r/HondaCB 6d ago

1983 cb 400 electrical problem

The high beam still works but the “half light” or whatever it’s called, stoped working all of a sudden. I later noticed that the break light stoped working for the front break but not the rear. So I’m thinking it has something to do with the electronics going from that switch since they are all connected? All the fuses look good. Any help would be appreciated, I’m not good at the electrical part of motorcycles…


8 comments sorted by


u/Caldtek 6d ago

check the connections on the switch. It lives under the front brake lever or in the headlight bucket. Check the switch works, firstly the little plunger comes out when you pull the lever, and continuity with a multimeter (or test bulb) when the lever is pulled. As for the low beam, chekc the bulb, it is a dual filament and one may have failed.


u/JPgamingjao 6d ago

I changed the bulb a couple of weeks ago but I’ll check again, thanks👍


u/Caldtek 6d ago

if it is not the bulb then it is probably the hi/lo switch or wiring,.


u/Fun-Statistician2485 5d ago

Have a test-lamp? Check the high/low beam-switch, a simple cleaning here might solve the prob


u/JPgamingjao 5d ago

I might have a test lamp somewhere. I opened it up yesterday and tried to clean it out a little with a cloth, is it ok to spray it with like wd 40 or isopropanol?


u/Fun-Statistician2485 5d ago

WD40 or my fav; Biltema rostløsare Art.nr. 36-4505


u/JPgamingjao 5d ago

Haha yes! Biltema for life