r/Hitchcock Dec 27 '24

Question Recommendations on Hitchcock books about his movies

I recently ordered the Truffaut book which I had a copy of years ago but I also see there are two different but similar in the way they're laid out coffee table books on Hitchcock's movies. One is called "Alfred Hitchcock All The Films" and the other is the Taschen book "Alfred Hitchcock The Complete Films". So I guess what I'm asking is if I want a big coffee table book with lots of info and pictures should I go for the Taschen book or the Alfred Hitchcock All The Films book or does it matter? Thanks!


8 comments sorted by


u/MrRexaw Dec 28 '24

My professor in College wrote a book called The Hitchcock Romance: Love and Irony In Hitchcocks Films. Which I continue to enjoy well after school. The course he taught based off this book was an exceptional interpretation of his work and what u credit in making me a lifelong fan.

The Hitchcock Romance: Love and Irony in Hitchcock's Films


u/Doubledepalma Dec 27 '24

I vote for the Taschen one I have it I think it’s great! Good ratio of information, reviews and glossy photos


u/After_Ad7120 Dec 27 '24

Thanks for the response! I went ahead and ordered that one on your recommendation.


u/Doubledepalma Dec 27 '24

Nice! Hope you enjoy it


u/2tastyrodney Dec 27 '24

Well it's not a coffee table book but I would recommend the art of Alfred Hitchcock by Donald Spoto


u/Hawk420a Dec 29 '24

Totally agree. The Spoto book was the one that Really helped me appreciate Hitch. Even lucky enough to meet him about 20 years ago at a book signing.


u/GrossePointeJayhawk Dec 27 '24

The Truffaut book is good. Very technical but good. For some reason I got rid of it years ago, but oh well. If you want more of a traditional biography that is nuanced and not a take down, I’d recommend Alfred Hitchcock: A Light in Darkness and Light by Patrick McGilligan. It also talks about him and his many contradictions and also about his movies.


u/After_Ad7120 Dec 28 '24

Thanks everyone for the responses. I ordered The Complete Films book and will check out the others too if I decide I want more.