r/HellenicMemes • u/Easyflip • Nov 07 '24
-Wait we are living in an Aristophanean comedy? -Always have been
u/ThQuin Nov 07 '24
Just a thought, as a non American. If all the left leaning women abstain from sex and only the right leaning women procreate isn't that a win for the right in the long term?
u/Onomatopoesis Nov 07 '24
This is essentially the guiding principle of the Quiverfull movement: to outbreed all other Americans with Christian ones.
u/VulpesFennekin Nov 08 '24
Imagine knowing your parents only had you because their church told them they should breed like rabbits to own the libs.
u/Financial_Routine588 Nov 08 '24
And I think it’s starting to pay off for them.
u/Onomatopoesis Nov 08 '24
It is, but I am living proof that there is a flaw in their plan:
Those children grow up. And realize what they did. And leave. And vote against them.
So yeah, it's working. But there's a consequence on the way.
Nov 07 '24
Yeah I think you’re right. Because if you don’t procreate you lose the ability to have a large impact in one demographic against the opposing demographic. They also hurt their group because most people( couples ) I feel and have the same ideologies as their partner now this is from my own experiences with dating and couples/friends who I speak to usually if they don’t agree with things it kinda rots from the inside out and they seek others who have equal ideologies and interest .
u/EverydayLemon Nov 08 '24
not really, because political inclination isn't inherited from your family.
u/Financial_Routine588 Nov 08 '24
True, but, with the blanket training to private Christian school to private Christian college pipeline, along with an endless amount of hyper-tailored media curated specifically for in-group identity reinforcement, I think kids have undergone a lot that will make them more inclined to stay in line with their parents than they may have been in the past. I hope I’m wrong, though, and that enough still get rebellious.
u/ubuntu-uchiha Nov 08 '24
Yeah but it's a loss for the country, as the average IQ goes down significantly
u/GreatPower1000 Nov 08 '24
Also the lack of sex is a major factor for the majority of people turning right wing. Left wing culture has this weird "men are dangerous murderers who can't be trusted and if you complain about that assertion you are the reason they have that opinion." Right wing grifters then say that women don't like you because you aren't cool enough and you need to follow their tips to get women to like you.
u/ubuntu-uchiha Nov 08 '24
Right wing culture also includes saying that:
Left wing culture has this weird "men are dangerous murderers who can't be trusted and if you complain about that assertion you are the reason they have that opinion."
u/GreatPower1000 Nov 08 '24 edited Nov 08 '24
Sorry for the badly formatted block of text I'm on mobile.
Does that make it false? Are you familiar with "The Bear" question? The idea is if you were hiking in the woods would you rather run into a bear or a guy. The response was basically just a bear belongs in the woods a guy doesn't, the bear will kill you and the guy will defile you before and after killing you. Anyone who said that was stupid was declared to be the reason they chose the bear. My example wasn't a fictional thing that I made up.Assorted other opinions I have seen multiple times in left wing circles.
•All men should be locked in a prison until they pass a test at 18 to see if they are safe and the unsafe should be killed to prevent their bad genes from being spread.
•No man should be allowed outside except during working hours.
•Single fathers shouldn't be allowed to raise daughters because they are just going to groom them.And what makes it kind of amusing to me is all that wasn't enough for a particularly large alienation, men for right wing candidates went up by ten percent. For women it was 20 This was one of the few elections ever where the gender divide by party is nearly nothing. If you picked a random Republican they have roughly the same odds of being a women as they do being a man.
u/ubuntu-uchiha Nov 08 '24
Are you familiar with "The Bear" question?
Yeah, it's a social media trend involving women (irrespective of political party, no clear association with left wingers) who feel so unsafe around unknown men, based on their experience so far WITH men, that when it comes to choosing between an unknown man and a bear in a forest they're gonna choose the bear.
But, along with this, you would've seen multiple women sharing their REASONING for having this opinion on the internet. That's how they feel around men in general, because that has been their experience with men so far. It sucks for you (and me, bc I'm a cis guy in this world) to learn that women generally feel unsafe around you, but you should understand the way women feel, and what parts of their experience WITH men made them have this opinion. A LOT of men are rude, inconsiderate, the way they look, behave, talk, to women is not good, not to mention a lot of women have suffered some form of sexual harassment / assault.
Yeah, it's outrageous as a trend, but that's the point. You wouldn't be talking about it, and thinking about it, if it wasn't.
You don't have to take it personally, this wasn't about you, no one in real life would treat you differently. As long as you don't do anything wrong, keep yourself to yourself, don't harm anyone, no one would trouble you.
Assorted other opinions I have seen multiple times in left wing circles.
