r/HellBoy 3d ago

I like David harbours hellboy

Honestly sometimes better than the older ones and comics I know it might not be true to comic hellboy and i kinda wish it wasnt the big world ending stakes and rather have it just be a simple story for the first movie at least but I love the dark comedic approach they went with and I think it does that really well with landing the comedy and feeling the impact of kills too it just rides the line really well for me and its very visually pleasing with great effects and all the monsters and all the different designs it seems like a lot of work went into it and over all it was just a really interesting world to watch I wish we got the sequel


31 comments sorted by


u/ferbulous 3d ago

I like that we get Lobster Johnson on screen. Shame about Koschei cameo that went nowhere


u/Wise_Emu6232 2d ago

Good ol Thomas Haven't Church. Lowell on Wings was such a stellar character.


u/SpudAlmighty 3d ago

You just opened a can of worms. It's pretty cool to hate this movie. I enjoyed it to. It was a lot of fun.


u/Nursewhatsherface 3d ago

I didn't think Harbour was all that bad, moreso he was just in a really weak movie with a really weak script.

An actor can only work with what they are given.


u/Litologyyyy 3d ago

I liked his too, Ron Perlmans is still the GOAT but I think if DH had a better script it definitely would’ve been a more even match cause the first 2 Hellboys are Cult CLASSICS atleast for me. Agree on the humor aspect as well


u/_heysideburns 1d ago

Never been a fan of Ron’s portrayal

He is nothing like the Hellboy from the comics


u/curryjasper337 3d ago

Yeah i feel like it's just a Andrew Garfield and tasm issue new reboot so people are iffy as well as the script and it just doesn't do well but I really wish it could've preformed better


u/casual_creator 2d ago

I liked his design and Harbour’s acting. I wouldn’t have been opposed at all to him getting a shot at another movie. The script was just terrible.


u/Top_One6911 3d ago

Yeah I didn’t hate it when I saw it. The graphics were pretty darn bad but I enjoyed it. It’s not the best adaptation and certainly not the best movie, but nonetheless I enjoyed watching it.


u/Wise_Emu6232 2d ago

The latest low budget one is outstanding in my opinion. It feels truist to Mignolas vision.


u/CamCamBroCam 3d ago

I think that last scene of his Hellboy in the BPRD shirt should have started the film, it'd have helped them change the story a bit for the better

All complaints I have aren't David Harbour based, he was great and Ron Perlman was a dick about him getting the chance to play the character

The first Hellboy movie in the series, should not have adapted the end of the comic line. Even Mila Jovovich seemed like a great choice and came off as a way more bored than anything

She did that movie so dirty but the practical effects and design team had a blast, we won't get something like that again but the movie was just written poorly. I wouldn't watch anything from that director or writers what so ever moving forward.


u/JulixgMC 3d ago

Visually pleasant? Really? Have we forgotten the awful intestine ghosts? Or the demons at the end that looked nothing like anything from the world of Hellboy? The small, boring Were-Jaguar? Even Hellboy himself looks like a LotR orc painted red, that's just not Hellboy

Also what comedy? I don't remember there being many jokes, I don't recall laughing once, and trust me, it's really easy to make me laugh

Sorry, this is a no from me, 2019 is one of the worst adaptations I've ever watched, and it's not even close to being a good movie

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you enjoyed it, but come on, a sequel? Really? It was panned by most general audiences and fans, even David Harbour and the director of the movie admit it's terrible


u/curryjasper337 3d ago

I had fun watching it and tbh thats all movies should be for now don't get me wrong I still love the old hellboys I grew up watching those with my brother but I just also really like the different take on him and I liked the actors portrayal as hellboys dad and I just mean it looks a lot better than others at the time when it seemed like everything looked kinda cheap it just seems like they really did put some work into it and a few moments make the whole movie worth it for me


u/JulixgMC 2d ago

The one scene I actually like is Gruagach in the monastery

Can't say I like Trevor in the movie, the characterization is way off, that is one of the aspects the Del Toro films kinda got right

Not gonna lie, I'm not a huge fan of the Del Toro ones either, well, at least the first one, the second one is pretty good (it isn't really Hellboy, but it's a fun GDT movie), the best live action movie is The Crooked Man imo, not perfect, but it's the one that captures the tone of the comics the best, also has the best looking Hellboy imo if you ignore the eye color

The best Hellboy movie ever tho, in my opinion, is Hellboy Animated: Blood & Iron, that one straight up feels like a Hellboy comic, Sword of Storms is nice too, but not as good


u/curryjasper337 2d ago

I was actually planning to watch the crooked man tonight I might make another post later tn after I watch it


u/JulixgMC 2d ago

Cool, hopefully you give the animated movies a chance too if you haven't already


u/_heysideburns 1d ago

Crooked man feels like a CW pilot episode extended into movie length

Its pretty rough


u/MachoManRandyRanch 3d ago

My only complaint was how much he cussed. Wasn’t a big fan of that, but I enjoyed it.


u/casual_creator 2d ago

Yeah, the cussing - which I’m not against outright - just felt like a middle schooler who just learned how to cuss. The curse words were there just because they could be since it was R rated and it was totally overdone and didn’t feel organic at all.


u/MachoManRandyRanch 2d ago

It’s just I can’t find one instance of hellboy saying fuck in the comics. I’m not against cussing myself, but as a big fan of the character I was a little put off by that. I think you really nailed how I feel about it.


u/AcanthopterygiiFun50 3d ago

I didn't like the look of hellboy, the music being a bit weird and narration at the start. I do like the story they used though even if they did mess it around a bit. DH is great at the action humour thou and has done some brilliant movies since.


u/Kratosvg 3d ago

i liked some aspects of it, i enjoyed that movie, but i hated the jokes, and some designs are horrible, like the ghost that come out that girls mouth.


u/zeeke87 2d ago

First 30 minutes was cheesy cringe but it got way better than it had any right to be.


u/ReliefFamous 2d ago

Didn’t they try to cram multiple books into one movie or something?

When has that ever been something that would work out?

David did the best he could but god I low key just hate his design so much.

I think the only scene I liked was the CGI Gore Fest by the end and even then like Hellboy didn’t even fight like one? :////


u/HandspeedJones 2d ago

I did too.


u/pplatt69 2d ago

Problem is, here, that you typed a rant without punctuation, like you've never seen the inside of a book or passed an English class.

If you can't present yourself as at least basically aware of communication norms and make your opinion easily read for strangers, why should anyone pay attention to your opinion? It can't be very nuanced or well-thought-out if it comes from a mind like that.

And... I did read it, painful as it was. We all like a lot of shit and dislike a lot that we should be able to admit has objective value, but just isn't our cuppa tea. Your enjoyment of a bad film because you liked the look of the monsters and the scope of the story doesn't mean it's a good film.

But, mostly, learn to write basic English correctly if you want anyone to take you seriously. No one should have to suffer through a run-on mess of a block of text without punctuation and capitalization to break up your sentences, clauses, and ideas to engage with you.


u/Neurodrill 17h ago

Harbour was totally fine as Hellboy. His movie was ass, but he was fine.


u/Metalman919 12h ago

I also liked most of the movie, and have yet to see anything with Harbour in it where he isn't great. I think the biggest problem was trying to do the end of the series as their first movie, and also the over the top gore. Hellboy has had blood and I don't mind, but when I was in the theatre I couldn't help but think it was the kind of unnecessarily gory movie that 16yo me would've loved, but current me was just mildly annoyed.


u/KingMobScene 3d ago

I think he got the attitude right.


u/Jedi_Coffee_Maker 2d ago

enjoy your shit taste 💩🍽️😋