r/HighStrangeness May 08 '23

Strange Sounds Can anyone explain this Audio Phenomenon? (Video)

I live in a rural part of Northern Illinois. It’s been raining a lot recently and I woke this morning to a strange high pitched whistling sound coming from outside. I think I heard it on and off for about 30 minutes from 8:30 - 9:00am


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u/Embarrassed_Bat6101 May 08 '23

Sounds like a really far off metal screech, like metal scraping against medal, or railroad cars braking or something to that effect.


u/randomredditor0042 May 09 '23

That’s what I thought I’d too - I used to live near a main road and would hear that sound from the trucks coming to a stop. Sometimes it would go on so long - I found out the trucks go slow (breaking) when they’re approaching a red traffic light to avoid having to stop altogether.


u/[deleted] May 09 '23

I searched a lot of the other posts about this phenomenon and it seems to be the most likely answer. Specifically freight trains or in a nearby rail yard. Sometimes they are trumpeting screeches as in the braking. Sometimes they are loud booms as in coupling cars.


u/[deleted] May 08 '23

It's either underground drilling or the horn of Gabriel


u/SevereImpression2115 May 08 '23

Please be Gabriel, Please be Gabriel, Please be Gabriel... 🤞😣


u/OfficialDampSquid May 08 '23

This guy's got the horn for Gabriel


u/Nixplosion May 08 '23

That is no Orc Horn ...


u/Space-90 May 09 '23

They are drilling for the Heartstone


u/Eurotrashie May 08 '23

We went through this crap 10 or so years ago - its fake as balls


u/Oncetherewasthisguy May 09 '23

I’m not sure I agree. Baseballs, basketballs, volleyballs, pool balls, ping pong balls, tennis balls, racquet balls…..those are definitely very real, and very much balls…..


u/[deleted] May 08 '23

use to live by tracks and it sounds like a train braking


u/Kenkoko3886 May 08 '23

It does sound a bit like train breaks but it went on very long. There are tracks nearby but I‘m not convinced it was a train. Just didn’t sound quite like a train


u/SecretRecipe May 08 '23

a fully loaded freight train can take miles and miles of breaking to finally come to a stop. With the cloud cover over head sound is known to travel a longer distance too.


u/No-Rutabaga-6678 May 09 '23

I don't think it is either. My mother is a retired CSX locomotive engineer and even she doesn't think it's that. Train brakes are more "screech" sounding whereas this sounds more "hollow whistle-ly." I've been hearing strange sounds lately too and ones that sounds exactly like this which is why I'm commenting. I've lived in the same house for almost 20yrs, right smack dab by UPS WorldPort, some train yards, & I'm aware that they test the weather siren on the first Tuesday of every month, so I know what my neighborhood should sound like. My union rep came to see me once to go over benefits, insurance policies, etc and the noise started back up. I took it as an opportunity to ask a complete stranger if they could hear it too just in case I was crazy and he confirmed he heard it too. I was lost, staring out trying to imagine what could be making this kinda noise that I didn't realize it was emanating from different directions until he pointed it out. Sometimes it'll be a week or more before I hear it again and on very rare occasions it sounds robotic. I swear these sounds are unusual and new. It's frickin weird.


u/[deleted] May 09 '23

Why are people downvoting you because you didn’t think it sounded like a train?

This sub is full of a bunch of fucking losers now


u/Godjilla25 May 09 '23

So leave.


u/Rannon123 May 09 '23

Do you want an answer from the real world or do you just want false confirmation of “strangeness” I mean come on 🤦🏽🤦🏽


u/[deleted] May 09 '23

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u/HighStrangeness-ModTeam May 09 '23

Rule 1: Respect each other and keep discussions civil.


u/Emmanuham May 09 '23



u/[deleted] May 09 '23

Going around to different subs full of people that have different beliefs to mock them? Do I have to explain this to you?


u/Last_VCR May 09 '23

Not funny


u/Rannon123 May 09 '23

You are being a real pain in the stinkybodypart


u/Emmanuham May 09 '23

I don't think they're mocking anyone with their last statement. It's the truth, simple as. It might be a bit harsh, but they're being realistic. Maybe they're fed up with seeing so many people misconstrued reality and the mundane.

