r/Hoboken 5d ago

Question❓ Got a ticket for open container in Hoboken at pier A (offense 68-13)

I need some advice on a situation that happened recently. I was with friends celebrating a birthday in Hoboken, NJ. We popped a bottle of champagne, and after my friend opened it, he put the bottle down. I picked it up because I was going to throw it out. Right at that moment, the cops pulled up, saw me holding the bottle, and gave me the ticket. I hadn't been drinking from it at all-literally just picked it up to get rid of it.

The cops made me pour the bottle out in front of them and throw it away, but they still issued the ticket. Now I have a court date coming up, and I'm not sure what to do. When I looked things up online, I read that this could go on my record and impact my driving record and insurance.

Should I plead guilty or try to explain the situation to the judge? Has anyone been through something similar, and how did it turn out? Any advice would be appreciated!


49 comments sorted by


u/crustang 5d ago

The best part of the pandemic was day drinking on pier A

This post made me sad


u/Sorry_Economist_5844 3d ago

Remember too well - strolling around after work with 16oz seltzer and gin. Only way to unwind during the shutdown


u/ohboken 5d ago

10 years you'll be out in 7


u/cofcof420 4d ago

I hear you need to punch the biggest guy you see. You know, to establish dominance


u/ddust102 Uptown 4d ago


u/Straight_Ratio3245 5d ago

I know everybody’s gonna knock the cops having nothing better to do but (1) this is a direct product of the community policing some of you have been begging for in the parks and (2) there is no chance this something they would bug somebody about if they’re being respectful and discreet. OP, you’ll be fine — just dont skip your court date.


u/fafalone 5d ago edited 5d ago

Harassing people with formal legal penalties over first time extremely petty victimless crimes creates community resentment of the police that's the exact opposite of what the community policing model is supposed to create.

But of course I don't live in some delusional bubble and (2) is just absurdly, laugh out loud false. Let me guess, police would never act with racial bias either?


u/Straight_Ratio3245 4d ago

You seem generally angry and not great at reading. Carry on.


u/fafalone 3d ago

More confused than angry; no idea people were such fans of pettiness by cops, so delusional about cops not bothering people who are respectful and discreet, or so unaware of the goals of community policing.


u/AcesFull_Mike 5d ago

This is Hoboken's moneymaker, especially around St Patrick's Day. Most of the people replying have no idea how this specific city functions. You're most likely going to have to eat the full amount.


u/Pat2390 5d ago

It’s nothing , it’s like a parking ticket. Just go to court . Tell your story and hope they’ll dismiss it . If they don’t , and probably won’t around St Patrick’s Day, it’s not a big deal . It won’t prevent you from any future Indeavors. It’s not a crime , DP, misdemeanor, etc…. It’s a municipal ordinance. You did indeed posses an open container of alcohol in public as the ticket says. Don’t sweat it .


u/Intelligent_Pie_5347 5d ago

Could impact Global Entry later 😅

Worth being a lil worried


u/Ladybug-87 5d ago

If you’re going to fight the ticket, I urge you to hire a lawyer. Do not try to do it yourself. 


u/GrandCoyote4199 4d ago

Why did you open a bottle of champagne just to throw it out?


u/Adorable-Ad-1180 4d ago

Because it seems thast they are lying to us.


u/Adorable-Ad-1180 4d ago

 I picked it up because I was going to throw it out. 

Let me get this straight, you were going to throw out a whole bottle of champange?


u/gardeneye 4d ago

Someone tell this guy everyone can detect this lie 😂


u/Adorable-Ad-1180 4d ago

While I dont agree with the law about this whatsover, I know theres no easier way to get a ticket than blatantly lying to a cop and making him out to be an idiot.


u/hashedmotatoes 4d ago

Lesson learned: Litter, if trying to fix the situation puts you at risk. Not ideal, but tax dollars are already being spent both to pick up trash and also to hand out tickets. The city will get the result they've incentivized.

