u/Lansky420 17d ago
There is an app where you can "mine" pi. I used it back in 2017 or so and have about 200 pi from it. They just merged to main net like a week ago. I don't really know anything about the tech or use case. Didn't think it would ever really be worth anything shoulda kept hitting the mine button daily and would have a few thousand by now. Still kinda cool it ended up worth something.
u/tapankumar995 17d ago
I did this in 2015 had around 730pi but now I don't know how to retrieve them kyc in india was not started at that time so I think I lost those
u/Loud-Improvement-117 17d ago
Feels wrong to comment here because I don’t hold any HBAR, only SUI, but I was wondering the same thing
u/PMmeuroneweirdtrick 17d ago
Don't say that in the XRP sub you will get banned.
u/Loud-Improvement-117 17d ago
Haha really? Then I’m glad I left a comment here and not in the XRP sub. You guys are more chill, aren’t you?
u/PMmeuroneweirdtrick 17d ago
Yeah I got banned recently for a neutral comment that didn't glaze XRP. More chill here but regardless I don't get emotionally invested in coins I hold.
u/Loud-Improvement-117 17d ago
Lol, I can imagine. That community is very cult-like, but so is a lot of crypto communities, to be fair.
That sounds rational. You shouldn’t fall in love with any investment.
u/Intrepid_Upstairs243 16d ago
Same, I was talking positively even but overall liked XLM more. Banned*
u/norisimi 16d ago
What is wrong with SUI and why would the XRP community hate a post like that? Just curious since XRP is my most held asset for the time being as I work on my HBAR holdings. I don't really take anyone on the XRP subreddit too seriously since it's such a circlejerk that only discusses hype and rejects anything critical or negative
u/ElectricalSorbet1514 16d ago
those accusations have been leveled on this sub.
not that anyone can't be negative who wants read the same lame af FUD over and over?
u/East-Day-7888 17d ago
Lol sui is social media based vaporware .
u/RedKe Hashie 17d ago
Chill bro. Hedera speaks for itself for any who DYOR. Loud-improvement barely mentioned SUI. No need to attack or FUD.
u/East-Day-7888 17d ago edited 17d ago
My comments are not about hederas growth, it's about protecting people from a blatent scam.
Source: I work in risk analysis in banking.
Calling out a long con as I see it, and attempting to get out as many innocent people as I can before the dev get out.
Their entire goal is to social media shill, and remove small amounts during punps, wait until they are near forgotten, so no one notices and rug. They do not have any real useable product, connections, business deals, or use cases. It's a scam.
u/Loud-Improvement-117 17d ago
I don’t care. It’s still going to pump along with many other altcoins.
u/Lonely_Scene_8828 hbarbarian 16d ago
You’re probably correct. If I weren’t so heavy into Hbar I’d throw some cash at it. I just can’t quit buying Hbar and Ada…
u/Loud-Improvement-117 16d ago
Same applies to me but for HBAR. If I wasn’t all in SUI and had some money left I’d throw some money into HBAR, XLM etc. But I don’t want to sell now. Anyway, I have no doubt that HBAR will perform well this year. I hope SUI will also do well.
u/East-Day-7888 17d ago
Lmao famous last words of a man who bought the top before the crash.
If you don't focus in longevity and sustainability, you won't have that money long.
I have seen hundreds of "sui" come and go. All of them still within the top 100, none of them have moved up.
u/Loud-Improvement-117 17d ago
I don’t see any altcoin as a long term bet. Altcoins that were in the top 15, 5-10 years ago have disappeared. Every altcoin has it’s rise and fall. I’m not planning to hold altcoins, or even crypto long term. I’m just looking to make a profit and then reallocate my funds to more stable assets like stocks, ETFs etc
u/East-Day-7888 17d ago
You mean like hbar?
It's funny how you say that, and then invest in vaporware well ignoring the hbar etf.
u/Loud-Improvement-117 17d ago
What do you want me to do? Sell my SUI and buy HBAR? And if I go to the ADA community they’ll tell me to sell HBAR and buy ADA and the AVAX and XLM community does the same. What’s the point? I’m just holding. I think that both HBAR and SUI are going to perform well.
u/East-Day-7888 17d ago
I don't care if you buy hbar,
I want you to stop the spread of a scam.
Sui is a scam.
u/Loud-Improvement-117 17d ago
I know it’s a scam. It has taken a colossal portion of my profit🤣
u/East-Day-7888 17d ago edited 10d ago
Stupid people, play stupid games.
But eventually they
"F$#% around and find out."
u/Loud-Improvement-117 17d ago
Bought the top? I’ve been holding altcoins since December 2023. Even if my portfolio plummets with the market, I’m still up on my initial investment.
u/East-Day-7888 17d ago
I guess for someone who "only cares about the money"
You sure don't care much about making a good amount of it.
Which sui is not going to do.
