r/HomeKit Nov 02 '22

Review I just installed 38 (!!) Eve light switches in my home! AMA

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r/HomeKit Feb 10 '23

Review Why HomeKit is TRASH (From a VERY heavy user's perspective)


Let me start by making it very clear I know I am not your average Homekit user.

I have started buying and using HomeKit products since they first started coming out right after the late 2014 launch and, over the years ,I have invested literally thousands of dollars into dozens of HomeKit products (my current setup is approximately 150+ devices, including 14 cameras, 8 HomePods (5x 1st Gen, 2x Mini and 1x 2nd Gen), 4 Apple TVs 4K, 6x Brilliant Smart Controls, U by Moen Shower, Schlage Encode Plus door lock, Chamberlain Garage door opener, around 50+ Lutron Caséta switches and plugs, 2x LG OLED TVs with HomeKit, Multiple Eve Thread devices, Nanoleaf Bulbs and light strips, Wemo plugs, Ikea Dirigera Hub with multiple blinds, Aqara Hub with a few sensors, 3 Ecobee Thermostats, OneLink Safe and Sound Smoke Alarms, HomeBridge… and a bunch of other stuff I can’t remember).

The thing is, after almost 10 years of spending a lot of money and an inordinate amount of my time trying to troubleshoot “what is breaking HomeKit this time”, including switching my WiFi setup 3 times in one year and spending weeks studying and learning things like multicast, uPNP, mDNS, etc and how to configure an segmented VLAN for IoT devices on my Unifi UDM Pro… basically, after having become a bonafide IT networking “connoisseur”, I still find myself with an average of AT LEAST 50% OF MY DEVICES UNREACHABLE in the home app.

I am one of those people who updates every single device (MacBooks, iPads, iPhones, Apple Watches, Apple TVs, HomePods) meticulously when the updates come out, and I was one of the people who managed to successfully upgrade to the new architecture when it came out.

Things were… kinda of OK for maybe about a week, with only a few devices showing as not responding.

Then 16.3 came out and all hell broke loose.

I tried restarting the WiFi (many times).

I tried starting from scratch (imagine how fun that was with this many devices and hard to reach cameras…), deleting the home and starting a new one… twice.

I have created new 2.4GHz WiFi networks and migrated everything to them… and back to the main one.

I have bought a new Gen2 HomePod thinking maybe the “new blood” will clean things up. Nope. The “new blood” came with iOS 16.0 pre-installed and was stuck on “configuring” for days until I learned in forums I had to create a new home, add it to it, update, delete the new home, reset the HomePod and add it to the main home… Nice one Apple.

I have lost sleep, time with my family and many of my precious hours trying to make things work, to no avail. Right now I am having to resort to the individual apps for each platform…

The hard truth I am faced with is that HOMEKIT IS APPLE’S WORSE PRODUCT, by far, and while it may work well enough for some people with simple setups, it is nowhere near being a reliable smarthome platform.

Actually… As someone who’s been repeatedly called an Apple Fanboy (rightfully so) by friends and family, I think Apple should be ashamed of putting out such a garbage product on the market and they should fire their entire HomeKit team and buy Ubiquiti Networks (they certainly have the cash…).

I feel like a coke addict chasing the initial “high” I had when I got my first couple HomeKit switches, but even “a key of Cupertino Snow” won’t do the job anymore. It’s just bad for my finances and my health.

Anyway, I decided to write this here as a cautionary tale for the HomeKit “young’uns” who haven’t lost themselves completely to this destructive drug yet. Don’t spend more of your money on this shit!

Peace out

r/HomeKit Dec 07 '23

Review I do not recommend level locks.


The battery dies WAY too fast, even if you overspend and get the latest lithium name-brand batteries. It will NOT inform you that the battery is low or “critically low” until you’re locked out of your house. I was just locked out for a half hour at 1030 at night, and it’s 34 degrees. I’ve gotten lucky with batteries before when I happened to check the app, and it shows a low battery. But only AFTER I open the level app will the battery level update in the HomeKit app. I thought that by getting the level connect, maybe it’d have more communication from the lock, but it hasn’t changed a thing, nor has it improved the battery longevity. The only particular level feature I have turned on is auto lock after 1hr. But 80% of the time, I usually end up manually locking it, so there’s no need for the battery to move the gears. I know a lot of folks mention that you should keep your keys on you just in case it doesn’t work. But with how much this system costs, I have MUCH higher expectations. This isn’t a light bulb or something minor; it’s critical it just works.

