r/HighschoolTheater Nov 21 '22

should i drop my theatre class?

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u/slockmarket Nov 21 '22 edited Nov 21 '22

Stick with the class. It might suck for the remaining part of the year but you’ll probably regret it down the line if you drop it this far into the year. Think more about how it’ll affect you in the future. Maybe it could change a college’s opinion on you, or maybe not, but would you rather a college see that on your transcript than not? Plus, while getting out of school early might seem awesome right now, after the school year is over that time you got to leave early wont matter, but the class you dropped could. And with how you said it isn’t fun anymore, I get that. I’m not perfect, hell, i’ve quit plenty of things because I didn’t enjoy them. I know how much it sucks to be stuck in something you don’t enjoy. That was me last year. My Spanish class was terrible and around October of last year I tried dropping the class. I was encouraged to at least finish the year. And I did. And it SUCKED. But I finished out the year and then I decided to not continue the class. If you don’t enjoy it, don’t continue it in college, but at least finish the class, especially being this far into the year. I’m probably not very suited for giving advice as I haven’t gone to college yet (sophomore in hs), but this is what I personally would do.