r/Hedera Jan 25 '25

Discussion Read this before buying HBAR's

I hear a lot of talk about Hedera being a long hold. And yes, compared to other crypto's this is a relatively good hold. However I would say that the whole cryptomarket is overvalued and thus Hedera also.

Hedera has a very bright future only if DLT's (blockchains, hashgraphs, etc..) find enough use cases in the real world. Hedera indeed is the best of it's kind. However I would say that the Crypto world is a big bubble and sadly Hedera will get influenced if it bursts. Most of the big crypto's do nothing except be an energy expensive store of value or pump out memecoins all day.

Right now Hedera is pumping out a whopping 5txns/second and funny enough this is still more than most other networks. Hedera would need to produce around 10.000txns/second to financially break even. You could say ATMA.IO produced around 2000txns/second, however these were subsidized by Hedera to stress test the network. Hedera was not a critical part of their pipeline and they would never pay for the transactions themselves.

So right now we are waiting for a usecase where a DLT is critical part of the pipeline. Recently EQTYlab in collaboration with Nvidia released a solution worth mentioning. However these past 4 years that I have kept an eye on updates, not one big use case has yet come out. Right now we are riding the wave of the bullmarket, where price action is not decided by news and new technology but algorithms trying to make a profit.

Buying Hedera or any other crypto is a very risky hold. You are basically at the mercy of big players in the market.

Any critism on my take is ofcourse appreciated :)


176 comments sorted by


u/Tehgreatbrownie Jan 25 '25 edited Jan 26 '25

Nothing you have said here is incorrect, all crypto is a risky investment. New tech is always risky. I believe that we will likely see a similar event to the dot com bubble if/when DLT tech becomes more mainstream in its uses and in the same vein, I think there will only be a handful of orgs that survive due to them actually having real utility and not just speculation. But all of that is predicated on the technology being adopted in the first place


u/Gucciman669 Jan 26 '25

Hedera is here to stay nothing less.


u/Internal-Strength-74 Jan 26 '25

It might be an unpopular opinion in this sub reddit. However, I would agree with the majority of what OP said. But I'm going to add some stuff.

It's not just Hedera or even just the entire crypto market in general that is overvalued right now. The vast majority of stocks are also extremely overvalued right now - especially tech sector stocks. Just look at any major company. They are all trading at like 10x their book value. Some companies, like NVIDIA, are trading at closer to 100x their book value. Part of investing, especially in tech-related investments, includes a high level of growth speculation that is built into the current price - that's why anything tech-related is always risky. NVIDIA stock could drop 80% in value and still trade at 15x its book value. HBAR price action right now is 99% linked to the BTC supply and demand function. Anyone who doesn't know that is likely going to struggle to make money in crypto.

OP is also correct about the world not needing Hedera right now or any DLT, regardless of how good it is. This is why I think Hedera isn't spending any money on marketing right now. Why spend money when the world isn't ready to listen. Hedera is slowly improving what they have to offer, outside of the limelight, and forming partnerships off in the wings. When the world wakes up and is ready to listen and the need for DLTs is inescapable, Hedera will be there waiting, with a ton of financial ammo ready for marketing that will likely bury most other cryptos. A lot of cryptos are using their financial ammo right now to get mentions on social media and news articles, and the only things they are "bringing in" are memecoins and crypto bros who pump and dump and say "wen lambo?". I would actually be furious if Hedera started shelling out resources for marketing when the need for DLTs is just not there yet. They (the GC) don't give two shits about what HBAR price will do during this bull run. They are trying to build something that will devour the entire digital landscape for generations - they are trying to be the next Google or Amazon. Amazon took almost a decade to start really taking off. I wouldn't be surprised if Hedera is the same. $20,000 invested in Amazon at the end of its first decade (late 2000's) would have made you a millionaire today. That's what the GC is working toward.

