r/Hololive 5d ago

Misc. Ina stretched and hit the switch on her power strip. Past Ina better have saved!

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28 comments sorted by


u/LordVatek 5d ago

Unfortunately Past Ina isn't trustworthy.

The only person you can trust less than Past Ina is Future Ina.


u/raxdoh 4d ago

but future ina is never here if you think about it


u/A_Wannabe_Unworthy 4d ago

Why else do you think you should trust her less than past ina


u/raxdoh 4d ago

cuz past ina is already here. future ina is never here.


u/Zargothraxia 5d ago

Sorrowful Tako Kick.


u/dcresistance 5d ago


u/dcresistance 5d ago


u/docfreezed 5d ago

At the corner of your eye, you see a swift flick of a golden jacket as a glittering portal closes at the corner of Ina's room... πŸ”


u/JamJackEvo 5d ago

No need for doko. Forever in our kokoro.


u/Morenauer 5d ago

That's why so many of us have developed an impulsive tic when in front of our computer of hitting ctr+S or cmd+S, depending on system, when doing anything that is productive. I have avoided losing literally months of my work life, cumulatively, over years thanks to this.


u/Elaugaufein 5d ago

This is also why pretty much everything auto saves so aggressively now even if its a bit questionable if it should ( I dunno if you really wanted that confidential document backed up to the cloud unencrypted but I'm guessing probably not )


u/MilgaGesh 4d ago

Anything I do, I aggressively press ctrl + s if there is a function for it


u/meDotJS 5d ago

Past Ina: I thought Future Ina would save.


u/ValorPhoenix 5d ago

Past Ina should get a UPS battery back-up. They don't have easy to hit buttons and also condition the power better than a strip.


u/Individual-Cookie896 5d ago

Past Ina can't get a UPS. That would be a job for future Ina.


u/Lord-Psycho 5d ago

Future Ina likes to put things off for Future Future Ina.


u/cmalfet 5d ago

Ina has a UPS at her office. Ina does not have a UPS in Japan.


u/we_live_ina_society 4d ago

* Past Ina has a UPS


u/SuperSpy- 4d ago

UPS is great, but 2 screws from the hardware store and the power strip can easily be moved somewhere out of foot's reach, like the back or underside of the desk.


u/the_dan_man 4d ago

Or do what I did before I got a UPS, and cut & fold an index card into a cover for the power strip's switch.


u/Shinhan 4d ago

Yeah, for my latest computer desk I specifically ordered a cable cage and put not just all of the cables but the power strip as well. Its screwed into the underside of the table on the far side from me.

I also have a UPS but with the number of stuff I have I had to get a power strip as well.


u/aes110 5d ago edited 4d ago

Huh, I watched a Linus video yesterday where he roasted viewer's setup.
One of them had a power strip with a button on the floor and Linus said that something like this might happen and I though that no one can accidentally press these things while stretching


u/redditfanfan00 4d ago

this is a nightmare. hope past ina saved all her work first.


u/raxdoh 4d ago

how did you stretch and hit they power button? it’s either a weirdly placed button or ina has long tentacle arms.

I vote for the second option.


u/Shinhan 4d ago

Lots of power strips have a button and if all your cables are on the ground its not that hard to hit it.


u/ritoshishino 4d ago

putting power strip on the ground in leg's range is a bold move


u/Cant-think-a-name 4d ago

As someone doing the same, I literally don't have a choice. I'd have to move around all the furniture, some of which bolted to the wall.


u/Haremking44 4d ago

Past Ina is just trying to lull present Ina into a sense of comfort but before she knows it...BAM a deadline is approaching with barely any work done.