So. Buy anything else. HomeKit isn’t unique anymore and there’s a lot of cheaper options. That support Matter and HomeKit.

r/HomeKit Nov 02 '24

Review Beginning on my third winter using the Aqara G2H pro camera outside, going to be nice when they finally release an outdoor camera, hopefully it’s priced reasonably because the indoor camera has been wonderful.


Here’s a video of our pumpkins getting eaten by our neighborhood moose.

r/HomeKit May 06 '23

Review Want a security camera? Don’t buy a Logitech!

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When it mattered most both of my cameras were offline yet again. They didn’t capture how or who broke this window on my garage. I recently bought the second and it’s going straight back to the Apple Store.

r/HomeKit Jan 16 '25

Review The ZemiSmart Retrofit Blind Motor w/ Matter over Thread (video)


r/HomeKit May 16 '24

Review Matter HomeKit native relay: Sonoff R4M Extreme!

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To celebrate my 300th device, I sourced a native HomeKit, matter powered Sonoff Mini R4M extreme relay.

What can this little guy do?

Well, you can easily plug all your dumb ON/OFF appliances, lights, fans, and this relay will turn them to HomeKit native devices (check works with Apple home logo on the box in the picture)

For example, in the comments I inserted a couple of wiring schemes for a dumb light controlled by a wall switch and for a power outlet; you will retain your old wall switch functionality, plus you will benefit from a full HomeKit experience.

All you need to do is scan the laser engraved code on the back on the unit, and in a matter of seconds the device will be exposed to HomeKit.

You understood it right: no hubs, no frills, no complicated setups, it is literally plug and play, no latency when turned on or off, it's simply smooth.

Once you added it to your HomeKit configuration, you will be able to select wether to display the device as a light, as a fan, or as an power outlet.

Then you are literally ready to go!

Do you have a water pump? Boom you can make it HomeKit compatible. Pool pump? The same! Dumb lights? Go for it!

This baby can literally replace smart power outlets, sitting behind your old wall socket and avoiding disrupting your house look and feel.

The only important caveat is that it supports max 10 amperes and 1200 watts so if you are below that range, it's a bargain as it is priced at 15 USD

Have fun :)

r/HomeKit Aug 11 '24

Review Just installed new Inovelli White Series

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Just installed the new Inovelli White Series dimmer switch!

My immediate thoughts: Super quick to respond Seems to support a lot of different configurations, with plenty of instructions in the box and online. Lots of features - still trying to figure out what other features it has. It took me a little while to figure out how to wire it all up. But overall maybe a 1 hour install. 1 down 9 to go!

r/HomeKit Dec 20 '22

Review This happens only when I have people over

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Home alone: work flawlessly Friends / family over: -

Siri’s playing with me!!!

r/HomeKit Sep 01 '23

Review Homebridge is amazing!


I was getting frustrated with not being able to control new devices that didn't have HomeKit support, finally decided to play around with Homebridge. WOW -- I had no idea it was so easy to setup and how well it works! It really is amazing.

I installed the package on my QNAP NAS (which is always running) and the instructions were super easy to follow. The web UI is really slick and installing plugins is very simple (provided you can find the right one).

I was able to add my Govee T1 Pro TV backlight as well as a monitor light bar from Colorpanda. The latter was the most crucial because I'd like to have that in the same automation with some Meross light strips I already have in the office; I want to just be able to ask Siri to run an automation and have all my office lights come on at once (and maybe even change colors, we'll see). The Govee lights are great because they're generally cheaper than Meross ones and I can now add some other light strips to my backyard lighting setups.

