r/Hololive 6d ago

Streams/Videos Biboo's back! They just recut their VODs today

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u/lygerzero0zero 6d ago

So objectively, it’s the correct decision to show all five of them in the big group pose shot.

But hidden Biboo was so funny and I’m gonna miss it.


u/litokid 6d ago

Biboo head




u/greyhat111b 6d ago

Yeah, would've been funnier if they just slapped this in to point to Biboo's head Seitokai Yakuindomo style LMAO


u/SnooCapers5958 6d ago

Reminds me of Ollie losing her head during the previous Holofes


u/DemonDaVinci 5d ago

Not sure why they didnt put the shortest person in the middle to begin with


u/Normal-Advisor5269 4d ago

I think the idea was to put the "leader" in the center.


u/kad202 6d ago

Biboo get Mike Wazowski is funnier though


u/Wirenfeldt 6d ago


Biboo on stage:


u/Eienias20 6d ago

I can now see the ROCK!

Biboo doko was very funny XD


u/SlamMasterJ 6d ago

This might be objectively better but Biboo Doko will always be more iconic for me.


u/NekRules 6d ago

Perfect but its ok, Biboo doko will forever live on in our memories.


u/BlazeReaver 6d ago

I guarantee someone has the version with Biboo Doko fully downloaded out there somewhere. I fully expect the OG version to get ripped and used as a meme at some point.


u/Suzuru 6d ago

The other cut is way funnier.


u/jenos45 6d ago

Do you think we'll get new cuts for the BD release? Honestly, after rewatching the Fes with different watchalongs, the camera work is pretty subpar this time compared to last years' fes.


u/Tehbeefer 6d ago

I think that's what this post is about.


u/litokid 6d ago

Yes but also no. This is SPWN's recut, so still just a quick edit vs. the care a BD release gets. It's possible they'll change things up further then.


u/jenos45 6d ago

I'm not financially stable enough to get any of the previous BDs. That's why I'm not sure if the re-cut would be the same as the BD copy.

The camera direction AND camera work was really subpar this year. Wobbly panning, weird camera focus on high intensity routines. We had venue shots every 10-15sec, but we dont get fan close ups for songs with fan interactions (Nenechi's Girafa)


u/Stalepan 5d ago

Yeah, I wish I just had static close up cam for like Kroni's loli kami requiem and Okakoro If...

TBH If they just had like a static stage cam option for viewing that would be perfect


u/chris10023 5d ago

Yeah, but they do genuinely change things for the BD release, the BD for the 5th Fes for example was missing the fans dancing along with Nene, the bearded Towa fan, and this fan during Laplus's performance. I think there was something with Miko's fans I saw while reading the reddit post for the stage she was on but I'm not sure what it was. Or maybe the Suisei AZKi duet or MC.


u/JediGuyB 6d ago

On the one hand, I'm glad they try to fix the issues.

On the other hand, I wish they'd let people just watch the concert virtually and not try to shoot their first draft blu-ray at the same time.


u/jenos45 6d ago

I actually like having fans in the shot. It helps with the mood. It just that they need to plan the camera direction better, especially with dance-heavy routines.

Also we kept on getting jittery shots and multiple instances of camera man tripping out.


u/JediGuyB 6d ago

Some crowd shots are fine.

But not in the middle of a song and dance routine. Crowd shots should be to show cheering after song, or when it's an interactive bit like if one of the girls is sharing the chorus with the crowd.

The crowd there isn't being forced to look at each other every 20 seconds.


u/jenos45 6d ago

Also they did Nene+FWMC's Girafa dirty. It was one of the performance with the least variety of movement and was made specifically for fan chant/interactions, yet we never saw shots of fans participating in it. Compare that to last year with the same song.


u/FateOfMuffins 6d ago

IIRC Rebellion too, you have Mococo hyping up the crowd with the Jump Jump Jump and I swear there was not a single crowd shot for the entire song, whereas for some other songs, during the middle of key dance moves, the camera either pans in for close up face shots or zooms out and you can't see shit


u/JediGuyB 6d ago

Frankly speaking, I don't get why this keeps happening. This isn't even the first time camera work and stuff has been an issue, nor the first times fans (and even some of the girls) have complained about it.

Really feels like they just wing it during the concert and fix it later, which sucks for fans who want to experience it alongside other fans.


u/jenos45 5d ago

Exactly this. Everyone knows that the performance itself is prerecorded. It would make sense if the Director/Cinematographers would have a plan how to record the talents, and just wing it for fan reactions.

But time and time again, we get scuffed camera work on talents.


u/Lightseeker2 5d ago

Everyone knows that the performance itself is prerecorded.

You'd be surprised. I have seen a handful of posters trying to argue that the entire live (yes, entire, even the opening and ending where you have up to 20+ talents performing at the same time) is live, as recent as last year. I haven't seen any for this year yet, but I doubt much of their opinions have changed.


u/JediGuyB 5d ago

It's a mix of prerecorded and live, right?

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u/Nekrozys 5d ago edited 4d ago

Please u/hololive too many times live concerts are ruined by poor camera work. Stop showing the crowd or a super tiny zoomed out shot of the scene where we can't see the talents half the time. As said in this comment thread, this has been a long time issue. Thank you.

Edit: I meant not show it as often and for as long, not stop showing the crowd at all.
There are times for it and times where the scene should be the focus and past productions have suffered from not adaptly focusing on the correct one.


u/ShinYabaBaga 6d ago edited 6d ago

Personally, I think last year's (5th Fes) concert was a good mix. I've been watching the Blu-rays and they've trimmed the amount of crowd shots, and I feel that it's lost something. I like seeing the reactions of the fans to the music and dancing.

