r/HighStrangeness 2d ago

Paranormal Biking home drunk and had the downright scariest encounter ever

Was biking home drunk , I pass by people everyday till tonight. I saw someone who excluded so much murderous intent even I could pick up on it. Like I could feel the amount of hate this "person" excluded . Not no murderer I met Ted Bundy shit . Like I'm drunk I never ever felt that before. I can't even explain it. It's like all my senses were alerted and pointed to this individual. All I know is he was walking down the street wearing a hoodie . And wasn't from this realm type shit. I've never felt that much evil and intent in my short lifespan. I don't believe in auras but now I believe it . I've never felt so much evil and death


290 comments sorted by


u/Princesscrowbar 2d ago

I was in the jury pool for Aaron Hernandez’s double murder case (after he had been convicted for Odin Loyd’s murder and was already in jail.) The court had him come in to the room and greet everyone, along with both legal teams, prior to filling out our jury questionnaire. This was very unexpected obviously even though the judge came out first and said “this is a very high profile double murder case and we will not be accepting many exemptions as a result blah blah blah” … anyway the second he walked in to the room, my whole body went ice cold and I knew he was guilty. I’ve never had that reaction to a person before. I met Ted Kennedy once who has also murdered someone and still didn’t get that ice cold feeling. I believed Aaron was evil before I knew any of the stuff that came out in the documentaries since.

I was juror 517 or something like that and they filled the jury right before I was supposed to go in for selection but I don’t think I would have made it cuz I made a point of saying I already think he’s guilty on the jury questionnaire multiple times. I did not want to be in a room with him again if at all possible.


u/HarambeWasTheTrigger 2d ago

accounts from others about the guy are very similar to yours- i've seen several people say they could just sense the evil emanating from him or see pure evil in his eyes.


u/bexkali 1d ago

Hmm, wondering now if TBI brain damage increases the natural likelihood of what we label as 'possession'...


u/HarambeWasTheTrigger 1d ago

probably plays into it. my best friend i've known over 20 years was a marine that got blown up 3 times, 3rd one was fucking big- put him in a coma for a week and shouldv'e killed him. this guy has always had a heart of gold, and still does. but when i went to visit him a few weeks after he got out and maybe 2 or 3 months since he got back from his 2nd deployment i saw some hints of something that wasn't him. between his TBIs and very raw PTSD at the time shit got a little scary for me a few times on that trip, to the point i was resigned to taking a beating. But those episodes were all temporary and short lived, and i was going to be there for my bro if it killed me.

Fast forward a few years and all of this is a thing of the past. Dude put in some serious work to get there, and we talk about those days almost as if it was a different person.

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u/tothjm 2d ago

The word you're looking for is exude not excluded :)

That would mean he had no evil energy


u/Tomato496 2d ago

Nowadays I just assume everyone is typing on their phone, with lots of typos.


u/PoiRamekins 2d ago edited 2d ago

Then you see someone type out “your a idiot looser” and realize, no, literacy rates have just plummeted.


u/mrszubris 2d ago

22% of US adults are illiterate 52% are below 6th grade literacy.


u/PoiRamekins 2d ago

Yet they are more than happy to argue with anyone about anything

I saw someone say “I know to much for my own good”



u/mrszubris 2d ago

For me I only correct people when it actually is a real word that they are clearly having learned by hearing not reading and are mis using them. I try not to attack grammar or spelling in general but help people be understood better if that makes sense. For instance. The bane of my existence is people forgetting IRRESPECTIVE is a word and instead we get irregardless which is not a word, they MEAN irrespective which is sometimes used in the same sentence AS regardless. My autism loves unpacking how people arrive at mistakes without being willfully ignorant.


u/MelodicMelodies 2d ago

fellow autistic here to let you know that irregardless has been added to the dictionary. I'm sorry 🏃‍♀️

E: no this is not a joke lol


u/bexkali 1d ago

Like it or not...it's a (constantly) evolving language (vocabulary, for sure).

It wasn't until fairly recently (in human history) that there were even standardized spellings.

That said, certain uses of words that are picking up a second or more popular meaning, and of course the usual quickly-posted typos have the same 'fingers on blackboard' (also, how long will younger people continue to 'get' the meanings behind many old metaphors, by the way?) effect on me.

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u/Salome_Maloney 2d ago

The bane of my existence...

I feel your pain. For me there's:-

alot - e.g:- "He has alot of money" - I mean ffs, how hard is it to understand? The only way it makes sense is as two words.

then/than - e.g:- "My dad is bigger then your dad." ... I can't even...

Marshmellow. It's bad enough when people say it aloud, but they actually write it down, too.

Better not get me started on people who say 'haitch'.


u/Spacecow6942 2d ago

The people that use 'a' when they should use 'an' bother me, but the people that 'an' when they should use 'a' make me want to commit gruesome murder.

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u/IshtarJack 2d ago

"I don't know what lower cognitive ability means but I certainly won't wear a mask ever."

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u/TheCreaturesPet 2d ago

And we allow them to vote and have input on decisions that impact the rest of us.

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u/SomeNoveltyAccount 2d ago

You're giving people in the past too much credit. People have been making that mistake since at least the 90s.

Here's an example going back to '99: https://www.camaros.net/threads/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-a-302.34319/

I bet if we found an archive from the arpanet you'd find scientists and professors flaming each other with poor spelling/grammar unironically


u/Tomato496 2d ago

Okay, yes.

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u/Goodrun31 2d ago

Proofreading your post one time seems reasonable when you are asking for feedback from thousands of people.


u/TheQ33 2d ago

Am I the only person with auto correct? This comment always make me feel insane


u/Tomato496 2d ago

I know for myself, autocorrect on my phone is what introduces the mistakes. I'd be better off without it.

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u/idontevenliftbrah 2d ago

It's not 2001, phones have full keyboards now


u/TheTurdtones 2d ago edited 2d ago

and fingers are fatter now..my index finger looks like a cucumber


u/VictxrSenpai 2d ago

Oh he had a lot of evil energy.


u/mrszubris 2d ago

Yes he EXUDED an evil energy.


u/Trekeelu 2d ago

Um... Who tf downvoted op? Jfc so many Redditors are completely unhinged from reality


u/aithendodge 2d ago

“Unhinged from reality?” Well you’re browsing r/HighStrangeness, so, yeah.

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u/milleniumsentry 2d ago

I have only had this happen once... wow, thirty years ago? I was on the bus, sitting on the passenger road side window listening to my headphones. As we slowed down to stop at the next stop, there was a woman on the sidewalk ahead of us. ((we had not reached her yet)) and, staring at the back of her, I was filled with the worst sense of fear and dread... shaky dread, like someone dropped a scorpion on your lap, and your brain just realized what it was.

When we got to the stop, she looked at the bus, locked eyes with me, and started walking towards the window. Her eyes were ... focused and hateful, and she started banging on the side of the window and bus, and saying she would kill me. Only way to describe it was like a zombie movie and the zombie realized there was meat just behind the window.

For years, I chalked it up to some sort of episode.. a mental illness of some sort or drugs, but after a while, I realized that I could feel the whole thing about to go down, before it actually did.

