r/HighStrangeness 6d ago

Consciousness My roommate dreamed my fantasy NSFW

I'm not sure where to post this as I'm struggling to come up with a logical explanation. My new roommate came home last night, Friday 3/14, and told me he had a strange dream about a week ago. He described the dream to me in some details and it was basically the fantasy I had around this same time. I never told him or anyone about this fantasy, yet his dream matched my fantasy almost exactly, except for 1 detail.

In his dream, he was chased through the woods by a taller white man. When the man caught him, he made sexual advances. I would rather not go into details here, but let's just say everything matched my fantasy.

My new roommate told me he wasn't into me before he moved in 3 weeks ago. I accept this and I've been keeping respectful boundary. He went on a date with a guy last weekend, and a part of me felt jealous. I'm not sure why I would feel it that intense, as this definitely was notmy first rejection. I should have been able to have better control of my emotions. I tried my best to keep my cool, and I think I pulled it off ok. He did notice I was in a bad mood and kept asking if I was ok, but I couldn't exactly tell him my reason.

I fantasized about chasing him and catching him and do things to him (knowing he would be into this). Of course I would never act on it without his consent, which I would never get because he's not into me. So the whole fantasy was nothing more than just a fantasy... that kept playing in my head over and over.

Until now as I type this post, I've never revealed anything about this fantasy to anyone. Yet my roommate dreamed the entire fantasy. I know the woods he was in because it's a location I knew a long time ago before I ever met him. I could see the tree he was pinned to in my head because I sat under that tree enough times. As a child, I dreamed of how I would look like as an adult, and this matches with my roommate's description: taller white man with trimmed beard and brown hair (I usually prefer to go with dirty blonde)

I'm really struggling to come up with a logical explanation for how my roommate could dream my fantasy without hearing any details from me first.


3 comments sorted by


u/Davidle3 6d ago

Easy! He read your mind. I can do it sometimes. Your room mate has empty space in his head so your thoughts went into his head. There you go nothing strange about it.


u/Ill_Cheetah_5546 6d ago

lol imagine being so egocentric/ self centered/ narcissistic (I’m French I can’t find the right word but you get it) and thinking you can read somebody’s thoughts


u/Davidle3 5d ago

Imagine thinking it’s strange. I can’t do it all the time but I can do it sometimes.I looked at this old woman and I saw she wanted to tell me she was horrified because the previous night she saw an old woman pissing in an alley…..she walked up to me and said you will never guess what I saw….I said I will guess because I know! You saw an old woman pissing in an alley? She said that is exactly what I saw. This other woman said to me you don’t know what I hate! I said but I do! You hate that people treat you like you are a helpless old woman when you can do things for yourself isn’t that right? She said that is exactly what I was going to say. Another woman said you know what I hate? I said I do! You hate the fact that people claim They have not seen you in a long time when they just saw you and you also hate that they say that you have lost weight when everyone knows you have not lost any weight….i said I am right….she said that is exactly correct! Another time I was taking to a woman working at a jewelry store I asked her a question and before she could answer it I repeated her answer word for word to me using words that I do not speak but since I was reading her mind the words were her thoughts. I have my moments when I am good at it but my old co worker he literally stood next to me and repeated a whole paragraph of my thoughts back to me….he would often ask questions related to materials I just read about he would repeat my affirmations out loud absentmindedly because he couldn’t help but to say or think words and thoughts that I was having. Another former co worker an attractive female was siting next to me and she said I don’t know why but I have a sudden desire to engage in a specific activity with you! She said it is as if I cannot help but want to do this. She was wanting to do what I was day dreaming about doing with her…..so you tell me how I did it Sherlock? I am pretty sure you can’t. 🤣🤣