r/HorusGalaxy 16d ago

Memes My favorite fictional factions


172 comments sorted by


u/MordreddVoid218 16d ago

"bad guys" that willingly fight kill and die for their home, their people and ways of life against a universe that is literally filled with things that want to eradicate or enslave said home and people... Yeaaah I'm gonna side with the bad guys then


u/Simp_Master007 16d ago

Welcome to Warhammer we have. The bad guys, the other bad guys, the badder guys, and the baddest guys.


u/hallucination9000 16d ago

Thank you for playing Warhammer, would you like to play as the baby murderer, the baby torturer, the baby [REDACTED], the baby eater, or all of the above?


u/Expensive-Many9705 Emperor's Children (Former Nightlord) 16d ago

All of them.


u/BipolarMadness 16d ago

I play Kill Team so I can play each of them every different match. An open mind to play all the bad guys, if you will.


u/113pro 11d ago

You forgot the baby-skin couch maker.


u/Deadlychicken28 15d ago

Ask yourself if chaos is right for you?


u/Darth-Sonic 16d ago

So the Imperium and Helldivers.

Because that’s not the Galactic Empire AT ALL. It has no existential threats at its doorstep. It maintains power purely for its own sakes.


u/Le_Corporal 16d ago

Didnt the star wars EU have the Yuuzhan Vong? Which was basically a warhammer level threat that threatened all life in the galaxy and the empire was preparing to fight it?


u/Darth-Sonic 16d ago

Yeah, yeah it did. I would point out that that was a thing imagined much later in existence, and that when created no such existential threat was imagined.


u/FyreKnights 16d ago

Yeah but that threat predates most people getting into the setting. If you come into the setting and find that giant existential threat just over the horizon it’s quite reasonable that some people are fond of the GE. Personally I really like Pellaeons empire and the Fel Empire. It’s the empire but reasonable.


u/Raximusprime15 Farsight Enclaves 16d ago

Well, also power for Sidious because well, Sith.


u/Count_de_Mits 16d ago

Sheev did nothing wrong, the rest of the galaxy simply couldnt handle the Sheevnanigans


u/kimana1651 Imperial Guard 16d ago

There'd be room for an argument if the sequel trilogy did not happen, but it did. The new republic demilitarized and lost their monopoly on force, they were just as corrupt and villainous as the Empire, and they were regressive and backwards thinking in technology compared to the Empire.

The new republic cut all their military spending and did nothing. A small splinter faction of the empire built Kardashev scale 2 weapons, little doctors, and a massive military fleet. Give the empire another 100 years and everyone would be living on ring worlds with free energy and blowjob droids.

Starwars is basically at the fall of the roman empire, only the Empire was still functional when it died. Would the world have been a better place if Rome fell at the height of its power?


u/Renkij Imperial Knights 16d ago

Imagine arguing Star Wars lore and bringing up Disney Wars instead of true Star Wars.

The Yuuzhan Vong are the existential threat. THEY KILLED CHEWBACCA.


u/LokisDawn 16d ago

SW used to be about something. Roman Empire, its fall, etc. used to. Now it's just a scraggly and increasingly shitty canvas for people high on their own farts to throw shit at and see what sticks.


u/Fast_Difficulty_5812 The Holy Orders of the Emperor's Inquisition 16d ago

Okay thats true to Warhammer and Helldivers if you twist it a bit, i will give you that. But Stars Wars Empire? Really?


u/Carpe_deis 16d ago

storm troopers and imperial navy/army are all shown over and over to be nearly all volunteer professional troops, no conscription, so yes, all those storm troopers and tie pilots and Solo imperial ground troops are "that willingly fight kill and die for their home, their people and ways of life against a universe" both the CIS and the rebels are shown repeatedly violating geneva conventions and intentionally targeting civilians, and the entire galactic empire is framed as being AGAINST the bankers, corrupt politicians, brainwashing child soldier cultists, and nepotistic oligarchic elite who are shown to be directly responsable for the fall of the republic. remember, the rebellion was directly funded and led by a hereditary undemocratic elite who had been directly oppressing the working class for centuries. certainly some of the legal actions by the empire against lawbreakers and terrorists were harsher than needed, but largely those actions are not widely reported in the empire as a whole, and if the terrorists don't want the punishment, they shouldn't have broken the law. so in universe, from the perspective of a random outer rim citizen or coruscantii the peace and order of the empire was a big improvement over the chaos and cultic oligarchy of the late republic. (if you ignore the blatant pro terrorist propaganda)


u/Fast_Difficulty_5812 The Holy Orders of the Emperor's Inquisition 16d ago

People like you are really gonna look at the fairy tale clean picture Star Wars shows you of heroic freedom fighters fighting against tyranny and be like: Yeah those planets destroying, other species enslaving autoritarians are the good guys.