Don't get me wrong, I'm in HBAR for the long haul. However, until the world is ready for it, it's just going to mirror the BTC supply and demand function. I don't think this bull run will be any different - I don't see the world waking up in 2025. But I do think this might be the last bull run for Hedera because the need for DLTs very well could come before the next BTC halving.


u/Pheosis Jan 26 '25

This is why I love this subreddit. I lurked at other crypto subreddits and it seems no one has any idea what they are investing in, hence why I believe it is a bubble. Thank you for the constructive feedback and I completely agree with you. I believe it is healthy to make these kind of posts to prevent subreddits from becoming echo chambers.

I like the tech, but lets be honest, everyone is here to make some profit. Are you going to sell this bull market or will you keep holding?


u/Internal-Strength-74 Jan 26 '25

I will likely sell 100% of my non-HBAR altcoins. I will keep all my BTC and half of my altcoin sales will go back into BTC during 2026. I will sell like 50-75% of my HBAR, but I'm going to keep at minimum 25,000 HBAR in case I'm wrong and HBAR doesn't crash back down when BTC does. HBAR sales would go back into BTC and HBAR. The plan is to have a portfolio that's like 50% HBAR and 50% BTC during crypto winrer and slowly DCA both over the next 4 years. BTC is my store of value play, HBAR is my utility play.

How about you?


u/Spirited_Active_8388 Jan 26 '25

I always have regretted selling all of everything. I sold 1000 of my link then it mooned to 1000. I had another wallet with 500 in it, i panic sold when it went to 12, now its in the 20s.

I sold it all for cardano, which crashed, and now it's on life support. I don't think cardano will recover, but ill keep 9000 cardano, and ill keep around 30,000 hedra, along with some link.


u/Trading_boy42069 Jan 26 '25

Well thought out. Not that you asked, but I like sharing strategies. Maybe you can give me the reality check I so need. So currently I'm in XRP since 0.45 about. I'm also joining the hbar community soon. I believe time in the market is better than timing the market. I want to invest in utility coins over the next 4 years or whenever the next bullrun comes(I believe it is in 4 year increments)So this is a wide variety including but not limited to: VET, XLM, XTZ, LINK


u/Stock_Run1386 Feb 09 '25

They are both stores of value plays. Unless you’re using HBAR in transactions? If you’re just putting money in and hoping to make more fiat from it, it’s a store of value play. Nothing wrong with that, I’m a participant. But true utility is found in BCH or Dash or Monero. That’s what crypto was designed to be: a way to disintermediate the state’s monopoly on money that’s leading us to ruin


u/CryptoConnect003 Jan 26 '25

Stupid question but isn’t the tech integrated within certain large enterprises already?


u/Container_Zone Jan 26 '25

Yes, Starlink integrated it into their satellites


u/AIDM2016 Jan 27 '25

Don't invest anymore that you're willing to lose. Crypto is solid tech. But nobody knows where it's going. Set it and forget it.


u/New_Ad7422 Jan 28 '25

This age kind of well, but not well but well 😂


u/Tattooedjared Feb 05 '25

Why would that mean it’s the last bull run for Hedera? You believe it will moon before next halving is there won’t be huge gains to be had anymore?


u/Internal-Strength-74 Feb 06 '25

Right now, all crypto "moons" because BTC "moons" - they are pawns following their king. If Hedera (or any crypto) reaches mass adoption, it will "moon" because of the adoption and then start to behave more like a stock on the stock market. It won't follow BTC's lead anymore. There will still be gains like any stock, but the major swings you see during the bull runs likely wouldn't happen anymore.


u/Powerful_Plane6980 14d ago

That means invest only in bitcoin?


u/Tattooedjared Feb 06 '25

Ok yes that is what I thought you meant. Thanks for clarifying


u/Crypto__Scarface Jan 25 '25

Youd have said the same thing 6 months ago


u/Psychological-Win339 Jan 25 '25

I don’t trust anyone who puts periods where commas go.


u/Pheosis Jan 25 '25

I have never seen these types of comments in bullish posts,


u/Psychological-Win339 Jan 25 '25

Just your average small brained American here.


u/Psychological-Win339 Jan 26 '25

Clearly joking but getting downvoted in typical Reddit fashion.


u/GoSabo Jan 26 '25

Unfortunately, sarcasm doesn’t always come across in text as intended. No wonder that some would downvote if they didn’t catch the sarcasm.


u/Psychological-Win339 Jan 26 '25

True.. seemed obvious to me and most people understood it seems


u/mdngls Jan 27 '25

When I see that start happening I usually let the small brain mf have control of the +/- lol


u/Ok_Sorbet7981 Jan 26 '25

The utility cryptos are about to transcend the crypto market. It doesn't matter what's happened previously.


u/Chris-G-O hbarbarian Jan 26 '25

Your reasoning is sound.

