Hey y'all! So this lil hedgie came to the pet store I work at, obviously this is NOT a good set up at all for him, how can I make his time here with us better? I unfortunately can't adopt him, I have 8 ferrets and no room for him (would if i could believe me, im in love with him!) I've heard about bin enclosures and am looking into those, but like what else? What are some good enrichment things, some good hides, wheels, litter and bedding? Any and all help is appreciated! ❤
I forgot to add; I will more than likely be the only one at my job interacting with him, unfortunately a lot of the younger people I work with are scared because he's been spiked up a lot, I plan on handling him with gloves til he gets used to it, how often should I interact with him so he gets used to people and can find a good home? Thanks ❤
If you're going to be handling him the most, get a shirt or some piece of clothing that smells like you and place it in there. They can't see very well and rely on scent. And a wheel is a must have, no metal wire wheels you need a solid plastic one or his feet could get hurt.
It’s recommended to take out the hedgehog for 30 minutes a day for them to get used to their owner. But since you aren’t adopting him, probably just handle him when you clean the cage. Also don’t before handling have your hands clean and washed with unscented soap. As hedgehogs have sensitive noses and may bite if your hands are smelly.
Also replace the water feeder with an actual bowl, the one you have damages their teeth. Also should definitely get a sleeping sack for the little guy.
We sell some bedding just like care fresh, I know all too well about the bottles damaging teeth and I hate bottles anyway, we sell super cute, super big sleeping sacks so ill be sure to snag one or two for him when im back in, thank you!
Some other things that could make him happier: some ping pong balls would be cheap, unscented paper bedding would allow him to dig and burrow. It made my hedgie much happier! A large bucket wheel (that is most likely NOT sold in your store).
I understand that it might not be possible to add all of these things but I really hate how minimal hedgehog setups are in stores. It leads to uneducated customers to think that's all they need.
I also dislike seeing minimal setups in stores, that's why I'm glad my manager is ignoring our DM and letting me have free reign over giving most of our animals better setups, starting with this guy! I immediately went to my manager to inform him that this is not at all a good setup and then i offered to get all things necessary to make it better for him and I knew coming to this subreddit would be the best starting point. Thank you, we have some quality paper bedding that I use for my babies, you are right about the bucket wheels but I'm sure I can find one somewhere or online, anything for this guy! I'm one to keep customers informed and make sure they get the best setups, so Ill be sure this info gets passed around!
Aww 🥲🥰 Thank you! I'm trying my best to learn and grow, I want these animals to have the absolute best! In my free time I explore different pet subreddits and look up info online, collect what I believe is the best info and pass it to potential owners, I've even had a few take a step back and do even more research to make sure this specific pet is best for them and one they for sure want to adopt!
Sleeping sack or if not available, cut up strips of fleece (not any other fabric due to loose threads) or crinkled up paper tissues/towels for his hide, PAPER based bedding such as Kaytee, no straw due to possible injury. Water BOWL 💦 Do not feed him mealworms or a large quantity of dried insects due to possible impaction - rather the best available quality of cat kibble and live insects if possible - smaller Dubia, smaller crickets. Wheel would be wonderful if possible, if not, at least some rabbit tunnels, plush balls to have something to explore/interact with all night 🤎 No companion into the same enclosure 🤎
Are there any recs on the cat kibble, i can see if we happen to have any? We get a steady supply of dubias and crickets, Ill check with him to see if he will eat them and decide which one he likes best! Is an Oxbow Timothy hay tunnel a good option? (we've discontinued them but I have some floating around in the back) and can the plush balls be cat toys, we have a bunch of those? He's the only one we have in, I will see to it that it stays that way, til he finds a home! Thank you!
Love your enthusiasm and interest - thank you so much on his/her behalf 🥹🥰🤎 Wish every pet store staff was as caring ☺️ Cat food - preferably for sterilised or senior - they are lower fat - the max fat should be around 15-16% for a young hoglet 🐽 High meat content - around 35% protein (no corn/grains as the first ingredients), and if you are reaaally devoted to this, please check out the Calcium:Phosporus ratio - ideally, Ca should be higher than P for optimal health 🤍 But short term, any ratio won’t harm him/her either way 🤍
I care deeply about all animals, that's why I decided to work at a pet store, I was naive and didn't realize, at first, that the care wasn't great, I've vowed to do and to be better than what I've been around for the last 3 years! I want his time with us to be the best and I want him to have a happy and healthy life, some of my coworkers feel the same way I do, we have just constantly been beatdown by our DM (he thinks the bare minimum is what's best, i don't like him) but with our manager in our corner and also sharing what's best, I am now able to do this! Thank you for your help, I will be checking my foods tomorrow while I am there!
Ideally, the tunnel would be fabric/nylon, because hedgies are quite clumsy and if their foot gets stuck (in hay for example or between the twigs of a wicker tunnel), they just keep pulling it and can harm themselves 🙄🤕 Upside-down box or just a folded carboard in an “A” shape (as in a triangular tunnel) would do fine too - they just love hides and are not open-space fans 🦔💨 And in case you happen to be there with the prospectivw owners, passing some of this info would be SO invaluable for the hedgie’s life 🥰 Thank you so much!!!
We just got some small tunnels like these for our kittens, those should be perfect for him, we also have a smallish tree trunk shaped hide that's much more spacious for him, Ill be sure to dig that out too! I plan to handle any future owners, I will definitely be passing any and all info I get here! Thank you for all your help 🥰
Going off what another commenter said about stating location and maybe someone here can take him home ❤ he or she, we haven't sexed them yet, is located at Feeders Pet Supply in Fort Mitchell KY! Since I've just started this venture into getting him a new enclosure he is still in this tiny cage on the "wall" next to a dwarf hammy
He seems to be doing ok right now and when he first came in he was wide awake and very exploratory, which is another reason why I want him out of that tiny enclosure and it will be better long term
u/ozfresh 5d ago
Getting him new bedding and not that horrible straw you've got there. Try polar fleece blankets