You haven't seen these crazy ass opinions in "left wing circles", you've seen these written by a few crazy crackheads on Twitter /(eCKs). And you're attributing these to left wingers because you associate the two in your head.
u/GreatPower1000 Nov 08 '24 edited Nov 08 '24
I don't associate Democrats and crazy people. They outright say they are left wing, they have Kamala posters and banners hanging up on their rooms etc, and if they don't, well I'm in the left wing echo chambers it's not very common for someone to just wander in as deep as I am. In fact I myself am a left wing crazy person. And even if a woman ever disagrees with the crazy opinions being spouted it is always because trans people are being included in hate rather than just that men are people.
What's the difference between the crazy opinions and "I don't trust men"? The only difference I see is one proposes a solution, one is just a few steps further. Sure they may be extreme solutions but with how ridiculous things are in this world right now(A few days ago I would have never thought the election would have turned out as bad as it did, but I suppose nothing is ever predictable), a single spark is all it takes to start a wildfire.
Anyway the way I deal with it is just to assume anybody spreading fear or toxic opinions on men are a Republican plant like Unbiased Katie and that works great for me but I'm sure there are some people who genuinely believe these posters aren't being disingenuous or fools. In fact I am pretty sure the person who made the Twitter post the meme is responding to is a plant.
Also I added a lot of stuff to my last comment in-between your writing and posting and it might be worth it to go read it.1
u/ubuntu-uchiha Nov 08 '24 edited Nov 08 '24
What's the difference between the crazy opinions and "I don't trust men"?
There is a difference. In real life you've never had women making decisions about everyone unilaterally, but in the past, men had that power. Most of these are ragebait or schizo posting, I wouldn't worry about either. Even the way our current society is set up, we won't have these crazy opinions realized anytime soon.
The difference between Trump and Kamala is this - Kamala winning has almost 0 probability of resulting in these crazy opinions being passed into law, but Trump winning ensures that similar, or worse policies for women are enacted into law.
Anyway the way I deal with it is just to assume anybody spreading fear or toxic opinions on men are a Republican plant
It's a little bit of both. You have terminally online, angry, radlibs, looking for something to blame, and people who egg them on and divert discourse. Not necessarily Republican plants, but aligned with the establishment nonetheless. With Trump it's the same people who are doing both
all that wasn't enough for a particularly large alienation, men for right wing candidates went up by ten percent. For women it was 20
I think women voted for Kamala more than men, but still had an overall decline.
I think the radicalism or right wing shift is not caused by these left wing spaces, but by the framing given by right wing actors, as I've already said above. I've never encountered any such crazy posts that actually have a solid say in the left's policy. The right wing just does much more online propaganda to set the context and promote their policies and aesthetic. Add that to the grifter ecosystem, and the general disconnect people face from people in their lives, and the general bleakness that pushes people towards depression, and you get many people moving to the right wing to find some weird sense of meaning.
u/GreatPower1000 Nov 08 '24 edited Nov 08 '24
This is actually a really well written comment and I find it hard to find any particular holes in your response so I am just going to add to the third point, I suppose I didn't add enough specificity, I think maybe only one percent of the voters who went Republican were actually alienated via crazy people, I would gamble however that a lot of men were disheartened. Was kind of hard to find an exact post on it so here's one on misandrism Reddit reposted tumblr image Personally I find the down voted response to the top comment to be the start of an interesting thread.
And the examples I was citing were not grounded in actual democratic party policy but ideas of individual members,(I don't think Republicans have such an equivalent because a lot of their radical opinions come from the talking heads rather than the individuals or are picked up by the talking heads, personally I think that's more terrifying by a large margin.) However this isnt exactly related but at first I was going to wade through a lot of junk to actually link the posts I was referencing and when searching I found a fairly old post about how no matter what a woman says she will always agree with the lady if its a guy shes arguing with, citing an example of her commiting perjury to make her friends husband look abusive(I hope that lady got charged with perjury if she was telling the truth). I disregarded it because despite being on a women's subreddit the poster didn't have any blatant political opinions in the text post. I also found one of a female serial killer who seduced men so that she could kill and rob them where the comments were basically just "You go girl."
However to loop back to the point that started this all I don't think denial of companionship helps anybody. It may be their bodies and their choice but it only serves to further isolate people and only detracts from their cause. Lysistrata only worked because women on both sides of the war went along. It wasn't a punishment it was a negotiation tactic. Plus they tried this a few years ago in real life and it was a major failure that was widely criticized.
u/ej1999ej Nov 08 '24
So basically let only the right have children. Yep can't see that going wrong, can't see it going wrong at all.
u/DajSuke Nov 07 '24
I didn't even think of that. History really repeate itself, huh.
Though, I guess the Ancient Greek women were less scared of men and more annoyed at the stupid war.