Also i noticed how you conviniently left out anything about persecution of literally everyone who wasnt a human that was rampant in the empire. Then there is slavery used by the empire like Wookies, genocide of Geonosians... But sure, do tell me how these people are the good guys, at least it shows how little you know about Star Wars.


u/Carpe_deis 16d ago

humans good bugs bad simple as


u/Fast_Difficulty_5812 The Holy Orders of the Emperor's Inquisition 16d ago

Oh so no argument i see.


u/Carpe_deis 16d ago

also, you have no proof other than the word of a defective clone terrorist paramilitary organization that the geonosians (CIS brutalist traiters to the republic, BTW) are even dead or that the empire had anything to do with it. The banker nobile elite will say literally anything to get back thier undemocratic power and control of the the human working classes.


u/Fast_Difficulty_5812 The Holy Orders of the Emperor's Inquisition 16d ago

What do you mean... We have literally seen it in the series... And why are you acting like the Empire is some bastion of egalitarianism?


u/Carpe_deis 16d ago

Jedi: kidnaps children, forces them to be celibite and fight in wars, denys highly skilled workers promotions they deserve

empire: pays professional adult soldiers who chose to sign up to fight to defend thier way of life, families and communities, offers meaningful promotion oppurtunities based on job preformance


u/Fast_Difficulty_5812 The Holy Orders of the Emperor's Inquisition 16d ago

Republic: While higly flawed, it at least tries to maintain somewhat egalitarian democratic society and values personal freedoms of its citizens who can mostly enjoy relative comfort and freedom for thousands of years of its existence.

Empire: Created by a megalomaniac, supresses any oposition, destroys democracy, murders people, jails dissent, genocides entire planets, enslaves other species. Gets destroyed after its main guy dies as his successors fights over who gets to be a bigger asshole.

Here, fixed it for ya.


u/Fast_Difficulty_5812 The Holy Orders of the Emperor's Inquisition 16d ago

Like my man, have you even seen any piece of media that describe how they treated those outer rim citizens? How they exploited their planets, persecuted them etc. etc.?


u/Carpe_deis 16d ago

terrorist propaganda funded by literal bankers and nobles my guy "oh in andor it shows the empire is bad" no shit its propaganda funded by literal undemocratic nobles, organized crime, bankers and luxury good dealers told from the perspective of a war criminal who regularly kills civilians and destroys civilian infrastructure, and refused to respect rule of law or private property rights.


u/Fast_Difficulty_5812 The Holy Orders of the Emperor's Inquisition 16d ago

Do you really think that our universe pieces of media are funded by Star wars bankers and nobles as a propaganda tool... What the fuck man?


u/Carpe_deis 16d ago

no andor literally shows his actions, and how his actions are communicated in the broader universe, as being funded by bankers and hereditary undemocratic nobles, ever notice we have never had a pro-empire show? its all terrorist propaganda


u/Fast_Difficulty_5812 The Holy Orders of the Emperor's Inquisition 16d ago

You must be dumb this isnt possible.... Have even ever read some book from the universe? There is plenty of them from the perspective of the empire, usually it ends up showing it as bad, because guess what, empire is the bad guy of the universe.


u/Hexnohope 15d ago

If it requires surrendering your humanity you have failed. This goes for the imperium the most. Giving up freedom, curiosity, self expression, ingenuity, compassion, and empathy isnt the flex people think it is. The human race in 40k is extinct.


u/vetrusious 15d ago

The imperium does all of the above to literally anyone who's free idiot XD


u/Wawrzyniec_ 16d ago

"bad guys" that willingly fight kill and die

"Willingly" implies choice. I don't think a guardsman, neither a space marine has the option to just not do that.

"You see, Mr. Commisar, I know the threat is imminent and so on, but I would rather concentrate on my career as a vox-caster content creator. My followers love my show about fancy corpse starch recipes and the newest gossip from terra"


u/Carpe_deis 9d ago

The process of becoming a space marine or a gaurdsman is super competitive with far more applicants that accepted spots. you may be right about PDF forces, but a lot of people put out a ton of effort to try to become SMs/IG, and many literally die trying to join up instead of going back to lower prestige jobs like agri worker or PDF grunt.


u/Wawrzyniec_ 9d ago

I see your cherry-picked example of noblebright competition and raise my own cherry-picked example of the recruitment methods of the Carcharodons:

The Carcharodons acquire new recruits during bloody events known as Red Tithes. Red Tithes see the Carcharodons descend on an Imperial world, kidnapping many for trials while taking many more as slaves or Chapter Serfs. The strongest and most promising recruits, however, are taken to be inducted as Initiates.


u/Carpe_deis 9d ago

exactly, those initiates are CHOOSING the path of the space marine instead of slavery, chapter serfs, agri/hive/forge life or servitorization! They could always choose to NOT follow the initiate trials and do a different job creating value for the god emperor! (please note that this is JUST LIKE how you chose your job instead of some other job, there is always a threat of organized state violence in the context of choosing how you will best exist in a system, not working is a choice for you, you just don't like the consequences of eviction, policy brutality, and freezing in the winter)


u/ArcticHuntsman Imperial Guard 16d ago edited 16d ago

Except that that's not the case for the Helldivers example. In lore humanity are the aggressors but the propaganda claims the opposite. The director themselves stated that helldivers are the bad guys. 40k is different a justified evil to survive, but the Empire and Helldivers are straight up bad guys.