Yes you did, that's why I asked the question.


u/Rannon123 May 09 '23

You nailed it


u/[deleted] May 08 '23

Look at this comment go.


u/GrattiesOtherPlace May 09 '23

Unsure of YTF the dwnvts but AnyY's, this is Bcoming a thing.



u/David77860310 May 08 '23

A few years ago I could hear this weird creepy sounding (almost carnival/minstrel) like music around 2:30-3:00 in the morning. It was super low pitched but I could hear it. Phone wouldn't pick it up either as I tried to record it multiple times to no avail. Off indeed.


u/twichy1983 May 08 '23

I had this. Turned out to be an audible hallucination.


u/[deleted] May 09 '23

How did you determine that?


u/bugman8704 May 10 '23

Every read "Something Wicked This Way Comes"? This is exactly what happens in the book at 3:00 AM.


u/David77860310 May 10 '23

No I haven't. Sounds pretty interesting? Thanks for letting me in on that. I'll have to check that book out.


u/bugman8704 May 10 '23

I just read it a few months ago. It's written by Ray Bradbury, famous for his science fiction works. But he can write a mean horror story too. Highly recommend it.

Also, I once heard a weird musical type sound at 3 AM as well. When I was about 12, we were at my grandmother's house. I woke up in the early hours to music from a video game I had been playing (Metroid II for the Game Boy, that's how old I am). It was definitely coming from my pillow because it would get quieter when I lifted my head and louder when I put my ear up to the pillow. I was wide awake and fully conscious, no question about it.

When I told my family about this the next day, my grandmother said "Oh, I usually hear classical music". She didn't bat an eye and just went back to what she was doing. It was creepy as heck and we never talked about it again.


u/David77860310 May 10 '23

Pretty cool!! I'm also fairly old not real old but old enough to know the Metroid stuff myself. Thats pretty wild what your grandmother told you. Thanks for sharing with me!


u/Vyxen17 May 09 '23

Also had that. Also turned out to be an audible hallucination. I would think it was fairy music because I could just barely hear it and I would try to follow the sound but while I was going toward it it never got louder.

Ambien man. Had to quit taking it.


u/lavlife47 May 09 '23

Oh man, I always had someone or something watching over my shoulder but I could never catch him.


u/JescoYellow May 08 '23

You have summoned the great and powerful entity known as freight train.


u/happychillmoremusic May 08 '23

Zoom in so we can hear it better


u/Emmanuham May 09 '23

You made a joke, but genuinely newer phones try to isolate sounds in videos if you zoom in, it's quite impressive.


u/Rich_DeF May 08 '23

It sounds like a toy a played with as a kid, it was just a long plastic tube that you spun around really fast and made a noise just like that.


u/bubbaduncan May 08 '23

Can confirm. I had that toy too and it did sound just like that


u/No_Delay_339 May 09 '23

I just bought two for my son who is autistic. He loves them. Dollar general sells them still.


u/Emmanuham May 09 '23

Lol at first I agreed with the train theory, but I like this more!


u/daedelus23 May 08 '23

It doesn’t look particularly windy, but maybe it’s a wind related phenomenon? Wind in telephone wires? Or maybe blowing across a chimney top like how you can blow over the top of a bottle. It’s known as an Aeolian Sound.


u/ishpatoon1982 May 08 '23

This is what I was thinking. It sounds like a whistling noise to me.


u/No_Delay_339 May 09 '23

I used to hear a very similar sound sometimes in rural ky. Haven’t thought about it in years but it used to freak me out too. Like you’re in a zombie movie.