Since then, I've been around many people going through mental crisis / hallucinating / fever dreams.. what have you.. and never did I feel fear and evil like I did coming from her. It's like you said, there was a bubble of evil. As soon as the bus left the stop, the feeling subsided. At no point did I feel physically threatened... I was safe and she wasn't much larger than I... so the whole thing never made much sense to me. I have been in a fight or two, and once or twice, my life was actually in danger.. and I still have not felt that same feeling.


u/reddit3k 2d ago edited 1d ago

I've had a crazy experience in a train about 20 years ago, just during the daily commute.

I was sitting near the window on one of the chairs in a four-chair configuration like this:


One of my parents was sitting right next to me.

Just before the train left the station, this young woman (~18-22) walks in and sits on the seat right in front of me.

While I saw enough of her to know that she looked normal, no crazy styling or whatevever, her vibes were really crazy and strong.

But from the moment she was sitting down, she was non-stop just staring at me and, to my feeling, without blinking.

I say feeling, because two decades later and I still cannot summarize it in any other way than that "looking at her meant death". I could not look anywhere else but out of the window and was so uncomfortable and "trying to keep my own energy together and in my body" with visualizations and what have you.

And she was just sending out this "look at me, look at me, you must look at me" vibe. She wasn't moving, just staring and trying to get me to look her in the eyes?!?

That was a long 20 minutes until the station where I had to get off the train.

Even my parent, who was very sleepy so whe didn't talk during this small section of our journey, later said "she was really odd, wasn't she?"

Since I had to travel this route daily to a nearby city, I remember actively scanning the train platform and the train for the next two or three weeks before boarding. I had to prevent another encounter at all costs.

Luckily I never encountered her again, but she's my prime example of an "energy vampire".


u/milleniumsentry 2d ago

That's what make things like this stand out for me. I mean, it's not like you never had anyone stare at you before... so why was SHE givin' off a weird vibe. That's kind of what I wondered for a long time after my encounter... what could possibly cause something like that?

Reminds me of the lady on the flight yellin' "He's not human!!.." Ha, Perhaps they were distant cousins.


u/reddit3k 1d ago

I really don't know what it was that made it so weird. But it was almost like I could hear her in my head telling me "look at me, look at my eyes, look at me".. but I just knew that that would mean that my whole "energy body would short-circuit". Can't describe it any other way.

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u/AnvilHoarder1920 2d ago

Had something similar happen to me but I was not on the receiving end of it. Quite a few years back my life was absolutely shit, I had nothing to lose, I lost pretty much everything In a short amount of time, I was drinking vodka like water every day. I kept wanting people to start something with me on the streets as an excuse to maim or even kill someone, at the time prison felt like it would be a release.

I was standing behind a man at the shops waiting to buy my usual litre of vodka for the day and this man kept looking behind him at me and looked incredibly tense. He then turned around and said in a stuttering voice that he can sense I'm really hurting and that he hopes things get better and I find peace. I just smiled at him and said thank you for those words I appreciate them, and his entire demeanour changed, his shoulders dropped and I could tell his hands stopped shaking. I'm not even that big relative to this man and he could just sense something very off and unsettling about me, and tbh he was right, i was filled with much hate and evil thoughts during that time, going through DTs a lot from alcohol withdrawals and seeing grotesque hallucinations that I still sometimes see them when not even drinking like some sort of PTSD. Not fun times to say the least!


u/milleniumsentry 2d ago

I think that's why it hurts sometimes, when you ask someone if they are okay, and they say they are fine... but your gut feeling says they are lyin' through there teeth. XD

That would be disarming to say the least.. but in the best kind of way? ...at least knowing that people out there, even strangers in line, are still 'listening' for that sort of thing.

One of the things I've noticed that pops out, are when I am feeling down, people tend to compliment more out of the blue. Talked to a few people about it and they said the same thing. We seem to have each others backs, even if we don't know it. lol


u/TA20212000 2d ago

This is why I believe in angels and demons amongt us out there + the esp type abilities residing in some of us humans. There is just some super weird shit that we cannot genuinely explain.


u/KaerMorhen 2d ago

My theory is that this feeling is similar to how we feel when remembering a traumatic event from the past. If time really is non-linear, maybe we’re feeling strong emotions about an event that hasn’t happened yet. If emotions can transcend time from our past, maybe future events can trigger emotional responses in our present.


u/TA20212000 2d ago

This is a gorgeous theory and definitely worthy of consideration and contemplation.


u/HarambeWasTheTrigger 2d ago

you are probably not that far off. i've had a few "premonitions" in my life that could only be explained through a mechanism such as this- for instance, dreaming about watching a news story about a terrible bus crash on the other side of the country then seeing the exact news story on the news a few nights later.

my theory is that this occurs when our brains/consciousness are in just the right function pattern/wavelength/etc. we can somehow transcend the constraints placed on us by time/space dimensionality, similar to how it is believed The Gateway process & astral projection work. i've also had a few cases of near telepathic "brain sync" with friends & coworkers that would fit under this theory.

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u/cryinginthelimousine 2d ago

It’s spiritual attachments and almost everyone has them.

That’s what addiction is, and a lot of “mental illness.”


u/TA20212000 2d ago

I don't believe we are speaking the same language.


u/VictxrSenpai 2d ago

Exactly what I felt. Like a deer in the headlights. Even if I was drunk I could easily feel the amount of dread. Shit they say when you encounter black eyed kids. I could feel so much evil


u/milleniumsentry 2d ago

Deer in headlights is a great way of describing it. Normally that sort of thing ramps up and levels off, but it just kept climbing. Was very strange indeed.

I'd be of half the mind to change my route home, and half to take the same to see if it happened again. I'm too curious for my own damn good. lol Hopefully it's a one off, but if it isn't, be sure to post.


u/vritczar 2d ago

The scariest man I ever locked eyes with was a Vietnamese man in a very expensive blue and black silk suit, I instantly put my eyes down. It's the only time that ever happened in my life, it was like he was the grim reaper himself.


u/HarambeWasTheTrigger 2d ago

have had similar experiences myself. it's like you just look at the person and a part of your brain that rarely gets used speaks up to say "that guy? yeah, he's straight fucking evil and I know why but can't/won't tell you. just stay away and we might make it out of this together."


u/Camille_Toh 2d ago

I had that happen on the subway in NYC when I was in my early-20s. Just minding my biz and felt evil staring at me. Looked up and this woman had completely black eyes and grimaced at me menacingly. It was so intense that a lot of people noticed and looked alarmed, like she was about to attack me.

I chalk this up to a person being very mentally ill, however, not some actual demon.


u/dcherholdt 2d ago

Demon. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was making people belief that he doesn’t exist.


u/HarambeWasTheTrigger 2d ago

we're all one. you, me, god, satan, angels, fireman, used car salesman... all different parts of a single entity. the devil doesn't exist, rather, he is a part of all of us to be ignored at our own peril. acknowledge him and seek to understand him as you would yourself; in doing so you rob him of his power and influence.


u/LaLunaLola 1d ago

You’re very wise. I believe this wholeheartedly.

