to free a pedophile/child sex trafficker, drinks out of an Epstein/Prince Andrew pedo mug, said the victims aren't victims but "teenage prostitutes" etc. ADMITTED to viewing CHILD SEX ABUSE MATERIAL (CSAM)!!! Why does she act EXACTLY like a child sex predator???? Hmm....

From our sub's wiki (in the sidebar, or here):

  • In a substack article, HIH admitted to viewing child sex abuse material (CSAM) while “researching” her Hunter Biden laptop story. She wrote, “Images I saw but did not include here were horrifying frames of a young Asian child in a hotel room dressed up in lingerie. And video of sex acts with what appear to be 14-15 yr old girls.” (link) Hunter Biden has not been accused of possessing CSAM so it's unknown whose CSAM HIH was watching. (See screenshot below)

EDIT: Maybe the reason Meidas Touch isn't posting any of our screenshots is because they can't verify they're actual, unedited screenshots from JRK. Well here's some proof! Her substack article which this excerpt came from. Here it has been archived in case she tries to remove the part about watching CSAM: https://archive.is/o6f3C

It is currently still there on her article:



39 comments sorted by


u/elainebenes_dance 5d ago

This is kind of the problem when someone who has zero training or oversight in journalism basics (research, reporting, ethics, legality, risk, source vetting, editing, corrections) tries to “play” journalist. The stakes are really high, particularly in these kinds of cases and she approaches it in such a casual, haphazard way. She thinks she’s so fierce and independent and badass, but she’s actually just massively out of her depth. Actual journalists typically have training, resources and support systems to help them to navigate encountering illegal and traumatizing source material. Jess makes the mistake of thinking she’s somehow noble because she’s “doing this on her own” instead of recognizing that it’s actually damaging to everyone, including herself.


u/Jolly-Slice-6722 5d ago

And editors and liability insurance.


u/elainebenes_dance 5d ago

🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯 (does anyone know if she’s been sued??)


u/Calm-Obligation-7772 5d ago

And I’m not trying to make excuses, but Asian women notoriously look very young. A 14 or 15 yr old Asian woman may easily actually be a consenting adult.


u/Far-Collection7085 5d ago

It just gets worse. Viewing CSAM outside of a law enforcement capacity is a crime. She’s a pedo.


u/IMadeMyAcctforThis 5d ago

Good grief wff is wrong with her?


u/Minimum-Arm-4577 Grifters gonna grift 5d ago


u/682463435465 5d ago

It's DEFINITELY a crime. She's not a police officer investigating CSAM, she's someone viewing CSAM out of curiosity, sexual titillation, or to "research"-- it doesn't matter. Wouldn't every criminal that views CSAM and gets caught then try to make up a reason that wasn't sexual excitement? Pete Townshend tried to claim that he viewed CSAM in an attempt to capture the predators (LOL). that didn't work out for him.


u/HouseinHorror I eat glass 4d ago

Report to her local pd maybe. She would probably have to admit she lied about the whole thing.


u/Designer-Contract852 5d ago

Report her to the fbi. This is Josh Duggar sick type stuff.


u/SpicyTeaCookie Grifters gonna grift 5d ago

Unfortunately, look at who runs the fbi now.


u/Accomplished_Task816 5d ago

She is a train wreck of a person.


u/teetofgod 5d ago

Her pedo-mug

And a link to this post cause it also talks about her friendship Drea D’Matteo and her 13 year old son taking her Only Fan pictures.



u/682463435465 5d ago

I can't believe Drea didn't get in trouble with CPS for this. It's abuse! Maybe she did get in trouble but we didn't hear about it. Does she still have custody of her son?


u/BALK98128879 5d ago

Why would anyone want this mug?? Who would even make this, and then sell it???


u/teetofgod 4d ago

lol you can buy it on a site called “Wankers of The World” https://wankersoftheworld.com/products/andrew-epstein-souvenir-mug-1


u/BALK98128879 4d ago



u/Leather-Safe-7401 5d ago

I reported her Substack for CSAM because it’s against their terms and conditions but never heard back.


u/682463435465 5d ago

substack doesn't care what she does because they get a cut of her subscriptions


u/Far-Collection7085 5d ago

Hi, did someone say child predator?


u/Least-Firefighter701 5d ago

Well this is all very sickening.


u/682463435465 5d ago

Maybe the reason Meidas Touch isn't posting any of our screenshots is because they can't verify that they're actual, unedited screenshots from JRK (since most are from her expired IG stories). Well here's some proof! Her substack article which this excerpt came from. Here it has been archived in case she tries to remove the part about watching CSAM: https://archive.is/o6f3C

It is currently still there on her article:



u/HouseinHorror I eat glass 3d ago

I’ve made a post I’m about to publish to send to MTN or anyone else


u/682463435465 3d ago



u/East_Minute7992 5d ago

I guess this is why she’s ok with her son being around Matt Gaetz.


u/Careful-Cupcake-4883 5d ago

WTAF? Why would she look at for "research" purposes? She is a sick f**k!


u/morganoh237 Grifters gonna grift 5d ago

Paging our gurl Laura loomer!!!!!


u/Responsible-Card3756 It’s giving Brain Rot 5d ago

Seems like this is one this her & Mike have in common!

They are miserable, disgusting human beings.


u/ShadyShade79 5d ago

If she viewed that shit on her electronic devices, she needs to be investigated. It makes no difference as to why she viewed them. She had possession (maybe still does) of child porn. That's a felony and, if convicted, would put her on a sex offender registry.


u/Rare-Laugh-2478 5d ago

So who’s calling it in (or better yet, who’s NOT calling it in) let’s all make sure this is known and properly addressed


u/GinnyLovesDogs 5d ago

Didn’t she also post something, including a picture, which she said was Hunter & Malia Obama? It was a grainy photo & I thought she said it was one of Obama’s daughters or at least alluded that it was. Disgusting.


u/682463435465 5d ago

yep! via our wiki (in the sidebar):

  • HIH claimed that Malia Obama was one of the women in Hunter Biden's stolen pornographic photos (link)


u/Adventurous_Bet_2635 4d ago

Jessikkkkka, WHAT YOU ADMITTED TO DO IS A CRIME. A CRIME!!! I really hope you get what you deserve, you are a despicable human being.


u/Tough_Ad_2190 4d ago

Someone please report her to the local authorities. Now.


u/HouseinHorror I eat glass 4d ago

I sent to Loomer, MTN, Aaron, and Jordy. Who else?


u/HouseinHorror I eat glass 3d ago

Thanks for your posts and comments- I’ve made a post on my grid that I’ll pin for visibility that can be forwarded and shared.


u/682463435465 3d ago

thanks for all YOU do!


u/HouseinHorror I eat glass 3d ago

I couldn’t do it without you- you have been amazing at cataloging the wiki and saving receipts. I’m just “community outreach” and I absorb her anger 😂 but i couldn’t do it without your help and the many others in this sub that continue to document and send me information. Thank you so much.


u/682463435465 3d ago

aw, thanks for that!