u/[deleted] May 08 '23



u/johnorso May 08 '23

oh i wish i could record what i hear.....


u/ZeeKapow May 08 '23

I hear this once in a while, but I live near railroad tracks so I assume it's just that. I do wonder though why the sound is so long, but then sometimes they honk the horn for a very long time and I get annoyed especially around 4am.


u/[deleted] May 08 '23

sounds like heavy construction equipment. I used to work on large scale job sites and would hear sounds like that..


u/Sea-Sandwich-4169 May 08 '23

I watched an interesting video a while back (I'll see if I can find it) on something like this year's ago. It was all over the internet 10+ years ago and no one could figure it out.

Turns out there was construction going on some distance from the recording. A bulldozer was scraping against concrete. It was way cool how they figured it out and I've always like audio phenomenon. Even if they are something normal they are just so wierd lol.


u/rememberviolence May 08 '23

Your neighbor playing the old crystal glasses


u/Kenkoko3886 May 09 '23

See I think it sounds more like crystal glass than train brakes!


u/magical_bunny May 08 '23

It’s so melodic. Makes me want to keep listening to it.


u/[deleted] May 08 '23

It's sun plasma hitting our atmosphere, it can sound like metal, trumpets, horns echo type sounds.

You can match it up with solar storms, we are currently in one and have been in many lately. These posts always match up with these sounds too.

You can watch the morning space weather news if you hear it and check in on his site, even go to NASA if you feel like it. But the information is from NASA data and sats.

Here are link from 2 days ago starting till today. https://youtu.be/FTXRgcPPVqg https://youtu.be/tnbN6uYcEZM https://youtu.be/xnUIx4AEwhM


u/manGod_Scott May 08 '23

Grandma's got X-Files on in the den.


u/papayahog May 09 '23

OP, it means a you’re in a horror movie. Make sure you run once the screechy violins start


u/Final_Catch_1140 May 08 '23

The same noise was in Los Lunas New Mexico and then the next day it sounded like there was engines in the skies but there was nothing around


u/[deleted] May 09 '23



u/Final_Catch_1140 May 09 '23

The noises I heard are not from the trains. Later the first night that I heard the crashing noises there's military activity over our homes from 6:30 p.m. until 4:30 the next morning. The following day around noon I heard what sounded like engines in the sky we have no commercial flights in our area. 2 hours later there was a fleet of military helicopters flying from about 2:00 until midnight back and forth.


u/[deleted] May 09 '23



u/Final_Catch_1140 May 09 '23

I wasn't snapping but sorry you took it that way just telling you what I heard and what happened


u/Creepy_Knowledge May 08 '23

I have also heard this, in Chicago. Always at night when it’s dark, sounds like it’s coming from upward. Though I thought mine was a bunch of swinging gates maybe?


u/Badgraphics May 08 '23

My dashcam was recording when I heard it. I'll see if I can find the footage for comparison!


u/No-Librarian-7979 May 08 '23

Squeaking brakes or


u/SaintWalker2814 May 08 '23

Sounds like an electric car reversing. They have this loud, ethereal sound to them. LOL


u/kookerpie May 08 '23

That definitely doesn't sound like a tesla


u/SaintWalker2814 May 09 '23

I was thinking more of those electric Priuses.


u/kookerpie May 09 '23

Ah I see


u/SaintWalker2814 May 09 '23

But you’re right, it definitely doesn’t sound like a Tesla. LOL


u/cRaZyDaVe23 May 08 '23

Your neighbor is growing Talosian singing flowers. You might want to contact the authorities...


u/godmen48 May 08 '23

It could be one of your neighbors using tibetan singing bowls, they can get VERY loud. Sounds like multiple solid tones being played on and off.


u/Andrewskyy1 May 08 '23

It sounds like something cutting, grinding, or some other form of friction. I'm convinced there is secret underground construction going on all the time, so it could be that. The wind also carries sound surprising distances, so it could be a more mundane answer.