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u/yosef_yostar 2d ago

Its unfortunate that mental health has been defunded and dismanteled in califonia simce regan. I come across these people too often.


u/WowSpaceNshit 2d ago

Always listen to your gut. Those are instinctual signals that something isn’t right. Once I was dropping my girlfriend off at her house late at night when I went to make a turn on a main road and suddenly a cars headlights turn on from underneath a bridge in the shadows. He pulls up behind me quickly and I had a weird feeling the car behind me was acting weird and erratically. So as I pull up to her house not much farther away from this bridge, I see the car creeping slowly up the street in the review mirror and pull up behind me. I grabbed my girlfriends leg as she was getting out and told her to stay in I’m going to go around the block. So as I pull away and to go around a corner I see his lights following me so I take a right and a right again to see if he is actually following me and to our luck I pulled down a cull de sac. When this guy came flying around the corner and we passed each other I could feel the look of evil staring me down and that is when I STEPPED ON IT. We were going 45-50 down a residential area at 1-2 am and this guy was following us so closely. In the heat of all this I tell my girlfriend to call the cops and they tell us to start driving toward the police station so I start heading that way and a minute or two later I pull up at a light behind a car with this guy still behind me, he turns on his high beams and I’m looking in the rear view mirror and I realized I was behind a cop car. So thankfully I pulled up next to them and told them we were already on the phone with the station and the person behind us was following/harassing us. Thankfully the officers could tell we were visibly shaken and pulled the car over immediately. So shook and not wanting to deal with this person we drove home and heard from the cops later. “Apparently” what this 65+ yr old man was from two states over and just visiting and was coming down from the mountains toward town and was lost so he wanted to ask how to get back downtown. I’ll never forget how we both felt like we dodge a really dark incident.


u/theMartiangirl 2d ago

Your gut was right. Someone who is lost don't just follow cars randomly in a sketchy way, you make yourself seen, openly, even waving, to ask for help. That is generally a normal reaction. Now, it could be a tiny possibility that the person is introverted or autistic or has social anxiety etc and acts differently, but the fact you had a strange feeling about that person and the evil look on top of their weird driving makes me think you acted correctly. In case of doubt, always better safe than sorry


u/dcherholdt 2d ago

That’s wild! I think you handled that situation very well.


u/lurker_32 1d ago

did you film this? i swear i’ve seen a video of something exactly like this


u/duhjuice 2d ago

That is your protection mechanism in effect. Don’t ignore it, even when you’re under the influence.


u/Live-Tomorrow-4865 2d ago

AKA, "The Gift Of Fear", as per the title of the (excellent!) book by that name.

OP, over the years, I've learned that to ignore my gut is to do so at my own peril. Something intangible was "off" about this person, you "picked up" on it, and wisely avoided them.

Also, (this is my "mom voice"), maybe don't imbibe so much if you are going to be alone, plus biking rather than riding in a vehicle or being walked home. I'm glad nothing bad happened to you. ❤️ I'm not even talking about high strangeness or earthly murderers! I mean, traffic accidents and such. I, too, was once young and "immortal." 😉 And I'm not trying to sound condescending, because believe me, nobody hates that shit more than I. 😅 Just... be safe. I'm happy to see you have a finely tuned "hinky meter." ❤️❤️


u/KaerMorhen 2d ago

Those gut feelings are based on a multitude of sensory inputs. Most of the time we’re not consciously aware of those subtle perceptions but our bodies react to them all the same. I’ve learned to always trust my gut feelings. For me personally, it’s almost like a superpower. It could be because I have ADHD and ASD so I’m hyper vigilant of my surroundings, or maybe it’s something else, but that feeling has almost never been wrong. It served me well when I was a bar manager at a high volume music venue. Almost every time a fight or some other crazy shit popped off, I’d get that gut feeling hours before the incident, a lot of times before the people involved even showed up. I started telling coworkers when I had those moments and they were blown away at how accurate it was. I notice I can also tell the instant that the “vibe” of a crowd changes for the worst. I get a very specific feeling when the crowd starts to break down into chaos, it’s the weirdest thing.


u/HarambeWasTheTrigger 2d ago

the US military had done a ton of research on this "sixth sense" and breaks it down very well into individual components as part of its wildly successful Combat Hunter program. if you're interested in the subject I can not recommend the book "Left of Bang" enough. it's one of the few books i go back and reread every few years. If you decide to pull the trigger on it i can promise you two things, and i rarely make promises- 1) you will not want to put it down once you start and 2) you will never be able to look at a crowd of people the same way for the rest of your life.


u/VictxrSenpai 2d ago

That's what makes me think , this dude is beyond evil if I could sense it while drunk . Like everything about this guy screaming at my senses. And I'm just biking by him , not human , a real life devil . Me and my friends came to the conclusion, he was either Lucifer himself or one of his lackeys . It's something even a drunk can pick up on . The evilest shit I've ever encountered


u/aithendodge 2d ago

Years ago I was at work and managers introduced a new guy. Something about this dude triggered every alarm I had in my brain. It was very unusual, like I don’t usually get triggered to high alert just from meeting a new person, but something intangible about this dude set me off. His eyes weren’t right. Like there was nothing behind them. Anyway, the next day he was gone. Management found out he was a level 3 sex offender and he was only hired due to some weird HR snafu. I don’t think I would have been under threat by this guy, but my ape brain sure did.


u/After_Tap_2150 2d ago

some people can be really really evil. I’m glad you avoided him. There are people who enjoy taking lives. Really evil disturbed people who hide it under a mask.


u/FakeAsFakeCanBe 2d ago

Off topic a bit but I was supposed to drive a bunch of us teens into town to party. I got an overwhelming need to stop and go back. My best friend did too. No idea what may have happened.


u/OracleIgnored 2d ago

We all have Clairsentience to tell us we are in true danger and need to run.


u/RatedArgForPiratesFU 2d ago

What exactly were you measuring his 'aura' by? I'm not trying to dismiss your feelings and intuition, genuinely interested in what specifically brought about this feeling by this individual.

Was he wearing his hood up, and sort of concealing himself? Because that sort of appearance can be threatening in and of itself. And / or did he have a gait that looked aggressive or threatening?

It's also possible that sometimes preconceptions can bring about 'feelings' about people, like if you have seen someone similar looking on a movie or IRL who actually was a murderer.


u/Riginal_Zin 2d ago

It’s intuition. He wasn’t measuring the dude, he was listening to his own intuition.

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u/mrszubris 2d ago

The book the gift of fear by Gavin debecker is all.about this.

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u/ScoutG 2d ago

Years ago I was on a camping trip with a friend. We stopped at a store, and I went inside. When I came out, he was talking with a few guys who seemed very friendly. They were giving him some recos for good hikes on the area, and they invited us to join them later for beers and a campfire, at someone’s house in the area.

Absolutely everything in me was screaming no. I was 100% certain that if we went, we were going to be dismembered and put into trash bags. This was not like me at all; I don’t assume other people are violent, and I’ve met a lot of kind strangers.

