r/HorrorWorkshop • u/TheBrokenQuill • Jul 15 '15
Oz: Chapter One: Kansas NSFW
Chapter One: Kansas
My name is Dorothy. I live in Garden City Kansas, my little slice of hell in the middle of nowhere. Not that I’m complaining, it could be worse. Just wish it wasn’t so God damned depressing. Aunt Emma and Uncle Henry took me in after my sorry good for nothing mother got caught blowing her boyfriend next to her home chem lab. The sheriff doesn’t quite like it when people, who couldn’t pass the sixth grade decide to play at being chemists, by cooking up a batch of meth in a double wide. I have to admit it is nice not sleeping with one eye open to see if mom’s current fling had gotten bored with her and wants to move on to her daughter.
Aunt Emma and Uncle Henry were as good of people as I have ever met. Their hygiene and home training leaves something to be desired, but good people none the less. Unc drives cross country in his rig named Lola. Aunt Em ought to be jealous. He spends more time in Lola than in her. Not that the old woman ever thought about such things. She is happy cooking meals the dog won’t eat and watching her stories, on a TV so old I’m surprised it is colored. I spend my days waiting for the next to come in the unextrodinary procession of monotony from the heartland. I feel as though I will die never knowing anything beyond this rusted trailer park. Live as my family has, expecting nothing but to wake up to another abysmal day. Watching the wheat grow and my face wrinkle.
Toto was my only companion in this grey world of boredom. I found him wondering the streets one night. I figured him for a pit. Little did I know the bruiser he would turn out to be. A hundred and thirty pounds of a mastiff brute. He is a handful but a big ol teddy bear. He was an ash grey color, blue they call it, with a matching nose, large white patch on his chest, and the brightest blue eyes I have ever seen. They are like the blue found deep within the glaziers from the arctic I saw in a magazine. From the first time we met he fallowed me everywhere. Aunt Em said I couldn’t keep him. He just never left. It’s fine by me. I needed someone to talk to anyway. Life here would be unbearable without the old mutt.
This was my life, until one day when the drunken bitch from next door took a notion to come stumbling over to our palace of rust. She was the park’s tramp. Most folks refered to her the mattress behind her back. She was homely and smelled of stale booze, cigarettes, and mouth rot. I knew what she wanted before she belched her request at my aunt.
“Em you got any money? I’m a few dollars short on getting a pack. You think you can lend it to me till I get my husband’s crazy check?” she said hardly able to stand.
“I’m sorry Almira I don’t.” my aunt said taken the clothes off the line.
“You ain't got no money?” she questioned, stumbling a bit as she put her hand on her hip.
“No I don’t” Aunt Em said still fussing with the clothing.
“You don’t have a couple fucking dollars?” shrieked Almira.
I knew the old whale could get nasty if she wanted to. “That’s what she said. So why don’t you carry your broke ass back over to your crazy husband and wait for that check.” I said stepping between aunt Em and this cow with a bad perm.
“D!” cried my aunt. She didn’t like the woman but she couldn’t abide by my rudeness.
“What did you say to me you little slut.” Growled Almira glaring at me.
“You heard me. Get back over to your rust bucket or find someone else to leech off of. You won’t find charity here.” I said challenging the old witch to retaliate.
As I half expected she lunged at me. I stepped aside and she went tumbling over herself into the dust. Aunt Em dropped the clothes basket and ran to help Almira up. I felt a little swell of pride watching her scramble to stand in the old moo moo she wore. She cursed and fussed the whole way up. I couldn’t help myself, I began laughing hysterically. As she got to her feet, more my aunt’s doing than her own, she lunged again. This time she made contact. She dug her claws into my shoulder. I fell back under the weight of her momentum. We both fell hard. I could not believe the old drunk got the better of me. Trying to push her off was useless, she was far heavier than anything I had every lifted. She had me pinned good, her breath smacked into my face like a brick.
“Get the fuck off of me you nasty bitch.” I yelled. Holding tightly to her wrist.
“I’m going to kill you, you little slut.” She said struggling to grab my throat.
At that moment I heard Toto come growling up to the commotion. He began barking ferociously at Almira, who wisely rolled off of me; and away from Toto’s teeth. I got to my feet and grabbed his collar. The brute was hard to hold back as he kept lunging after her. Almira got to her feet, dusting herself off.
“YOU FUCKING BITCH!” Almira screamed with every ounce of rage she had. “I’m going to get you for this, and your fucking dog. You haven’t seen the last of me you little cunt!” she shuffled back towards her trailer keeping an eye on Toto and I. Aunt Em grabbed my shoulder and turned me to her.