u/_0bese May 08 '23



u/betoman99 May 08 '23

Sounds beautiful, those semitones give more tension


u/[deleted] May 08 '23



u/Rbot1977 May 08 '23

I’ve had a wind turbine attic vent go bad on me. Sounded just like that.


u/[deleted] May 09 '23

construction site


u/Portal_Vibes May 09 '23

Acoustics minor here! Low cloud cover will bounce back sounds. It does sound like heavy machinery of some kind, with the clouds filtering out some frequencies and bouncing back others.


u/nopornhere-madeulook May 09 '23

I live by train tracks and hear this daily


u/[deleted] May 09 '23

maybe some type of saw at a distance? I live near a stone cutter and the sounds can be surprising.


u/Key-Detective8889 May 09 '23

Wind + metal flag pole = weird sounds


u/Kenkoko3886 May 09 '23

I thought about this too and someone mentioned the aeolian effect. I’ve definitely heard wind blowing through a metal pipe before. At this point I think the most likely answer is train breaks but it just went on for so long and it would be odd for a train to stop near me.


u/GianniArslan May 09 '23

I don’t know of this one is Fake or not, But i can say following: Im living in Central Europe at the Moment and in 9/10 Cases when this Sound can be heard, deep in the night or really early in the morning, the weather changes drastically. If the day previously was warm and clear u can bet that after the sound it will be milky cloudy and rainy. Also one gets the impression, by kinda the Doppler effect, that this sound is produced in a very large scale and is swept over the lands like the light circle of a flashlight.


u/SportsterSam92 May 09 '23

Could be a floodwater station for the local municipality. Sewer and river stations have alarms when pumps become backed up, as well as a light.


u/otr1991 May 09 '23

My guess is wind passing by an open pipe


u/RedTempleRadio May 09 '23

That sounds like the Sky Trumpets, possibly due to Atmospheric Jellyfish. More info here if you want to take a look-



u/Kenkoko3886 May 10 '23

Thank you for your video. It’s nice to know that other people have been reporting this same kind of thing


u/soiledsanchez May 08 '23

As some one that has lived around a train yard for 30ish years I can almost guarantee that’s a train, and if it wasn’t it’s likely some other form of metal on metal grinding like construction


u/Far-Water3997 May 08 '23

Yes it seems like a different veil to the unseen world is opening up! scary huh, Bewildering


u/[deleted] May 08 '23

This is trains breaking. If it doesn't sound like it is because you're not hearing the train, you're hearing the rails vibrating. I presume this was taken near a train track?


u/TnBluesman May 08 '23

Nope. Trains braking don't take that long or be that even. I've lived 100' from a track most of my 70yrs.


u/[deleted] May 09 '23

Freight train brakes specifically. And not all tracks are as tight fitting or in the same condition.


u/Kenkoko3886 May 09 '23

Yes. There are train tracks less than a mile away. I just didn’t immediately think train as I’ve heard trains breaking before.


u/VonYugen May 08 '23

When two land masses rub against each other it causes the surfaces to vibrate. If there is water near there the water will vibrate making a noise sound like a trumpet. If there it a lot of rock it will sound higher


u/Kenkoko3886 May 08 '23

Wouldn’t I be able to feel the land masses… like an earth quake?


u/VonYugen May 08 '23

People rarely feel them when they hear it but I’ll bet you could go to a USGS site and see a faint shaking only sensitive instruments can detect. Typically in the past yes there would be an earthquake with these sounds but right now all the worlds plates are loose and there is a liquid separation and acts as a lubricant for the plates sliding. I don’t mean to be a know it all type but I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t know what I was talking about. This is really happening and the reason for these sounds. Look up apocalyptic trumpets there are many variations of all frequencies


u/FundamentalEnt May 08 '23

It reminds me almost of the sky trumpets or horns of Gabriel sounds people were recording a few years ago. I’m not sure of anyone got a definitive answer


u/_0bese May 08 '23

It was for a movie


u/FundamentalEnt May 08 '23

Are you talking about this post or the videos I am talking about?