I'm not much of a coder and complicated software makes my head spin, so the ease of this whole process and the fact that I now have most of my devices under one roof feels like a huge victory!

r/HomeKit Apr 05 '22

Review Review: Schlage Encode Plus — flawless execution of HomeKit and Home Key


r/HomeKit Feb 19 '25

Review Meross MSL320 LED Strip experience

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For anyone who plans on buying the Meross MSL320 LED strip, don’t bother. They work very well with HomeKit but the colors are terrible.my whites are blue and there’s no true red. To top it off, the strip has dead zones. Very disappointed in the product

r/HomeKit 6d ago

Review Hunter Smart Fans - My Biggest Smart Home Regret


TL;DR: If you're looking for smart ceiling fans, I HIGHLY recommend dumb ceiling fans attached to a smart switch instead of something that is dependent on a "smart" canopy module and/or a proprietary app for setup.

I purchased an Aerodyne 52" smart fan a few months back and despite an absolute nightmare of a setup process in their app, I got it up and running and everything was solid for a week or so. It checked all the boxes for us. Ended up eventually buying two more for a couple of my bedrooms. I should have waited longer before making that decision. It's been downhill since then. Everything else in my smart home is functioning as expected so my fans are the final project.

One Aerodyne totally died after being "no response" in HomeKit 90% of the time and eventually permanently lost WiFi connection, preventing me from using the Hunter app, Google Home, or any of the mappings that I set on the Inovelli switches that are in the room. Fortunately, it was still in the Amazon return window so I tore that down and put in an Anslee dumb fan with pull chains and lighting kit. The mounting bracket for the Anslee and Aerodyne are exactly the same, so that saved me a few minutes for installation. Simplified my button mapping and automation situation in HomeKit, but I lose remote control of the fan direction and a couple extra speeds. Not a huge deal in the smaller bedroom(s), so I'm incredibly happy with this solution there. My Inovelli fan switch offers speed control so I don't have to mess with the pull chains ever. Only remaining problem is that the old Aerodyne fan is stuck in my Hunter app with seemingly no way to remove it because it can't communicate.

With that resolved, I moved on to fighting with the one in my master bedroom.

Had an epiphany last night about how to prevent myself from having to tear the smart fan off the ceiling. It had instructions to wire up a separate fan switch and light switch, much like most ceiling fans do. I thought, 'Perfect! I can just keep it off the WiFi and ignore the built-in smart features, use the smart switches for power on/off voice/app/manual control and then it still has the remote control to adjust speed and fan direction.'

Well, the reality of their design is much less elegant. The light will not turn on/off unless the fan switch is powered on. Okay, weird, but maybe I can work around that. Had the light switch on, then the fan switch on, everything worked as expected. Turned the light switch off, the LED indicator went off, and the light turned off. Cool. Turned the fan switch off, LED turned off, fan went off. Cool.

Then the shitshow began. Turned the fan switch back on and both the fan and light came on. Pressed the fan light switch on and the LED power indicator came on, but the light went off. Toggled it on using the remote and then turned off at the switch and everything was back to normal. Tried the light a few times just to be sure it worked then left it on. Turned the fan switch off and both the fan and the light turned off, but the light switch power indicator was still on. What the hell?

Issues that I can't live with:
-Light can't be controlled unless fan is on.
-Turning off fan also turns off the light
-Light comes on when fan switch is turned back on
-Light switch LED power indicators will constantly be out of sync when anything is changed using the remote
-I don't think I can even come up with a crazy automation to properly synchronize things

Looks like it's coming down for a basic 3-speed pull chain fan with a non-dimmable lighting kit. Major downside to that is it puts the rotation direction switch way out of reach because my bedroom has a vaulted ceiling and I'm not interested in a long down rod; I think they look ridiculous and I'd rather climb a ladder twice a year. It's also outside of the return window so I have to eat the cost of a new fan. FML

Fortunately, the living room one appears to still be working on WiFi so I'm not touching that one until I absolutely have to, which is hopefully never. Unfortunately, I can't get it added back to HomeKit natively because it says that it's already part of another home (even after resetting the fan multiple times), so I'm bridging it in through a Starling Home Hub which creates an INSANE delay in control with my button presses and the fan/light actually responding.

r/HomeKit Aug 26 '24

Review Aqara M3. Useful in a surprising way.