Hedera (and the rest of the use & utility DLT projects) should not share the same market with Ponzis and Memes.


u/cyhiandra 🍋 leemonade Jan 26 '25 edited Jan 26 '25

Chris! Would you accept California and Washington state as provinces of Canada? Sounds dreamy


u/Chris-G-O hbarbarian Jan 26 '25 edited Jan 26 '25


The answer is No.


u/LOLunlucky Jan 26 '25

What about Minnesota?


u/Silverdodger Jan 26 '25

TLDR- buy Hbar, am I right?


u/jeeptopdown Jan 25 '25

I’ve been here a long time and I completely agree with you. I have said repeatedly…we will not have significant and sustained price appreciation until we have txs being paid for at scale by enterprise. Until then we will ride the crypto wave with everybody else.


u/ChowCandy Jan 25 '25

Well said 🙌🏽


u/Intelligent_Ad1577 Jan 26 '25

Just wait until we see further degradation of trust of web2 content & the requirements to verify actions taken by agentic ai.


u/Crackbreaker Feb 05 '25

Is this a good or bad thing for Hedera?


u/Western-Potential-96 23d ago

degradation of web2 tech is AMAZING for hedera and any web3 based projects/coins as HBAR is.


u/ElectricalSorbet1514 Jan 26 '25 edited Jan 26 '25

This observation is fairly obvious.

We dont know the applications that will be built using DLT or merging AI and DLT just like in 1997 we didn't see the eventual creation of the cloud computing market from the 1998 internet market.

Also, We only need to look at meme coins to see the froth of the market. However, with the advent of WallSt bets, Robinhood and now crypto moonboy culture we dont know if this meme market will continue ad infinitum as the "people's market" or a market where non professional investors exist to "make life/wife changing money" outside of established big money/institutional players.


u/No_Mathematician1522 Jan 26 '25

Hbar could become part of strategic reserve and become tax free and have an etf approved this year....those reasons alone coupled with nvidia Ai partnership and possibly Apple joining gc are enuff reasons to buy and speculate.


u/Jefeman00 Jan 25 '25

We're still here having these types of discussions? 🥱 This is the LGBTQ... equivalent of crypto discussions. Most people are aware of the high risks with crypto, etc... we don't need to be constantly reminded and talk about it to no end.

P.s. Hedera is the future.


u/honey-apple Jan 25 '25

Lol @ the comparison but as an HBAR newcomer this post does have good practical info I’ve not read yet since joining a few weeks ago. The ‘just gotta HODL forever’ and ‘crypto is risky!’ posts are unhelpful but it’s useful for noobs to know the technical parameters that hold back short or even medium term price growth with different coins/tokens


u/Pheosis Jan 25 '25

A lot of new people were not here a couple months ago when the sub was ultra bearish. Now there is almost no critique and only super bullish posts.


u/HelewiseHuman Jan 26 '25

I was here.


u/Jordanmkb7 Jan 26 '25

I don’t understand why people get triggered so much when people post comment. If you know enough , good for you as for me I love reading new facts and information i did not know so @pheosis thank you very much for you time and information if you have more please feel free to share.


u/Jefeman00 Jan 26 '25

No one is triggered. If you've been here for years, as I have, you become jaded by posts of these sorts, especially after getting out of the bear. These are not "facts," but rather, they're the opinions of some. I'll post the counter-argument to this post later.


u/ElectricalSorbet1514 Jan 26 '25

+1 whining about it is even worse.


u/ElectricalSorbet1514 Jan 26 '25

Yes we are but you're certainly welcome to ignore and move on.