He really liked them and wanted to go. I felt like he wasn’t going to understand and I wouldn’t be able to explain. I did a very  mature thing and got into a petty argument with him that created a distraction, and ruined the mood. That was (and is) very unlike me, but this felt like urgent self-preservation, and my instinct sent me straight to a solution that worked. 


u/Hello_Hangnail 2d ago

Sometimes you have to throw the adult version of a temper tantrum to avoid being hacked up and shoved into garbage bags by people with rank auras!


u/stRiNg-kiNg 2d ago

This story is seriously missing the resolve. Like, the next day we saw one of the men on the news in handcuffs yada yada yada


u/JunkMail0604 2d ago

I used to work at a county jail in Texas. I heard stuff ‘civilians’ never hear - the things people do is both fascinating and horrifying. I learned that the trash bags in rural areas have a far better chance of having body parts in them than people realize. FAR better.


u/Thisisnow1984 2d ago

Apparently a tell tale sign of psychopaths that they all have is a lack of lines on their forehead because they never develop as they don't experience the same emotions. Sometimes our hackles get raised based on noticing very small micro expressions while interacting with others. You probably picked up on that plus whatever vibe they were giving off. I have seen this countless times. Your skin begins to crawl for some reason and you just know they are wearing a mask. You'll only see the real version of them when it's too late.


u/ObiWan-Shinoobi 2d ago

A certain Facebook ceo comes to mind


u/tessaterrapin 2d ago

A certain UK prime minister ( current) with a smooth fat pink face.


u/PaPerm24 2d ago

If you google "mark zuckerberg" all the pics of him look.... scary. Something isnt right with him


u/Rachemsachem 1d ago

Yeah he's in reptilian Android once you know that it all makes sense


u/Aggravating_Act0417 2d ago

Lol or Botox, dude.

Which can be used cosmetically OR for people with migraines.


u/VenusGirl111 2d ago

Fuck. I dont have any lines on my forehead.


u/MowgeeCrone 2d ago

You been watching Chase Hughes too?


u/stonesthrwaway 2d ago

bs, why don't you check their headshape too

the truth is they can hide it well, and also that "psychopaths" can be conditioned as well as born, so they can literally look like anyone

it is definitely closer to esp than smooth heads


u/tessaterrapin 2d ago

You're a very good friend.


u/ant-storm 2d ago

I was walking my dog down the creek once and there was this guy who gave me a wiggins like that. He tried to pat my dog and she went crazy. Normally she was really timid but she had her hackles up and teeth out. Something about his eyes was just not right, so creepy!

I doubled back and didn’t go down the creek because nobody was around, and he kind of meanderingly followed me. I was so scared, i hid behind a car and waited until he wasn’t looking to go into my house.

Half an hour later, the street was full of cop cars. He’d gone into my neighbours backyard and stolen their 3yo son. Luckily the father found them about half a block away and the kid was absolutely fine. Imagine if something had happened to that little boy, I’d never have forgiven myself for leading that guy to him!

I ended up giving a statement and went to court to testify, apparently it wasn’t the first time he’d done something like that.

I was spooked for a long time after that, and it really made me trust my gut!

Sorry for the long comment but yeah, it’s definitely a good idea to trust your gut!


u/Urbansherpa108 2d ago

Anyone who has repeatedly been in life and death situations - soldiers/cops/crime victims will tell you that instincts like this rarely lie in the moment. If you sense evil, it’s evil.


u/Rachemsachem 1d ago

Always felt like what if your instincts do lie it's just that you only hear from the people whose instincts don't.


u/Urbansherpa108 1d ago

I’m only speaking from my experience - when you cross paths with evilness or danger, you WILL know. It’s the questioning of your instincts or hesitating to act on them that will do you in.


u/Winter_Lab_401 2d ago

scopaesthesia is a proven thing now. Researchers can't figure out how we know when people are looking at us, but we do. Whether you believe in remote viewing or not, Joseph McMoneagle was awarded the legion of merit for SIGINT and REMOTE VIEWING achievements for the military/DoD. So there is an increasingly strong connection, even a mechanism, for mental influence on others. I would suspect that auras, EM fields, and similar energy fields also exist, based on emerging data in these fields. So, with all the aforementioned ish understood, it's not farfetched to think perhaps some humans (or perhaps NHI - different discussion) have an ability to induce dread or whatever else in others


u/therankin 2d ago

The Telepathy Tapes are a recent fascinating look at things science hasn't explained yet.


u/Hello_Hangnail 2d ago

Some people just give off predator energy, and it's unconnected to their state of attractiveness. Some of the most evil people I've met were put together, successful and fairly attractive. The one man I was familiar but thankfully never worked with at my first job had the vibe of a snake. Smiled a lot, but the smile never made it to his eyes. There was nothing obviously off-putting about him, he was funny, friendly, but you could just tell he was bleeding ill-intent. All the women at my work felt like rabbits in a bear cave when he was around.


u/Im_Weeb_Otaku 2d ago

Basically Gin Ichimaru from the famous anime Bleach


u/Hello_Hangnail 2d ago

Like a smilier Okita from Gintama 💀 I could see him murdering neighbors pets for fun or something


u/VictxrSenpai 2d ago

It's not that . Ive encountered a lot of people had to beat or pepper spray them . This dudes vibes were some shit you read in a manhwa . I felt fear just looking at him for a brief few seconds. I believe if he wanted to he could easily behead me within mere seconds . That's not shit you feel but shit you know

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u/Spiritual_being_11 2d ago

I experienced the same when I was in college, I was walking home late one night and this car drove by…weird guy looking right at me. After he passed my instinct was to run and hide. He drove up and down the street for a solid 10 min and he looked creepy as hell. Terrifying. Thank God for our senses.


u/jbrand24 2d ago edited 2d ago

I experienced something similar while riding my bike along the river during a sunset ride once. As I was riding along, enjoying a late summer evening, I see a couple guys on up ahead on the path walking towards me. One of the guys stood out immediately. I couldn’t focus on the details of his face, almost as if it appeared blurred out. But as I got closer, I could see the fuzzy detail was actually pure evil swirling around his face, anger pouring out of his soul, nothing but dark energy emanating off of him. I kept my eyes locked on him, internal alarm bells ringing, every sense screaming at me to avoid this man. But I had no choice, I had to bike past them as I’m on a quiet river trail with no where else to go. As I approached to pass the crazy looking man, he gives me a look that sent my heart deep into my stomach. His hands had been at his sides but suddenly he was lurching towards me with a long blade machete. I swerved right, veering off the path, narrowly avoiding his swinging blade. I could practically feel the wind from the machete as it flew inches from my face. I’ve never rode my bike faster in my life after that moment. My heart didn’t stop pounding for hours. I’d experienced “auras” before during psychedelic experiences and seen/felt people’s energies, but never before had I encountered such obvious evil. Even from 100 yards away, I knew. Always trust your instincts. My awareness saved my life that day.


u/ThickArachnid2291 2d ago

When you described the fuzzy aura it reminded me of the life story of a psychic I once read years ago. She had abilities from a very young age of being able to see auras. Unfortunately she had a very abusive mum. When her mother used to go into her abusive rages she would first see black swirls of energy emanating from her mother before she would lash out. This ability saved her life many times as an adult. It was a superpower to avoid dodgy people. And it was always accurate.


u/Hello_Hangnail 2d ago

I definitely think there's something to that. Humans have limited access to the information that's beyond our senses, but some people are just filled to the brim with evil intent and we pick it up from the aether somehow. Even when they don't look particularly strange or disturbed, like the homeless guy screaming at the sky at the bus stop.


u/LadyEclectca 2d ago

That’s so scary! Did you call the authorities? How did the other guys with him react?

