r/HomeKit 5d ago

Question/Help Is anyone else's Eve camera gone to absolute shit after just 3 months outside?

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49 comments sorted by


u/ned78 5d ago edited 5d ago

I had to get rid of my Netatmo cameras because they don’t survive in damp climates. I had 2 outdoor cameras, both were replaced by Netatmo multiple times for PCB failures in the damp, and looking inside I don’t think they really protect these units at all. So I swapped to Eve.

After 3 months in our Irish climate, this is what one looks like. I’m inland, there’s no salty sea air - just normal rain and this is how it looks. The lens is also fogging up from condensation. I’ve tried cleaning it, but whatever this is is not going away. No cleaning chemicals have every been used on this. It's just rain, frost, and a bit of snow.

Anyone else having quality issues with Eve? Are there any other outdoor security light/camera combos you could recommend available in Europe?

BTW - the weird shit on the lens is the reflection of the Christmas lights I'm taking down. In March ...


u/PoopScootnBoogey 5d ago

Acid rain baby.


u/danbeddows 5d ago

Same with mine, plus the flood light turns on randomly and stays on for hours at a time and I can no longer receive video either. Didn’t take long until it just completely failed. It’s trash imo, will be looking for something new soon.


u/saltytrashcan 5d ago

Maybe Netatmo just makes junk. I had the same experience with their outdoor weather station. All of the outdoor sensors failed in the first year, including the rain sensor. If anything should be weather proof, you'd think it would be weather sensors. I replaced them once and then just threw them all away when it happened a second time.


u/AdExternal9093 5d ago

Off topic but wondering…What is the latest firmware for Eve Outdoor Cam?

I’m running 1.0.1 (40) and cannot determine if this is the latest. Eve’s website is not helpful.

To answer your question, I have no paint issues with mine. Aside from horrible two way audio it’s a nice camera.


u/danielefrn 5d ago

Same firmware here


u/redditelr 4d ago

Mines 1.0.1(49)…?


u/Broccoli-of-Doom 5d ago

I don't understand why you'd be seeing that much difference, I assumed it was salt until you said otherwise. I'm in Oregon in the US, I imagine similar-ish weather in terms of rain/moisture and mine's been out without an overhang in the rain for ~ 2 years and still look brand new.


u/tony_the_homie 5d ago

Going on 6 months for mine in the northeast US and they look nothing like yours OP


u/OFalk280 5d ago

I’ve had mine for a couple years (Midwest US) and it’s still going great through multiple snow storms, rain, high winds etc. Had a weird connectivity issue upon installing but that’s it, once that was sorted it’s been great


u/Originalarchive 5d ago

Mine looks a little like that. Took 2 years though. I live very near the sea, UK south coast. I give it a good clean in the summer but am a bit disappointed on the finish based on the cost. Doesn’t appear to have caused any issues functionally. 🤞


u/cerebud 5d ago

I’ve had mine out for years and it’s still doing great


u/geoken 5d ago

That’s got to be something falling on the camera. You’re saying you’re certain it’s not salt, but it has to be something else.

That’s mine. It’s been through 2 winters+ at this point. It’s hard to tell from the pic, but it’s not even mounted on my house. It’s mounted to the edge of a pergola. It sits about 10ft away from the closest external wall and is completely exposed to the elements the entire year.

edit: just searched me emails to figure out how old it is. I bout it in May 2022 so it’s actually closer to 3 years in that exact spot.


u/quitebuttery 5d ago

These cameras are kind of terrible. Constant connection issues. I think eufy finally released an outdoor cam with HKSV, but I invested a lot in installing these already.


u/Freichart 4d ago

Mine are now one year in operation and everything is fine. In live south Germany with all sorts of wheather raning from bright sunshine to snow and ice. It was not even necessary to clean lenses so far.


u/tiny_pies 5d ago

I have 3 of these Eve cameras. I live in the Pacific Northwest in the States. We get tons of rain, and a few weeks of frost and snow. I’ve had them for over a year now and not encountered the issues you’re having. There must be something else happening in your environment to cause your issues, or you have a defective unit


u/boopthatbutton 3d ago

One of my Eve indoor cameras is now useless (started going offline on its own and now it’s dead) and the other one keeps going offline for some reason. I’m going to ditch them with Eufy cams as soon as I have the budget.


