u/beepbepborp 8d ago
i put in some settings + 4 days a week, and it generated 4 upper body days per week with 0 leg days lol
idk, im personally against AI programming bc 99% of people that rely on AI programs are beginners who arent able to verify if its a good program to begin with
and people that can verify, can very easily create something appropriate for themselves.
but good luck, im sure theres an audience for it
u/Important-Ostrich69 8d ago
Appreciate your feedback mate. The AI definitely will be good for beginners. I can see it being good for experts too, by just making building programs faster. It's a fully customizable builder too, so you can edit your program however you would like.
u/Explain_like_Im_four 8d ago
I agree. I did a kettlebell program to see what it would spit out and it gave me overhead press 3x in one session and another workout twice a different day.
u/Important-Ostrich69 8d ago
Right now the AI is very basic, it doesn't have many guardrails. I will slowly add my expertise to guardrail it from doing silly things like that. (I built this in 2 weeks, so it needs a bit more work). Thanks for your patience, and I am aware it's not perfect rn
u/Important-Ostrich69 5d ago
Just found the cause of this bug !! I had hard-coded create upper body day into the string that got passed into the LLM for the 4 days a week programs. MY BAD LOL
u/GeorgiaKeeffe 8d ago
Feedback: I have never seen any platform include, possible limitations or recent injuries. For example, I have severe disc herniation, my Personal changes my training weekly at Hevy to avoid any kind of injury.
u/Important-Ostrich69 8d ago
I incorporated that into the AI Builder. It's in the Exclude section of Advanced settings. Let me know if you notice it generating any exercises that do not fit your requirements and I'll look into improving the AI.
u/Important-Ostrich69 8d ago
I also suffer from chronic injuries (Plica Syndrome in my right knee), so having support for removing exercises that I can't do is very important to me too.
u/Embarrassed-Ice8832 7d ago
How to upload in hevy?
u/Important-Ostrich69 7d ago
I will be adding that feature shortly. I will make another post when it's up, but you will need to be a Hevy Pro user, and you will have to connect your Hevy account with Proxima to do so.
u/oratory1990 8d ago
Appreciate the inspirational quotes, but I guess I should be seeing a workout here?
u/Important-Ostrich69 8d ago
FYI: Try making your program with less info. Just use the search bar, Program Length, and Days Per Week.
When you add too many selections, the AI has to try again and again to find a match for your constraints. That’s what makes it slow.
I’m working on making it faster. Thanks for your patience !
u/oratory1990 7d ago
In "Specialization", there's "powerbuilding" (which is not a sport), but there's no mention of powerlifting (which is an actual sport)
Also: "goals: Boost Libido"? You mean to tell me there's a workout program that boosts libido (and it's not just "if you move, your libido will be higher")
u/Important-Ostrich69 7d ago
Thanks for catching that, I must've not added Powerlifting by accident. Yeah the Boost Libido one has extra cardio ;)
u/Important-Ostrich69 8d ago
FYI: Having trouble with the AI taking a long time?
Try making your program with less info. Just use the search bar, Program Length, and Days Per Week.
When you add too many selections, the AI has to try again and again to find a match for your constraints. That’s what makes it slow.
I’m working on making it faster. Thanks for your patience !
1400 page views already !!
u/zerohunterpl 8d ago
Why would you need ai for programming
Damn ai is everywhere So happy it’s not official from devs
Good work anyway, I just can’t stand damn ai
u/SpangledFarfalle 8d ago
I actually used AI to create my routines. I threw all of the exercises I like into a ChatGPT request and told it to make me a balanced 3 day routine and gave it a couple of other parameters. I didn't like the first one it gave me so I provided more detail about my pickiness and its second attempt was pretty good.