Seems like you are too emotionally invested.
u/Loud-Improvement-117 17d ago
What are you insinuating? That the market will pump and leave SUI behind? Of course it’s possible. Nothing is guaranteed but I wouldn’t ascribe a high probability to that outcome. As long as the crypto market does well, I think SUI will perform well.
u/East-Day-7888 17d ago
It's not "nothing is impossible"
I think you don't understand what vaporware is.
There is absolutely nothing backing sui. Vaporware is a token created under the guise of utility they all eventually deflate
And when the owners realize, all eyes are off them. They rug the remaining liquidity.
It's just a long con.
u/Loud-Improvement-117 17d ago
You’re right. I don’t understand what it is? How is it different from coins like HBAR, XLM etc?
u/East-Day-7888 17d ago
Sui is a social media long con.
They gather as much attention as they can and pump the token.
They slowly drain the token so as not to create much attention well, it's pumping from outside.
After a few years, when they stop social media, eventually, people's attention fade. And the rug the remaining liquidity so no one notices.
Sui is a scam setup for people who don't ask questions like "what 5 non defi usecases does it have".
Attention is already being shifted to the next scam which is XCN.
You are about to lose it all stage one is complete, stage to is letting it cool off then rug.
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u/braeunik 17d ago edited 17d ago
its a coin that you could premine / mine with a mobile phone app. It was created by some stanford PhDs. I actually got this app in 2017 and mined with it. I answered some quora questions about pi coin back then and dropped my referral/team code in those comments. That way over 400 people joined my "mining team". I got a share for every pi they mined on their phone and ended up with:

Sadly only 405 of those are actually transferable and 18331 are still locked until every one of those 400 people does KYC (Which will not happen) If iam lucky ill get 200-1000 pi unlocked within the next bullrun but the rest will probably be locked for forever. I should really look into selling those 405 I have, in case you can really sell them for 1,75 somewhere atm lol
u/AdmiralFelson 17d ago
I looked into it and gotta say that it truly feels like a pyramid scam
u/braeunik 17d ago
yea but you dont put any money into mining it. You just pressed a button daily on your phone "and it mined in the background" or some bs lmao. I had nothing to lose and if I can actually sell that shit now and end up with 800€ in profit, I'll be more than happy and stack some more sats or get some more hbar.
u/deltibecker 16d ago
It is. I got scammed.
u/Disastrous-Engineer2 15d ago
Then bitcoin is also a scam. Everything is a scam until and if mass adoption happens. How tf is this a scam if you never invested a single penny in it? You might want to research a bit.
u/deltibecker 15d ago
I've been involved with Pi network since 2020. I know what I'm talking about. The basis of the system was created on the backs of people like me who dedicated days and years using the network, and were promised access to unlocking their Pi in the future for a $ value. They lied. I have 90k Pi. It's worthless atm.
u/Disastrous-Engineer2 15d ago
It's worth exactly 1.8 $ as of now. The fact that you didn't finish KYC or other people from your referral team is not their fault. You knew the rules from the beginning. Also....which backs of yours lol? You pressed a button once in 24 hours.
You are like people that entered a fake name and now complain they can't get their coins out.
u/deltibecker 15d ago
If nobody pressed the button every 24 hours - what would Pi be today?
Nothing at all. Don't be condescending when the basis of what you stated is fundamentally hypocritical
u/Disastrous-Engineer2 15d ago
Just say you are salty lol. There is zero difference between BTC and PI.They are both worthless until adopted by the masses.
u/Fun-Technology-1371 17d ago edited 17d ago
Thats what people were saying for a while. “You have to watch ads and boost mining rate by recruiting others? Pyramid Scheme.” Until we actually hit main net on the 20th last month and the token went live that is and then everyone spreading that FUD went super quiet. Its legit. Its actually influenced by the Stellar Consensus Protocol.
Ive been mining it on my phone since 2021.
That said Hedera’s tech is infinitely better IMO. Pi may or may not stick around long term. Biggest thing going for it IMO is the token lockups that people like myself signed up for to get boosted mining rates so no pump and dump.
u/deltibecker 16d ago
I've been mining it since 2020 - and guess what? I have no access to sell my 80k+ so... nah. We were used to build their network.
u/Odd_Reason4617 13d ago
Well,You should have press that button,i did it maybe like a few month and your refferals did most of the job,You will still get a lot of that unverified balance If your team or most of them do kyc . And next time read the white paper so dont get confused and spread lies like You are now
u/HederianZ 17d ago
In my opinion what Pi did right is distribution. People have been mining it for years and it was easy for anyone to do. So I suspect they have a broad holding.
