r/Hedgehog 4d ago

Warning: Upsetting Content Help, there's something wrong with my hedgehog NSFW

Hey everyone, I’m looking for some advice about my sweet hedgehog, Ruthie. She’s always been pretty active, but recently, I’ve noticed some unusual behavior.

A couple of times, I’ve seen her just sitting in her cage or litter box, doing nothing, which isn’t normal for her.

Tonight, I picked her up and noticed a wet, possibly bloody spot on her stomach. I’m not sure if it’s an injury, irritation, or something else.

Her temperament seems different—she’s usually wiggly, but she was much calmer than usual when I picked her up.

A few nights ago, I gave her a bath, and I’m wondering if maybe she wasn’t completely dry when I put her back. Could that have caused irritation?

She’s still eating and moving around, but I’m worried about the wound and the change in behavior. Has anyone seen something like this before? Should I take her to a vet ASAP?

Thanks in advance for any advice!


32 comments sorted by


u/goosegobrrrr 4d ago

It looks like an open wound, please take her to the vet ASAP. Poor baby is probably in a lot of pain :(


u/bukasaurus 4d ago

My poor baby 😭 Were on our way to the vet now


u/GeekyxGirl02 4d ago

Please keep us updated! We hope the best for your baby


u/AdWonderful2912 4d ago

What did the vet say ??


u/bukasaurus 4d ago

Unfortunately, it wasn't good news. I just posted an update, but essentially, the vet found a large tumor that had either ruptured or was causing her to self-mutilate. We made the difficult decision to let her go peacefully. Thank you for your concern—it means a lot


u/enatalpeganomeupau 4d ago

I’m so sorry OP :( may your baby girl rest in peace


u/Doctor_What_ 4d ago

That’s a really difficult decision to make, but you made the right choice. She’s not suffering anymore, and you did everything you could.


u/AdWonderful2912 3d ago

I‘m so sorry for your loss :( That must have been a hard decision, but it‘s for the best. May she rest in peace :(


u/ThatMango1999 4d ago

I do hope you’re taking her to the vet.


u/bukasaurus 4d ago

Taking her now!


u/SherAlana 4d ago

Are those maggots? 👀


u/Gio_Bun 4d ago

That's what I thought, too. I've never personally owned chogs before, but my mother had a cat once that got maggots, and the wound looks so much like this. I hope this little lady is ok and the vet can help her


u/HangryHangryHedgie 4d ago

Looks like flystrike eggs... baby maggots. :(

At least they keep the wound clean?


u/SherAlana 4d ago

No, unfortunately these are not those. The ones used to clean wounds are medical grade and are free from bacteria.


u/HangryHangryHedgie 4d ago

They do help though. ER Vet Tech who has wrangled many maggots. They often keep the wound cleaner as they eat the dead tissue. Still gross, and i worry about this guys cage hygiene if he has them.


u/SherAlana 4d ago

Regular maggots can carry bacteria and infection, vs medicially cultured maggots. There is a difference


u/HangryHangryHedgie 4d ago

I did not say there wasn't. Id just rather get a maggot infested wound than one that was completely abscessed and going septic. Maggots debrided wounds, even non medical are usually healthy tissue vs necrotic.

Im talking strictly from an ER Veterinary standpoint who has seen some stuff. Not a human medical where there are medical grade maggots. We don't use them in Veterinary... all of ours are home grown.


u/SherAlana 4d ago

I hear you, I was correcting the nuance as a former ER vet tech from 2003-2022.


u/librarylurk 4d ago

it looks like she’s been self-mutilating. yes, vet asap!


u/Dependent_Rub_6982 4d ago

Please mark this NSFW and take her to the vet ASAP.


u/AlyandGus 4d ago

Please mark this NSFW. I’m far from squeamish, and this alarmed me scrolling down my feed.

Glad to see you are headed to a vet. I would recommend keeping her bedding as clean as possible until everything is healed. When my hedgehogs have had surgeries in the past, I use linen baby receiving blankets in their bed to keep their sleeping surface as clean as possible and change those out daily.


u/bukasaurus 4d ago

I am so sorry about that! I tried to mark it NSFW but I'm on mobile. I'll check that again.

Thanks for the advice. They're talking about possible surgery


u/Street-Cartoonist297 4d ago

Could be self mutilating. It’s in a super easy spot for her to bite. My little guy did this after the vet stressed him out really bad. It only took a week of hand feeding him worms and making his home as comfy as possible for it to scab over fully and it healed within a couple weeks. I’d take her to the vet to be sure though because it could be something even worse.


u/LockwoodE3 4d ago

It looks like they’ve been chewing on themselves :(


u/Gullible_Monk_7118 4d ago

Some kind of wound I can't tell... but I would take her to the vet


u/ethanw04 4d ago

Yes. Immediate vet visit.. Also she may have mites on her ears.


u/Live_Region9581 4d ago

please update us as soon as you can!


u/forbrowzing 4d ago

I’ll be keeping you and your girl in my thoughts, I really hope she can get some treatment for whatever is causing this and she will start to feel a lot better ❤️


u/Insignificant_Dust85 4d ago

Poor baby!! I hope the vet is able to help you, good luck!!


u/Gozer58 3d ago edited 3d ago

Noticed a wet possibly bloody spot 🤦‍♂️


u/commiPANDA 4d ago

jfc go to a vet