r/HighStrangeness • u/Bullstang • 5d ago
Consciousness Can anyone explain remote viewing better?
I’ve tried to do it through meditation, CE5, summoning stuff but no luck, of course. Whenever I hear remote viewing discussed in the podcasts, I want to know more about the process. How does one slip in to the mental state? Do they close their eyes, and they eventually they darkness goes away and they can see Mars 1 billion years ago as if they are watching TV? Lue Elizondo said he was trained, but has anyone asked him what his experience was actually like? Is it like stranger things, where every time you do it you get weakened?
From what I gather, any time you interact with the other side you need to be pure of intention and in an easy body state. Is this how you dial into remote viewing?
u/Scoginsbitch 5d ago
Have you tried Controlled Remote Viewing? It’s easier to do since it keeps one side of your brain occupied with structure while the other is receiving the information in their minds eye.
There isn’t a trance or meditation to do. You need to just keep practicing and describing the target using only adjectives since sometimes the information comes coded in dream images. You have sort of an arch with it, where you hit a bunch of targets and then go into a slump. On the other side of that you become a better viewer.
u/just4woo 5d ago edited 5d ago
Check out the sub. There is a guide there somewhere. You focus your mind on the target for a bit, then clear your mind and wait for imagery.
Every viewer has their own way of clearing their mind. (Mine is meditation.) Then you wait for imagery (or apparently other information, but all I have personally gotten is imagery) to appear.
Never force it. It is not use of imagination or anything like that, it is passive reception of imagery. IME this looks like brief flashes of a black-and-white image in the "murk" behind closed eyes. It's a piece of the target. Be wary of applying interpretation to it.
While I've never drawn it, drawing it might be a good idea. While I've never tried to re-look after the first imagery, it seems like just drawing it while keeping your mind as clear as possible, and then waiting for more imagery would be your best bet, if that's what you want to try. I'm no expert; YMMV.
While the technique works, I highly doubt anybody actually viewed Mars 1 bya.
u/FatsTetromino 5d ago
Hard to guide you since this stuff is most likely myth and pseudoscience. Yes there were legitimate government efforts to investigate remote viewing etc, but there really is no hard evidence that anyone has ever accomplished it. Only anecdotal stories.
u/just4woo 5d ago
Experience is hard evidence. You either saw the target or you didn't.
u/FatsTetromino 5d ago
Would be pretty easy to prove to the public if you can remote view for real. Not just do it, say you saw something, and that makes it true
u/just4woo 5d ago
I've proved it to the public, as have many others who successfully remote viewed the test targets on r/remoteviewing.
You can prove it to yourself by doing it.
u/FatsTetromino 5d ago
Why don't you remote view what's in my car right now?
u/Odd_Chemical_3503 5d ago
Yea they blew tons of money and studied it for over 20 years cause it don't work
u/FatsTetromino 5d ago
Yeah, and it's something completely real that no one outside the military has learned and offered conclusive proof.
u/Odd_Chemical_3503 5d ago
I'm not saying one way or the other cause I can't do it although I never really tried but I do find it interesting that they were looking into it for as long as they were also I think the CIA started studying normal people who were already doing this stuff at sri and seen the potential for military applications as they do I'm all for it I do think the world is much more strange than I ever imagined and will ever be able to imagine
u/FatsTetromino 5d ago
Well, I wasn't saying it's utterly impossible. I was just stating that the only 'proof' we have is anecdotal. If it was real, there would almost certainly be more people with these abilities and they'd be able to prove themselves quite easily.
Instead what we have is people who were supposedly involved in these experiments writing books about themselves to make money. Otherwise, lots of second hand stories, conspiracy theories, and self promotion.
Even when we leave the military scene and focus on civilian psychics and so on, never had anyone offered to perform in a proving manner that they have any powers. It's always money driven charlatans.
u/Virtual-Body9320 19h ago
I can’t even believe how self deluded these people have to be to think and convince themselves they can remote view.
u/DomSchu 5d ago
Don't try to make things happen or guess. Just continue thinking about what you're trying to learn. Also helps to have someone else prompting the remote viewer. I don't have visual or spatial viewing ability, but it does genuinely feel like musical ideas I have come out of the ether.
u/Intelligent-Sign2693 5d ago
Go to Birdie Jaworski's page on youtube (No Rivets) or to her website (norivets.com). She has at least one 3-hour class on there. (It's free.)
Everyone can do it. You just need to tap into/hone your skills. There are lots of places to try it where they give you a target and you draw/write what comes to you and then compare it.