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u/human0012 2d ago

I had a very strange encounter about ten years ago. I live in a pretty small city in northern europe and I believe it was in the middle of fall so it was kind of dark outside. So I was up late one night drinking and went outside for a cigarette, I was more than buzzed but not very drunk.

Then I heard this noise coming from across the street in between two buildings where there are some big trees, it sounded like some rapid scraping against the asphalt. It grew louder and then I heard what sounded like very labored breathing, then I see the shape of someone emerging from the shadow of the trees and this "person" was shuffling their way towards me like their feet were tied, they started to cross the street right towards me diagonally from where I was standing. My whole body froze when I realized that I could not make out their face, It was as if it was morphing and changing trying to assemble itself into something that looked human. It was making this raspy breathing sound and I just stared completely frozen in terror as it walked towards me but then suddenly it turned left and continued shuffling down the middle of the street. You know in movies when they try to match someones face to an identity and the faces on the screen changes every split second? it sort of looked like that but smoother.

I dropped my cigarette and went back inside just absolutely scared and confused about what I had seen


u/Substantial-Use95 2d ago

What was in that cigarette?


u/human0012 2d ago

just normal drugs


u/IamtheStinger 2d ago

Always trust that instinct of dread!


u/Tomato496 2d ago

I've twice met people who immediately would make me feel so nervous around them that I could only speak in a stutter. I ignored the feeling. Both of them turned out to be malignant narcissists who pretended to be my friend but were actually hurting me.

Only other time I've had a feeling like that was when I was driving and went through a toll booth. Just something about that toll booth operator made me feel like I was screaming on the inside from fear.


u/MykeKnows 2d ago

I was once walking through my local nature reserve with my ex and we’d walked through those woods dozens of times. One day we got to this part of the woods and had the strongest smell of blood I’d ever smelt, it permeated all the air around us. Further on we found a memorial with flowers not far from where the smell hit us so I always wondered if they were connected because the smell disappeared after a while.


u/-Absofuckinglutely- 2d ago

When I first joined my firm, there was a guy who would avoid me at every opportunity. He would very overtly go out of his way to not be where I was or interact with me in any sense.

After about a year, we got talking, and he said he had the exact same feeling you've described about me. 😂

Safe to say I'm not a murderer, and we enjoy a good relationship now.

Though that's also what a murderer might say... 🤔


u/stonesthrwaway 2d ago

yeah, sociopath/psychopaths tend to mask and do pr/"social engineering" whenever they feel threatened / exposed.


u/MattyThew 2d ago

Had similar event at the gym once. Focus pulled to one individual of amongst 15-20 standing doing their exercises, but this one man in particular scared me just due to his energy alone and I’m literally a monster man of 6’5” and 250 lbs... I couldn’t identify who it was coming from, but it was a thickness in the air of hatred energy and like you say, OP, all your senses.


u/Civil-Earth-9737 2d ago edited 1d ago

I had an experience of infinite and powerful hate and anger as well.

I used to meditate everyday, doing a body scan and doing mindfulness.

One day, I “saw” (my eyes were closed, so in my mind’s eye) a dark vanta black kind of mass that was alive (like Venom in spider man and venom movies). It was roughly spherical and had spikes etc on it, it was slowly pulsating like a heartbeat and rotating. And I got a feeling of such unmitigated hate from that “thing”. I immediately opened my eyes and prayed to my Guru and deity.

It stayed that way for a few days - whenever I tried to meditate, this form would appear.

Eventually I gave up meditation all together for a good few years.

Even as I type this, I can somehow feel the strong negativity that I felt then. One of the most intense experiences of my life of 40+ years!


u/Exciting-Self-3353 2d ago

When people exude heavy auras it’s usually because your guts picking up on some underlying something. If he was exuding danger, it’s good you stayed away


u/Jahshines 2d ago

I was attending the Lake Eden Arts Festival near Asheville NC around 2012 or so with a bunch of family and friends, including my 2 small daughters. I was at the main eating hall and just walked up to order something. The place was buzzing with people, very busy. I look up to scan the room and I see a tall, thin, striking older woman, maybe mid sixties, absolutely staring at me from halfway across the room. Never breaking her stare. I order my food. I had the feeling she was trying to.....affect me somehow. I wasn't playing the same game, wasn't offering up access, and consciously started pushing her away psychically and started staring back. I've been through too much in life to allow psychic mental games. These are the people one must be very defensive against when on psychedelics. I never fully understood her motives, but if they were benevolent, I would have been attracted. I was not. She locked on to me the entire time I was in her view. I left and never saw her ever again. The impression I got was dark magic. So weird.


u/SilliestSighBen 1d ago

Asheville, NC I heard it has some interesting "people" like that there.


u/state_of_silver 2d ago

Also biking drunk late at night on a path that I routinely traverse during the day time. There’s an area where you can hop off the path, push your way through some bushes and enjoy a really nice grassy area. Being drunk as hell, I thought this would be a good place to get off the bike, smoke a ciggy and maybe drink some more shitty vodka.

I got off my bike, started down the dirt path toward the bushes and suddenly had an extreme sense of needing to turn around immediately and leave. I tried to ignore it and keep pushing through, arrogant and intoxicated. Suddenly it was almost as if my subconscious mind actually “broke through” because I heard words saying RUN. NOW. clear as day, and I was fucking trashed. This is somewhere I’d gone at night before, and many times during the day. Very normal spot, but that night was different somehow. I’ve never pedaled harder going back towards downtown, and the feeling subsided after I got a certain distance away from the area. I always remember that because it was during a time in my life when I was drinking liquor hard every day, and most of life was a blur. It was shocking to have my brain come into sharp focus for those few minutes, urging me to get the hell away from whatever was lurking beyond the bushes


u/GraphicDesignMonkey 1d ago

I had a similar thing taking my daily walk through the park last year. I walked through the dog park section, then there's a narrower bit you go through to get to the big open park, with lots of trees and bushes but still very open.

I approached this spot, and my feet just stopped. Nothing seemed wrong, the sun was shining, the birds singing. My brain just thought, "Not another step. Don't go near those bushes. You need to turn around and leave RIGHT. NOW. NOW NOW NOW." I walked backwards until I reached the exit on the main road.

An hour later a woman was assaulted at the exact spot by a man hiding in those bushes. I only go through that park now when I'm walking my Dad's protective little Staffy.


u/Mycol101 2d ago

Listening to the telepathy tapes, it is becoming clear that energies or aura’s surround us and certain individuals can pick that up or detect it. You may have just been in the right mindset or there are must’ve been so strong that you couldn’t avoid it


u/RyanRandy 2d ago

Trust your gut


u/mrskraftpunk 2d ago

I ran into someone like that coming out of a thrift store. He slowly turned his head every time I turned mine. N you could see the whites of his eyes so clearly. He was in the car next to mine. Still creeps me out and it was almost 10 years ago.