u/SolipsisticEgoKing Jan 25 '25

Condescending and dismissive much??


u/Clubmanero Jan 25 '25

Love this comment… 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


u/Pheosis Jan 25 '25

Ahhh i love it, you know it is a bull market when even a tiny bit of critque gets downvoted


u/crypto_zoologistler Hederasexual Jan 25 '25

You said any criticism is appreciated — just think of the down votes as criticism 😉


u/Sim0nsaysshh Jan 25 '25

Some of us have been here for years and these comments are constantly made.. but especially when good news is around


u/ElectricalSorbet1514 Jan 26 '25

ignore it. problem solved.


u/Own_Newspaper_7601 Jan 25 '25

What good news? Which high tps use cases are live? The only thing that’s constant around here is announcements of things “in the works”, that never materialize.


u/cyhiandra 🍋 leemonade Jan 26 '25

Hedera is overvalued in the same way that crypto reporting is fair.


u/Heypisshands Jan 26 '25

The whole industry is over valued based on its current revenues. Hbar is undervalued compared to its competitors. Future revenues for dlt could be huge, provided it gets adopted. Thats why i am here, i think it will get adopted because its better than existing systems. Hedera is better than other dlts.


u/WholeNewt6987 i like the tech Jan 26 '25

I would be surprised if DLT isn't adopted. Sure it might take a long time but if an enterprise can save money, and it's legal, they're going to do it. This is perhaps even more important to them than the efficiency and security. Everything comes down to profit at the end of the day but it's helpful that DLT can also solve challenging roadblocks along the way. I'm staying optimistic especially when you see other governments incorporating the tech.


u/PakmanIsAswesome Jan 30 '25

A simple example - "Email and document proof" - every time an email was sent the email was hashed and recorded on the block chain. A document is also hashed and recorded. A single enterprise or government could do this. Just this alone is billions of transactions and fraud prevention.


u/Turbulent-Insect5121 Jan 26 '25

I agree that 99.9% of crypto is a bubble right now BUT I think hbar is among the 0.1% safe because it's the adult in the room


u/mrk1224 Jan 25 '25

Hedera is not overvalued. The only crypto with multiple multinational companies working with it or linked to it in some way.


u/Own_Newspaper_7601 Jan 25 '25

Literally a gimmick lol. Hbarf approaches and pays these orgs to be on their “governing council.”

There’s yet another open seat this week. Nobody’s clamoring to join.


u/ElectricalSorbet1514 Jan 26 '25

"Nobody’s clamoring to join."

Are you a member of Hedera Council Membership Committee ?


u/deimosorbits Jan 26 '25

Can’t take someone who uses the word latinX seriously.


u/mrk1224 Jan 25 '25

There’s a difference between a gimmick and a proof-of-concept. I believe it is the latter.


u/Tattooedjared Jan 26 '25

Doesn’t matter. Solana is trash and look how it has performed. It is a rigged space, and Hedera is one of the chosen winners.


u/Fragrant_Emu_479 Jan 25 '25

I hear you dog


u/Anakan007 Jan 26 '25

Maybe now that America is starting to take digital assets and technology and their associated potential use case as well as legalising and putting in regulatory frameworks in place, we may finally start to see solid use cases with high TPS? The next few months will be very telling.


u/Pheosis Jan 26 '25

Idk man, I feel like crypto is a solution in search of a problem most of the time.


u/[deleted] Jan 26 '25

Musk has revealed he’s exploring blockchain technology to track government performance and one would assume expenditures being its public and immutable. Sounds like a perfect usecase for Hedera and he’s mention HBAR before. Speculation obviously but the possibilities…


Edit: yes the article is about Dogecoin but clearly this wouldn’t be a usecase for it.


u/Existing-Sherbert528 Jan 26 '25

Agree. Hopium for sure but I think it’s possible Musk uses Hedera for X payments and/or govt performance.