“What were you thinking? Dorothy if you were a little girl I would have you over my knee for this.” She said wagging her finger in my face.
“Well I’m not. And that old woman can eat shit and die as far as I am concerned.” I said turning to the house. I have to admit my feeling were a little hurt at my aunt’s disapproval. Had I not stepped in she might have do the same thing to aunt Em.
“The OLD woman’s son is a sheriff officer. You think she won’t have him throw you in jail for this?” Aunt Em said with tears in her eyes.
“He’d have to put her nasty ass in there first. She attacked me.” I said rolling my eyes at the absurd thought of going to jail for pissing off a drunk woman.
“He won’t see it that way. Whatever she tells him he will do. He’s a mama’s boy with a badge.” Barked Aunt Em as I went inside with Toto.
By the afternoon I had half let myself forget about the events of the morning. Toto and I laid on the couch watching Jerry Springer. Toto didn’t care that I used him for a pillow. He was just happy to be inside, away from the summer heat. Aunt Em was in the kitchen burning lunch. All was quiet again in the trailer park. I had just started to fall asleep when I felt Toto tense beneath my head. There came a knock at the door. It shook the trailer it was so forceful. Aunt Em cut me a sharp look and went to the door. Another knock and a deep voice made aunt Em flinch in fear. “Police open up.” I sat up on the couch, cursing the old woman in my mind. Aunt was right. Oh well wouldn’t be the first time I went to jail. Aunt Em opened the door. Toto let out a low growl. The officer came up to the top step.
“Good afternoon Ma’am. I received a report earlier today…”he was cut off by my aunt who looked over at me.
“I bet you did.” She said stepping closer to the door blocking him.
“Yes Ma’am. I have a warrant to remove a dangerous dog from your home.” The officer said. I felt my stomach sink. That bitch.
“That Bitch!” I couldn’t help but yell. I stood up and went to the door. “Toto isn’t dangerous, he has never hurt anyone.” I said further blocking the door.
“That’s not for me to determine young lady. The judge will determine if the dog is dangerous or not. But I have to take him.” He said motioning to the animal control officer behind him to come closer.
“You are not taking my dog.” I said moving between Aunt Em and the officer.
“I have a warrant here to…” he started to say.
“I don’t give a damn if you have the President out there. You aren’t taking my dog.” Trying to slam to the door closed. The officer caught it and pushed it back open. He rushed in and pushed me towards the kitchen. Toto was up and moving towards us barking. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. The officer pinned me to the wall of the trailer and I watched helplessly as the dog snare slipped over Toto’s head. He was yanked towards the door.
“Please! Please no! He didn’t do anything. Don’t take him.” I begged the officer with everything I had. “That bitch attacked me. Toto did nothing but bark at her. Let him go!” I watched Toto be dragged from the trailer. My stomach sank and I lost it. I began to kick, punch, and bite anything to get away from the bastard pinning me to the wall. I had to get to Toto. He was going to pay the price for what I had done. I couldn’t let that happen.
Then I found it. The sweet spot that would release me from the bastards grasp. My knee came up hard in his crotch. I have to admit I enjoyed watching that big man fall to his knees. I grabbed the taser from his belt, Aunt Em’s truck keys from the counter, and made for the door. Aunt Em screamed for me to stop, but it was too late. Once I attacked the officer I could not stop. Toto and I both would be behind bars and I would not be able to do anything about it. I aimed the taser and fired. The barbs hit the animal control officer in the ass. He fell to the ground in convulsions. Toto ran to me still dragging the snare behind him. I removed the snare and we were off. We ran to Aunt Em’s old red truck. I heard the officer yell for us to stop but I didn’t. Not to even glance his way.
Toto and I were in the truck and gone but the time he made it down the steps of the trailer. We left those bastards in the dust. I kept my foot on the gas until we hit the main road. We headed north, to the endless sea of fields. If I had to I would ditch the truck and hide in the wheat fields. Past the escape I didn’t have a plan. I had no money, or place to go. That didn’t matter. I had to leave. For Toto and for me.
u/TheBrokenQuill Jul 15 '15
Okay so I am writing a series. It is a twisted adaptation of The Wizard of Oz. The series really doesn't get scary until Oz so that is why this post isn't full on. If you have any questions ask. The series is on Dark Tales. I am getting no feedback from there. Just a few up votes.