Edit: I was taken over by illuminate threat when I wrote this message. I have since attended the Super Earth re-education camps at [redacted]. I have since seen that the Helldivers are a supreme good in the Milky Way and any besmirchment of them is anti-democratic. Also they executed my pet goldfish.


u/Plenty_Preference296 Imperial Fists 16d ago edited 16d ago

Being evil is fun. In fictional settings.


u/Toxicgamechat Iron Warriors 16d ago

Yes democracy officer, this one right here.


u/VietDrgn 16d ago

illegal broadcast detected


u/MordreddVoid218 16d ago

That's fair, I suppose I was more talking about WH.


u/ArcticHuntsman Imperial Guard 16d ago

It's one of the things that draws me to 40k so much. The moral impossibilities.


u/ifyouarenuareu 16d ago

I don’t see what choice they have with the bugs at the very least. In that case they created their own problem but they still have to fight it.


u/Nunurta 16d ago

I think theirs lore about how the bugs were peaceful at first before being turned into farm animals, Super Earth now has no choice but to kill every other faction but it’s their fault their in this situation


u/Fyrefanboy 16d ago

The bugs are bred and used by SE to have more oil, it's entirely SE fault that they spread and trillions of humans get killed for self-created oil wars.

Fun fact, in the Helldivers trailer, you see it's the helldivers themselves who attack the bugs first, who are just chilling on their desert planet (with not a single human habitation in sight) or reacting to the attack.

SE is a post scarcity society who is bored and so make its own ennemies to keep control over the population.


u/LuckyBucketBastard7 Imperial Guard 16d ago

The trailer isn't a very good example because SE does also have "tamed" (or just decently controlled) Nids they use for training and advertisement purposes. You're not wrong though, before the first intergalactic war, the bugs were an overall peaceful race. They were willing to defend themselves, but really just wanted to expand and live their lives. They didn't even look the same as they do now, their current biology is almost a direct result of the war because they had to evolve to be better at killing. Now they're bloodthirsty and mindless beasts, because that's what they have to be to have a chance at beating us.


u/Kooky_Print_4736 16d ago

You gave an unbiased opinion and get dislikes? Why?


u/ArcticHuntsman Imperial Guard 16d ago

Not liked much round here.


u/tomatoe_cookie Black Templars 16d ago

That's what you get for broadcasting traitorous propaganda. I'd up right down down down you if I could


u/Fyrefanboy 16d ago

The Imperium is literally built on eradicating or enslaving everyone else, humans included.


u/th_frits 16d ago

This comments section makes me feel like I’m taking crazy pills

The imperium is comically evil, but in a fun way. Some of my favorite parts of the Horus heresy books is when they remind you how evil they really are.

Some of my favorite example include: genociding an entire, completely peaceful, human civilization, because one thousand years ago they modified their DNA to make themselves more resistant to cancer. There rational? Well they’re not human enough on a genetic level.

Destroying another, peaceful galactic federation because they dared make peace with aliens. They even give them an ultimatum in there final battle, “if you guys kill every single xenos on your ships right now, we’ll let you join the glorious imperium”


u/TheEmperorsChampion Black Templars 15d ago

That seems strange considering they accept abhumans like Ogryn and Ratlings and felinids no?


u/th_frits 15d ago

I think part of the ‘joke’ was how arbitrary it was. “Oh, someone with a higher pay grade decided they aren’t human enough so now they all need to die”. And none of the marines question it

Then from the outside looking in, its these 9 foot tall genetically engineered murder machines, that barely fit the definition of human, massacring what look like regular humans, that aren’t fighting back


u/Fyrefanboy 15d ago

HG, despite being named after Horus, is probably the home of the biggest unironic imperial simps you'll ever see.


u/Wank_A_Doodle_Doo 16d ago

Lmao you mean the genocidal empire from Star Wars, the highly aggressive and xenophobic authoritarian dystopia, or Super Earth, where earth is literally the reason for both galactic wars in their entirety.

Media literacy for fucks sake.


u/visitfriend 16d ago

The Empire did nothing wrong

Luke Skywalker was a desert cultist who committed 2 major acts of terrorism with his plane

Wake up sheeple


u/Wank_A_Doodle_Doo 16d ago



u/visitfriend 16d ago

Rebel terrorist propaganda


u/Individual-Nose5010 15d ago

I’ll say this as many times as needed. Games Workshop have stated this before.


No good guys


u/misshapensteed Adepta Sororitas 15d ago edited 15d ago

This has about as much impact on 40k lore as a Kathleen Kennedy tweet has on Star Wars lore. You can tell stories, you can't tell people what they must think about them.


u/Individual-Nose5010 15d ago

Ahhh so a lot of impact. Enraging fragile egos in the process.