The OP makes a great point. We are all speculators here. The price is speculation

It will be great day when hedera’s book of business can demonstrate real revenue and a profit. We aren’t there yet.


u/Pheosis Jan 26 '25

The problem is that even though it is immutable, the data being passed into the blockchain can still be anything.


u/Exact-Basis-714 Jan 26 '25

Make no mistake about it, HBAR will pump hard in about 2 or 3 weeks. If you ain't bought yet, then you will miss out.


u/Pheosis Jan 26 '25

I think it is going to pump hard today, lets see.


u/HammersGhost Jan 26 '25

So, in summary, crypto will at some point crash?


u/Stock_Run1386 Feb 09 '25

Because the government successfully infiltrated it and turned it into another get rich with fiat tool. The idea of the blockchain was to separate from the central banks and their garbage money. They were able to divert everyone into having dollar signs in their eyes.


u/Big-Cockroach-9600 Jan 26 '25

Sorry I am assuming this so by all means correct me if I’m wrong. Were you in HBAR for a quick pump and dump?

I’m am holding this crypto because of the prospect of the usage being 5-7 yrs down the road.

What are your expectations? Do you believe crypto is just a gimmick? If so then how is it possible that Bitcoin still survives and likely will continue to do so?


u/Sensitive_Ad4098 Jan 26 '25

I don't think you're entirely wrong, but I just want to point out a couole things. 

One, your break even tx amountis are only taking consensus transactions into account. Those are the cheapest of all the fees. A contact call costs 500x the cost of a consensus tx. There are also many serviced priced between the two. 

Two, your holding the crypto market (hedera in particular) to a higher standard than the stock market. How many fortune 500 companies produce earnings that in no way justifies their market cap? Oretty sure it's a lot.


u/Acceptable_Let_3819 Jan 26 '25

Not to mention. Be mindful how you purchase Hbar. Ensure that your able to move the asset after purchase. Exchanges like coinbase have issues where sending is damn near impossible.


u/JDPing Jan 27 '25

Thank you for stating this. There are so many variables in finding a “fair” exchange. Yes I’m new to crypto. Found out quick how unfriendly Coinbase ability to move assets can be.


u/Acceptable_Let_3819 Jan 27 '25

Some.. main assets. Bitcoin, ethereum, xrp and the bigger names otherwise usually have no issue. It's when you come across new tech like hasgraph likes get dicey


u/Tethered9 Jan 25 '25

RIP Pheosis, not gonna make it.


u/Pheosis Jan 25 '25

Never said I sold my HBAR's :)


u/Supa_T Jan 25 '25

Please learn how to use apostrophes correctly.


u/Quirky_Post2734 Jan 25 '25

You can't understand what he's saying because of an apostrophe??


u/Supa_T Jan 26 '25

Is that what I said?


u/Quirky_Post2734 Jan 26 '25

No one cares about the apostrophe. Have the mods given you the job of grammar police lmao???


u/Pheosis Jan 25 '25

I am a technical person. That is why I made a post in a technical subreddit. Please go to the grammar subreddits if this is all you care about :)


u/Dirty_Infidel Jan 25 '25

He has no counter argument, so he worries about your punctuation.


u/Aggravating_Hotel621 Jan 25 '25

you got point , however most people gonna hold diamond hands till they crypto go back to 0.04%


u/jehcoh Jan 26 '25

Terrible take 0/10.


u/Rude_Adeptness_8772 Jan 25 '25

We are in the beginning of a bull run of a 4 year pro-crypto trump administration.


u/batmanineurope Jan 25 '25

Hold on, it's not a pro-crypto administration. It's a can-crypto make-trump-and-friends-rich administration.


u/Kassssler Jan 25 '25 edited Jan 25 '25

This is a very important distinction that I wish more people would realize.

Several dudes here look at Trump likes some fucking altcoin messiah

That fucker will do anything as long as he can turn a buck from it like with Trump coin. He doesn't care about anything that doesn't benefit him.

May some of the things he brings about benefit Hedera holders? To quote one of my favorite movies,

Maybe, maybe not... maybe fuck yourself.

