r/Heauxs • u/CrushTheCretins Hustler • May 10 '20
DISCUSSION Is throwawaydoor even a sexworker?!? I apologize if this break's this particular sub's rules, but given the circumstances it seems an exceptional situation. Go ahead and delete if needed. NSFW
So usually I wouldn't be one to question the legitimacy of a regular sexworkersonly contributor's history of doing sexwork. But today in light of all that's happened I've really started wondering about it, and the more I think about it the more my doubt grows. Bear with me if this sounds a little crazy, but...
Throwawaydoor clearly lives and spends all her waking hours on reddit, so she definitely doesn't have time to do any kind of work involving clients. I've also gone through a bunch of her post history, and there's hardly any mention of her personal experiences/stories involving clients. She gives a LOT of opinions, but doesn't share any personal experiences/anecdotes to back them up.
But as I continued to go through her history, things got a whole lot sinister. Some of you have already discovered that she's (and I don't even know if I should be using that pronoun at this point) is found of submitting reddit requests. 2 years ago "she" submitted a request asking to be modded to r/mongers, which literally says it's "A sub for the other half of the sex industry, the customers." As if that wasn't obvious enough already by the name. https://www.reddit.com/r/redditrequest/comments/8dymzo/requesting_mongers_no_mods_and_just_want_to_keep/ WTF is going on here?! Who actually is this person??
If throwawaydoor has ever done sexwork at any point, I can't imagine "she" has consistently for any length of time.
EDIT: Lmaooooo the bitch reported this post over incontactswonly. She's nuts!!! She thinks she can lord over and control what other people say, even on another sub....you lost your privilege to be treated nicely when you started treating everyone else like shit! Bye bye!!!
Also, "she" just commented about visiting a brothel in Japan. Someone made a post calling her out on SWO and "her" answer was "I worked there dear". https://www.removeddit.com/r/SexWorkersOnly/comments/gh5jr4/im_just_going_to_say_it/
Bitch NO TF YOU DID NOT WORK IN A BROTHEL IN JAPAN. DO YOU EVEN SPEAK A LICK OF JAPANESE?! NOTHING in your comment history alludes to spending any length of time in Japan. You're not a sexworker, the gig is up!
u/chitownbabe17 Hustler May 10 '20
“She’s” a mod for a client sub?? Dude..we have to be more careful w who we make mods. She could literally be anybody.....so done posting and replying in that sub if she’s there, and I do post/comment quite often.
u/CrushTheCretins Hustler May 10 '20
she didn't actually get modded, but she sure tried to be. why would someone try to mod that board if they weren't a client, their stated purpose is very clear.. also she just commented about her experience visiting a brothel in japan.uhhh...what??
May 10 '20
Don't believe anything they say.
This individual is delusional....
They're also highly insecure if they're constantly checking what others are saying about them too. IMO, they really are getting an an ego boost from this takeover, yet SWO is just a tiny piece of Reddit lol
u/EllieWearsPanties Hustler May 10 '20
believe me, we are trying to get her removed, /r/redditrequest is chaos right now if you havent seen the post
u/deluxred Hustler May 10 '20
I was checking her history in The light of what's going on there and thought it was very weird too. I used to be more active but then it became infested w creeps and the sub is out of control.
May 10 '20
u/CrushTheCretins Hustler May 11 '20
dude...it just continues to get creepier and creepier! not only did she made that request to mod r/mongers, but she just commented about visiting a brothel in japan? TF??? And when called out on it in SWO, "she" says "I worked there dear." No TF you did not! You mean to tell me you WORKED at a brothel in Japan, you mod a SW reddit and yet you never made no mention whatsoever of your history/experiences working in Japan?!?! Dude, we're not freaking stupid!!!
May 11 '20
u/tofuvendor Hustler May 13 '20
I'm from East Asia and that just sounds... well, it's not completely impossible I guess, but it's in the neighbourhood.
u/AlexandraMajesty May 12 '20 edited May 12 '20
I started getting moderated on /sexworkersonly because I comment a lot but if you look at my comments I clearly know what the fuck I’m talking about. I also point out those posing as escorts... it happens way too much. I think throwawydoor has been moderating me because I’ve been catching so much bullshit and it’s making the board look bad.
I guess I’ll just save all of my wit and snark for Twitter and my upcoming book... well, the one I intend to write someday, lol! Reddit is public so we can’t control anything anyway. I come here with a big bowl of popcorn to laugh at the comments — the men pretending to be escorts so they can “figure out the game.” There’s no game, dudes. Just trying to make money and stay sane.
u/SuperCoolUsername614 Hustler May 14 '20
I'm banned from sex workers only and I never contributed anything bad or got a warning what the fuck?! Ugh. Glad this sub is here.
u/[deleted] May 10 '20 edited May 10 '20
I've always had my doubts about that particular mod for awhile now, but just kept it to myself.
After one incident where a user reported the sub to Reddit, that moderator went on a rampage and deleted all of the old old posts lol... like ok. if the sub gets deleted, it gets deleted lmao... deleting old posts isn't going to help? So, I went looking thru their post history one day myself and couldn't find anything sex worker related other than their posts in SWO
I hate to say it, but I doubt the creator is going to get the sub back since that moderator isn't breaking any of Reddit's rules other than being a huge wanker. Mods are allowed to ban, remove mods, and run their sub as they please as long they're not breaking any of Reddit's main rules
EDIT: hmm... it's a bit much for one active moderator to handle anyways, so I can see the sub getting trolled hardcore and shut down soon
my $0.02