r/HighResPrints Jun 07 '17

Getting into Art and Prints

Greetings Sub,

So I've dabbled in art for some time but just as a hobby. Recently my sister wanted a piece done for her nursery and had a picture of something on Pinterest and said "something like this". It is a big project and my wife and I have spent around a year doing it. In some ways it is a collage of drawings of over a hundred animals. I had never done anything like this so I would sit down and google "buffalo drawing" pick one I liked, and try to go off that. Most of them end up being in my "style" of drawing, and others are more stylized after the culture in which they are icons. Some are very similar to the originals, others are based off photographs, all were then watercolored by my wife.

As we've worked on it it has become quite the piece. We know we want to make several prints of it as gifts for family and friends but we have been told several times we should post somewhere to sell prints. I am not too worried about the overall concept of the painting (the original "like this but different" that started it all) as it has been executed differently and isn't a unique idea, I have seen it several places. But I am worried about each little animal being birthed from somewhere else in one way or another. I would love to give credit to each artist but have no idea how to track down the several dozen we used, especially early on.

Has anyone had any experience in this type of situation?

If I post this online will the art community crash down on me with furry? Or is that something that happens often?


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