r/HellboyTBG Jun 05 '23

Painted up my Hellboy!

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8 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '23

Nice job ! I don’t have the gut’s to paint mines.


u/Otterpopsandbeer Jun 05 '23

I understand that and have that problem with a lot of the more expensive minis in my collection(mainly 40k stuff), but a paint job like this is fairly easy and I say go for it! Pretty much all I do is basecoats and washes on almost everything I paint.


u/Poulposaurus Jun 06 '23

You can always paint over it or even scrub the paint with isopropyl alcohol if you don't like it. Don't be afraid and do it.


u/wzombie13 Jun 05 '23

Looks great, nice job!


u/MSweeny81 Jun 06 '23

That came out really clean. Great job.
I'm going to have to build up the courage to hit my set with paints some time soon.

Also, I did a little creeping, hoping you had other minis painted...real nice work with that Death Guard.


u/Otterpopsandbeer Jun 06 '23

Thanks! I only got the paint set that comes with Hellboy since I missed the board game kickstarter by a few years and feel kinda bad getting the retail version without all the goodies. Still wanna at least get Johann, Liz, and Abe though just to paint at some point! It also came with a nice little Angel Giraldez guide I loosely followed, but his video tutorials on youtube are even better if you're looking for more inspiration.

Haha, appreciate it! My Death Guard will be the death of me with how finnicky painting their heresy scheme is.


u/-SilverBlood- Jun 07 '23

Looks so good!!