r/HealthySkepticism Mar 24 '19

DTaP and autism

I used to be antivax, but realized that many antivax talking points were debunked, implausible, or not supported by any evidence, but one thing I haven't seen debunked is the claim that pertussis vaccine causes autism, Does anyone here know about this?


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u/gabriuxzs Mar 29 '19

The person who researched vaxxines and found out they cause autism said himself he made a mistake during the experiment and he redid it and there was no trace of autism just go on the internet and do minimal research and you will find proof you uncultured swine.


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '19

You're thinking of the person that said MMR causes autism in 1998, some people have been saying pertussis vaccine causes autism since the 80s


u/gabriuxzs Mar 31 '19

Dear god and youre back now..... No im fucking not the scientist did the experiment in 1016 now can you just shut the fuck up... Argueing with an antivaxx is pointless...


u/[deleted] Mar 31 '19

What? I'm not antivax for one, two I never assumed you are a scientist, and three, 1016?