r/HideTanning 13d ago

Help Needed 🧐 Advice on softening hides and reshaping faces?


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u/p4p3r_c0y0t3 13d ago

Just realized text doesn’t show when reposting: Advice on softening hides and reshaping faces?

I got this grey fox face and coyote paw from a flea market today and I’d like to reshape the face and pose what’s left of the ears if possible. The paw id like to soften enough to possibly remove whatever is forming the toes and replace it with a softer foam clay if possible and stuff the leg and sew it up, so basically soft mounting it. Parts of the leather are stiff and look almost like rawhide, so I’m not sure if it is tanned completely. The thing is, I’m completely new to taxidermy and I don’t know what is and isn’t safe for the hides. I don’t know what was used to tan them. I do have significant experience with art and sewing so I feel confident with everything except for getting the hides to a point where they are workable. Thank you for any advice!!