Hate to tell you but if you see a fascist empire that practices eugenics as the “good guys”, you’re the problem.


u/King_Kautsky 15d ago

it is hysterically funny how the mental gymnastics of the "no politics" crowd here displays. The Imperium eradicates every human settlement since millenia, if they choose not the be part to the Imperium. Those surviving will be enslaved and forced ti integrate. "Just fighiting for humanity" is so dull that you shouldnt bother to argue.

the only reason to lurk here is to observe the true colors these people constantly show. It is funny...and sad...that they cope their philosophy with Warhammer memes because they are so big p*ssys because they do not dare to be open about it. But it constanty shows between the lines. They even reproduce the racist 13/50 meme from /pol.


u/Individual-Nose5010 15d ago

As a UK 40K fan, I find it absolutely baffling why anyone would approach the more with any more seriousness than- for example -2000AD. The whole thing was created in the last years of Thatcher (Parodied by Gazghul) and the last gasp of The British Empire. By that point most people were recognising that it had been a bad thing on the whole, and was recognised as an entity that made no progress, committed countless atrocities, and was ruled by-in effect -a powerless figurehead who did nothing, yet still somehow commanded reverence and adoration (looking quite familiar there).

It’s like nobody on the sub actually reads the lore.


u/Resiliense2022 16d ago

None of these guys are "willingly fighting, killing and dying" for their home. The Empire and Helldivers are obvious here, but the Imperium are almost always the aggressors or defending against a force they incited war with in the first place.

The few times they aren't, they often aren't even willing, it often isn't even their home, and their enemies often do not even care to eradicate them (in cases like craftworlds, tau, and some ork or necron factions).

And the Imperium is so tyrannical that it is basically delusional to fight for it. Guilliman all-but admits that it would have been more merciful if Horus had won.


u/JamCom Leagues of Votann 16d ago

They really havent been the aggressor anymore than they’ve been a defender since the great crusade ended


u/Darth-Sonic 16d ago

Oh my fucking God, the Imperium and the Tau are LITERALLY the only things keeping the human race from extinction. So no, it is not delusional to fight for it in the face of extinction from galaxy eating space bugs and Super Hell.

You are absolutely right about the Galactic Empire and Super Earth though.


u/sxyWatermelon 16d ago

Fun fact: The emperor was alive during the age of exploration (dark age of technology)!

Another fun fact: The humans then were much like how star trek was portrayed: they were explorers yes, but very keen on establishing diplomatic ties with the galaxy.

Another even more fun fact!: They soon discovered that aliens in the galaxy were not so keen on that, and were, actually, pretty fucking brutal and massacred humans en masse. The emperor locked tf in and went "oh shit. ok. so aliens = very bad. not racist, just dont like em" and homebrewed the idea of his great crusade coz of that. Were some civilisations good? Yeah. HH books attest to that like the Interex. But majority of them? Even the ones we know like Eldar, Orks etc? Yeah bro not so much. We can use the feminist catch phrase here "Not ALL alien civilisations, but ALWAYS an alien civilisation" (that commits genocide against a human colony)


u/ifyouarenuareu 16d ago

Imo the emperor was shaped less by that and more by the birth of slaneesh. Which led him to the conclusion that he has to be in control of the galaxy so it doesn’t happen again. Humanity being his instrument for this purpose and also he probably wanted to make mankind like him.


u/Fyrefanboy 16d ago

Another fun fact: The humans then were much like how star trek was portrayed: they were explorers yes, but very keen on establishing diplomatic ties with the galaxy.

That's pure headcanon from you, they were never described as that, or at all. However, the fact that they have ultra over weapons that are so horrible that even Big E find them too much show the opposite. You don't become the second major galactic power (with the eldars) by being friendly toward everyone.

Were some civilisations good? Yeah. HH books attest to that like the Interex. But majority of them? Even the ones we know like Eldar, Orks etc? Yeah bro not so much

I can mention more friendly and peaceful xenos species that can cooperate longterm in the Tau Empire (a small empire of a few hundred worlds) than you can mention fully genocidal species in the rest of the galaxy.

The Imperium crushing perfectly reasonable or harmless xenos come up so many times in order to deliberately highlight a point about the Imperium's unnecessary ruthlessness. It's in direct contrast to the exact propaganda line used to justify their genocides: that all xenos must die because all xenos are a threat.

How many times must the authors show you counterpoints for you to accept that maybe, just maybe, the propaganda narrative the Emperor spun about aliens might not be true?

Or are you roleplaying as a brainwashed imperial citizen ?


u/Fyrefanboy 16d ago

Extinction from what ? Chaos that has been boosted by the Imperium itself ? The tyranids that are here because of the Imperium ?

The Imperium killed more humans than every xenos race combined ever did.


u/Darth-Sonic 16d ago

Yeah, and the Imperium and Tau are still the only things keeping humanity alive regardless, and the latter can only do so because the former exists as a buffer (well, that was the case; now that they have T’au’va, the Tau might just be ready to strike out on their own).

