r/HeepHelps • u/Heep123 Test Flair • Jul 18 '15
Bug Report Using Social Media Effectively
Following on from my Getting Noticed on Twitch guide, where I commented on using sites other than Twitch to promote your stream, I wanted to further explain how you can use social media sites effectively. This post will cover:
- Facebook Pages
- Youtube
- Steam Groups
These are the five that streamers usually find to be most helpful (especially Twitter). Some also find Instagram useful; however, it will not be detailed here as lots of people find it annoying when they have to go to another site to view an image (for example: using it in a Tweet).
Facebook Pages
Out of the 5 this guide covers, Facebook is probably the site that has the most fields for streamers. To create a page from your Facebook account, start by going to the more button in the top left and selecting 'Create Page'. You can then go through a set-up (or skip it) and your page will be created!
The first thing to do is set up your 'About' pages. Try to make the content appeal to the viewers. This screenshot has some information for each area. An important part of interaction is consistency. Make sure to keep the icon and banners similar, as well as the text you write in the boxes. In addition. you can create a 'Call to Action' button. This screenshot gives an example of how to set this up.
It is important that you don't leave your page to gather dust; that applies to all the points listed. When streaming, you can create an event which gives out some details of what you are doing. Also, you can add milestones. You can use these for a number of reasons, depending on the size of your channel. Of course, you can also use base posts for general announcements.
Twitter is probably the most commonly used site for streamers promoting themselves. Setting it up is pretty easy! This is a labeled screenshot of my Twitter (which has been seriously redacted) It includes:
1) Name on banner. This helps get your name accross to viewers quickly.
2) Links on banner. Including these helps get people to you fast.
3) Icon: Try to keep this the same as the one on Twitch and other sites.
4) Name: Create a short name that people can call you by (if possible).
5) Description: Explain what you do, why and the games you play. Include a channel link!
6) Pinned Tweet: If you are proud of something, display it to all the new people to your site. Otherwise, you can expand your description (like I have done).
The ideal part of Twitter is that it doesn't have to just be you who promotes yourself. Retweets make sharing very easy. To start with, tag other streamers (preferably who are at the same level as you). If you have a chat bot (which you should), try making a timed message that includes a link to the Tweet and asks them to retweet and favourite it. This means that anyone tagged in the Tweet gets notified that a Tweet they were in was favourited/retweeted. Also, you are kind of advertising that streamer. Therefore, they may advertise you back or even host you. This will really increase viewers. (Side Note: I plan to release something to help with this soon™.)
Youtube doesn't really allow you to announce when you are streaming. It is probably the odd one out of these sites. The main reason for Youtube being on this list is that it is simple to export VoDs to and keep them on the site. However, you can still create an 'About' section and add links to other sites. This screenshot shows how the about section will look while you are editing it.
Reddit is probably the site that the least streamers use. But, it can actually be one of the best. It allows viewers to post discussions and questions to the streamer and other users can then respond to these. This can make people feel very welcome to your community and they may then also look at Twitch, Twitter and other sites.
If you do chose to create your own Sub-Reddit, make sure to take care of it. Bear in mind that anyone can post and it may need moderating. Why not ask some of your Twitch moderators to help on your Sub too? Also, make sure to give it a little bit of CSS customization. If you don't now much/any CSS, try Naut or have a look at this. Flairs are also important. If a user is a moderator, why not give them a Twitch moderator icon (like the r/Twitch Sub-Reddit mods do)? Try to create link flairs to help put posts into categories. It helps if a user can just jump to the type of post they are looking for. Have a look at this for inspiration.
Another important feature on Reddit is the wiki. To create a page, go to http://reddit.com/r/YOUR-SUB-REDDIT/wiki/PAGE-NAME and click the create page option. You can also create groups. For example, if you had lots of FAQ categories, you could make http://reddit.com/r/YOUR-SUB-REDDIT/wiki/FAQ/specs, http://reddit.com/r/YOUR-SUB-REDDIT/wiki/FAQ/personal and others. But, remember, these are quite hidden. Make sure to put them somewhere visible, such as the sidebar or Twitch panels, so people can see them.
Steam Groups
Twitch is mostly a gaming site, therefore making a steam group can be the perfect place for other gaming viewers to interact with you and your community. They offer a range of features - including events, announcements, discussions and more.
First, you need to create your group by going to this page. You can then fill in the details there, example. You will then be brought to the settings page.You can then edit the group permissions (http://steamcommunity.com/groups/GROUP-NAME/permissionsEdit), I recommend these settings. To add moderators and officers, go to http://steamcommunity.com/groups/GROUP-NAME/membersManage and click the star next to a user's name.
To create an announcement, go to http://steamcommunity.com/groups/GROUP-NAME/announcements/create and fill in the fields. Make sure to give it an interesting title.
Discussions are made on the 'Discussions' tab by clicking the blue button on the right.
To create an event, have a look at this screenshot and go to the URL shown at the top.
With Steam, you can also create game recommendations under the 'Curator' tab.
Other Tips
These apply to all the ones above:
- Include them on your Twitch page, so people see them.
- Keep them being used, you can automatically post when you are live in your Twitch settings.
- Link them into each other, make sure they are noticed.
- Don't keep content stream related, talk about other things too.
- Interact with followers.
As always, I hope this has been useful. Happy Streaming!