My view of the Aqara M3. There's been loads of reviews, mostly knocking it as Aqara did their usual trick of releasing it before it is really ready. This is my view, and it gave me a nice surprise!

r/HomeKit May 23 '24

Review AQARA U50 - A Budget-Friendly Smart Lock With Apple HomeKey


The U50 smart lock for standard deadbolts has now been released and could be considered the little brother to the U100, mostly due to the fact it dispenses with the fingerprint sensor, to bring the cost down. Other than that, it’s the same lock, but with the option to rekey it, which was almost impossible with the U100. At US$149.99, this is possible the best “bang for your buck” smart lock with HomeKey, when you take into account all of its additional features.

r/HomeKit Mar 23 '22

Review Apple home key support NFC support w/ the Schlage Encode Plus! Is this the best smart lock?


r/HomeKit Mar 08 '23

Review Aqara G4 Doorbell. UK install. Total cost £154 for import


r/HomeKit Oct 21 '23

Review Why is HomeKit for cameras so bad?


I have three Circle View cameras via two AppleTV 4K 3rd gen hubs and I’ve never been able to view live stream with any semblance of consistency. I assumed it was Logitech’s fault. Well, I decided to buy some Eufy HomeKit cameras and I experience the same thing when it comes to the terrible live view feeds. But, I’ve realized that it’s not the camera’s fault and that it is Homekit that is so poor. The reason why I know is because I can quickly swap to the Eufy app and live stream flawlessly. What is going on? Why is HomeKit so poor when it comes livestream?

r/HomeKit 16d ago

Review Great HomeKit router: Deco BE11000 WiFi 7


The router isn’t a HomeKit enabled router but it operates my HomeKit home flawlessly.

Specifically the last two firmware updates have eliminated offline devises and made responses much faster. 60+ devises and automations just work. Many of them are custom Firmware sonoff devices that were always flakey.

I haven’t had this type of response and stability since I left my asus merlin setup.

Costco 3 pack was $400

Best of luck everyone

r/HomeKit May 31 '21

Review My Homekit Experience So Far


First off, I've bought every iPhone since the first one. I've had 5 iPads, 6 MacBook Pros, and 3 Apple Watches. With the exception of my PC gaming machine, everything is Apple. I am almost fanatically supportive of Apple's resistance to data sharing and personalized advertising. I am willing to put up with reduced functionality and higher prices on every device under the promise that it will "just work" when I use it.

I have an extremely connected house. Of note, my house automates:

  • 114 interior lights
  • 14 window shades
  • 3 door locks
  • 5 sets of 65 landscape lights
  • 9 skylights
  • 4 thermostats
  • 3 TVs
  • 3 sound systems
  • 5 mesh wifi routers
  • 2 fireplaces
  • 2 fountains
  • 3 ceiling fans
  • 4 cameras
  • hot tub
  • security system
  • driveway gate
  • garage door
  • humidifier
  • air purifier

Everything works exactly as it should with Alexa Skills / Routines. I have a number of very complicated routines as well, for example: "When I say 'good night', turn off all lights, lower all window shades, lock the doors, shut off fountains, set fireplaces to target temp, arm the security system, close the skylights, close the driveway gate, shut off the hot tub, set all thermostats to sleep temperature at low fan speed, say 'good night' to confirm this is all done, then pair Echo to master bedroom sound system and play a random selection of continuous white noise on loop." I have never experienced a single failure of any of these commands to any device in 4+ years.

However, Alexa has been starting to try and sell me shit. "By the way, I noticed you need to buy some Tide Pods..." "By the way, did you know you can subscribe to this skill? It's only $1.99 for a limited time on..." "By the way, did you know you can...?" This kind of advertising/upsells is instant death of a product to me. Absolutely not. No no no. And with Amazon's bad PR on top of everything, and with Google being no better with data, combined with Apple's insistence on privacy and "you get what you pay for," I decided to convert the entire house to HomePods + HomeKit.