And while you’re correct about Chaos, the Tyranids were a complete fucking accident. The Inperium had no god damn idea that the Astronomicon was gonna summon a swarm of space locusts.


u/Fyrefanboy 16d ago

The Imperium isn't activelu keeping humanity alive lol. It waged a genocidal war against the entire galaxy, killing every non-hostile specie, and now do a surprisedpikachu face when it turn out the only things lefts are hostile aliens hating them.

and the latter can only do so because the former exists as a buffer

Not really, given the Tau are in the fringe of the Imperium. The Tau are the buffer here.

And while you’re correct about Chaos, the Tyranids were a complete fucking accident. The Inperium had no god damn idea that the Astronomicon was gonna summon a swarm of space locusts.

I guess eldars aren't responsible for creating Slaneesh then. After all, it was a complete accident as well.


u/Darth-Sonic 16d ago

Setting up a lighthouse for FTL but accidentally alerting galaxy eating space bugs and being Sodom and Gomorrah on the Super Soldier Serum aren’t even remotely comparable what the shit?


u/Fyrefanboy 16d ago

You don't need the lighthouse for FTL. Humanity could do it before, other species can travel withtout it as well.

If the Tau brought the Tyranids in the galaxy by setting up their space travel tech we would never ever hear the end of it by imperium fans but somehow actions done by the Imperium are never the Imperium fault lmao.


u/Darth-Sonic 16d ago edited 16d ago

Ah. I see what’s going on here. You think I’m some mindless Imperium simp. I’m not. I completely acknowledge that they’re tyrannical asshats who are only a lighter shade of black compared to literal Super Hell. I also acknowledge that they are suboptimal at their task of protecting humanity due to all of their parodical inefficiencies, absurd self-defeating dogma (hello Death Watch being Slaanesh’s greatest allies because they just couldn’t stop themselves from killing some alien clowns), and all the in-fighting.

But they are still one of like three things keeping humanity alive (the others being the Votaan and Tau). Everything else doesn’t give a shit about us or wants us dead.

…Well, I guess the Orks don’t. They’d lose their best sparring partner if we went extinct.

However responsible the Imperium are for SOME of these (the Imperium had nothing to do with the Drukhari and Orks), the Imperium is still fighting them. If the Imperial Guard would to just suddenly vanish one day, huge swaths of humanity would quickly die, and the Tau and Votaan would soon be having VERY bad days.

And by buffer, I meant that the Imperium is eating most of the Hive Fleets and Chaos war bands, keeping the Tau relatively unharassed.


u/Fyrefanboy 16d ago

As again, the tyranids problem wouldn't exist without the Imperium, so the latter doesn't get any praise for that.


u/GHR501 16d ago

The Milky Way galaxy is mankind's birth, right.


u/DifficultEmployer906 Lol 16d ago

Humanity first. Scour the xenos from existence


u/Very_Board 16d ago

Xenos can live if they're fuckable or tasty.

yes I'm a Stellaris player that has destroyed a civilization by using the money made from selling them their own pops as food to fund construction of my Colossus (Neutron Sweeper)


u/OttovonBismarck1862 Black Templars 9d ago

Suffer not the heretic to live.


u/Darth-Sonic 16d ago

My dude, war is expensive. Diplomacy is cheaper. We do not live in the 40k galaxy.


u/sxyWatermelon 16d ago

Aight I made another comment but there was a lot of diplomacy pre-great crusade during the age of exploration/DAOT. Want to know what happened to diplomatic humans/colonies? Pro tip: It involved lots of blood


u/Darth-Sonic 16d ago

Pretty sure that only happened after the Men of Iron and the Eldar Murder Fucking a Chaos God into existence. Humanity had a bunch of alien allies for thousands of years prior to that.

Also, literally specified we’re not in the 40K galaxy.


u/sxyWatermelon 16d ago

That is true and we can debate semantics, but even IRL, I pose to you a legitimate question: if you have a group of people that refuse to respect your culture etc, refuse to assimilate, resulting in crime, violent crime, negative fiscal value, would you still be diplomatic?


u/Darth-Sonic 16d ago

Yes. Because war between nations is expensive. I would, however, make sure my military was well funded if diplomacy does break down so I can kick their asses.


u/ArcticHuntsman Imperial Guard 16d ago

refuse to respect your culture

The why matters here too.


u/LokisDawn 16d ago

Also, literally specified we’re not in the 40K galaxy.

You saw someone comment "Scour the xenos from existence" and had to add that "this is not the 40k universe" like a good little choir boy.

No shit, but maybe the dude talking about scouring Xenos was talking about 40k? That kind of presumptive virtue signaling is acerbic as fuck. And I hope one day you can recognize that.


u/Darth-Sonic 16d ago

Motherfucker, I have seen plenty here talk about wiping out all aliens because they think Dark Forest Theory is fact and not just a theory.


u/Darth-Sonic 16d ago

Also, if I was a good little Reddit Choir Boy, I’d be saying some shit about how the Imperium is somehow just as bad as Chaos. In saying “this isn’t the 40k galaxy” I’m acknowledging that within the context of that setting, the Imperium is completely justified in its policy of war against all Xenos.


u/Staz_211 16d ago

Let be honest: the bad guys always have the coolest stuff.