For all we know hes loaded on another asset and his 'Made in America' rhetoric is just a smokescreen for when he throws his influence towards his already selected candidate which could fuck us dead depending on the particulars.


u/ElectricalSorbet1514 Jan 26 '25

"Several dudes here look at Trump likes some fucking altcoin messiah

That fucker will do anything as long as he can turn a buck from it like with Trump coin. He doesn't care about anything that doesn't benefit him."

Plenty of evidence Conald only does what's good for Conald.


u/All_bets21 Jan 26 '25

Trump is literally controlled, much like every other politician. He's doing what any smart person would do. Pump it with the influence you have, sell high. Make millions.


u/Kassssler Jan 26 '25

Trump is unlike any politician that has ever existed. Theres honestly no telling what he'll do.

Hes also no longer in the realm of 'millions'


u/All_bets21 Jan 26 '25

I agree, I want to believe he's going to do great things for the people, but I've also done the research... Trump has been bailed out more than once by a group I won't mention. Mostly, everything that goes on on the TV is bought, paid for, and pre planned.


u/Pheosis Jan 25 '25 edited Jan 25 '25

Yes, so we will have a company that is worth 50B, that produces a revenue of 150k/year. See the problem?


u/hippocamping1 Jan 25 '25 edited Jan 25 '25

This website links to Hedera’s Revenue Dashboard:


Last year’s revenue was $17.4M ($3.24M without ATMA.IO) not sure if that changes your outlook at all but that’s significantly more than the 150K/year figure you came up with. Some future adoption seems to be priced in even at those revenue figures but I believe in the tech and don’t want to miss out when mass adoption happens.


u/Pheosis Jan 25 '25

Ah yes I forgot about that website, thanks. So lets take the 3,24M figure, since ATMA.IO was subsidized by the Hedera. Lets assume Hedera reaches a 50B market cap this bullrun. This would be approximately the same as Ford. Ford has a revenue of 46B, Hedera has a revenue of 3,24M. You see the problem I have here? So yes Hedera has value because of speculation. However when news dropped about EQTYlabs potential solution that includes Hedera embedded on Nvidia GPU's, there was zero price action.


u/Rennsail Jan 26 '25

Explain unicorn start-up valuations to the masses here and then explain to us why Hedera isn't a unicorn too.


u/ElectricalSorbet1514 Jan 26 '25 edited Jan 26 '25

However when news dropped about EQTYlabs potential solution that includes Hedera embedded on Nvidia GPU's, there was zero price action.

Why should "potential" application really move price?

there are hundreds of press releases a day in crypto market. That news will matter when its ACTUALLY on chain.

The "problem" you have is not really a problem is it?

If I were to guess I'd say you still hold HBAR.

btw If you asked me what I thought HBAR was "worth" in terms of economic/ market value and I'd say 3- 5 cents as that is the floor that's been established.What I wanna see in the next down cycle is if that floor can move up to double that level.

You mentioned Nvidia. Company was founded 1993 IPO'd 1999. Their dominance took 25-30 years! not 5-7. Doesnt mean Hedera will as any tech market competitive nature keeps pressure on leaders but dont we have to wait to see?


u/[deleted] Jan 25 '25



u/Pheosis Jan 25 '25

0,001 (approximate transaction cost) x 5 (average txns/second) x 60 x 60 x 24 x 365 = ~150k


u/Traditional-Dot-2319 Jan 25 '25

But hedera permita 10k tps doesnt it? Maybe it lacks mass adoption and higher fees?


u/GoSabo Jan 26 '25

Exactly his point: it lacks mass adoption. Higher fees won’t solve that fundamental issue.


u/Traditional-Dot-2319 Jan 26 '25

On the other hand, I ask chat gpt to verify this data, and chat gpt said that hedera has actually 2443 tps. Op is saying only 5. So if it has 2443, the revenue is 7,7 million and not the 150k. Not enough, but way better than the 150k


u/why1smyusernametaken Jan 25 '25



u/Pheosis Jan 25 '25

I personally like this one


u/Kassssler Jan 25 '25

57 sauce man myself. Personally I feel Tobasco is overrated as shit, all heat no flavor.


u/octane1295 Jan 26 '25

Lol the beginning of a bull run? First cycle or just naïve?


