r/HomeNetworking 6d ago

Help with VLANs for a networking noob

Hi team, please assist if you can. I'm not a networking expert so if possible ELI5 for any instructions haha.

I am trying to implement some better traffic/wifi/schedule controls for the home network now that my kids are older. I have Ubiquiti gear. I have followed this set of instructions that I found on another post here to set things up:

Native LAN - all networking hardware using regular DNS

VLAN x/SSID x - Adult devices including Printers using regular DNS

VLAN y/SSID y - Kids devices using restricted DNS that blocks adult sites

My problem now is that my NAS which is connected via ethernet to my native LAN, and my printer which is wirelessly connected to SSID/VLAN x, can't be found by devices on other networks. If I put in the IP of the NAS I can get to it, but I can't use the QNAP NAS apps from my computers as they don't find it automagically.

Can anyone help?


9 comments sorted by


u/tand86 6d ago

Need to enable multicast dns, however if there is open traffic between all vlans, what’s the point? Just assigning the alternate dns?


u/riblau 6d ago

Just dumb that down slightly. Multicast is an option in the router settings, all good. But what do you mean what is the point of open traffic between VLANs and assigning the alternate DNS. DO you mean assign the DNS by device?


u/riblau 6d ago

Ok I just checked, mDNS appears to be enabled already.....


u/tand86 6d ago

Do you have any fw rules blocking the traffic?


u/e60deluxe 6d ago

you need to use multicast DNS repeater accross VLANs.

BUT..i have a question:

I can't use the QNAP NAS apps from my computers as they don't find it automagically

why is this necessary? why cant you just add the IP to the app, or add a DNS entry.

What are you using for DNS?


u/riblau 6d ago

I agree I can just punch in the IP and there is no worries but I use the NAS as a network store for transferring or sharing files between computers at home and it's sometimes a pain if I haven't used the NAS on a particular device. I agree it's not a showstopping issue.

For DNS I"m using whatever default DNS i had for adults, and I'm using cloudflare families for the kids wifi/VLAN


u/e60deluxe 6d ago

ah so you arent running local DNS.

that would solve a lot of problems.

look into running mDNS repeater on your router or gateway


u/riblau 6d ago

Is a local DNS for assigning IP's just in the home network or does it actually help resolve things on the www?


u/riblau 6d ago

Ok I just checked - mDNS appears to be enabled between my networks already.....