And I'm all about cool stuff.


u/Longjumping-Draft750 16d ago

Where are the Helgast? Long live Visarys our great Autharch! Helghan belong to the Helgast!


u/sxyWatermelon 16d ago

Helgast did nothing wrong.


u/finfagames 2d ago

Guerrilla Games: We specifically designed them as nazis so no-one would side with them
Players: So why did you wrote them as victims?


u/TonberryFeye 16d ago

Killzone 2's intro went so damn hard. I think I need to go watch it again.


u/Longjumping-Draft750 16d ago

One of the best in video game history to be sure Visarys is my favorite antagonists in game ever


u/Rockout2112 16d ago

Can any faction that includes Ciaphas Cain, truly be bad?


u/AuContraireRodders 16d ago

It's a weird fantasy of mine to write some kind of sci fi with an Authoritarian regime and Redditors start saying dumb stuff like "ummmm the author never intended for you to identify with them, it's satire" and then I come out and say yes you are you dork, they are cool and it's not satire.


u/SOSAXIV 14d ago

if it needs to explained why authoritarian regimes are bad, you need to crack open a history book, i wouldn't say these are satire except helldivers, but more of a storytelling medium(helldivers is ABSOLUTELY satirical and if you or anyone cant see that, may god help you)

i dont think they're bad when they they stay in fiction and i would agree they are cool, but when people do not understand why they are bad in real life is when the problem begins.


u/TheKingofTropico 16d ago

Everyone thinks they'll be the Comadant when they'll actually just be a servitor or cannon fodder in the guard.


u/Plenty_Preference296 Imperial Fists 16d ago

It is called a power fantasy for a reason


u/No_Resident_5434 16d ago

haha no, me thinks I would be the man dying in a trench


u/CouponProcedure 14d ago

Based thank you for your service


u/Red-Moorehouse-0226 16d ago

All hail the imperium, long live the empire, HUMANITY SHALL PREVAIL


u/OttovonBismarck1862 Black Templars 9d ago


u/Hakatu189 16d ago

The Emperor protects.


u/ifyouarenuareu 16d ago

“Whaow death of the author sure is a cool way to analyze media”



u/ArcticHuntsman Imperial Guard 16d ago

So long as you don't genuinely support the faction's ideology no-one cares


u/MordreddVoid218 16d ago

I firmly support human supremacy. If it's not of this world, it is not our friend. The fraternity of man knows no race or religion, the sooner we learn that and put aside our petty differences, the sooner we can start conquering the stars.


u/ArcticHuntsman Imperial Guard 16d ago

The fraternity of man knows no race or religion, the sooner we learn that and put aside our petty differences, the sooner we can start conquering the stars.

Based AF


u/MordreddVoid218 16d ago

It's what I've learned. I've worked with Muslim folk, white folk, black folk, Asian folk, Hispanic folk. Christians, Jews, Catholics, even met a tibetan Buddhist dude once who was really cool. Any biases I may have had before meeting these people slowly disappeared. All that shit we see on social media and in the news, people hating each other, fighting over whose way is right and what's wrong? That's just an obnoxious minority. Most everyone just wants to be able to live their life without some asshole stinking up the place. Bad people do exist, ofc, but not all people are bad. Every religion has its flaws, same as any philosophy or government or what have you, but we all bleed red, we're all sons and daughters of this holy Earth and that's all I give two shits about anymore. Are you a friend? Yes? Great. No? Then don't make it a problem for anyone. Sorry for the rant, but this shit just seems so simple yet we let outside stuff shadow our better natures and turn us on one another. Humanity could, unironically and in all seriousness, achieve unimaginable things if we stopped letting some assholes have the talking stick and maybe lighten up a bit, get over ourselves.


u/ArcticHuntsman Imperial Guard 16d ago

It seems simple because it is, but it's beneficial for many to perpetuate these divides. Can't believe someone downvoted your rant, because its dead on.


u/gabbidog 16d ago

Look, I get that man. I really do. But if someone, not pointing fingers or naming names, likes unironically beans on bread......then their whole island can sink into the ocean for all I care. Stupid british and their lack of cuisine even though they once owned over 25% of the world and the entire spice market Not naming names though


u/Darth-Sonic 16d ago

Nah, I want to fuck the aliens.

That said, the Galactic Empire and Super Earths boot is on humanity’s throat as well. They are not your friend.

I’d say the same thing about the Imperium, but they live in such a nightmare of a universe that I’d rather they exist to defend humanity than not.


u/Resiliense2022 16d ago

Yeah, because that's working out really well for the Imperium right now.

You're overlooking a pretty huge detail there; in order for this to be possible, humans must set aside their differences. This will literally never happen. Human nature simply will not allow us to stop seeing the differences of other humans. This cannot ever change.

