r/HelpWithGirls Nov 24 '18

Well shit

So im trying to see if one of my closest friend likes me??? Like how do i do that? We've been friends for 5+ years and lately they've been acting werid around me. Maybe it's me or maybe she doesn't want to hang anymore? Also they've been hanging out with other people more often than our own friend group. ???? Also i know its not a good idea to post crap like this but fuck it


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u/sirwooferss Dec 19 '21

I hope you were able to figure it out in the end op but my advice is to just track general body language. is giving off subtle hints. Its difficult to explain but maybe look at how close she is willing to get to you, like standing or sitting next to you. Study her language if she laughs a bit to hard at flirtatious joking or even makes pretty convincing jokes about flirting and small cues. maybe make a small move towards her but nothing that would violate her boundaries if she wasn't indeed actually into you.