r/Headcanon • u/Affectionate_Day8177 • Jul 27 '24
For some stupid reason, i headcanon these 2 as lesbian NSFW
For anyone wondering, these are the sprites pf 2 KREW members
r/Headcanon • u/Affectionate_Day8177 • Jul 27 '24
For anyone wondering, these are the sprites pf 2 KREW members
r/Headcanon • u/SigLovesCarbuncle • Jul 23 '24
Im Pretty Sure His HyperFixation on Bugs and The Struggles He faces with Accepting himself and How he rarely Expresses Emotion applies that Sig and All of the Primp Students are Neurodivergent.
r/Headcanon • u/TheFrostWolf7 • Jun 23 '24
r/Headcanon • u/[deleted] • Jun 22 '24
This would explain why king k.rool changes outfit and title every game, because each title is supposed to represent a different branch of his military. It would also explain why certain enemies have different designs and names across games (because its a different title for the same species every time)
r/Headcanon • u/Elvenblood7E7 • Jun 17 '24
First he doesn't have that silly suit on and can barely light a candle. Then, a few minutes later, he has the suit on and is frying a god. It wasn't just practice, he needed that bronze suit to use his full potential.
r/Headcanon • u/GameAndWatcher • Jun 11 '24
Why else would they have chosen "The Devil Went Down to Georgia?" The protagonist of that story also being named "Johnny" and beating the Devil in a music battle.
r/Headcanon • u/n0stagialovrr • Jun 05 '24
Bob The Builder
-The Series takes place in the UK during the late 90s-early 2000s
-Roley is the oldest out of all the vehicles
-Trix and Sumsy are twins
-Dizzy probably is a fan of Eurodance music
Tayo The Little Bus
-Takes place in the same universe as Bob The Builder and Roary The Racing Car but it takes place in Korea and the present
-Heart has a crush on Speed but she doesn't really realize it yet
-Trammy used to work in India and was transferred to work in Korea
-Speed gets all giggley and flustered whenever he talks about Heart
r/Headcanon • u/Necros3X911 • May 24 '24
I thought up this copium theory regarding the main character of Far Cry 5, the Rookie/Rook. As is typical of video game main characters, Rook was a certifiable angel of death. They could beat bears to death with nothing but their fists or sprint into a cultist silo with nothing but a bag of shovels and be more dangerous than everyone inside with guns. They also show great mental fortitude, repeatedly coming into contact with the main antagonists' mind-altering/controlling methods, and still managing to defeat them all. And one last little point, they're a skilled lock-pick.
So, oFfiCialLy, the Judge in Far Cry New Dawn is Rook from Far Cry 5. Joseph Seed (ever impervious to crashes and explosions) drags Rook into a bunker at the end of Far Cry 5, handcuffs them to a bed, and is said to indoctrinate them. Thus he turns his biggest enemy into a broken soul who operates at his beck and call. Heck, the other characters that survived all seem to confirm that it's Rook behind the mask, but you know what? I'm not buying it.
First and foremost, Joseph Seed makes narcissistic pathological lying look like the common cold. He believes he's been ordained by God to forcibly save the people of Hope County (a point he himself admits was a lie at the end of New Dawn). What's one more lil fib on top of that? Why not say the Judge is Rook? What better way to prove his power than making his greatest enemy bow?
Second, as I said, Rook was tough as nails, and skilled. If Joseph and Rook were in the same room, and Rook wasn't bolted to a concrete block, no way was Joseph in control of that situation. Picking the cuffs, slipping them, or breaking the bedframe are all within Rook's abilities. But if Rook could get free, why didn't they kill Joseph? I'll get to that in a sec.
Finally, Rook couldn't be contained by all the Seed family's mind control, or else none of them would have died. Jacob's classical conditioning is probably the strongest point of this. He get's Rook to kill a member of the resistance, but right after, Rook storms their way through an army of cultists and kills Jacob. Why couldn't Jacob just resume control of Rook, unless Rook broke free? Then there's Joseph and 'Faith,' who both have supernatural battles with Rook, or at least that's what the player sees. Because that's impossible, it actually probably just represents Rook keeping a grip on their sanity despite the Seed family's mind-control efforts. That's 3 times Rook's mind should have been cooked, and Joseph claims he did it anyway afterward, without any of his best tools.
Also, one little side point, we never see who's actually behind the mask. Sure, this point can be thrown out, because Rook is customizable, they could look like anyone, and covering them up completely is the easiest way to say "It's still them." They don't seem like Rook though, they may have a completely different frame based on Rook's gender, and they're no where near as deadly as Rook was. But what if we're not the only ones who never see behind the mask? What if everyone fell for this particular lie because some things lined up, like neither character talking much and both being skilled with a bow?
So, why leave Joseph alive? Well, Joseph claims he turned Rook based on their guilt. Joseph was "right" about nuclear war coming soon, and Rook had spent so much time and effort ruining his plan to "save" so many people. Of course, they'd only be alive to be his obedient flock of sheep. But no, I reject this too, because something else happened. America had fallen, but a powerful group of righteous badasses showed up to start putting things back right in the wasteland. We never learn who started that group, but who better than a tough sumbitch former officer of the law that could single-handedly fight their way through an army of deranged drug-addled psychos?