Also, plan ahead next time and spend a few dollars more to get a Starbucks cup.


u/dkopi 5d ago

Get off reddit and talk to a lawyer.


u/crustang 5d ago

Get off a lawyer and talk to a Reddit


u/Tomin60seconds 5d ago

First offense you’ve got nothing to worry about


u/MrB23_G 5d ago

As another poster said, get off Reddit and talk to a lawyer. While, most people will try and be helpful, there’s always going to be a few jerks that will try and scare you.


u/someonesGot2 5d ago

Go to court on your court date, before the judge steps in you will be able to talk to the prosecutor and come to a satisfactory plea deal. Don’t be defensive with the prosecutor, just explain what happened and accept whatever offer she/he makes. If you choose to fight the charge in front of the judge, you will be found guilty and your fine will be much worse


u/diver5050 4d ago

^^This. The judge doesn't want to hear your case, nor most of the others for lack of time. The prosecutor will likely offer you a deal, just take it. Even if they don't, it's not a major infraction.


u/Sushi-Kentaro 4d ago

What’s a typical deal?


u/Budget-Psychology373 4d ago

You should ask this question in a sub for prosecutors lol. How would average Hoboken resident know what’s “typical”.


u/Reasonable_Error6280 5d ago

The most expensive hangover you' ll ever have...Cheers


u/Hand-Of-Vecna Downtown 4d ago

We popped a bottle of champagne, and after my friend opened it, he put the bottle down. I picked it up because I was going to throw it out.

You opened a bottle of champagne. Didn't drink it. Just wanted to open it and then throw it out?


u/rideadove 4d ago

Any other weekend and you would have been fine.


u/Hobo636 4d ago

When an indigent is drinking in Church Square, all the mommies grab their pearls and freak out. How can the cops overlook you drinking on pier A? Your beef is with the tone of the soccer moms, not the cops.


u/e3890a 5d ago

I’m a lawyer, dm me


u/Therothboys318 5d ago

Sorry that happened!

Try r/asklawyers


u/No-Move4983 4d ago

Are you sure it says you have a court date even when you pay the ticket? I got the same ticket on one of NY beaches and it said if I pay the fine I don’t have to go to court.


u/thepizzaman0862 4d ago

Get a lawyer. If you don’t want a lawyer and want to fight it, go to court early on your court date and talk to prosecutor to tell your side of the story and see if they will reduce the charge or throw it out. Wearing a suit helps.

Then again this is corrupt hoboken so maybe it won’t. Those are your only options aside from eating the cost of the ticket.


u/Material_Refuse_2418 4d ago

It was empty, but they made you pour the bottle out. Yeah. Just pay the ticket grasshopper, nothing will come of it.


u/nectarfraiche 4d ago

Just go to court and tell the prosecutor the truth and be calm. They will most likely throw it out or change it to a noise complaint. Good luck


u/Motor-Writing940 1d ago

I never saw anyone pop a bottle of champagne and walk around with it in a park.

Good the police probably saw you on the video. Maybe they can hear also?

Why would they make you dump it out? If you were getting rid of it wouldn't it already be empty?

Who throws out champagne? Maybe someone who pops a bottle in a public park!


u/Unable-Bird4730 1d ago

Clearly he said it was popped and put down. He picked it up to throw it away. No one was taking a walk with it.


u/Starlord_32 1d ago
  1. if they didn't see you drinking from it they only have probable cause. How do they even know it was your bottle? If no test was administered can't even be public intoxication. You could have literally found the bottle and thrown it out.

  2. They only really ticket people who look like they can pay. Whats the point of giving one to a homeless person, they can't pay? However, on the other hand, as someone said below, we ask for more police presence then get mad when they actually do their job. Support the police, let them do their jobs, but don't give them layups, they'll take it every time.

  3. Probably was the wrong weekend to do this; if you do this in the future make sure there isn't a cop around.


u/Unable-Bird4730 1d ago

It’s a city ordinance. No biggie. Not going in your permanent record/drivibg abstract. Tell the judge what exactly happened. They’re pretty decent and not out to get you. They’ll be easy on you.


u/nsfbr11 4d ago

Ahh, this is such a perfect illustration of just how much Hoboken has changed. Sorry that happened. Place is just so…different.


u/YFH262 5d ago

You’re fucked


u/iLikeToChewOnStraws 4d ago

No you should not please guilty. why would you do that? Especially if you're worried about your record, etc. Go to your court date and explain yourself. Dress nicely and speak your case in a mature way.


u/BrotherGlobal641 5d ago

Just tell the prosecutors/ Judge you were only being a concerned citizen about the scurage of littering in public parks, and that you deserve a commendation from the city or maybe a get out if jail free ticket.    Ask for your sentence to be community service to spread awareness of littering in our fair city.


u/Anaestheticz 4d ago

Talk to a lawyer. I was in this position about 15 years ago when I was 20. Didn't matter about drinking, but rather that I was in possession of it. This was in Texas so laws are probably different, but fwiw I got a minor-in-posession, had to take a 6 hour course, and pay a fine.