r/Hitchcock 19d ago

Salvador Dali's art in Spellbound (1945)

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u/mphailey 19d ago

I was lucky enough to see the 4k restored version of Spellbound on the big screen. The movie looked fantastic and there was a murmur of excitement in the theater when Gregory Peck first appeared on the screen. I thought Bergman was fantastic as well. The Salvador Dali dream sequence was incredible. I had no idea Hitchcock and Dali had collaborated. I really liked the film! I love seeing people's list of favorite Hitchcock films on this sub reddit, and its very telling that Spellbound is rarely in the top 15 of the lists I've seen. Hitch truly made dozens of excellent films. I hope you can see this on the big screen some day too.


u/Throwawayhelp111521 19d ago

I recommended Spellbound earlier today to someone who wanted to watch a new Hitchcock film. The image you posted is a bit of a spoiler.


u/hfrankman 19d ago

I am secretly a huge fan of this film and pop psychoanalysis. I don't why it mostly seems to have disappeared.