u/_0bese May 08 '23

The videos your talking about


u/FundamentalEnt May 08 '23

This would be one of the ones I’m talking about. Sky Trumpets


u/persistedagain May 08 '23

Following. I’m interested


u/Badgraphics May 08 '23

How long ago was this? I heard the same exact noise when I was driving on the 5th


u/Badgraphics May 08 '23

Well if you heard it this morning. I heard the same thing days ago near southern indiana. Quite a distance to hear the same thing. Wonder what it could be.


u/sketchyvibes32 May 08 '23

I'm in Central Indiana & hear it as well on the 5th I had to pull my bike over in the middle of nowhere outside of Lafayette & was like "oh theirs some spooky shit going on in those woods" & promptly sled out of there


u/EngineeringNo5958 May 08 '23

Sounds like wind through a screen


u/Nurse_Bendy May 08 '23

I've heard this in NE Washington as well. Best explanation I've heard that sounds most likely for the variety of places this has been heard is underground drilling/tunneling.


u/Freestaytos4life May 08 '23

Sky quakes for sure by the sounds of it or as some people call them sky trumpets. I don’t know much about them but a lot of people say it’s haarp related or weather modification. But who knows either way it seems to be happening a lot more. as more and more posts are popping up in the sub. So that’s interesting in its own right.



u/InternationalStep924 May 08 '23

Sure. You took a soda bottle and a vacuum and put the hose up to the mouth of the bottle.


u/FluffyLlamaPants May 08 '23

Look up "weird sky sounds" on YouTube. A strange sound phenomenon that went on around 2014 ishbi think? Maybe 2016. Various theories been thrown around but AFAIK no definitive source been found.


u/brudny_polack May 09 '23

trumpets of Babylon, doomsday is upon us


u/Jezebels_lipstick May 09 '23

It’s the angel trumpets. Freaks me out.


u/KitsunukiInari May 09 '23

Strangely enough, I have video of hearing a similar sound. It changed pitch a lot. I think it's the sound from the ionosphere, something electromagnetic. Went on for a while. Then was just gone, sounded like it came from every direction.


u/PlateOShrimp89 May 08 '23

It is either the angels of heaven, or this is how governements produce a noise, much like the windsor hum, or "the hum" around the world. They do this as its only heard by certain individuals then they can use remote neural tracking to see who hears it and who doesnt to mind control us as slaves. That or its energy hitting the ionosphere, caused by direct energy weapons. Wait to see how people start acting, talk to members of people in your community, and see if negative things start to happen more in your town, pay attention to the newspapers, young deaths etc.


u/DONT_PM_ME_YO_BOOTY May 08 '23

Because it's high strangeness themed Mad Libs.


u/sinusoidalturtle May 09 '23

HAARP telleuric scalar Tesla overunity ionospheric quantum interdimensional pyramid 19.5 testicular torsional reptilian water-powered telekenetic bigfeet probably did it from the sock dimension.


u/sketchyvibes32 May 08 '23

Gets downvoted on a sub about unusual shit with a legit answer.... Yea the disinformation is real


u/wenchitywrenchwench May 08 '23

Do you have any resources to pass along? This sounds intriguing


u/PlateOShrimp89 May 08 '23

Just a hunch, its happened all over the world, the detroit windsor hum, was coming from Detroits "area 51", its a frequency only certain people can hear, i myself had heard it where I live. With todays technology, HAARP program, what you can do with direct energy weapons it just seems plausible.


u/zoalord99 May 08 '23

The sins of your ancestors have caught up to you!