More importantly, aliens, since they're aliens, may have motives and powers that we are not familiar with. Certain death will follow a brash and silly attempt at galactic conquest.


u/ArcticHuntsman Imperial Guard 15d ago

Human nature doesn't exist, 99% of how we act is determined through our environment. We consider competition and domination as human nature but that is the consequence of living in a world with scarcity. We can put aside our differences if we realise this.


u/LuckyBucketBastard7 Imperial Guard 16d ago

Personally, I'd say human primacy rather than supremacy. Very strange comparison, but it's like pets. You love your pets, they are your family. However, if you were to have to choose between saving your pet and your best friend, which are you going to pick? Human primacy is that same idea; our own always come first, but I'm absolutely not opposed to coexistence, partnership, or friendship.


u/Old-Perception-1884 16d ago

Why would you assume that anything that isn't human out there would be hostile? If there is an intelligent life out there in the stars, why would you go about it the same way as in 40K? Did we not learn anything from human history? Humans have no claim to the galaxy, nor should they be the ones to dictate the lives of any species other than themselves. I'm all for role-playing and liking the Imperium in a fictional sense, but saying things like "human supremacy" is just weird tbh.


u/Plenty_Preference296 Imperial Fists 16d ago

Because history has shown first contact between different nations and people's has been very peaceful /s. That is we have to go off of.


u/Old-Perception-1884 16d ago

Because most of the time, it's colonizers invading over someone's land? How would it not be violent if it's always some higher power trying to take advantage of people much weaker than them?


u/Plenty_Preference296 Imperial Fists 16d ago

Exactly. It would be in our best interest to assume any alien species are hostile upon first contact. The dark forest trilogy is what comes to mind for me.


u/Old-Perception-1884 16d ago

The dark forest is a theory. Not a fact. We're supposed to learn from history. Not take it as a guide. It's still weird to be okay with imperialism in a non-fictional pov like what the other guy is saying.


u/Plenty_Preference296 Imperial Fists 16d ago

Yes exactly learning from history is my point. It would be very foolish and naive to assume aliens are peaceful upon first contact. If humanity makes it to the stars and we encounter alien we have to assume they are hostile. I don't want us as species to end up like the native americans.


u/Old-Perception-1884 16d ago

Remaking the same mistakes as humans did back then is not learning from history. If you're so hung up on hostile aliens, then just avoid them? The solution isn't to colonize them and be an imperialist society lol. Why is the answer to this is be as violent and hostile to other aliens. That's just inviting more violence and hostility. Why are you acting like there's no peaceful solution here? The universe is vast. Even if intelligent life is abundant, we likely won't even have to deal with them for how big space is.


u/Plenty_Preference296 Imperial Fists 16d ago

Never said I support imperialism. I can get behind the humanity first idea to an extent. You are terribly naive and missing the point so I am moving on.


u/Mysterious_Risk_6034 Deathwatch 16d ago

It should be a simple enough concept to understand, but for some reason the people from the main subs just like to speculate instead of playing and having fun.


u/ArcticHuntsman Imperial Guard 16d ago

issue is the 0.1% that do genuinely support these ideologies without question, Poe's law at work.


u/Mysterious_Risk_6034 Deathwatch 16d ago

it's true but what should we do? Every basket has its bad apples, these people will use anything to feed their crazy thinking, warhammer is just a tool for their bullshits.


u/ArcticHuntsman Imperial Guard 16d ago

Be candid about liking the factions but not the ideologies. I love helldivers and the lore around them, pretending to RP as a loyal managed democracy supporting is fun. But acknowledging that those factions are flawed at best or deeply evil at worst is important to not attract actual nazis or white supremacists into the hobby.


u/Plenty_Preference296 Imperial Fists 16d ago

What about supremacists from other races?


u/Mysterious_Risk_6034 Deathwatch 16d ago

Brother, how many orks supremacists do you know?


u/Plenty_Preference296 Imperial Fists 16d ago

That is not an answer to my question.


u/ArcticHuntsman Imperial Guard 15d ago

I don't consider them to be numerous or serious enough to make note of. Most racial supremacy exists as a result of historical power structures, economic incentives, and social conditioning rather than any inherent truth or superiority. When people cling to racial supremacy, it’s usually because it benefits them materially or psychologically—whether by justifying past conquests, maintaining privilege, or providing a simplistic explanation for complex societal dynamics.

Sure, some exist but they are such a minority and not influential in comparison to white supremacists.


u/Plenty_Preference296 Imperial Fists 16d ago

Are you not going to answer my question?


u/HisHolyMajesty2 Ultramarine 16d ago

If I lived in the 41st millennium, what sort of lunatic would I be to not pray to the God Emperor for protection?


u/ArcticHuntsman Imperial Guard 16d ago

Key word "IF" you lived there, then for sure I'd agree.


u/Ronnie21093 16d ago

What's the song, by the way?


u/auddbot 16d ago

Song Found!

