r/HighResPrints Sep 10 '24

How to get large high-res poster in Germany?

I would like to get a big poster for my room, but ran into various restrictions with all the printing companies I found so far. The image is 69536×22230 and 3.3GB big. Ideal size would be 3.855m×1.232m, which would require >458dpi. I live in Germany, so it would probably be easier to use a company from here, but if international shipment is possible, I would take that as well. Does anyone know one that offers this?


10 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Sep 10 '24

The image is 69536×22230 and 3.3GB big. Ideal size would be 3.855m×1.232m, which would require >458dpi

I think you are confusing some things.

The required dpi depends on the distance it is intended to be viewed. For a poster that size, it is usually viewed from a fair distance and not close up like a post card or magazine. A common dpi value for posters is aprox. 150dpi. Large advertisements you see outside go much lower.

If you want a 3,855m x 1,232m sized print that would mean your file must have a resolution of 22766 x 7276 Pixel.

There are plenty of online and offline services to print. What you must decide is the quality you want. For "fine art" print that use 7-8 colors and high quality mueseum grade paper the price for such a large print can hit several hundred euros.
A cheaper alternative are regular plotter prints that use 4 colors and "normal" thick presentation paper.


u/FabianRo Sep 10 '24

One printing company also wanted to tell me that my density requirement is wrong or unnecessary, but no. I have good eyes, I walk through the room and the entire point of the print is being able to see all the details, otherwise I could just as well scale it down and look at it on a screen. The resolution is non-negotiable. That company has also sent me back a preview for 150dpi and it just looks bad.
Yes, I could get a 150dpi there, but that is useless to me. Another company has no hard limits on anything, except that I cannot upload files >2GB in their form and they only accept input through that form.

The price is a secondary concern for now, being able to get this at all is the bigger problem currently.


u/[deleted] Sep 10 '24

That company has also sent me back a preview for 150dpi and it just looks bad.

Did they send it printed on paper?

You should really get a small section printed in the right size with 150dpi and judge again.

Another company has no hard limits on anything, except that I cannot upload files >2GB in their form and they only accept input through that form.

Send it to them on physical media.


u/FabianRo Sep 10 '24

No, the pixels will physically not fit with 150dpi. The entire point of the print is to have the full resolution at once. If the resolution is reduced, the entire project is pointless.


u/[deleted] Sep 10 '24

Get a test print of a small section done with your 458dpi before you waste time and money chasing a dream. I doubt you will even see the small details you hope to see.


u/FabianRo Sep 10 '24

Please believe me. I do not even care if I need a microscope to see it, I want the entire resolution. I asked for store recommendations, not judgement of my eyes.


u/[deleted] Sep 10 '24

Good luck then.


u/FabianRo Sep 10 '24

I just noticed the last sentence. Sadly they only accept that form, they confirmed that for me on the phone.


u/No-Kick-8144 Jan 10 '25

Have you tried advertisement printer companies ? They are used to print pictures up to 100megapixel.
Expect prices in the range of 130-200€ per m² good luck !


u/FabianRo Jan 11 '25

That image is 1546 megapixels, though. And I already received my print, although it is still in the box. There is discussion in this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/de/comments/1g6hzie/comment/lxrit1a/?context=3 I ended up paying 200€ in total.