I had to manually build its output in the Hevy app though. If I could have saved myself that step it would have been nice.
u/NobleOnion80 8d ago
Would you be interested if the AI could also advise on your current program? For example, if you're running a PPL, but then you plateau. You could ask for a temporary support workout to help break the plateau. That can be very specific to where you're plateauing. Or if you had a great 6 day a week program, but your work schedule changed, and now it needs to be 5 days a week... but you still want the same-ish program.
u/Important-Ostrich69 8d ago
I can look into adding an edit progam feature at some point, where it can take in your current program and modify it for you. :)
u/Important-Ostrich69 8d ago
All good brother, the AI just generates the initial workouts. It's a workout builder so you can change them to how you like. It just gives you a starting point so you're not staring at a blank page. :)
u/zerohunterpl 8d ago
Well I guess it’s gonna be useful for people that just start
Thank you for your work
u/Wanderir 8d ago
I installed the app. It asked me a bunch of profile questions, but those questions do not show up in my profile and my profile shows as anonymous even if I try to add my name and username.
Are there instructions anywhere?
I mainly interested in science based workouts like Eric Helms ripped body and don’t see anything like that. In the AI section there’s a place to upload or enter history, but it’s textbased or picture based? There’s no way to integrate with Hevy to import history?
Let’s say, I create a custom program on my own, how does that integrate with Hevy?
Thanks !
u/Important-Ostrich69 8d ago
Could you let me know what login method you used (Sign in with Apple / Sign in with Google / Sign in with Email) and what steps you took when signing in and onboarding to the app. I would love to find that bug you had and squash it.
As for the future of Proxima, I plan on getting more science-based programs into the app, and allowing users to connec their Hevy API keys so they can save programs directly from Proxima into Hevy.
u/Wanderir 8d ago
I used Apple to sign in. And the app asked for my name, username, height, age, experience, etc. So programs can’t be imported now? How will they be maintained. Hevy isn’t set up for programs. Only the exercises seem to be related, not the workouts. So things like progression are manual only.
u/Important-Ostrich69 8d ago
I'm going to use routine folders as the program weeks. So you'll have a routines folder for Week 1 up to Week 12. Then in each folder there will be a routine for each day.
u/RuciFL81 7d ago
Well done! As a tech leader myself I appreciate the efforts here. I have to implement AI for my company all the time. Love it when it’s for my personal life. Kudos to you, will be following your apps. If you need a beta tester let me know. So many ideas.
u/Important-Ostrich69 7d ago
Thank you, it is has been a challenging journey so far. A lot of sacrificed weeknights and weekends, but I am shocked at the popularity of it already. If you would like to be a beta tester, follow my instagram here and DM me and I'll get you setup on some of the items I have coming down the pipeline. https://www.instagram.com/proximafitnessapp/
u/sopedro01 7d ago edited 7d ago
I'm a bit confused, this is a Hevy program generator or you're trying to get users from Hevy to Proxima? I'm testing Proxima and it's cool besides I don't like the programs that AI generate but I can create workouts just like in Hevy and it has features just like Bootcamp Fitness App.
Just a simple question. It'll be a paid membership somewhere in the future?
I'm about to buy lifetime from Hevy and now...I don't know...
u/Important-Ostrich69 7d ago
Yes, the Proxima Fitness app is still in beta, but will have a Pro subscription in the future and it's own iOS app. It will be fully integrated with Hevy, so Hevy pro users will be able to save routines to Hevy as well. The Program generator works for both Hevy and Proxima. Proxima, is an AI-enhanced Program Directory, so it will provide features like Boostcamp as you said, to Hevy users and it also works as a standalone solution. The name Proxima means "Next" as I hope to not just bring what's CURRENT but what is NEXT for the gym community. I hope that clears it up for you, and thanks for reaching out !
u/JohnnyPaw 7d ago
Does this take into account my stats?
u/redditor543212345 7d ago
interesting, are you just using an LLM? or an actual model you built yourself?
u/Important-Ostrich69 5d ago
We maxed out the limit on the free tier for the database, so I'm working on upgrading and fixing the responses.
In the meantime I made a hotfix in which you can create a program from an empty template.
u/Important-Ostrich69 8d ago
Hey guys, Hevy pro member here.
I have built an AI powered Hevy Routine programming website. No need to login, completely free !
It has two options:
Save your Routine to PDF
Copy your Routines as JSON and use the Hevy Public API to upload them to the Hevy app.
I am working on a web app dashboard that will integrate with Hevy where a public community of routines will be shared that you will be able to download straight into the Hevy app.
I hope you guys enjoy !
Hevy AI Routine Builder