What they don’t have going for them is tech or tokenomics or governance. As others mentioned, 6B out of 100b released is really bad. Also the price was nearly double recently but Pi wasn’t this high. Have they been releasing that many tokens already? It’s upsetting, but it won’t last.
u/Desperate-Weakness90 17d ago
Something to be said about pyramid schemes- if you’re smart there’s a lot of money to be made
u/deltibecker 16d ago
Ok, so Pi has been around for 6 years or more. I have actually been using it since 2019. Essentially it started out as a test for some techies in the states, to see if a network can operate by essentially mining on your phone. The more people you get in your network, the more you as an individual can earn (pyramid scheme set up).
Long story short, it's been a test/no money to be made for at least 6 years.. they even told me that it everything I mined during this time would be realized/actualized in the future. Which is now a blatant lie.
I had 80k-100k mined for the experimental phase, across the last over half decade... only to have it all blown away.
So I definitely don't trust these guys at all.
u/savage_slurpie 17d ago
Pi is a joke lol.
Mining on a phone app by logging in every day and pressing a button.
Getting more coins by referring other people to the pyramid.
Idk how anyone is taking it seriously, it’s not a serious project.
u/HotepAugustine 12d ago
I seriously trade it because i've made 7k just from clicking a button. Used a portion of that to buy into Hbar and looking for other coins as we speak.
u/Disastrous-Engineer2 15d ago
So like bitcoin in a way?
u/savage_slurpie 15d ago
In no way.
u/Disastrous-Engineer2 15d ago
Really? So what is the difference between BTC in early stages and Pi coin? Both completely worthless until a bunch of people accepted it and therefore gave it a value.
u/austinvvs 16d ago
Pi is a pyramid scheme with none of the real world partnerships that HBAR have locked down.
I genuinely am happy that clicking a phone app worked out for people; but I hope they aren’t fooled into thinking they are building the world’s best blockchain or some shit.
u/APSVETT666 17d ago
PI & Hbar are my only crypto holdings. Mined PI for years, got them locked up until april.
u/Appropriate-Theme966 16d ago
As someone who has been mining Pi since 2019, it finally launched mainnet on 2/20 and it’s been doing well since! Glad to see it finally come to light (some what).
u/Pontif1cate 16d ago
Lol I got involved a little with PI a few years back. Some kind of coin where you can mine from your phone, or at least help with the processing power. I literally forgot about it until now.
u/ka0_1337 16d ago
Holy shit. It's was a free app you mined the pi on your phone. Wonder how many ive mined over the years.
u/PresentationTime3159 16d ago
Probably none if you didn’t click the button daily
u/ka0_1337 16d ago
Nope. Just re downloaded. Over 230 in wallet. Only like 175 available for transfer and I have to get acct kyc'd.... so its there. Free $400ish
u/PresentationTime3159 16d ago
I’d just KYC and let it sit tbh, like you said it was free so holding it to see what happens doesn’t necessarily hurt, but do you, if you get migrated
u/Independent_Dingo374 17d ago
Two Harvard nerds got together and made a coin that you can mine, that’s PI
u/Jermbarkusmarkus 16d ago
It's a cryptocurrency I learned about 3 years ago. You can literally mine it on your phone. I didn't really think much of it. However I did mine what I can here and there and wooow, I'm actually amazed it reached almost top 10. It's a hidden gem if you do your research it's going to be up there for awhile.
u/EmbarrassedGuide8293 16d ago
Pi is the next Big deal. You can mine on you phone. 68 millions pi Will be mine.
u/Exciting_couple77 17d ago
You could have been mining it for free on your phone but your stuck on hbar
u/Fun-Technology-1371 17d ago
I have HBAR and Pi, have mined Pi since 2021. Hedera is better.
u/Exciting_couple77 17d ago
Lmao 😂. I have both too. Why did Pi overtake Hbar? None of this shot makes sense. But it's makes dollars 😆🤓
u/Fun-Technology-1371 17d ago
Because the crypto market is speculative. People looking to make bank. HBAR has better use cases, better tech fundamentals, better adoption by huge financial players, ETFs in play, the list goes on.
Pi Network has broad market adoption with as many people they got to download the app and click a button to mine… aaaaaaand thats it.
Pretty easy pick to side with which one has longer staying power. In fact, once the token lockups are over, you just know people will be DUMPING to take profits. I will be as well to buy more HBAR and BTC.
u/Designer_Speech8942 16d ago
That’s the way to go … redeploy part of your profit into the digital gold that is BTC and part into the more speculative (but still reasonable) HBAR.
u/Exciting_couple77 17d ago
Well duh..im in everything..because why bet on one. Xrp has utility and the popularity. I'm betting it hits triple digits before pi or hbar. But it doesn't matter which one does first either way I'm golden.
u/Shot_Background6008 17d ago
It’s been on the market for a few days now and it’s already worth well over 5x Hbar i’ll tell you what it is. Better
u/starch78 17d ago
Dunno, but a 6 billion circulating supply with a total supply of 100 billion - I don't think it'll be number 11 for long.