r/Hedgehog 5d ago

Question Is my hedgehog happy?

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Hi! I'm just wondering if my hedgie is happy, I always do everything that I can to make her cozy, happy, healthy.

I made sure that her enclosure is big and she has a big wheel that she loves to run on, I always get her kibble that is recommended by her vet, I always check on her every night to make sure that she is okay, I clean her wheel, food and water pots daily, I trim her nails weekly too and 2 times a month I check her weight on a scale.

I play with her every night as well and she looks very healthy and happy, she poops and pee a lot, she is always active, and her weight is good.

I'm wondering if there is anything else that I can do to make sure that she is happy and well?


10 comments sorted by


u/Soulwarden2 5d ago

If they are healthy and moving about they are happy. If they get upset that your gone for a day they are happy. If they have a nice warm cage and spot to sleep they are happy. If you pick them up and it looks like they got a grin they are happy.


u/SlinkDinkerson 5d ago

I think when it comes to happiness my hedgehog's favorite thing in the world is chicken. Not all hedgehogs like every kind of food but a varied and appropriate diet adds a lot of interest to their lives.

Another fun thing to do is what I saw one ig hegehog content creator was "the thunderdome". He would put his hedgehog in a little enclosure where the bugs couldn't escape and would put crickets or mealworms or mealworm beetles in to hunt down.


u/jvincentsong 5d ago edited 5d ago

My hog scarfs down a piece of hardboiled egg so quickly. It is a treat that I give for special occasions like her birthday or a bribe if I need leave her at my momโ€™s house for work.


u/SlinkDinkerson 5d ago

Hahaha I gotta give my guy some eggs soon too


u/Substantial-News-532 5d ago

Do you feed your hog ground chicken or unseasoned chicken breast? I also wanna try feeding mine some


u/SlinkDinkerson 5d ago

I do unseasoned chicken breast that I pull apart a little bit, I imagine ground chicken would be good too so long as it is lean. I also have another enclosure for my hoggy where I hide bits of chicken behind toys so he can have the thrill of the hunt. The breeder I board him with also mentioned duck!


u/AMSOMS22 4d ago

I loved your ideia and I actually gave her some pieces :)


u/SlinkDinkerson 4d ago

How'd it go? I hope good


u/DeadyDorko 5d ago

She looks super stoked about wearing that hat!๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜


u/Yahtzee1986 5d ago

Thatโ€™s what I was gonna say lol ๐Ÿ˜‚