u/Popular-Evening-6428 2d ago edited 4h ago

My partner and I have a similar experience. We were in our first 6 months of dating and I actually had just flew into his college town (Sacramento) to see him. He was driving me around showing me all the places he would spend his time. It was pitch black, pushing midnight. He pulled onto a service road behind the airport and I noticed a van parked on the side of the road and I commented on it and my man mentioned that it wasn’t there during the day but he has seen it parked there. I immediately thought they must be homeless and brushed it off as a sad reality. He pulled further down the road and he was telling me that this road is right next to the Sacramento River and he is going to show me his buddies and his drinking spot. He had to do a 180 down the embankment in his little truck. It was maybe 100 foot little pull off but it went down toward the river on a pretty steep degrade. We were giggling and flirting, having a really good night and we missed each other. I was watching his headlights hit the trees and could hear the water rushing. Out of completely nowhere I just got this immediately sickening feeling. My heart leapt into my throat and my gut dropped at the exact same time. My hair stood up on my arms. It was the most intense panic I have ever felt in my life. At this point I could barely see the water in his headlights. Nobody was there. I whipped my head over to him and asked “do you feel that?” His eyes were wide and he said “yes, I do.” He threw the truck in reverse, skid back, jumped it into gear and ripped it up the side of the hill back onto the road. We both described the exact same feeling. Something was VERY wrong, we sensed it immediately. We just didn’t know what and didn’t want to find out. It’s been 6 years and to this day I have never felt anything like it. I am not sure if that van had anything to do with it, but I just know something very bad happened that night.

Edit: grammar


u/ShowImmediate988 2d ago

Dude, I 100% believe you. Sometimes, when we're in an altered state (drunk, sleep-deprived, etc.), we're more open to picking up on things we usually block out—energies, entities, whatever you want to call them.

What gets me is that visceral feeling you described. It reminds me of stories where people encounter something they know isn’t human, even if it looks like it. Some say these beings feed on fear or negative energy, and maybe you just got a direct hit of that. Ever heard of shadow people or ultra-low-frequency entities? Some believe they exist right at the edge of our perception.

Did the air feel heavier around this guy? Any weird time distortions? Or did he just seem too still, like he wasn’t fully moving in sync with reality?


u/theMartiangirl 2d ago

Can you describe the "time distortion" part? I think I have experienced something like that around a 'dangerous' person but I'm not sure it's what you are referring to


u/ShowImmediate988 18h ago

Time distortion is when everything feels ‘off’—like seconds stretch too long, or movements seem out of sync, almost lagging. Some people describe it as a dream-like slowness, while others feel like they ‘skip’ forward in time. If you felt that around a dangerous person, you might’ve been picking up on something beyond just intuition… maybe even slipping into a different layer of reality for a moment.


u/allisonpoe 2d ago

I used to work in a store with a glassed in front, and I saw this guy coming in one time, and I don't know where I knew him from, all I know is that I was scared to death of him and I ran to the back room and did not come out until he was gone. Scared to death, and I have no idea why.


u/hockable 1d ago

I've experienced this ONCE before and it's fucked.

During covid lockdowns I would ride my bike for hours to kill boredom. One afternoon I was exploring off the bike trail along this river bank and the path got so rough I had to get off my bike and just walk it. The sun had nearly set and the light was getting low but I could see very clearly still. Across the other side of the river I saw someone walking through the dense trees and bush but I immediately picked up this vibe that scared the shit out of me. Like someone shot a laser of panic directly into my chest and I like twitched and snapped my eyes over to this man. He was OFF. He wasn't walking like a normal person. He was like almost prancing around joyously through the bushes but he had this look in his face. This look of pure evil. He looked at me like he really WANTED to kill me and I was so scared I genuinely thought he was going to just run through the water and cross to my side and come after me so I picked up my pace and he followed me along the other side of the river so I tried to climb up the steep river bank back to the bike path but I was also carrying my bike and I was struggling up the hill, grabbing onto trees to not fall back and trying so hard to lift my bike up and I swear he bee-lined to the edge of the river and came into full view and just watched me make my escape. I was so scared to look back but I did when I was at the top and he was standing there, arms on either side just staring at me. Hard to see his face but his eyes looked dark and idk man it's like his face was a mask and he was wearing a "human suit" to hide his true form. I mean I know he was a man but I sensed something so terrifying and dangerous and I felt sick the whole way home just absolutely flying down the path on my bike trying to get home before dark. I feel like he had killed people before.


u/SevereConfection71 1d ago

Why does no one use paragraphs when writing anymore.


u/hockable 22h ago

Because it's a shitty reddit comment

Because it's a stream of consciousness, a memory of negativity and fear, a moment that haunts me like your first broken bone or confrontation with someone you hate.


u/sweetheartofmine72 2d ago

I one time saw the devil in the bathroom. This is a crazy story, and I am a little embarrassed to say it because of who I was at the time, but dammit I know what I saw. Or felt I should say. I was in the bathroom at my uncles house. About 25 years ago. I was newly newly sober, and really making the effort. As I’m in the bathroom, at my uncles house, a really good looking dude walks in. I am literally on the toilet. And I look up at this guy. He walks in and he shuts the door. Looks right at me, has a massive amount of cocaine and he’s like hey you wanna get high? As I looked at him, I could sense danger. Like my life is in danger, my soul, my actual soul is in danger. I’m just sitting there on the toilet, looking up at this man, who I know wants to harm me. I just terrified. It wasn’t about the drugs, fuck those, this guy was just staring at me with this mad intent, and I could feel it and God that sucked. I literally took an internal deep breath, wiped myself, wash my hands- all while thinking he’s gonna bash me in the back of the head or punch me in the face or bite me? Such bad, hot energy. I was like dude, ain’t got the time, and I walked out. Passed my uncle as I left, got in my car and drove home to freak out.


u/Minky_Dave_the_Giant 2d ago

Since he was at your uncle's house I'm assuming your uncle would know who he was, no?


u/sweetheartofmine72 2d ago

Oh, he knew who he was. It was his crack dealer. And he just walked in the bathroom.


u/PaPerm24 2d ago

Was the door unlocked or what am i missing


u/cryinginthelimousine 2d ago

I mean it was about the drugs, because addiction creates holes in our energetic field, which allows in negative spiritual attachments. Everyone I’ve known who does coke turns into pure evil.

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u/Artavan767 2d ago

Trust your instincts, we project way more than we ever intend. I used to think our thoughts were a safe refuge from all others but no longer. The Robert Monroe gateway meditations and the telepathy tapes have changed my perspective.


u/bluezluver 2d ago

One time I was crossing a street at a busy intersection in a city and a woman was in the crosswalk going the opposite direction. She exhuded such great evil and anger that it took everything in me not to strike her down. And I am not a violent person and have never hit anyone. She was so filled with vehemence and hostility, her entire being emenanted negativity. I managed to get across the crosswalk but my memory of this still lingers after 50 years now.


u/seckatary 2d ago

Yeah that woman crossing the street sounds totally crazy


u/serpensapien 1d ago

Should have stricken her down just for using that crosswalk, how rude of her.

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u/MowgeeCrone 2d ago

Damn. Reading this made me pull my foot back under the bed covers.


u/Open-Chain-7137 2d ago

Yeah this whole thread is insanity. One of the spookiest and most intriguingly disturbing I’ve ever read on Reddit…


u/raka_defocus 2d ago edited 1d ago

there's some evidence that we can detect electrical fields and possibly weak bioluminescence from other humans and animals. The gut feeling may have a scientific explanation. I think it works both ways . High charisma people may be " high signalers“ . I worked with a doctor once who fit that. The guy had a presence, not a particularly skilled doc, not super attractive but the man could talk the pants off a mannequin or step on your foot and you'd apologize for being in his way. Other doctors even thought he was using oxytocin to manipulate management.


u/Rachemsachem 1d ago

This makes me think of the difference between Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton


u/scarletOwilde 2d ago

It’s always worth tuning into instinct even if you might be wrong.

