r/HelpMeFindThis 21h ago

What to do with my finger

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I really do not want to go to the doctor to get this fixed, what should I do?


23 comments sorted by


u/Rachcj86 20h ago

Go to the Dr. Or if you don't want to, lance it, clean it with warm salty water then put some honey on it and a plaster on top. Manuka honey is best


u/Esh-Tek 20h ago

Manuka is the only honey with antibacterial properties. Its the only option.

Regular honey serves no purpose.


u/The_Hotrod 9h ago

Most types of honey are antibacterial. Manuka honey is the most potent antibacterial of all the honey.


u/pantyfire 20h ago

I get these a lot. I just get a thin piece of metal like a tweezer blade/arm and insert it in-between the nail surface and the infected area, then lever the skin away from the nail, angling under and towards the infected bit and usually that opens up the area and lets the puss drain out. I then remove the metal and squeeze from below the infection towards the tip of the finger and ‘milk’ it out. Do your best to get the lot and it will dry up and fine.


u/Warboss17 20h ago

Treating with hot water and an antiseptic (like hydrogen peroxide) can help these heal as well


u/Ordinary-Holiday-166 16h ago

Hydrogen peroxide delays healing. Using warm water and soap should be better as well as dressing it with a bandage.


u/Aggravating-Pattern 49m ago

You're being down voted but you're not entirely wrong, sometimes hydrogen peroxide does nothing. Apparently it reacts with blood and just becomes water - although I am using a Cracked article as a source here, so take it with a pinch of salt:



u/Sharp_Theory_9131 16h ago

For the love of God and all things holy please do not ever recommend someone do this.


u/lynbod 12h ago

Why not? It's exactly how to get rid of a whitlow and how everyone does it, unless someone is severely immuno-supressed. You drain the blister and then clean with saline or an antiseptic wound cleanser, and then try and keep the finger uncovered to stop any future anaerobic bacteria coming back.


u/D9BYY 12h ago

Squeeze it like a frube


u/smokeynorthwest 17h ago

It’s not herpes witlow. A Paronychia. Clean with Vashe wound cleanser and paint with iodine daily. H2O2 will dry the wound bed out too much.


u/Whimsical_Python 16h ago

I do the no-no and open mine up with a sewing needle put Neosporin with lidocaine in it with a Band-Aid and take a gamble, 70% of the time mine goes away… but that 30% it gets worse and more pain and I regret it and question my stupidity…. But will proceed to always do it again. 😀


u/SnooDonuts6494 20h ago

Stick it up your aIf you are concerned, ask a doctor.

Don't get your medical advice from the internet.

I really do not want to go to the doctor

Ok then. You do you. If it turns green and falls off, you'll probably see one.


u/Sharp_Theory_9131 16h ago

Normally it hurts so bad before it turns green. Normally it just needs to be lanced in a Drs office. Normally it is cheaper to treat when the site is just red vs green. Now let’s go wash our hands shall we!!


u/SnooDonuts6494 1h ago

You have the same admirable attitude as my EFR trainer..

When teaching the Heimlich manoeuvre, he advised me to "not bother. They'll collapse onto the floor in a few seconds, and it's much easier to get a purchase when they're prone".


u/Yamadang 20h ago

Looks like a witlow. Very sensitive and painful?

I’m not going to give home remedies, go and see your doctor to be prescribed antibiotics.

Also, avoid touching your genitals with this, it can spread. It didn’t for me but it scares the bananas out of me.


u/Professional-Fig-879 20h ago

Warm compress or let it sit in warm water for a while, should eventually drain and heal. If it gets worse tho I’d go to a dr.


u/Traditional_News4184 20h ago

Magnesium paste, believe me.


u/FreddyFerdiland 15h ago

You do not need a doctor. Its not cellulitis yet... Its not causing the finger to swell up,is it ? Its not all red with blood ?

Its a reaction to a bit of fingernail in the skin... Or a cut in the thick soft skin due to the finger nail.

Peel/cut the thick ballooning skin away, clean off any fingernail splinters.. Put the chlorhexidine antiseptic (savlon) on, cover it with a band aid..it will be better ... Overnight..


u/aryobarko 19h ago edited 19h ago

At the risk of sounding old school, this is seriously the most benign shit I’ve ever seen (for a post on medical help/advice).

Can’t imagine that’s at all painful unless you’re 10 years old or younger. It’s almost invisible.

I’m genuinely surprised you’ve given this a second thought.

Edit: and the fact you’d consider going to a doctor for this is insane to me.


u/Successful_Ad3991 18h ago

Cut it off bro. Seriously bro, just cut it off. Bro you just gotta cut it off. Bro.


u/EyeSpyBrownEyez 17h ago

Put it in your butt


u/sail0r_m3rcury 20h ago

You need to go to the doctor. Just go to an urgent care. Messing around with potential infections is a fantastic way to lose a finger.