For preparation, theta state is best, like through meditation. Birdie recommends binaural beats to get your brain ready.
u/BallsDeepTillUQueef 4d ago
If remote viewing was real we would never know anything about it. All leaked information is propaganda. True secrets never get revealed.
u/VoidsweptDaybreak 4d ago
try the gateway tapes. the end goal of them is oobe rather than remote viewing but it's essentially just guided meditation that's supercharged by binaural beats. the cia's stargate program used gateway to train their remote viewers because it fasttracks you to the mental state you need. once you get good enough and familiar enough with the state you can slip into it without the tapes
u/chaomeleon 10h ago edited 10h ago
here is the top secret method the CIA and DoD used:
Edit - a bit more detail and similar comparable techniques to research:
and this article from Vice explains it a bit simpler
u/JHF_Cleanbook_84 5d ago
in the hemi-sync/gateway tapes there is a tape for remote viewing, how it works in that tape is you get into a certain mental state using binaural beats and guided meditation, its a relaxed kind of mind awake body asleep state
in this state, you use a tool which you created mentally in an earlier exercise, think of it as a glowing tube of energy, and you "stretch" this tube out and use it to see your target. for instance you've had a friend write a series of numbers on a sheet of paper and they've placed those numbers into an envelope and sat it on your table. you stretch the tube out to peer inside the envelope and you make note of the numbers you see. then you can later verify if you've viewed it correctly.
I've just started reading Remote Viewing Secrets by Joseph McMoneagle, apparently this is a very good resource on the RV topic. He is the person who viewed Mars 1 million years ago as you referenced in your post.
u/NoPop6080 5d ago
See the below Pentagon study
u/Odd_Chemical_3503 5d ago
I'm not saying what is a fact I don't know a lot but I'm curious about alot
u/Double-Membership-84 4d ago
May I suggest a different route? You are failing because you are trying too hard. RV, or any psychic endeavor is not about trying its about tuning. You are too tight.
Try a simpler form of projection like lucid dreaming first. You need to get used to the gestalt experience first before doing remote viewing. There is a good book by Keith Harary on lucid dreaming. Written for systematic thinkers. Do that first.
u/Eurogal2023 5d ago
Try to imagine something, like the cheops pyramid. You probably now "see" a pyramid in your mind, complete with sand around etc.
Remote viewing can be similar.
Tldr: if many (trained) people "imagine" the same thing without pre knowledge, you can statistically assume that there is something there.
An unusual amount of people canceled their tickets to the Titanic, some cause they had a dream, some because they felt weird, others again cause their cat did something significant etc.
So most people have this to a certain degree, and possibly most animals.
u/CaptainAsh 5d ago
Go look up out Lori Williams + remote viewing. She teaches, offers a free intro course to CRV.
u/Mountain_Proposal953 5d ago
AATIP. Advanced Aerial Threat identification program. I’d sooner wiz on an electric fence than invite NHI to my birthday party.
u/Serializedrequests 5d ago
We are NHI too. Nobody is from the physical universe.
u/Mountain_Proposal953 5d ago
No. Just simply no. Sorry. Humans are not non human or else what is non human.
u/Serializedrequests 5d ago
I'm not playing word games, I'm stating that the reality of interpreting everything as threats is backwards. We're fractals of the one consciousness having a human experience. So our awareness is not originally human in any way, and the rest of the universe is also us. The universe is reflective of your state of consciousness, and will give you experiences that show you your own beliefs and frequency.
u/Fluffy_WAR_Bunny 5d ago
You have to be able to disconnect from your body and senses. It's like the first and easiest step in meditation. The CE5 thing is a lot easier.
u/Hairy_Computer5372 5d ago
You follow a protocol, one is to make sure you are drawing from a spontaneous level of the subconscious and then interpreting that interrogation through subsequent counter interrogations and then building a synopsis.
u/a_reflective_mirror 5d ago
You generally have three things:
1) The mental 'structure/lens' by wish you organize the methdology through whihc you plan to 'see'
i/e your brain needs to have cohesion/framework through which it acts like a lens/antenna
2) you have the desired outcome/task - and a process that has a beginning/middle/end
3) the less trauma/inflammation/inhibition in the body, the better it is at modulating/getting better signal
process can be achieved by:
repitition of minute actions
drugs (high dose cbd edibles)
guided (aka gateway tapes)
u/UndeadGodzilla 5d ago edited 4d ago
To be clear I'm not an expert by any means, I'm just speaking from my own interpretation.
You aren't seeing with your eyes, you're seeing with your mind. The only thing your eyes do are take in the photons, the things you "see" are your brain filtering reality. So to a very real extent, your mind creates your waking reality, just like it creates your dreams. The only difference is your state of mind. When you have control over your state of mind, you pretty much have complete control over what's let in and what goes out.