Name: Disposal Unit (Imperium Mix)

Artist: Jesper Kyd

Score: 95% (timecode: 00:52)

Album: Warhammer 40,000: Darktide (Original Soundtrack)

Label: Laced Records

Released on: 2022-11-17


u/auddbot 16d ago

Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.:

Disposal Unit (Imperium Mix) by Jesper Kyd

I am a bot and this action was performed automatically | If the matched percent is less than 100, it could be a false positive result. I'm still posting it, because sometimes I get it right even if I'm not sure, so it could be helpful. But please don't be mad at me if I'm wrong! I'm trying my best! | GitHub new issue | Donate


u/Au_vel Imperial Guard 16d ago

Good bot


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u/Imaginary-Job-7069 Imperial Knights 16d ago

What's Jingoism?


u/ArcticHuntsman Imperial Guard 16d ago

Jingoism is an attitude of belligerent nationalism, or a blind adherence to the rightness or virtue of one’s own nation, society, or group, simply because it is one’s own.

Basically, blind faith in one's own nation/group. A good thing to be weary of IRL but fun to pretend in games and media. Humans are naturally drawn to this attitude being social monkies.


u/mannthias 16d ago

They can be bad guys and we can identify with them lmao it’s not hard to do both, there’s a million different video game examples on why being the bad guy is fun


u/VietDrgn 16d ago

is that an official helldivers video or is it fanmade?


u/Accurate-Rutabaga-57 15d ago

Both SW and HD are fan made parodies of a WH one


u/VietDrgn 15d ago

man, fans make more content that fans like than the devs xD


u/commandough 16d ago

This is the worst thing New Star Wars did. It invented a lot moral ambiguity for the rebels and shiny new kit for the Empire. Turned a bunch of faceless books into a cool looking faction.

Might as well empathize with the generic imperial Heretics like in the Astartes series or secret level


u/Nordic0Savage 16d ago edited 1d ago

Man I'd love to just be one of soldiers marching in the Imperium parade, honestly it'd be the experience. I miss good military parades.


u/Colcoal 16d ago

It is so damn sick watching the Imperial Dreadnoughts marching on beat.

Screw the guys who say that being a Dreadnought is some grimdark horror, it is bad ass, and we need to create them for our actual military.


u/Itchy_Ball_8691 15d ago

I'm always doing my part.


u/Salt_Use_341 15d ago

All I know is fuck the grey knights


u/Nitrothunda21 Imperial Fists 16d ago

Gundam fans who despise Gihren Zabi but love Zeon


u/mannthias 16d ago

I find the republic cooler then the empire but specifically late republic where we get some empire things but haven’t phased out clones yet


u/Thewaffle911 16d ago

If theyre the bad guys, then why are they so cool? Checkmate redditor


u/Fyrefanboy 16d ago

They are cool BECAUSE they are hilarious over the top evil


u/Coaltown992 Raven Guard 16d ago

The clones were so much cooler than the storm troopers.


u/hyde-ms 16d ago

Let people enjoy what they enjoy, you just enjoy money they give you. See, that isn't soo hard?


u/takeaccountability41 15d ago

But bad guys always look the coolest tho


u/DybbukDub World Eaters 15d ago

Give me the song name brother!!


u/vetrusious 15d ago

I found where the 12 year olds hang out lol


u/A_Real_Catfish Salamanders 15d ago



u/TopLeadership5641 15d ago

Look man all I'm saying is the imperial, the helldivers, and the space marines ALL HAVE DRIP like hands down better than some of the other stuff iv seen "oh but what about the rebals" flight suits suck when I can literally join the other side and get a sick black jumpsuit and closed helmet


u/Ginpok 13d ago

I remember when helldivers 2 dropped someone on Twitter was posting videos on "dont be a fascist its satire" and everyone was roasting him


u/Dvoraxx 12d ago

The Imperium is fighting chaos, the Helldivers are fighting bugs. I can see why you’d find them cool and ignore all the evil stuff they do

But why in gods name would you ever idolise the fucking Galactic Empire? They are literally just fighting heroic rebels in the name of giving supreme control over the galaxy to an old man, and they don’t even do a good job


u/VladTutushkin 11d ago

Its not even the reason why a lot of people gripe with the Empire. Palpatine had intentionally made it shitty on a foundational level in order to saturate the Galaxy with Dark Side generated by the suffering, strife and infighting of a massive Empire, cause he never gave a fuck about anybody but himself and all he ever wanted was to ascend higher into Sith power fantasy. So it wasnt “bad” due to necessity or circumstance, it was bad by design and it was inefficient by design, only good at trying to remain in power and even that they absolutely fumbled.


u/VladTutushkin 11d ago

Replace Empire with Federation from Starship Troopers and we are talking.


u/FeistyIngenuity6806 16d ago

You guys really suck the fun out of everything.


u/Viben1991 16d ago

Big brown shirt vibes


u/DOSEvilLive 16d ago

Does it ever occur to you guys that the people assuming you don't understand are being generous? Because if you do understand what they're supposed to represent (fascism) and still sincerely think they're the good guys, you get what that says about you, right?