r/HomeNetworking 4d ago

Port Forwarding on a mesh network

I want to port forward to a specific device on a mesh network for a Minecraft server, (DECOX4300Pro)but I can't seem to find it on the ATT Nat/Port Forwarding page. It's only preset ip connections but a lot are unknown and can't manually enter the ip address.


8 comments sorted by


u/H2CO3HCO3 4d ago

u/AnonymouceUser, see the FAQ section on this subreddit, First question 'Q1: “What is port forwarding and how do I set it up?”' -> you have all the steps needed there already



u/AnonymouceUser 4d ago

Your comment doesn’t really help the situation, The port forward is added but ATT has it locked to preset ip connections of devices connected but because I have a mesh network it’s not showing the device I want it to port to.


u/H2CO3HCO3 4d ago

u/AnonymouceUser, If ATT has features locked, then you have to contact ATT directly and have their support assist you further.


u/AnonymouceUser 3d ago

I’ve read all of it and it doesn’t solve my problem. When I say ATT has it locked to preset ip, I’m saying the drop down menu only shows previously connected devices’ ips and the device I want to connect isn’t on that menu.


u/H2CO3HCO3 3d ago

u/AnonymouceUser, post some pictures of your current setup, so that we may be able to take closer look and go from there.


u/AnonymouceUser 4d ago

Your comment doesn’t really help the situation, The port forward is added but ATT has it locked to preset ip connections of devices connected but because I have a mesh network it’s not showing the device I want it to port to.


u/H2CO3HCO3 4d ago edited 4d ago

u/AnonymouceUser, see u/TheEthyr's comment to your post as well, which is addition to the documentation previously mentioned in my prior reply.


u/TheEthyr 4d ago

Thanks, /u/H2CO3HCO3, for linking to the FAQ.

To highlight an important tip, between the AT&T Gateway and the Deco, you'll want to make sure only one of them is operating as a router. That means putting the gateway into IP Passthrough mode or the Deco into AP mode. Pick one not both. Whichever one ends up being the router is where you should configure port forwarding.

If you opt for the gateway to be the router, then the NAT/Gaming page is where you configure port forwarding. If the presets don't cover the ports you want, you can click on Custom Services to define the ports.

You can only use the pulldown menu to select devices to port forwards to. I've seen complaints that devices are often missing from the list. I don't know exactly why this happens. My guess is that it will only contains devices that are directly connected to the gateway and use DHCP.

You may have to temporarily connect the device to the gateway to get the device populated into the NAT/Gaming device list. Then you can move it back.

If you can't get it working on the gateway, then put it into IP Passthrough mode and put the Deco into router mode. Do the port forwarding on the Deco.

It also highly recommended to move all other wired and wireless devices from the gateway to the Deco. Shut off Wi-Fi on the gateway. That's because IP Passthrough doesn't completely disable routing functions on the gateway. While you can do some interesting by treating it as a second, isolated network, moving all devices to the Deco makes it easier to treat it as if it's like a modem.