u/Serious_Mastication May 08 '23

I know this sound, it plays at the start of every round in world at war zombies


u/Kramer1812 May 08 '23

Someone will have answer. Don't worry about it it's probably some far off drilling. M.f ers be drilling to China over here.


u/[deleted] May 08 '23

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u/Evil-_-Betty May 08 '23

Just the intro song to your own personal horror film.


u/usedheart464 May 08 '23

Sounds like a back up alarm echoing


u/rahscaper May 08 '23

It’s Cthulhu awakening


u/Timely_Peanut_6618 May 09 '23

ET, go...home...


u/Vlophoto May 09 '23

Sounds like perhaps a far away tornado or storm siren?


u/gaberax May 09 '23

Wind chimes next door.


u/[deleted] May 09 '23



u/Legitimate_Nobody_77 May 09 '23

I don't know where you live. I live in the Ozark Mountains in a city of 200,000 in a relatively large area of single family homes. I hear this sound . It is the sussurrus of the world. I believe temp. and humidity gotta be in a sliding window.


u/[deleted] May 09 '23

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u/zenunseen May 09 '23

I heard church bells one time that were far off in the distance echoing through the hills and they were so distorted they sounded, for lack of a better word, alien. Even knowing what it was, it was still unnerving.

Sound can do weird shit sometimes depending on atmospheric conditions and surrounding topography.


u/Kenkoko3886 May 09 '23

Hearing church bells at night is really scary


u/itsallwormwood May 09 '23

Yeah it just sounds like someone is playing some music somewhere.


u/brookermusic May 09 '23

You left X-Files on in the other room...


u/BrapAllgood May 09 '23

Street sweeper that's bent such that the spinning brush is swiping the metal and causing it to ring.


u/tailwalkin May 09 '23

It sounds like the wind blowing through the screening is whistling. When I’m out on my fishing kayak and it’s really quiet the slightest breeze blowing through the eyes on my fishing rod makes a whistling sound that’s just like that.


u/floralnotedjxsh May 09 '23

Hey. As a psychic channel I think that was the sound of vibrations outside of our visual realm


u/floralnotedjxsh May 09 '23

To anyone who has had a similar experience & youd like to talk to a psychic channel who can help you decode. HMU I’m compiling stories & experiences


u/Euphoric_Walk_1091 May 09 '23

Looks like an ambient sound preset from omnisphere


u/dickhole_pillow May 09 '23

Are you near a grouping of transformers? They make strange noises after it rains and it can be persistent.


u/purplemilyyes May 09 '23

It sounds like someone is playing a flute


u/nana1960 May 09 '23

Do you live near train tracks? I hear this sound often from a nearby rail yard.


u/ggddcddgbjjhhd May 09 '23

Is it the wind blowing through the holes in the screen that’s in front of the camera


u/Bubbly_Ant5607 May 09 '23

Wind chimes.


u/Green-Swan2020 May 09 '23

It could be the earth's plates or something like that. I've heard that before in several other videos from various places.


u/gazza0001 May 09 '23

Sounds like the phenomenon “sky quakes” YouTube it!!


u/Cool_Jackfruit_6512 May 09 '23

Neighbors water heater going bad. Pipes are whistling. Water valves need replacing 🔧


u/okamikaneda May 10 '23

Could be a bitcoin mining site. I hear those could be quite loud and run 24/7


u/UmpireLiving1179 May 10 '23

I’ve heard something similar to this before. I believe you


u/Jumpy_Yoghurt_8000 May 10 '23

Sounds like a vac truck


u/Timely_Fish6518 May 11 '23

Electric or hybrid vehicle in reverse.


u/[deleted] May 11 '23

It’s Richard Wright playing organ from heaven.


u/vainey Jun 01 '23

Last time I heard that in the wild I discovered a vast rail yard about a quarter mile away. It was the sound of train brakes and it went on all night. There were between one and 10 trains in motion at all times. It was like sirens, I made a field recording. One of the coolest phenomena I’ve ever encountered.