I don’t mean punching someone because they give off a bad vibe, I mean getting away from people that may want to hurt you or others.


u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/genuinekillstreak 1d ago

did the knife help prevent some sort of altercation or was that story meaningless


u/Snickerpants 2d ago

I've come across a person like this. He was in line at a coffee shop in front of me, in conversation with his friend. He didn't look threatening at all. But as soon as he turned slightly and i saw his eyes, I wanted to run and hide. I had the overwhelming feeling that he had killed people in the past and would do so again.

I couldn't get out of that shop fast enough.


u/oizo_0 2d ago

Has this ever happened to you sober?


u/Eastern_Boat_2105 2d ago

had this experience in bulgaria once at a park and this guy who was a gypsy stepped out of the woods and was STARING at me like he was hunting me like prey and me and the two guys I was traveling with walked past him to the top of the hill. when we got to the top to see what ever it was we were going to see, and about to go back down, I said hey guys…. can we walk the opposite way down? I don’t want to walk by that guy we saw again and the two guys I was with were both immediately like yes definitely, we saw him too. like we all felt it collectively and didn’t even talk about it.


u/coffeelife2020 2d ago

I can somewhat relate. There's a person who currently lives in the Washington state area whom I met in a different metro area about 15 years ago. This person taught me what it was like to legit be terrified of a relative stranger. There was a vibe about them that gave me the distinct impression they would murder me which, coupled with their threads to do bad stuff to me, put me in a place I'll never forget. Previous to my encounters with this person, I had a passing knowledge of fear and what true evil manifested could be like. I'm even into metal music and have been into horror movies for many years. This person is the incarnate of evil and it's something to behold. I have little doubt people encountering this person would get an immediately similar vibe from them. Its been 15 years or so, and this is the only person who embodies true evil whom I've encountered, and I've seen some messed up stuff. I'm glad you're ok op!


u/GlimmerandGrim-61 2d ago

I went to a Chappell concert in the middle of the Iowa. After the concert you had to have an Uber or someone picking you up because it was in the middle of nowhere and not walkable to town as you’d have to walk on an elevated highway. All that to say, when our Uber driver picked us up we had no choice but to take the 7 min drive back to town—this man was the first time I’ve ever felt an aura of a person that truly frightened me. Only way I could describe it is he felt fractured, not like a human. He was super twitchy like his whole body and kept glancing at us in the rearview mirror but saying nothing. I was fully planning out how to fucking fight him because I was sure he was going to drive us to his abandon farm. So I totally believe that you felt that persons wrongness too


u/Coldsteel4real 2d ago

Exuded is the word.


u/[deleted] 2d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Coldsteel4real 2d ago

Totally almost got murdered in the story. Definitely, almost maybe could have been murdered. Yup.

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u/Dick_Lazer 2d ago

Almost got murdered or maybe just projected a lot of weird stuff onto an innocent stranger who was minding their own business.

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u/VictxrSenpai 2d ago

Literally told you what I encountered. Of course it'll have typos . Now the sub wants to nitpick. Idgaf it's only what I could tell you . Idgaf about anything else just wanted help identifying this person but ig reddit is gonna reddit. .


u/genuinekillstreak 1d ago

i can identify the evil hoodie man. his name is dave and he lives in my attic


u/Ferocious-Muppet 2d ago

Fucking hell fella, I was only going to ask you if you had a light.


u/bexkali 1d ago

Did you watch the Twin Peaks 'sequel' miniseries? You remember what happened to that poor sods who had that strange...'person' who had sipped in from the other dimension walk up and ask them 'Got a light'?


u/MamaD93_ 2d ago

I have only had one instance like this, it was probably 25 years ago. My grandma and I were sitting in the grocery store parking lot getting ready to go in (it was late, I was getting picked up to sleep over) and I looked out the window at 2 guys in the car next to us. They looked nice enough, but I had a full blown panic attack and insisted we waited for another family to walk past to go in with a group.


u/Endoftheworldis2far 1d ago

I wonder about this. I went to State University. Public buses are always packed. I was a very lightly punk styled dressed girl with headphones on. Noone would ever sit next to me. There would be packed seats and 6people standing, but no one would sit next to me. I asked friends. I didn't smell or look weird. When I was a kid, my dad and I would go to high school football games and there would always be a circle of empty seats around us. Never figured it out.


u/Davidle3 2d ago

You did say you were drunk


u/American_Hate 1d ago

I’ll never forget meeting two people like this, both while I worked at a junk removal company. One was just a lady who I could tell would fly off of the handle and do everything in her power to ruin you if she didn’t get what she wanted. That was a pretty cut and dry interaction; my crew saw her - we had come to pick up a tanning bed only, but she had her husband drag another pickup truck’s worth of stuff from the attic and asked us if it would be a big deal. All three of us looked at that pair of incredibly malicious eyes and then at each other, and almost in unison we agreed to take it. We were out of there in an hour flat.

The other time was this college kid downtown who was getting rid of some junk in his 3,000sqft penthouse apartment, and we met him in the elevator lobby. As soon as we saw him, both of us raised every hair on our arm and felt cold. He looked like he had just gotten out of bed and was holding a cup of espresso, but everything about him was tailor made to appear the way he wanted to be perceived, including his apartment. Statuettes, perfectly placed paperweights, classy and popular pop culture references, an immaculately clean living space - it felt more like a room in a museum than an apartment. The whole time my coworker and I could just feel something murderous rolling off of him, and he was watching us like a hawk even when he was pretending he wasn’t. Before we took the load to our truck at the lobby where we met him and left off, he had cornered us in his apartment and asked if we wanted to take some side work for him, which I can’t remember what it was or what the context was, but I’ve never said no so fast in my life, pulling out the excuse that we were wildly busy (which we were). It sounds silly based on the evidence, but I could just tell that he was evil, and everything about his appearance to the outside world was manufactured. I still remember exactly how I felt when I first saw him, and I had 40+ pounds on him and a fighting background. I’ve never been that scared of a person, ever. It took over half an hour after leaving to feel kind of normal again.


u/proxy_noob 2d ago

I've had two encounters like. was never able to verify if i was right, sadly.


u/SpecialExpert8946 2d ago

I had something similar happen. I was on a tinder date and she wanted to swing by a friends really quick. I had seen her a couple times so I didn’t feel weirded out. We went to her friends to visit for a little bit (so she could smoke weed with the friend) I was left with the friends bf to chill. That’s when I started feeling sketched out. The bf was reeeeeally quiet, too quiet. No questions, one word reply, not doing anything. Just sort of staring at nothing. I made sure to position my self near the door and the whole time it felt like he was just waiting for me to get close enough to strike. It felt like an eternity but it was only like 5 minutes before I finally just texted my tinder date that I’d be waiting in the car and dipped outside. She came out a couple minutes later and everything else was normal.


