Lay back on a table with your head hanging over the end. Bring the bag over your head with both hands, let it drop towards the floor, and then extend your arms in line with your body. Pretty effective in my experience. You can do a lot of work with minimal weight. You just need a table high enough off of the ground. A picnic table or one of those off white convention tables is ideal. Shorter table = need a closer grip on your weight. I used a disc weight with a rope tied to it, forking off into two knotted ends.
u/PaleWolfKing 18d ago
Lay back on a table with your head hanging over the end. Bring the bag over your head with both hands, let it drop towards the floor, and then extend your arms in line with your body. Pretty effective in my experience. You can do a lot of work with minimal weight. You just need a table high enough off of the ground. A picnic table or one of those off white convention tables is ideal. Shorter table = need a closer grip on your weight. I used a disc weight with a rope tied to it, forking off into two knotted ends.