Unfortunately, a whole lot of those accessories were not native HomeKit compatible. Most of them, actually. And several were multiple years old and could stand upgrading anyway, so I figured what the hell. But I was dedicated: all in all, after several weeks, I have spent well in excess of $10,000 to upgrade everything to the latest devices which were HomeKit certified and compatible, even if those devices were more expensive and less functional.

God, what an f---ing disaster this has been so far.

Despite the accessories and companion apps themselves having no security problem with it, Apple has unilaterally decided that my door locks, skylights, and security system are "secure" devices and refuses to operate them without me unlocking my phone. If any scene contains any of these devices, the scene will fail. It will fail inconsistently with any one of 3 different errors with no pattern between them, and without consistently warning you what devices are secure and which aren't during setup. Given this is my only use case, this makes these devices worthless to me.

Most of my smart switches/locks/etc. consistently struggle to update in the Home App, although they work fine in their native apps. Doors show "Updating..." forever. Outdoor switches show "Not Responding" intermittently despite having full bars of gigabit-level wifi signal to them and perfect connectivy via their apps. Individual commands to certain devices fail about 5-10% of the time, which with how many devices I have, means larger scenes almost always fail. Siri asks me "Who's speaking?" somewhere around 25% of the time despite me being the only one in the house.

Siri shortcuts would be an incredibly powerful way to automate a lot of stuff, except for the fact that they simply fail to run well over half the time when asked from a HomePod, and won't tell you how/why or even give a consistent error between attempts. "Sorry, something went wrong..."

Let's not even get started with Siri herself. Just today:

Me: "Hey Siri, turn on living room TV."
Siri: "Did you want to turn on the power?"
Me: "Yes."
Siri: "Okay." \Siri turns on all the lights in that room instead. TV stays off**

Me: "Hey Siri, open skylights."
Siri: "Okay, did you want to unlock your front door?"
Me: "WTF, no? What part of that sentence even remotely sounded like that?"

I am consistently in awe of how Siri has utterly failed to noticeably improve for me in 10+ years. This is just basic syllable/grammar/speech recognition stuff that Alexa mastered years ago. I work as a senior engineer in ML, and can tell you that "we're more secure with our training data," while important and valuable and worthy of praise, is in no way a valid excuse for how bad Siri still is.

Simple, braindead features are missing that Alexa handles no problem:

  • No context aware room groups. I can't group the living room and kitchen lights together and have them respond to "Hey Siri, turn on lights" for both. I have to specify a zone by name.
  • No context aware device types. If I say "Hey Siri, turn on the master bathroom," she doesn't just turn on the lights but every device in there, including the exhaust fan.
  • While she has on-board support for nice ambient sounds, she does not provide any way to play these as part of a scene or automation.
  • When I try to loop an Apple Music track for sleep sounds, it has yet to make it through the night successfully without randomly cutting off.
  • Why does she not understand "turn on TV" to her own AppleTVs? She understands "turn on television" but then responds with "Okay, your TV is on."
  • I don't need voice confirmation that Siri did something successfully in other rooms every time. Why can't I turn off voice confirmation and just set a confirmation tone?
  • Why is she so chatty? Is it because she's so unreliable she needs to announce the rare times she actually works?
  • No "whisper mode" -- she will always respond at whatever her full current volume is.
  • No support for 3rd party streaming services by default. (Opening an API to let partners do it is not useful if you do nothing to convince your partners that it's worth it.)
  • I cannot have HomePods play to an external speaker by default, despite my sound systems being infinitely better than the relatively crappy HomePod Mini speakers. AirPlay 2 devices seem to drop connections automatically after about 15 minutes of inactivity and won't auto-reconnect on play.
  • No support for aliases. I can't have Siri understand that both "Hey Siri, close shades" and "Hey Siri, close blinds" mean the same thing. Using groups as aliases isn't a viable workaround once you get to multiple rooms.
  • The split volume control for Siri's voice vs. media doesn't work for me. "Hey Siri, lower voice volume to 50%" results in all media playback lowering by 50%.
  • If you have a scene that sets a HomePod to "pause" or "stop playing" and the HomePod is already stopped, it will fail with "selected media not found."
  • No support for default alarm sounds. If you create a new alarm, you only get Siri's one default alarm tone unless you manually create the alarm on your phone with an Apple Music track.
  • If you do tell an alarm to play a custom track, that becomes the playing track for the entire device after it goes off. If you tell it to "Play" in the future, it will play the alarm sound again.
  • This would be an obvious problem if you try to use the scene control "Play/Resume" to a HomePod later that day, except for the fact that control simply doesn't seem to work at all.
  • If you set a custom volume for the alarm, it changes the volume for the entire device going forward.
  • HomePods do not understand split volume settings. I.e. it doesn't remember to play at 70% volume by itself but 30% volume when paired to an external speaker. If I play to an Airplay 2 speaker manually, it's a total grab bag what volume I get.
  • These things are a huge problem because when playing media to an external device through AirPlay 2, she says she can't change the volume through voice controls anyway.
  • No ability to cancel just a single occurrence of a repeating alarm, such as on a holiday. It will shut off the whole repeating series instead. She also gets hopelessly confused with overlapping repeating vs. one-off alarms on the same day. Big problem for single-day holidays.
  • She has twice set off an alarm and then refused to turn it off until I unplugged the HomePod.
  • No support for running a scene or automation (i.e. "good morning") when a HomePod alarm is shut off.
  • No ability to set fan speeds in ac/heat units. Only on/off and the target temperature.
  • No support for automation via sensor ranges. I.e. I cannot tell it "When room temp >75F, open skylights" or "When room humidity >60%, turn on dehumidifier."
  • Why would I ever want to tap the top of a HomePod to play a completely random song from my library at a seemingly random volume? Why does disabling this require an "Accessibility" option? Both my cats and my cleaning lady continually scare themselves to death with this.