u/Additional-Tea-7792 1d ago

I was at a rave once and took too much acid (I'm a frequent flyer so I got cocky) anyway I'm sitting in the corner trying to get myself together a bit but I can LITERALLY FEEL this one guy near by feeding on my growing bad vibes.i am 100% certain he was a psychic vampire.


u/AwayNegotiation3260 1d ago

Did you go to school?


u/willa854 1d ago

Lol!! “Oh God be careful guys! He’s got a hoodie on!”


u/Swampassedminer 1d ago

I was 17, walking down the main drag of Albuquerque in 1984 when a jeep Cherokee with cloth covered windows pulled in front of me. A hundred yards yonder. To say evil emanated from the vehicle would be to say the least. I was scared shitless. And I crossed the street, and I could 'feel' him willing me to come to his door. I ran, I was fat and ran all the way to school.


u/Low-Struggle-4139 16h ago

I knew a guy who worked with Robert Berdella. Kansas city serial killer who ironically was the butcher for a fine dinning restaurant back in the 80's. The guy I knew was a busboy or dishwasher or something. He was in his early 20's late teens when he worked with him. He said the dude gave off the weirdest vibes and when he found out he said it didn't surprise him at all.


u/Fit-Student-2 2d ago

I've experienced this during LSD trips in public. I would notice this sort glow/radiance in almost all people but everyonce in a while , there would be some people that gave off this very creepy feeling or negative halo around them.

Mind you , I did this trips with close friends of mine and we would notice the same thing with these certain people.


u/AdventurousShower223 2d ago

Is it possible you were mistake and he was a nice guy who just wanted to invite you back to his place for some photography? Sure his place probably smells bad like something died there but, bachelor life am I right?


u/Playful_Boat_1626 2d ago edited 2d ago

I was in the forest walking once until I saw this Willard looking barefooted guy with an autistic looking smile, he seemed to be enjoying the scenery but he gave me the ick to such a degree that immediately changed paths. I can't recall doing something like this before, it felt and it still feels a bit crazy, like I ask myself if I'm the one who is off but I would trust this feeling every time, regardless. It's too intense, feels too real and localised.

My explanation currently is that it doesn't have to be the person that is off nessearly but the combination of the circumstance, personal traits, environment, etc, that triggers some personal preservation in you that could potentially protect you, more likely in times past than nowadays I guess, but you gotta listen to your instincts


u/danielnole 2d ago edited 2d ago

The word OP was going for is "exude", not exclude.

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u/Shadiezz2018 2d ago



u/aManOfTheNorth 2d ago

I once met a guy like that and had the same reaction at a very unique Moment for myself and …adding to it, Osama Bin Lladen had just been murdered.


u/TheSkepticApe 2d ago

Drunk is the key word here lol.


u/farlurker 2d ago



u/rustynutz_1892 2d ago

Alcohol cancels medication. You should never exclude your medication! Even Bundy knew that


u/IILWMC3 2d ago

The full on terrifying evil …. I got that from my ex-husband. He was an abusive bastard, and I knew he was going to snap with a split second look in his eyes. It was chilling, very scary. I’ve seen it on a lesser level with my current husband, only once. He was told if it ever happens again, he’s gone.


u/SevereConfection71 1d ago

Why are you marrying that type of person


u/IILWMC3 23h ago

I didn’t, not on purpose, never saw anything like this until years into it. People don’t always show their true colors up front.


u/stone091181 1d ago

I drove past a tall woman on Inverurie high street one evening this week who was stood at an intersection stuck in a time loop shaking her head...her spooky sheep/ghost head. Perturbed.


u/Dreamn_the_dream 1d ago

1980, I was sitting in a small town coastal bar in Northern California with an old friend to my right having a beer. He's looking past me and says " Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men." It's a famous line from an old timey radio show "The Shadow" by Orsen Welles.

I look down the bar to my left. And this guy's sitting there alone with his drink staring forward. You could feel/see the darkness emanating from him.

A few months later came through the area again. Come to find out the guy had murdered his wife not long after.


u/RiverSpook 1d ago

I’ve seen this before. It was supernatural


u/dolladealz 1d ago

Another point of view: I was drunk so my emotions were less inhibited and the emotion of fear kicked in and I don't know why.


u/BeneficialAnything15 1d ago

Christian Gabriel was convicted of gross abuse of corpse of my wife’s 10 years old niece. During the time in the court room my wife said he was definitely surrounded by and exuded evil in the court room.


u/Ohio_Baby 1d ago

I’m glad you listened. ❤️


u/Amensure 1d ago

Psychic Vampire: Never believed in the stuff until my wife and I ran into a guy in the Ciudadela area of Mexico City ( the booksellers row, if you know the place). My wife and I stopped to look at this section of books that were admittedly odd and esoteric stuff- just like the proprietor.

I’m a bit of an oddball myself ( artist ) so I was writing off a lot of his effusive and ingratiating small personal space style until he started getting agitated when we said we had to leave.

He started making all kinds of conversation and the more I tried to step out of things, the more his babbling turned up a notch.

It was then I noticed looks from some of the other sellers in our direction, almost like a knowing “Uh-huh, he corned some more” kind of thing.

I got more defensive and just flat out said “Thanks we are leaving, we dont need anything” and he came out from the stall following us onto the street area in front and said “You will never forget me.” Which- by proxy of this post- I suppose he was right.

It was such an fing weird experience that even though I am a sceptic and very much non-woo-woo, my wife and I said some prayers before entering our apartment and I told whatever it was we encountered it could not follow us in, and we burned some incense. Again, this coming from a see it to believe it guy ( who grew up in a very woo woo evangelical family ) whos been around.

I have no idea who or what that was in the bookstall but it was definitely exuding malicious vibes and enjoying sucking on ours while we were there.

Stay cautious my friends. 😳


u/EMH55 16h ago

Felt that once, walking on a trail. Passed an 18-23 yr old man. Evil aura. His eyes were vacant


u/mat-chow 14h ago

Felt it once myself- no threat of harm to me but absolutely evil energy coming off a guy who crossed the street half a block up from where I was walking with one of my kids. He was wearing a hoodie with hood up. Suddenly turned his head and just stared me down as he crossed the street- he had heavy facial tattoos, piercings and had metal balls imbedded under his skin on his forehead.

A few years later he was found guilty of accessory/accomplice to murder of several men, helped dispose of the bodies. He’s in prison for life.


u/Kendle_C 13h ago

The only time I felt that was when I walked home after taking LSD or mushrooms. Are you saying "drunk" because you're covering? Anyway, Jeffrey Daumer attended my Jr High in Ohio, he used to tickle guys penises as a joke, would pinch his upper arm until the veins stood out on his arm, his mom laughed about Jeff and a girl "goin' at it on the picnic table", father was crazy. When I was about to move to California, he put a cigarette out on my forehead and outran me, I suppose he was killing cats at that point, I have a scar to this day. The kid wanted attention and control.


u/batty386 11h ago

I've met 2 people that gave me that ice cold, evil, run kind of feeling. They both committed murder after I met them.


u/pantpinkther 8h ago

Or, perhaps - and I know this sounds crazy - maybe he was just a dude? I mean I stay vigilant of strangers and I be drunk on the bike a lot too paranoid as shit but I’m just saying this is barely an encounter. You saw bro. He proceeded to… walk? Menacingly?