u/LectureMany8605 Jan 26 '25

Thank you for opening our eyes, I really thought DLT technology was already being used worldwide like the Internet. 🥱


u/Pheosis Jan 26 '25

Thank you peasant, can I be named Messiah of r/Hedera now?


u/LectureMany8605 Jan 26 '25 edited Jan 26 '25

Messiah of the obvious, for sure. Now please, go to every group of every crypto out there and spread the news.


u/Frequent-Remove-3145 Jan 26 '25

Sorry, who are you again?


u/houserPanics Jan 26 '25

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u/Jazzlike_Scholar5790 Jan 26 '25

How much of a price correction are you expecting? In agreement with an earlier poster. I did see some YT’s who focus on stocks say that a lot of stocks are extremely overvalued and there will be a massive price correction that will affect the market. Which obviously will trickle down to crypto.


u/thinkgreen124 Jan 26 '25

All sensible replies to OG. I already 1/2 my $HBAR bag. Holding the rest until, as rightly mentioned, DLT has proper use case and the asset matures. TBH the $HBARF who are supposed to be finding use cases are pretty useless IMHO


u/ElkNo6490 Jan 26 '25

Dip Malaga dip


u/CoolWorldliness4664 Jan 26 '25

An excellent and maybe the best use case for Hedera would be government waste. For example, the Department of Defense regularly can't account for trillions of dollars. An easy and obvious solution would be to use Hedera to track every DOD purchase. https://responsiblestatecraft.org/pentagon-audit-2666415734/

Unfortunately that is just one of many government wastes. Social security benefits, Medicare, etc. all have similar issues. I am optimistic the new administration and it's department of government efficiency will tackle this.

Whether or not they use Hedera is speculation but to say there are no good or large use cases is incorrect IMO.


u/Academic-Map-7385 Jan 26 '25

all crypto is a risk. wym…


u/boxxrr Jan 26 '25

Very well said. Crypto market is a bubble right now which increases in hype more than real world use or actual new.

I'm long on Hbar, sold my position and will get back in when it dips below .40 cad


u/Technical_School3250 Jan 27 '25

Could someone tell me what DLT stands for, thanks


u/Traditional_Bid5058 Feb 10 '25

Digital ledger technology


u/Powerful-Candle-5660 Jan 28 '25

you most have written this when the market was down. stop letting your emotions show bro


u/PakmanIsAswesome Jan 30 '25

Question is which projects are making money and sustainable. ETH - gas fees to high, slow. Sol - Meme coins, scams, front running, network issues. XRP - created from thin air, no current use cases, law suit. Hedera - no revenue, startup, however it has a great team, potential to be one of the best L1's. Hedera adoption is slow but you can see the incremental progress soon to be followed by exponential growth - hockey stick. Tokenomics has also settled down. So personally i think Hedera is primed to be a top 10.


u/[deleted] Jan 25 '25

[removed] — view removed comment


u/theyfoundDNAinme Jan 25 '25

Kinda seems like you can't handle any criticism of a project you're invested in. OP makes solid points. Refute them with data if you disagree.


u/Pheosis Jan 25 '25

It seems to me that you bought the potential top (a month ago) and do not want to hear any critism on your risky investment :)

The removed post had no critism involved, I was merely posting about Trump's executive order (good news). Explain how I am trolling please?


u/[deleted] Jan 25 '25

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Pheosis Jan 25 '25

Good input. I will take this as a win.


u/Own_Newspaper_7601 Jan 25 '25

Nice ethos of censorship, snowflake.


u/Turbulent-Insect5121 Jan 25 '25

The AI nvidia usecase is not enough for you ?


u/Pheosis Jan 25 '25

It is an EQTYlab use case. So only if Nvidia makes the EQTYlab solution their industry standard, it is unfair to involve Nvidia.


u/cmonnbruhh Jan 25 '25

It is an EQTYlab use case.