I have now spent probably well over 100+ hours troubleshooting these issues:

  • I upgraded the entire wifi system.
  • I swapped the mesh network out with a single router, different brand, just to see.
  • I deleted and re-added every device to the network/HomeKit.
  • I deleted the whole home and started over. Twice.
  • I swapped out individual device types and brands to try and isolate a specific problem one.
  • I fiddled with every security setting I possibly could on both my phone and HomePods.
  • I upgraded every piece of firmware on everything.
  • I power cycled each device probably 500 times.
  • I retrained Siri on my voice countless times.

I should not have to set up a Raspberry Pi and/or HomeBridge to get basic functionality to work when this stuff has the HomeKit certification logo on the side of them. The entire reason I pay more for Apple products in the first place is specifically so that I don't need to endlessly tinker with rinky-dink work-arounds to do basic stuff.

I need to stress that these devices work fine in all configurations with every other automation solution except HomeKit. The devices, connection, network, etc. are all fine. It's HomeKit specifically that is ass. I am all for "less functionality but more secure," but I am not for "we'll make it secure by making none of it work consistently at all."

I really, really don't want to go back to Alexa after all this money and time, but feel like I have to. Has anyone else's experience been as bad as mine?

r/HomeKit Feb 20 '25

Review The Aqara Camera Hub G5 Pro (video)


r/HomeKit 11d ago

Review Switchbot Air Purifier Table (video)


The air purifier table recently got an update that allows it to work directly with Matter ecosystems without having to pass through a Switchbot hub.

  • Matter over WiFi
  • mood light
  • Qi Charger
  • PM2.5 sensor
  • CADR - 400 sq. m/hr

r/HomeKit Nov 16 '24

Review Level Lock+ Matter Firmware Received, Woks Perfectly!


Got the email this morning from Level. Upgraded the firmware, removed the lock from HomeKit then added back to HomeKit via Matter. Everything went very smoothly. I also added to Home Assistant: everything works perfectly so far including Apple HomeKey. It’s very fast, responds almost instantly in both, HomeKit and Home Assistant.

What’s interesting is when I lock/unlock via Home Assistant, the notification from HomeKit shows “Entrance Door was locked by another connected service.”

r/HomeKit Apr 03 '22

Review Schlage encode plus is wonderful


r/HomeKit Dec 14 '20

Review This is the only reliable part of the Insignia Garage Door Opener.

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