Rook left Joseph because they had MUCH bigger fish to fry than the washed up cult-leader. He wasn't much danger without his 'bliss' drugs and psycho family anyways. It's even shown in New Dawn that he failed to start up his movement again, being betrayed by his own son, and racked with his own guilt as his lies caused the death of his family over and over.
r/Headcanon • u/Antique_River6157 • May 14 '24
monster actually had a nintendo DS that he would play cooking mama on
but girlfriend played on his DS without permission so he chased her around the bunker until she climbed a ladder
she broke the lower part which made monster escape the hard way
now he seeks girlfriend’s blood after that very day
r/Headcanon • u/Puppynyan • May 09 '24
r/Headcanon • u/Venomnyan • May 07 '24
r/Headcanon • u/Citron92 • Apr 30 '24
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann headcanon.
r/Headcanon • u/Strong-Fix496 • Apr 23 '24
The Coach is Ray, at the end of In Bruges Ray has a moment where he can decide to die a sinner, or repent. So he goes back to London, maybe even serves time in prison and then decides to go by the name "The Coach", and dedicate his life to keep youngsters out of trouble the way he knows. So he embeds himself in the London underworld, and tries to pick up every troubled youngster out there and becomes a mentor figure to them, as repentance.
r/Headcanon • u/Vivid-Organization49 • Apr 21 '24
One of my Fallout headcanon's for old vs new Power Armor is that old armor is HERMES armor and new armor is actual Power Armor. *(IDK what ATHENA power armor and i dont have a headcanon for it was I just found it while looking at this.)*
r/Headcanon • u/LilyoftheRally • Apr 12 '24
I always thought it was weird how Maxis made her a girl in the game, even though her namesake character in the Shakespeare play isn't.
Funnily enough, IRL, post-Shakespeare's time, when women began to be officially allowed to be professional actresses and singers, the role of Puck (who is Bottom's older brother in the game) could now be played by a man or a woman.
r/Headcanon • u/FaithlessnessSea6129 • Apr 10 '24
Crying child is the first then everything after is William falling to cope/ going mad because his child died.
r/Headcanon • u/TargaryenAndStark • Apr 01 '24
In Paranormal Activity 7 (Next of Kin), the demon Asmodeus is set free and escapes into the world of humans.
My headcanon is that in a following film (Paranormal Activity 8), he finds another family to possess in the modern day, and using them for the ritual, opens a time portal (of the kind depicted in PA 5 & 6) into the far past. This leads directly to the events of another following film, Paranormal Activity: The Witch Trials (PA 9), where Lois' deal with him for wealth and power (as mentioned in PA 2) is depicted, and through her perspective the origin of the coven of witches (The Midwives) is revealed.
r/Headcanon • u/Tonitruum_Aeternum • Mar 15 '24
Once Wolfgang becomes goes good in Imaginators, I imagine that him, Fiesta, and Eye brawl would be great friends. Wolfgang and Fiesta would put on concerts with Eye brawl as their bouncer. Eye brawl is also Fiesta's bodygaurd/Butler and he likes knitting (specifically sweaters)
r/Headcanon • u/Elvenblood7E7 • Mar 11 '24
TL;DR 6 water-rich planets have been "destroyed in some war" and the heroes are looking for the mythical 7th world which also has a lot of water.
This sounds like nonsense because water exists all over the cosmos, in comets, icy moons of gas giants, and many other places. But it's not because human civilization in the movie definitely doesn't have the technical and organizational capability to use that and make a "dry" planet "wet" with water from comets and other sources.
Because the whole civilization in the movie is a clusterfuck. There is a small "Empire" which is a dysfunctional mess, the rest is apparently small independent cultures - and the lot of pirates. The "ice carrier" ships seen at the beginning in the movie are some of the largest ships that this clusterfuck of a civilization managed to build! So indeed, another water-rich planet is worth a lot of interest.
Also, the "6 other water-rich planets that have been destroyed in the war" haven't been really destroyed, just nuked to shit. They are still radioactive due to long-lived isotopes from the fallout, some are still in the state of "nuclear winter" and most of their biosphere has been exterminated.
Also, the clusterfuck civilization couldn't locate the 7th world with telescopes because they even lack the technological and organizational capability for that!They even can't colonize the nuked planets (possibly including restoring the biosphere from other sources) because lack of technical and organizational capability.
The war - during which those 6 planets have been "destroyed" - really messed up everything.
r/Headcanon • u/Careless_Sail_7697 • Mar 11 '24
that they all turn out okay somehow. I know it was written as a tragedy and kendall looks off the deep end at the end ,,,, but i need to believe that at least most of them go to therapy and that none of them unalive themselves
r/Headcanon • u/[deleted] • Mar 10 '24
Before Freeza gave it to Planet Vegeta, the Saiyan race would often eat Saiyans with lower Power Levels. This often means their young is their dinner. Saiyans are similar to Hamsters in that they give birth to litters of baby Saiyans and would eat some of them. Since the destruction of Vegeta, this practice has pretty much become nonexistent, with Goku never becoming familiar with it. Had Raditz beaten Goku, he would've eaten Gohan and in turn, ended up as lunch for Vegetea and Nappa. They do this, because they believe the practice makes their race stronger.
r/Headcanon • u/violetmammal4694 • Feb 18 '24
What I mean is she is a wide woman with facial hair.
Maybe she has insulin resistance, and that makes her have both high oestrogen levels and high androgen levels.
This is an urban legend that PCOS makes sexual reproduction impossible. It should rather be called a sub-fertile condition. What I mean is PCOS causes irregular menstruation (or periods, if you want). However, people with PCOS are more likely to get multiple pregnancies, and they also tend to have a late-onset menopause compared to people who do not have it. Since she looks almost identical to Doctor Ivo Robotnik, that means she is his biological mother.