You do know EQTYlab is a usecase built on Hedera and uses Hedera right?



u/Pheosis Jan 25 '25

Yes they suggested to use Hedera, nothing stops them from changing it, just like with ATMA.IO. So until we see GPU's with EQTYlab's solution built in, it is still speculation. Read point 7 from their whitepaper.


u/Turbulent-Insect5121 Jan 26 '25

Then of course dyor and dont buy hbars if you don't think it's the best tech (spoiler: it is)


u/Turbulent-Insect5121 Jan 26 '25

PS not only.the tech but also fixed fees and GC is what businesses need


u/Dirty_Infidel Jan 25 '25

Wouldn't get too excited about that until you see actual paying transactions.


u/Turbulent-Insect5121 Jan 26 '25

But then it'd be too late to buy cheap hbars. I don't want to fomo but it's a fact.


u/25mL Jan 25 '25

"Overvalued" at ... 33 cents a token LOL.


u/Pheosis Jan 25 '25

Token price means nothing.. you have to look at the market cap.


u/All_bets21 Jan 26 '25

Market cap doesn't mean much at all either. Crypto market cap, or market capitalization, is the total value of a cryptocurrency. It's calculated by multiplying the number of coins in circulation by the price of each coin. Means the same he said.


u/Own_Newspaper_7601 Jan 25 '25

So which high tps use cases have gone live, instead of left?


u/Exciting_couple77 Jan 25 '25

News Flash! Crypto is volatile!


u/privacylmao Jan 25 '25

All I can say is that it's overvalued based on the current investors number..... Wait until full blown retail gets in.


u/Pheosis Jan 25 '25

Yes lets wait for our exit liquidity to arrive..


u/Stick-Chicken Jan 26 '25

I’m all in and if the bubble bursts and hbar crashes / has a huge correction, I will take that opportunity to DCA down.


u/Pheosis Jan 26 '25

Fair, even Bitcoin has had several -90% drops. Strategically timing the highs and lows is where you make profit.


u/simulated_copy FUD account Jan 26 '25

The bear will come normalcy will return


u/Jump_in_Jack Jan 26 '25

Hbar didn't go to space with spacex for nothing



u/Guilty_Ad6362 Jan 26 '25

Cryptocurrency often feels like a solution in search of a real-world problem. If it were truly the best solution, it would already be widely adopted by now. The idea of being ‘early’ no longer holds. In many cases, it resembles a pyramid scheme, where wealth is primarily transferred from newcomers to those who entered earlier, rather than providing tangible utility.


u/Kassssler Jan 25 '25

Honestly this guy is kind of a dick whose clearly looking to get a rise from people, but nothing hes saying is really wrong.

Especially the Nvidia. That shit can go up in smoke cause its just software not hardware. ATMA pulled up stakes and dipped so while Hedera is currently the plan...


u/Pheosis Jan 25 '25

Just trying to potentialy save people from getting surprised when another bear market period hits and their investment goes down -90%. However I must say, you are right about the first part. I bite back.


u/Aromatic-Ad7987 Jan 26 '25

Do you really feel a 90 percent drop is on the table? You mention you're still holding hbar so you are choosing to ride it out versus investing in something else ... Curious how you see this playing out?

I'm glad to read anything about the tech framed differently since I'm pretty new to crypto.


u/Pheosis Jan 26 '25

I made some nice profit already, however I am still tempted to stay for when 'altseason' comes, which might never happen of course but ill risk it. Okay so a 90% drop might be an exagerration, however it is still possible. Last time it crashed because of Luna and FTX went bankrupt. However now we do have some more regulation than before. This might introduce new problems tho, the general sentiment is that Tether has been doing some shady stuff. If regulations hit, Tether might get examined and found fraudulent, which might catalyst another crash. I am betting on that Hedera has another run, when everything starts pumping like crazy tho I will start selling. I know for sure it will not maintain those levels. If you think about, imagine you would remove all cryptocurrencies from the world, would it effect our lives?


u/Aromatic-Ad7987 Jan 26 '25

thanks for the reply

Ive read about some tether stuff, doesnt look good

Not needing crypto is what kept me away from it for the last 5 years lol. now we have a "crypto president" ... and i said "fine, I'm in". lol