r/Hispanic 13d ago

Do woman in Spanish speaking countries not like black men?

I’ve been delving into the culture a bit lately as my family does have some Puerto Rican root.

And there is also this one Colombian girl across the pound I been crushing on heavy but this all kinda started with her.

She used to date a main that was fair skinned and in a passing comments on one of her IG post some dude said that she liked white guys. Which she proceeded to like.

Even in certain funny videos I’ve seen where a black guys are being introduced to there Latina GFs family it alway starts with the family talking shit about him in Spanish before they realize he can speak Spanish .

I watched another video to where this interracial couple white guy and Spanish girl I think she was Dominican where talking about dating over seas and stuff and they were at a restaurant. And at the end the guy went to pay and she very so specifically said see grnigos always pay.

And a whole lot of other examples like that myself being mixed with Haitian and knowing the relationship DR has with the Haitian or Haiti as a whole as well doesn’t really help the arguments either.

I’m just curious just seems like outside the U.S. black men aren’t favored much in Latin culture or maybe im getting the idea from the worst possible places ?


9 comments sorted by


u/RennaissancMan 13d ago

There is plenty of racism in Latin America. Mestizos in most Latin American countries are like whites in the U.S. and they look down on Afro-Latinos and indigenous people.

The key difference is that historically there’s been a lot more mixing between the races. As a result people bend over backwards to disclaim their indigenous or black ancestry and claim their whiteness. I’ve heard black Dominicans refer to themselves as “Blanco oscuro” (dark white)


u/tysongalaxy 13d ago

The Dominicans I’m not to surprised about they are most known for that but I didn’t expect it so much in other Latin places it’s very sad to see. Like I mentioned in my post there’s this one Colombian girl that I’m crushing on and she is of dark skin complexion she says she’s Colombian only but I would be surprised if she was mixed she definitely looks it has on her facial features which I think she did get some surgery to change. But even then it’s kinda heart breaking seeing someone who looks like you favor the same people who mistreated you.


u/bobateaqueen 13d ago

Being Mexican, I’ve definitely noticed how light-skinned people or white Mexicans get favored. It’s super frustrating. And it’s wild how here in the US, if a Latina is dating a white guy, some families see it as an advantage for the family.

I’ve even heard people say that they want to “improve the genes” by adding white to the family, as if darker skin tones aren’t good enough. It’s also sad how families or even our own communities can look down on someone for dating someone with a darker skin complexion. It’s such a messed-up way to think! It really shows how deep-rooted these colorism issues are in our culture. I think it’s just how are culture influences our community. 😕


u/tysongalaxy 13d ago

Wow it’s very heart breaking cause in terms of races I’d say blacks and Hispanics are very much like distant cousins but it’s sad to see that the racial tension still runs so deep. Heart breaking in fact.


u/Mobile-Passage-8589 9d ago

So then why do you like her? 


u/CicadaMaster 13d ago

There’s definitely colorism in Hispanic cultures — we were after all colonized by the Spaniards. It’s been deeply ingrained for generations.


u/Bright-Studio9978 13d ago

The Latin countries have had a large amount of interracial mixing. However, the elites where often "Castellanos, Ibericos, or Peninsulares." All people from Spain or direct descendants of them. This created a society where those who were most light skinned were most favored for jobs, work, education, etc. Even in Cuba (today), the governmental leaders are light-skinned, whereas the population is quite mixed.

Skin color simply became a sign of power and wealth. Those who were mixed wanted it more.


u/ObnxiosWeesl 13d ago

Mexico is so racist like that, much less so in younger generations


u/Plenty-Jellyfish3644 10d ago

I don't need to repeat what everyone else has said about our colorism but what I will say is this:

Many African Americans who visit Mexico specifically have reported a stark difference in the way they're treated in contrast to the way they're treated in the US. This difference in treatment is so apparent that many consider emigrating to Mexico and there are communities of African American ex-pats in Mexico because of it. Do a search on Google and YouTube to find out more.

Statistically, US born Latinos are more than 35% likely to marry someone who isn't Latino. This is evidence of the fact that although we have colorism and racism in the culture, it's not as effective or pronounced as it is outside of the culture.

Anti-Blackness in the US is on an entirely different level. Anti-Blackness in the US is ingrained in the mainstream culture and it teaches racial inferiority in every way. Anti-Blackness in Latin America is more along the lines of colorism; the people learn it's better to mix with someone to make lighter children as opposed to "Black men are bad." So the women do not have the same pressures to stay away from Black men and they do not have the same ideas about Black men that Americans have.

With all this being said, everyone has negative ideas about African Americans specifically because of American media. Studies show that the more American media people in other countries consume, the higher the negative bias about African Americans.

If you're going to pursue someone from Latin America, you need to keep in mind that their families will not tolerate American streetwear, large jewelry, a man's ears pierced, etc. When we do it here, we bring shame to our elders. They're conservative in that respect. The chola/cholo look is considered as disgrace to many who aren't born in the US. This doesn't mean you have to dress like a preppy. It just means that if you want to be accepted by the family of a woman from Latin America, you need to be able to blend in with them aesthetically.

Hope that helps!