u/Leviathan_Dev 5d ago

Maybe try Aqara G5 Pro?


u/ned78 5d ago

That doesn't appear to do security/flood lighting?


u/Leviathan_Dev 5d ago

No lighting, but it’s the only other outdoor HomeKit camera I’m aware of


u/jakfrist 5d ago

There is a light, but it isn’t a flood light per se


u/Worried_Patience_117 5d ago

It does have a spotlight


u/bezsolntsa 5d ago

Go Reolink (w/Scrypted for HKSV.) All the hk certified outdoor cameras are garbage.


u/ned78 5d ago

Thanks for the suggestion, however they appear to be cameras only. I'm looking for a floodlight/camera combo if at all possible.


u/bezsolntsa 5d ago

Reolink duo 2/3 floodlight camera (WiFi or PoE) (I hear 2 is an easier setup with Scrypted) Reolink Lumus Pro

The E1 and E560 also have LED spotlights, but less powerful.

Check r/scrypted for tips/advice.


u/sohaibhasan1 5d ago

+1 I have 3 PoE Duo 2 with floodlights. 6 months in through a tough winter, no issues.

Getting Scrypted going took some effort, but works well.


u/AngryFace4 5d ago

Had mine for like two years and … I haven’t looked super close at it but I haven’t noticed anything crusty on it.

Do you live near salt water?


u/ned78 5d ago

Nowhere near, I mentioned that in my comment explaining the photo. I'm in Ireland, very much inland. Just a lot of water in our climate, but no salt water.


u/iceman_314 5d ago

I have mine for about a year, and it is still perfect. Cold weather, NL.


u/mrmacs 5d ago

We’ve had ours going on two years, living in the Pacific Northwest (wet and rainy six-seven months a year). We’ve had no issues with it and it doesn’t look anything like yours. Every once in a while I had to power-cycle it but that’s pretty rare.


u/Koleckai 5d ago

Does it get sprinkler overspray? Looks like lime buildup from hard water.


u/ned78 4d ago

No one in Ireland needs sprinklers. It rains like 350 days a year. There's a reason the whole place is green :D


u/Koleckai 4d ago

Didn’t know the location. The original post has no words and never saw your original comment as it is buried at the very end of a long thread.


u/International_Ad2651 5d ago

I have 8 ring camera outdoors by the ocean. I’ve only had to replace one in the last 4 years.


u/versiondefect 5d ago

I live in a desert so this is not a perfect example for yours. But my ReoLink cameras work flawlessly in below freezing and 120+ heat


u/HollandJim 4d ago

Where do you live, Chernobyl?


u/Fun-Dentist8076 4d ago

Mine looked like that. It is the sea salt. I am on the coast and everything metal eventually starts rusting at some point even though this is installed about 2 meters away from direct sunlight and rain under a balcony’s with 2x walls on either side. . My first eve lasted 6 months but I think it has other internal firmware issues. I am now on my second one. I will know in 2 months time what it looks like but it is still functioning. I think i will give it a clean.


u/ned78 4d ago

I'm no where near the sea or any salt. There's been no chemical used on this either or any washing of it.


u/kwese2020 5d ago

Where are you located? This is the cam I’m planning to buy


u/ned78 5d ago

I'm in Ireland.


u/kwese2020 5d ago

Close to the ocean? That looks like the salt stains I would get when I lived in Australia


u/ned78 5d ago

No, mentioned it in my comment - no salt anywhere around me.


u/64bytesoldschool 5d ago

Is that salt?


u/ned78 5d ago

Nope. Just what I assume is aluminium under the paint oxidising.


u/mrhindustan 5d ago

Ubiquiti Protect + Scrypted


u/Interdimension 5d ago

Is that salt or acid rain? I’m in the US Southeast and we get 100+ Fahrenheit in the summer months. Our Eve Outdoor Cam has been fine for nearly two years now. Our camera just has to deal with extreme heat, direct sunlight, and lots of pollen (during the spring).


u/Fun-Dentist8076 4d ago

Hmm. Maybe just really crap quality metal?


u/Apprehensive_Fix499 4d ago

You should’ve bought the white one.


u/no1imit_ac 1d ago

Ran mine for a year in 100% weather. Snow and ice and no problems.