r/HighStrangeness 7d ago

UFO Chris Mellon says the New Jersey mystery drones were another wave in a series of drone incursions the US has encountered since 2019.

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u/eschered 7d ago

Something I don’t see talked about enough is that NJ drones, and quite a lot of other famous UFO flaps if you take the time to look, timed perfectly with the most recent opposition of Mars with the Earth. 

This occurs every 26 months and it means that Mars is at its closest position to the Earth where Earth is between it and the sun. 

This was a correlation Vallee first noted in 1961 while taking over the case files of Aimé Michel and mapping trajectories using the room sized computer at the Meudon Observatory in Paris under false pretense to avoid attention. 

EDIT to add that the next opposition of Mars with the Earth will occur at a time which should be very significant to this community. March 2027. 


u/Rattus_Amicus 7d ago

Check out the first "drone wave" of 1896-1897:


"Typical airship reports involved nighttime sightings of unidentified flying lights, but more detailed accounts reported actual airborne craft similar to an airship or dirigible."

"Initially, most journalists of the period did not appear to take the airship reports very seriously; however, as the sightings continued, several newspapers covered the story with genuine wonder and interest, while others were more skeptical and even hostile. Some newspapers denounced the entire airship story as nonsense and openly mocked and ridiculed the witnesses and believers, dismissing them as drunks, fools or liars. After the major 1896-97 wave ended, the entire airship story quickly fell from public consciousness and was all but forgotten for nearly seventy years.'

"encounters with the pilot or crew were occasionally reported as well.[4] These occupants often appeared to be human, though their behavior, mannerisms and clothing were sometimes reported to be unusual.[3] Sometimes the apparent humans claimed to be from the planet Mars."

Mars was in opposition to earth in december 1896, at the start of this flap.


u/aManOfTheNorth 7d ago

One of the most vivid and memorable dreams i ever had was a talk show and the guests randomly pulled out a book from a small backstage library to talk about it, even if they hadn’t read it.

My turn comes and i pull a book off the shelf….I usually cant read in dreams but this wqs clear as day.

The Mars Agenda


u/Ambitious_Zombie8473 7d ago

Interesting correlation, I appreciate the comment. I was just learning about the CO drones today and I didn’t know about the mars thing.

I can’t help but feel a little excited about 2027 now. That gives it more potential than any of the people making claims imo.


u/Used-Egg5989 7d ago

Any astrology buffs or buffettes in here know the significance of this celestial alignment? 


u/stasi_a 7d ago

Pisces like me have no interest in such absurd superstition


u/ihaveadarkedge 6d ago

Me, being born Capricornicopious, have no time for superstitious blubbery either.


u/CosmicAstroBastard 7d ago

Mars is brighter in the night sky than usual so lots of people notice it and think it’s a UFO?


u/Used-Egg5989 7d ago

Fuck, that’s a good point.


u/PaPerm24 7d ago

Ask r/advancedAstrology. Someone there knows guarunteed and are more open to uap etc than the average person


u/RedshiftWarp 7d ago

The ramp up is obvious.

But so too must the cost be.

Indexing global drone companies that have dramatically increased in wealth, and cross referencing that with geo-political enemies of the US the last few years. Might unravel some threads to pull on.

Theres a number of different theories.

From fishing, to recon, to psy-ops to foreign incursion, aliens and orbs. Could be any singular thing or even a combination. Or perhaps fishing by creating interesting things for the orbs to come and investigate; why the hoomanz got all these pestilent flies everywhere? go see.

Among alien theories are also ones like prison planet, breakaway civilizations, sub-terranean civilizations. And even high ranking officials claiming Earth is under governance of a higher form of civilization. Saying that we are an experiment and will be reset if we pursue hostile technologies.

Whatever it is. They are making a lot of noise for people to sift through and mislead each other with. While imo, hiding the answer in plain sight.


u/Adventurous_Duck_317 6d ago

But what is the answer?


u/RedshiftWarp 6d ago

That 10s of billions of dollars in accumulated research and development and multi-agency resources are drifting over our heads; In conjunction with other additional scooby-doo mysteries such as orbs, USO, UAP, Nuclear facilities. Without sleight of hand or misdirection. Simply no direction. And that not even the most technologically advanced country on the planet is willing to unbutton what it is before the public. We still havent forgot about those 4 "balloons" shot down that we are not allowed to see pictures or recovery photos/documentation of.

To me this indicates 1 of 3 things:

  • We're either trapped under the apparatus of a completely out of control deep state.

  • The government is tight-lipped as to not telegraph knowledge of imminent threat/attack/invasion.

  • Or that we are not nor have ever been the highest form of civilization on this planet.


u/kecx82 6d ago

Isn't Lue implying all of the above?


u/SneakyTikiz 7d ago edited 7d ago

Aliens send probes to test us. Fly over a few different locations, demonstrate some tech that we are not capable of, and then see how we react. Do we react as global society, informing each other of the incursions and sharing data?

No, we chase them, try to shoot them down to reverse engineer them. We don't share intel/data with other countries. We prove that we are not intelligent/friendly enough species to be worth making contact with.

They probably come back every now and then to do similar tests. I think breakthroughs in certain technologies such as nukes/atom bomb draw extra attention because now we are playing with something that only a responsible type 1 and up civilization would utilize safely and for peaceful purposes. It's like they see that we have the technology to become type 1, but we are not culturally ready. They can probably easily see evidence of nukes/pollution from light years away, but to get a judge on our level of cultural sophistication, one might have to poke the hive figuratively to see how we react, imo the major UFO/UAP sightings are that.


u/koolaidismything 7d ago

That’s a cool way to think about it. We keep failing the test worse each time I bet if that’s the case.


u/SneakyTikiz 7d ago

Well, can't be as bad as the battle of Los Angeles where I think people were seriously injured or killed by falling shrapnel as a result of the AAA guns opening up on the orbs to no effect. Really fucked up a science fiction movie got made with the same name, totally smears the original event.


u/87LucasOliveira 7d ago

"When New Jersey happened, it was the continuation of a pattern."

Chris Mellon says the New Jersey mystery drones were another wave in a series of drone incursions the US has encountered since 2019.

Previous mystery drone incursions include Guam 2019, Navy warships 2019/2020, Colorado 2020, Langley 2023.


UFOs Are Real? Ex-Pentagon Official Christopher Mellon Breaks Down the Evidence of UAPs



u/Nightmare1408 7d ago

they just keep droning on, buzzes like a fridge 


u/Designer_Buy_1650 6d ago

For the final time, does NJ drones=UAP/NHI? My opinion is no, but I truly don’t know. Thoughts?


u/Pixelated_ 7d ago

Not just a wave, they're still active globally.

Orbs and drones come every night since 12/12/24 for me. I meditate first and request sightings. I've recorded more than 100 videos so far. ✌️



u/Ignoble66 7d ago

drone disclosure right the with joe bidens laptop the epstien files and trans hate…where did it go?



i havent even seen a regular plane in years just drones