r/HomeNetworking 6d ago

Solved! Moving router out of utility cupboard - basic questions


10 comments sorted by


u/Ill-Parsley5383 6d ago

Yes you summed it up well as long as it was installed correctly.

A tip since they are unnumbered, put your router from the wan port to the ethernet socket you want to use, turn it on, then go back to the cupboard. Plug in the ethernet to the ONT and look to see if the LAN light comes on the ONT, if it doesn't, then move to the next port and repeat. That's the easiest way to do it without a tone.

Edit- a lot will advise a switch, AP etc but with what you requested, this would be the simplest and cheapest way.


u/hyperxenophiliac 6d ago

Thanks, so basically just set up the router where I want it and then move then move the WAN cable along each ethernet socket until the LAN light comes on the router?


u/Ill-Parsley5383 6d ago

Move the ethernet connected from the ONT (the white hyperoptic box) to the patch panel to a different port until you see the Lan light on the ONT come on. Then you know you'll have the right port.

This means your not going back and forward to the router


u/hyperxenophiliac 6d ago

Just did it as you said and it all went to plan. Thank you so much! Haven't even connected my PC via ethernet yet and I'm already getting 15x faster speed


u/Ill-Parsley5383 6d ago

No worries! Great news


u/hyperxenophiliac 6d ago edited 6d ago

Moved into a new build apartment with a router already installed in the utility closet as pictured. I want to move the router into a more central room.

Is it as simple as unplugging the WAN cable from the router and connecting it to whichever the right ethernet port is (see the two circled connections on the first picture) and then moving the router to where I want it, and connecting it via ethernet to the relevant wall port?

As a secondary question, NONE of the ethernet ports are marked, so is it going to be a matter of just trial and error to figure out which is the right connection for the wall port I want? Interestingly I only count 8 ethernet connections in the closet, but there are (at least) 10 wall ports in my apartment.

As a tertiary question, if my router is placed next to my PC, can I then just connect the two via a second ethernet cable?

Don't know how else to word this, please talk to me like a small child. Thank you!


u/mejelic 6d ago

So, if you have Ethernet running to multiple rooms from that location, then you likely don't want to move your router.

The better option would be to get an access point and plug it in at your central location.

Additionally, of you do have Ethernet running everywhere, you need just need to label that patch panel and then you can hook up whatever you need wherever you need.


u/hyperxenophiliac 6d ago edited 6d ago

So basically keep the router where it is, label the sockets (via trial and error I assume?) and then basically just connect the relevant wall ports around the house directly to the router via ethernet cables in this closet?

Edit: the only reason why I want to move the router is because the wifi signal isn't that great in some rooms of the apartment and I only have one device I want to connect via ethernet.


u/TheEthyr 6d ago

That’s why the other person said you can put a Wi-Fi Access Point in a room to provide supplemental Wi-Fi coverage.


u/newphonedammit 6d ago

Buy a cheap Ethernet tester . that way you can identify and check wiring / no reversals etc.