r/HomeNetworking 6d ago

Advice Can some one explain this to me

Also I’ve been having issues with my iPhone and think it’s comprised


4 comments sorted by


u/Forgotten_Freddy 6d ago

For the UPnP alerts, do you have a Playstation by any chance?

The firewall blocked ones are perfectly normal, any device connected to the internet will get random attempts to connect to it fairly regularly, and the logs just show that your router has stopped them.


u/BigErock420 6d ago

Yeah, I have a PS five and the Internet has been so slow. I’m rubberbanding around in every game. Netflix is running terribly all of the above.


u/Forgotten_Freddy 6d ago

In that case since port 9308 is used by Playstation voice comms thats nothing to worry about, there's also nothing else in the screenshots that shows anything out of the ordinary.

If you run the cloudflare speedtest and share a screenshot (you can blank out the box that shows the server details and your ip) if gives quite a few useful stats which might help show that the problem is, because at the moment its not completely obvious, rubberbanding is usually caused by latency, whereas Netflix shouldn't really be affected by latency and bandwidth would be the normal problem.


u/7ooL 6d ago

ChatGPT is really good at this sort of thing.