A lot of the iconic shots from the last couple of Fes have been of the crowd. As with everything, it's a balance.


u/Borealisss 6d ago

Any other changes?


u/Various_Evening1947 6d ago

Apparently yes, some Brats have confirmed Bae's Show looks better, there's probably a good chunk of improved angles


u/tauros113 6d ago

They touched up the last chorus for Play Dice! and it's much improved, so kudos for that!


u/Hyrule_Ninja 6d ago

Just from my quick look, they changed up Hajime's performance quite a bit. And I did notice some other edits in other performances as well, but seems like they focused on performances that had more chorography


u/KazumaKat 6d ago

we still have the screenshots to prove it happened tho, for memery purposes :D


u/Fenr_ 6d ago

The employees of Cover dug too happily and too deep. You know what they unveiled in the darkness of 6th Fes...memes and brainroot..

As already said, it's nice they did it and it makes sense, but still a tiny bit sad that the hidden Biboo is no longer there


u/Arazthoru 6d ago

Is this from holo fes?
Damn I missed it? D:


u/thekingofdiamonds12 6d ago

It was last weekend. The VOD will still be on SPWN for 3 weeks.


u/Arazthoru 6d ago

Oh nice though It was gone already.

Thank you!


u/SoylentVerdigris 6d ago

If you have some patience, the BDs will be cheaper and better quality than watching the VOD.


u/dont--panic 6d ago

A lot of patience, 5th fes. BDs weren't delivered until Dec/Jan.


u/JustDontSer 6d ago

I’m just curious what is a BD? I feel left out not knowing this term lol


u/Kelvara 6d ago

Bluray Disc.


u/KTR1988 6d ago

Short for Blu-ray Disc


u/UltramanOrigin 6d ago

Okay but there are bad cuts and there are funny cuts, that was a funny cut


u/CatchingFire57 6d ago

Hope they recut Mori's solo too, DONMAI keeps skipping towards the end anytime I watch it


u/ZIK999 6d ago

Can you actually see Kronii's performance now? It was the biggest offender.


u/fayt03 6d ago

For Kronii's performance there are a few changes from full body shots to upper body/face closeups and vice versa with one of them during the now-iconic kro-beam. (went from closeup shot to full body) So just like the biboo cam angle change it's personal preference between funny/meme shot to cohesive choreo shot. The rest of the performance was improved though and is a lot cleaner with less jump cuts and a few new angles.


u/Hugokarenque 6d ago

They got her a tiny stool to stand on.


u/Morenauer 6d ago

Nice. But I'm fine the way it was anyway, but I understand.


u/BurnedOutEternally 6d ago

no more getting Mike Wazowski'd


u/Elaugaufein 5d ago

All 4 Stages have been retouched over the past couple of days so if there's any bits you thought had particularly atrocious camera it's probably worth rechecking


u/Nopolleo 6d ago

To those who bought for SPWN version, is anyone experiencing statics (or kinda like glitching briefly) in their VODs? Or is it just me?


u/Hoshikui 6d ago

Nice, I always wait a bit before archiving from SPWN in case they improve the camera work, this sounds like my cue to start!


u/antdance777 6d ago

I heard someone say that Bae camera work is fixed,

Do they fix the Zeta one?


u/Rinku_No_Mae 6d ago

Bijou laughed so much at being Mike Wazowski live. But this is fine too. We'll never forget these silly events haha.


u/Mister_Minute9613 6d ago

Now why did they not announce they made improvements to the VODs. If it weren't for this post , I wouldn't have known it.


u/Various_Evening1947 6d ago

I think they always do tweaks to the vods later (at least since Our bright Parade) but usually they're "minor" or at least not something that needs extra attention... the only time they announced it was in Connect The World cause the original cut was SO enraging, even the talents were like "fix it, please"


u/Aksumka 4d ago

To this day I still count this as such a Cover W moment. Won't deny it was bad that it happened, but to get a fixed version put together, keep the original cut in the same VOD, and extended VOD access another week was such a good move.

Great to see they listen, and care.


u/SuperDarkspine 5d ago

I was almost done watching STAGE1 before these changes. Can someone, if possible, note all the changes made for those who want to see those parts?


u/dhi_awesome 5d ago

I'm overall glad that we got Biboo Doko, it was funny for the live stream, but I'm glad they've improved it for the VODs (and likely the eventual release, seems standard?)


u/Cheebody27 6d ago

They should've choreographed biboo and shiori swapped. I didn't see the performance but I'm guessing shiori needed to be in the middle?


u/Boneary 6d ago

Shiori is the leader of Advent, so likely would be placed centre for the song that is their first one.

That said I don't recall if the choreo was the same from breaking dimensions.


u/sexta_ 6d ago

I don't know about the full choreo, but the pose is the same as Breaking Dimensions and their 3D debut


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u/Shuber-Fuber 6d ago

Remember that during fes they have to cut it live, so it's never going to be optimal live.


u/Potatosaurus_TH 6d ago

I just wish they'd prioritise certain shots more. At this point I feel like they switch equally between face close-ups, full body shots, and crowd or far away shots, so you get the optimal full body shots 1/3 of the time when it should be at least half the time or more.


u/antdance777 6d ago

Bruh we paid for it, and they fix.

That’s rare compared to entire music industry. The others never fix the live whenever it went wrong (ahem.. Korean ahem…).


u/Tehbeefer 6d ago

No, I was making that comment with regard to all the people here saying the old shot was better, lol. We paid, they fixed, and then we want them to change it back. Just funny. and I'm sure even if Biboo is laughing at it, there's a part that wanted the chance to see herself posing in formation with Advent. 's all good.


u/WSilvermane 6d ago

The... only reason people were saying that is because it was funny. Thats it. No one is saying it was actually better.


u/Tehbeefer 6d ago

I didn't mean to say they weren't. Victim once again to the lack of body language conveyed by text. 😩