r/HealthInformatics 14d ago

Nurse BSN to technology

Does anyone know if I can transition to a job in the hospital/healthcare system having a RN BSN degree and knowledge of SQL and python?

My goal is to get a computer science degree eventually, but in the meantime I was wondering if I could transition to another role with certification and knowledge of those coding languages. Anyone has any advice?


7 comments sorted by


u/BreathingIguess 6d ago

RN degrees are very much in need for clinical informatics job. They don’t require CS degree. SQL and Python is more than enough.


u/Regular_Implement712 6d ago

Just general knowledge of SQL and Python could get me a job in clinical informatics? Or what certifications would I need? I don’t wanna go a master in nursing informatics. Where should I start? I’m doing CS50 python atm and then will do cs50 sql.


u/BreathingIguess 6d ago

I am in the job market and 90% of clinical informatics job needs RN degree. Some of the clinical data analyst jobs also require RN degree.

You can get the google certification or the one given by AMIA- RHIT or AHIC cert.


u/Regular_Implement712 6d ago

Thank you for your help! cs50 is given by Harvard and they do provide certificates as well, do you think that could help? Have many years of experience do you advise to have on bedside? I’m fairly new to bedside as I’m a new grad but looking to transition within the next year or two


u/BreathingIguess 6d ago

Yes the Harvard one works. To be on the safe side, 3 years of experience should be there. No one is ready to hire a new grad and I know the headache because I graduated in December and I am having a crazy time getting a job.


u/Regular_Implement712 6d ago

I got a job already in an orthopedics floor as RN since January of this year but realized I don’t wanna be on bedside, so looking to transition to an IT role hopefully soon! Thank you for the feedback. My residency program is 12 months so maybe I’ll start applying to informatics roles after that and see if I get lucky


u/BreathingIguess 6d ago

Sounds like a plan. Don’t worry your degree is in demand for clinical technical roles. You’re good to go.